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Re: ID Twins with DS

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Hi Maggie!

My name is and I have a 7 yr old daughter as well...I also have 4 and a half yr old twins! One of my twins has Ds. It is a wild ride:)

Alsways nice to connect with other parents...welcome to the loop!


Subject: ID Twins with DSTo: Multiples-DS Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 9:23 AM

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can. xo maggie

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Welcome to this awesome group!! I don't get to post much but there is always someone sharing a jouyous moment and/or a down moment -these are our moments and where questions are asked and answers are sought!

I have a set of identical twin boys that are 5 years old. is DS/autism and Landon is DS only. They are the joys of our life and we couldn't be blessed more!

I am sure you will be glad you are on board with the rest of these wonderful parents and grandparents!!!

Beth Scahfer

Subject: ID Twins with DSTo: Multiples-DS Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 8:23 AM

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can. xo maggie

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Hi Maggie,

I am so excited that you joined the group, I am Irene, the Florida mom

you meet in NYC! We had a blast even though the rain didn't let up all

day. Welcome to our group you will find alot of very knowledgable and

caring families here.

Irene and inDeLand FL

Jake 12

Zachary DS/ADHD, , & 10

ID Twins with DS

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can. xo maggie

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Hi Maggie,So glad that you found us here. I was really excited to have found this group as well but I dont get to get on it as much as I'd like. I guess I should have mentioned it to you when I found it, but hey.....look where ya are now ???How was the Buddy Walk? How was the weather? Hope to get to hear from you more that we're on another group together now ;)Mom to Tristin (11) Camille (7) Elijah (5), Caleb and Isaac (2) twins with DS

"There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart . . . pursue those." -unknownTo: Multiples-DS From: marshallhagan@...Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 06:23:15 -0700Subject: ID Twins with DS

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can. xo maggie

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Welcome to the group. I have 5 1/2 yr old identical boys with DS. They are such wonderfully challenging, fun children. They both love to jump off the diving board and swim. The first picture is and the second .


ID Twins with DS

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can.

xo maggie

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Welcome to the group. My identical twin boys would be 5 1/2 yrs old. Jordan passed away at 13 days old. His survivor, , is 5 1/2 and the light of my dim life. I feel that missing piece constantly with Jordan gone. I do marvel at how far has come with all of his challenges....he amazes me daily. I am a single Mom and also have a 15 yr old dtr, a 12 yr old son, and another 8 yr old son.

 Deanna, mom to

Alyssa, 14

, 12

Jarod, 8

(DS) 5

~i~Jordan (DS) 1/20/03-2/2/03

ID Twins with DS

Hi!  My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children:  Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS.  We live on Long Island, in NY.  I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS.  While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other moth

er in my same situation.  I never knew such a group as this existed.  I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group.  I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children.  And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do.  I'll tell more and post pics when I can.


xo maggie

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Welcome! If I don't mind asking, what other on line group do you belong to?? Am always interested in networking...


Proud Mommy to AUstin (13), Gavin (5), Maggie and Molly w/DS (24 months)http://thevelander4.blogspot.com/

Subject: ID Twins with DSTo: Multiples-DS Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 8:23 AM

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can. xo maggie

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Welcome Maggie!

Heath and Dana Haedge-Granbury, TX

Brenan and Brice-identical w/Ds- just turned 4



---- Margaret M Hagan wrote:

> Hi!  My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children:  Olivia

is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS.  We live

on Long Island, in NY.  I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this

past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. 

While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever

" met " online and befriended one other mother in my same situation.  I never

knew such a group as this existed.  I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of

such a unique group.  I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and

your " stories " of your beautiful children.  And, I hope you'll come to know and

enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do.  I'll

tell more and post pics when I can.

>  xo maggie

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Welcome, so glad you found us!

We live in Reno NV. We have four children. Amy will be 21 on Friday, UGH!!!! She and her 18 year old sister, Kelsey are both students at the University of Nevada Reno. Davey and Will are 8 years old. Davey has DS.

Please send pictures, we love pictures!

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever " met " online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your " stories " of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can.

xo maggie

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Welcome Maggie & Family! This is a great place!


Mom to Haley & Nikki, 6 yr identical twin girls both w/DS, and , 4

1/2 yr son

Leesburg, VA

Verissimo wrote:

> Welcome, so glad you found us!


> We live in Reno NV. We have four children. Amy will be 21 on Friday,

> UGH!!!! She and her 18 year old sister, Kelsey are both students at

> the University of Nevada Reno. Davey and Will are 8 years old. Davey

> has DS.


> Please send pictures, we love pictures!




> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 6:23 AM, Margaret M Hagan

> > wrote:


> Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful

> children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old

> identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just

> heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a

> participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While

> I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only

> actually ever " met " online and befriended one other mother in my

> same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I

> must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm

> looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your

> " stories " of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to

> know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister

> as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can.


> xo maggie




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I used to belong to the TMMB for mothers who were due to give birth to twins in May 05 (though most of us missed that date, myself included). But, we moved off that board to a private blog b/c my MIL (who has never comfortable with my boys' "disability") was "spying" on me/my life and private conversations. Long story but... I'm still in constant contact with those mothers... They are my friends though I often feel "different" than them, with typically developing twins. And, as you said, their concerns about troubles I consider small in comparison. But, everyone has their threshold! Far be it for me to compare my life to another w/o walking not a mile but a lifetime in their shoes. Still, sometimes I just don't fit in there, like Anca

said. Some of us have been together through our pregnancies (mine was a tough pregnancy, completely unrelated to the undiagnosed-until-birth DS). Anyway, I pretty much have created my own network of mothers/friends. I think I always wanted someplace, some people to talk to -- like you and everyone else here -- that face the same issues I face and maybe aren't so different.

I'm thankful my boys are doing so well. We have consistently been in the borderline delayed range on the "typical" developmental curve in every area (though the transition to school has dropped us, I believe, slightly out of that range... hopefully, temporarily) with the exception of delayed expressive language. Listening to the cute things that everyone else's twins say is occasionally saddening. I can't wait for my boys to talk freely... they have so much to say!

I have worries, like the rest of you, like anyone with a child (w/ or w/o disability) with no outlet, no one to really understand my specific situation. My SIL (w/ 3 children) once said to me, "it's not like you have to worry about paying for 3 college educations". To which I replied, "that's right. If my boys 'can't' go to college, I just have to worry about paying for their care for the rest of THEIR lives instead of just 4 years of college!" People sure say some stupid things!

Oh, I'm rambling. If you have other boards that seem appropriate, I'd love to hear about them. Like Anka (sp?) I find my attitude somewhat different than many other mothers with children with DS or w/o. Finding my niche would be nice

xo maggie

ID Twins with DSTo: Multiples-DS@ yahoogroups. comDate: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 8:23 AM

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can. xo maggie

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-- First I'd like to say that I LOVE your signature quote. It gets me every time.

No worries about mentioning this site... not sure I would/could have come any sooner... it's a busy old life isn't it : ) ? Just got my guys through the CPSE process, settled into school routine (full-time and I MISS them terribly) and upped their speech to 4x/week b/c their expressive delay is increasing. Meetings, meetings meetings.

The NYC Buddy Walk was great. We walked as "Hagan's Heroes". My mom, 2 sisters, neice, aunt and me and my kids had a really enjoyable day. Lots of post-walk activities -- music and fun -- for the kids. Funny how you can be surrounded by folks touched by DS and still be an eye-catcher with twins. It's like a woman with blonde hair... just attracts more attention, I guess. (I'm a brunette myself.) Anyway, I was especially surprised at how seemingly NO ONE was actually from NY or even the surrounding areas besides us. Families were from Florida, California, Louisiana, Buffalo (NY - near Canada), Australia. I suppose that's unique to NYC. There were also celebs - the MD from Scrubs (participating, not speaking), a great band made up of individuals with disabilities and, of course, Burke, the young man with DS who had his own tv show. It still amazes me... being in the

shadow of such an amazing city. Funny, on the drive in my daughter, Olivia said, "New York City is kind of boring. It's so crowded and everything just looks the same!" We started to point out all the amazing sites to her then. But, what a funny perspective. Though, I have to say, with all my past business travel, I sort of felt that way about most of the cities and towns I went to with the exception of the really big cities -- Chicago, San Fran, LA, Dallas/Houston, Miami, Boston, Atlanta, Pittsburgh even. All sort of the same... but very different also. Each with it's own unique personality. Sort of like twins or multiples!

Oh, I'm in such a chatty mood today. Feels like I could go on forever but I can't. Have to get invitiations out for Olivia's 7th Birthday Party in 3 weeks - theme: "Monarchs to Mexico -- A Migration Celebration (from 6 to 7)". It'll be a Mexican Fiesta laced with Monarch butterflies marking their annual migration... (her choice). I also have to lay a brick-in-sand patio and clean up the yard before the party on the 25th. Then, make Halloween costumes (spelling bees) and plan her class Halloween Party. I also have to pack for Hershey Park (we're going this Friday for 3 days). You're not very near there are you? We'll be spending Saturday on City Island in burg. Meeting an old KC, MO friend for breakfast and then riding the riverboat and hanging out. Sunday we'll at Hershey Park for "UPS Day" with friends who have family who work for UPS (otherwise you can't get in). It's an

inexpensive vacation for us, staying at a campground lodge nearby with our friends who are camping.

BTW - Are you anywhere near New Castle, PA -- outside of Pittsburgh? My aunt (who is like an honorary grandmother to my kids) has a good friend, Jetta, from there. She came to visit NYC and made a stop at our house to meet the boys. After hearing so much about them and seeing pics, she just had to come see them live. We talked about the rarity of twins with DS and I mentioned you but didn't know your hometown. Anyway... I'll stop going on and on now. Have a great day.

xo maggie

Olivia 2001

& (ID twins w/ DS) 2005

xo maggie

ID Twins with DS

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever "met" online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your "stories" of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can. xo maggie

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I gotta use that one!!! That's a brilliant response!

My SIL (w/ 3 children) once said to me, "it's not like you have to worry about paying for 3 college educations". To which I replied, "that's right. If my boys 'can't' go to college, I just have to worry about paying for their care for the rest of THEIR lives instead of just 4 years of college!" People sure say some stupid things!

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I have two friends that have identical twin boys with DS, that I have met IRL. Well, one of them I just met the mother a few times. The other doesn't belong to this list serve anymore. Twin boys with DS seem to be the " in " thing these days!! lol

Hi! My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful children: Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical twins with DS. We live on Long Island, in NY. I just heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS. While I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually ever " met " online and befriended one other mother in my same situation. I never knew such a group as this existed. I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group. I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you and your " stories " of your beautiful children. And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. I'll tell more and post pics when I can.

xo maggie

-- Gayla

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Hi Maggie,

welcome to this group. I LOVED the pictures you posted. I have an

almost 4 1/2 year old daughter and 11 months old twin girls (they

actually turned 11 months today).Therefore, the big sister in both

our families is 3 and a half years older than her twin siblings. I'm

pretty sure there will come a time when I could use your " expertise " .



proud mommy to

Alyssa (Jun 2004)

a (T21) & Tianna (Nov 2007)


> Hi!  My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful

children:  Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old

identical twins with DS.  We live on Long Island, in NY.  I just

heard about this group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a

participating Florida mom who had triplets - one with DS.  While

I have heard of a few others with twins with DS I have only actually

ever " met " online and befriended one other mother in my same

situation.  I never knew such a group as this existed.  I must say,

I'm so happy to be a member of such a unique group.  I'm looking

forward to hearing more about all of you and your " stories " of your

beautiful children.  And, I hope you'll come to know and enjoy my

beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as much as I do. 

I'll tell more and post pics when I can.

>  xo maggie


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What's with all these people who run our children down? They're

CHILDREN, God's creations and they have every right to breathe the same

air anybody else does (except in Los Angeles because there you slice it

and eat it).

Don't CHILDREN deserve our love and affection? Do we want them to grow

up to be sourpusses like the down-runners? I often wonder what

motivates these gloomy Guses; maybe they don't look beneath the surface

because they are surface all the way through.

One of our neighbors was full of advice about how I should be raising

my sons & I mentioned it to another mother. " Well, join the club! " the

other mother said. " She does the same thing with me because my son

plays with her son. "

The other mother is a developmental pediatrician, doing research at the

National Institutes of Health.

Al Veerhoff, Kensington, MD,

father of identical 17-year-olds, and Will, who happen to have

Down syndrome

Re: ID Twins with DS

I used to belong to the TMMB for mothers who were due to give birth to

twins in May 05 (though most of us missed that date, myself included). 

But, we moved off that board to a private blog b/c my MIL (who has

never comfortable with my boys' " disability " ) was " spying " on me/my


fe and private conversations.  Long story but... I'm still in

constant contact with those mothers... They are my friends though

I often feel " different " than them, with typically developing twins. 

And, as you said, their concerns about troubles I consider small in

comparison.  But, everyone has their threshold!  Far be it for me to

compare my life to another w/o walking not a mile but a lifetime in

their shoes.  Still, sometimes I just don't fit in there, like Anca

said.  Some of us have been together through our pregnancies (mine was

a tough pregnancy, completely unrelated to the undiagnosed-until-birth

DS).  Anyway, I pretty much have created my own network of

mothers/friends.  I think I always wanted someplace, some people to

talk to -- like you and everyone else here -- that face the same

issues I face and maybe aren't so different. 


I'm thankful my boys are doing so well.  We have consistently been in

the borderline delayed range on the " typical " developmental curve in

every area (though the transition to school has dropped us, I believe,

slightly out of that range... hopefully, temporarily) with the

exception of delayed expressive language.  Listening to the cute things

that everyone else's twins say is occasionally saddening.  I can't wait

for my boys to talk freely... they have so much to say!


I have worries, lik

e the rest of you, like anyone with a child (w/ or

w/o disability) with no outlet, no one to really understand my specific

situation.  My SIL (w/ 3 children) once said to me, " it's not like you

have to worry about paying for 3 college educations " .  To which I

replied, " that's right.  If my boys 'can't' go to college, I just have

to worry about paying for their care for the rest of THEIR lives

instead of just 4 years of college! "   People sure say some stupid



Oh, I'm rambling.  If you have other boards that seem appropriate, I'd

love to hear about them.  Like Anka (sp?) I find my attitude somewhat

different than many other mothers with children with DS or w/o. 

Finding my niche would be nice

 xo maggie

ID Twins with DS

To: Multiples-DS@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 8:23 AM

Hi!  My name is Maggie and I am the mother of 3 beautiful

children:  Olivia is 7 and & are 3 1/2-year-old identical

twins with DS.  We live on Long Island, in NY.  I just heard about this

group at NYC's Buddy Walk this past Sunday from a participating Florida

mom who had triplets - one with DS.  While I have heard of a few others

with twins with DS I have only actually ever " met " online and

befriended one other mother in my same situation.  I never knew such a

group as this existed.  I must say, I'm so happy to be a member of such

a unique group.  I'm looking forward to hearing more about all of you

and your " stories " of your beautiful children.  And, I hope you'll come

to know and enjoy my beautiful and amazing boys and their big sister as

much as I do.  I'll tell more and post pics when I can.

 xo maggie

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They may go to college....

There are several that have gone/go.

And then we are all in trouble with paying for tuition!

Dana Haedge-Granbury, TX

Brenan and Brice-both Ds 4yrs



---- wrote:


> I gotta use that one!!!  That's a brilliant response!







> My SIL (w/ 3 children) once said to me, " it's not like you have to worry about

paying for 3 college educations " .  To which I replied, " that's right.  If my

boys 'can't' go to college, I just have to worry about paying for their care for

the rest of THEIR lives instead of just 4 years of college! "   People sure say

some stupid things! 














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I'm counting on it! That'll be a bill I'll be happy to pay!

xo maggie

Re: ID Twins with DS

They may go to college....There are several that have gone/go.And then we are all in trouble with paying for tuition!Dana Haedge-Granbury, TXBrenan and Brice-both Ds 4yrsHayden-5Kambree-12---- <henderson_laura@ yahoo.ca> wrote: > > I gotta use that one!!! That's a brilliant response!> > > > > > > My SIL (w/ 3 children) once said to me, "it's not like you have to worry about paying for 3 college educations". To which I replied, "that's right. If my boys 'can't' go to college, I just have to worry about paying for their care for the rest of THEIR lives instead of just 4 years of college!" People sure say some stupid things! > >

> > > > > > > > > > >

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