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  • 5 months later...
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Yes to everything!  Get him on the GAP diet immediately, before any more damage is done!MaureenI am curious as what you think about his health.  Do you think that the diabetes medicine reaked havoc on his system?  How much damage did the Soy formula cause?  Is he the "perfect" candidate for GAPS?  So anxious to hear your thoughts.  FYI...I have 2 older children who exhibit none of the same problems that my baby has.  Sorry for the long post, just wanted to give you all the background details. thanks much,kimLooking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos.

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I agree. Well said, Maureen.

Ann Marie

On Aug 5, 2008, at 6:01 PM, Maureen wrote:

> Yes to everything! Get him on the GAP diet immediately, before any

> more damage is done!


> Maureen

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I think the gaps diet would do wonders for him!

I'm gearing up to start the diet with my 26 month old who always has

diaper issues. He also was not breastfed and was on commercial

formula for a few months until I switched to homemade formula.

I'm really excited to start this, as well as scared out of my mind

that I won't be able to keep going or someone will give him something

he shouldn't have when I'm not with him.

So, we'll be starting the diet soon if you'd like to email me for


Also, check out the group gapshelp. It's a group solely dedicated to

the gaps diet.

Good luck!



> Ok, this post is sent to get help for me and my family, especially

my 21

> month old son. Just to let you know, we started a new eating

journey this time

> last year. We are slowly making positive changes after a lifetime

of bad

> eating. Please do not judge or condemn me for the decisions we

made prior to

> our lifestyle change. My motto is, when you know better, you do

better. I

> understand that many of the decisions I made were poor, but I am

trying to make

> them right.


> When I was pregnant with my son, they diagnosed me with gestational

> diabetes. I had never had that before, and they put me on

glucophage to stablize my

> blood sugar. I also restricted my carbs, but sadly ate all SAD.


> My son, has had either consitpation or loose stools since the moment

he was

> born. I was unable to breast feed him, so we used commercial

formula. He

> was such a " spitter " that they switched him to soy within the first

few weeks

> of his life. He stayed constipated on soy formula. I mean VERY


> We had to do prune juice and/or suppositories almost weekly, it was a

> nightmare. I finally convinced my (former) Peditrician that there

was a problem

> because I brought one of his rock hard stools into his office. We


> switched to commercial milk formula.


> His entire life he has bouts of loose stools, almost to the point of

> diarrhea. We follow a fairly traditonal diet, but if he veers off

of it, he has

> horrible diapers. (Like at grandparents' houses!!, but that is

another story)


> I am curious as what you think about his health. Do you think

that the

> diabetes medicine reaked havoc on his system? How much damage did

the Soy

> formula cause? Is he the " perfect " candidate for GAPS?


> So anxious to hear your thoughts. FYI...I have 2 older children who


> none of the same problems that my baby has. Sorry for the long

post, just

> wanted to give you all the background details.


> thanks much,

> kim




> **************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your


> Read reviews on AOL Autos.





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Hi Kim,

I commend you for always being suspect as to what was going on with your son. You knew before the doctor knew and had such good intuition. I think you will see great results by following the BED or GAPS diet, they have many similarities and you can then see what specifically your son reacts to and can adjust. You are wise to catch it early and will reap the rewards of healing his body and his mind.



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  • 3 months later...


> I really feel my dd big problem is due to seizures activity. I am

> treating them with B6 and seeing some good results. I am a bit

> confused though and this is why: I am not sure if the seizures are due

> to lack of oxygen at birth or a virus from the Hep B vaccine, so I am

> treating with all these B's but ... at some point I feel I should try

> pulling out the virus or perhaps using the HBOT for the lack of

> oxygen. Does this sound reasonable to you?

Pulling out viruses was essential for my son's recovery. My #1, #2,

and #3 are finished with viruses. #4 is still in the middle of

eliminating the viruses, and many of her remaining ADHD symptoms are



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What is the 1st and best approach to rid them of the virus? Laurie

> >

> > I really feel my dd big problem is due to seizures activity. I am

> > treating them with B6 and seeing some good results. I am a bit

> > confused though and this is why: I am not sure if the seizures

are due

> > to lack of oxygen at birth or a virus from the Hep B vaccine, so

I am

> > treating with all these B's but ... at some point I feel I should


> > pulling out the virus or perhaps using the HBOT for the lack of

> > oxygen. Does this sound reasonable to you?



> Pulling out viruses was essential for my son's recovery. My #1, #2,

> and #3 are finished with viruses. #4 is still in the middle of

> eliminating the viruses, and many of her remaining ADHD symptoms are

> disappearing.


> Dana


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This is what Dana wrote:... " I started with OLE, then Virastop, then

vitamin C, then lysine. " She said its fine to start with Vit. C

I will send some other things that she wrote on the subject.

high dose vitamin A before any of those.

On Nov 29, 2008, at 9:18 AM, Laurie wrote:

> What is the 1st and best approach to rid them of the virus? Laurie



> > >

> > > I really feel my dd big problem is due to seizures activity. I am

> > > treating them with B6 and seeing some good results. I am a bit

> > > confused though and this is why: I am not sure if the seizures

> are due

> > > to lack of oxygen at birth or a virus from the Hep B vaccine, so

> I am

> > > treating with all these B's but ... at some point I feel I should

> try

> > > pulling out the virus or perhaps using the HBOT for the lack of

> > > oxygen. Does this sound reasonable to you?

> >

> >

> > Pulling out viruses was essential for my son's recovery. My #1, #2,

> > and #3 are finished with viruses. #4 is still in the middle of

> > eliminating the viruses, and many of her remaining ADHD symptoms are

> > disappearing.

> >

> > Dana

> >




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.... and you treated with what. Do you think they had the virus since

birth? I have read that the scarring of the virus does permanent damage.

On Nov 29, 2008, at 11:45 AM, wrote:

> We have treated two of our five children for virus's and it was really

> key for both of them. The only thing keeping us from treating everyone

> for virus's is money.






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> What is the 1st and best approach to rid them of the virus?

Depends on which virus/es?

For measles virus, high dose vitamin A protocol.

For herpes viruses, lysine.

For other viruses, vitamin C.

I also used OLE and Virastop, but based on symptoms, those were

limited in what they did. The three above, eliminated viruses from

the brain and repaired the immune system so that new viruses did not

just go back into the brain.


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What did you use for the Hep B Vaccine. That could be a virus too,


On Nov 30, 2008, at 8:47 AM, danasview wrote:


> >

> > What is the 1st and best approach to rid them of the virus?


> Depends on which virus/es?


> For measles virus, high dose vitamin A protocol.


> For herpes viruses, lysine.


> For other viruses, vitamin C.


> I also used OLE and Virastop, but based on symptoms, those were

> limited in what they did. The three above, eliminated viruses from

> the brain and repaired the immune system so that new viruses did not

> just go back into the brain.


> Dana




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> What did you use for the Hep B Vaccine. That could be a virus too,

> right?

The HepB vax destroyed my son's immune system. Not sure which of the

anti-virals would have addressed HepB virus specifically, but he no

longer needs anti-virals, his immune system is healed now.


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We did no testing but the hair tests for all seven of us, and some cortisol

testing for my teen and I, and allergy and Igg food allergy panel for my child

with uveitis. We let the symptoms be our guide to the treatment, and truely that

is the wisdom of this group, the symptoms guide you to the treatment without

needing a single test if you can't afford them. I listed my child's symptoms to

the group and someone said this and that symptom sounded like viral symptoms.

Treating viral symptoms is something that I think most people who have used the

andy cutler method of chelation and been successful with it have done at one

time or another, so as part of your chelation process, you will deal with yeast,

bacteria, and viruses...it was key in my son's recovery.

One way to see if you have a viral kid is to get a bottle of virastop and if

you ramp up and see mouth sores and rashes, you have work to do on viruses. I

don't know off the top of my head what Dana's other viral symptoms were for her

children, but for my daughter she had significant eye damage occur after having

chicken pox while having undiagnosed uveitis. Getting the herpes virus or

chicken pox virus is a huge danger with uveitis so we wanted to cover all of the

bases incase her uveitis was virally caused. We flat out stomped out her

uveitis, and part of that solution was the high dose virastop protocol and all

of the proteolytic enzymes. We flat out dealt with her viruses and got them

under control, we got the allergies under control, and we used curcumin, and we

calmed down the inflammation and the anti inflammatory response. I think it is

much the same in autism, and it is amazing you are detoxing, chelating the toxic

heavy elements out, controling yeast, dealing with viruses and other organisms,

that is what Andy Cutler chelation means to me, that is it defined to me on how

it worked and how it healed my son.

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Could that virus test be done using Vit C??? to see if there is a virus?

On Nov 30, 2008, at 3:58 PM, Axe wrote:

> We did no testing but the hair tests for all seven of us, and some

> cortisol testing for my teen and I, and allergy and Igg food

> allergy panel for my child with uveitis. We let the symptoms be our

> guide to the treatment, and truely that is the wisdom of this

> group, the symptoms guide you to the treatment without needing a

> single test if you can't afford them. I listed my child's symptoms

> to the group and someone said this and that symptom sounded like

> viral symptoms. Treating viral symptoms is something that I think

> most people who have used the andy cutler method of chelation and

> been successful with it have done at one time or another, so as

> part of your chelation process, you will deal with yeast, bacteria,

> and viruses...it was key in my son's recovery.


> One way to see if you have a viral kid is to get a bottle of

> virastop and if you ramp up and see mouth sores and rashes, you

> have work to do on viruses. I don't know off the top of my head

> what Dana's other viral symptoms were for her children, but for my

> daughter she had significant eye damage occur after having chicken

> pox while having undiagnosed uveitis. Getting the herpes virus or

> chicken pox virus is a huge danger with uveitis so we wanted to

> cover all of the bases incase her uveitis was virally caused. We

> flat out stomped out her uveitis, and part of that solution was the

> high dose virastop protocol and all of the proteolytic enzymes. We

> flat out dealt with her viruses and got them under control, we got

> the allergies under control, and we used curcumin, and we calmed

> down the inflammation and the anti inflammatory response. I think

> it is much the same in autism, and it is amazing you are detoxing,

> chelating the toxic heavy elements out, controling yeast, dealing

> with viruses and other organisms, that is what Andy Cutler

> chelation means to me, that is it defined to me on how it worked

> and how it healed my son.





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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

I would go to the doctor immediately! If he gets on antibiotics

right away there is a good success rate.


Carol Monroe




From: Geri Logan <hotwheels@...>

Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 2:51:09 PM

Subject: [ ] Advice

Whenever my friend got bit by a deer tick yesterday he had radiating pain....as

soon as it bit him.

The pain was shooting up and down his leg and he new that something wasnt right

immeaditly because he got bit last year too.

Is this normal,if this is what happens how can someone not know when they get

bit or is all it takes to get Lymes?

Thanks Geri

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SOOO sorry, I have no idea1 I've never heard of this before, and can't give you

any advice but I beleive a tick is suppose to inject some different chemicals

too num you, and make it not itchy! And they take a few days to fully bite, and

then drink, and infect and leave! i dont understand why there was any such

immediate sensation! I hope all goes well with him, and remember there is no

DEFINITE that a rash WILL appear after a bite, and you still may be infected

without the 'rash'!


Sorry i couldn't help!

From: Geri Logan <hotwheels@...>

Subject: [ ] Advice

Date: Friday, June 19, 2009, 2:51 PM

Whenever my friend got bit by a deer tick yesterday he had radiating

pain....as soon as it bit him.

The pain was shooting up and down his leg and he new that something wasnt right

immeaditly because he got bit last year too.

Is this normal,if this is what happens how can someone not know when they get

bit or is all it takes to get Lymes?

Thanks Geri

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We don't understand it because it happened the last time too..


SOOO sorry, I have no idea1 I've never heard of this before, and can't give

you any advice but I beleive a tick is suppose to inject some different

chemicals too num you, and make it not itchy! And they take a few days to fully

bite, and then drink, and infect and leave! i dont understand why there was any

such immediate sensation! I hope all goes well with him, and remember there is

no DEFINITE that a rash WILL appear after a bite, and you still may be infected

without the 'rash'!


Sorry i couldn't help!

From: Geri Logan <hotwheels@...>

Subject: [ ] Advice

Date: Friday, June 19, 2009, 2:51 PM

Whenever my friend got bit by a deer tick yesterday he had radiating

pain....as soon as it bit him.

The pain was shooting up and down his leg and he new that something wasnt

right immeaditly because he got bit last year too.

Is this normal,if this is what happens how can someone not know when they get

bit or is all it takes to get Lymes?

Thanks Geri

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Yes, my daughter is the same way. I just try to keep her busy and have healthy snacks in the house such as apples and carrots that I know she will eat. But otherwise, I'm clueless.

in NV

From: Debbie <debsnest6@...>Austinautismsupport <austinautismsupport >; Asperger's Support <Aspergers Treatment >Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2009 9:24:53 AMSubject: ( ) Advice

Does anyone else have an aspie child who is "addicted" to food? When I say addicted, I mean, that is all he thinks about is eating or food. I have to monitor what he eats and when because he would eat constantly if I let him.

Also, I know a lot of aspie's don't really like going out of their comfort zone, as in home, etc, but lately, my son doesn't want to go anywhere. He wants to stay home and do nothing. Of course, we make him go with us, etc when we go places, but all we hear when we're gone is when are we going home or to eat.

Anyone else have these issues? And if so, any advice??

Thanks and Happy 4th to all!!!

Faith never wonders why.

Worry about nothing, pray about everything!

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

"For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness."

Sometimes the best gifts come in the ugliest packages.

April is Autism Awareness Month, show ur support!

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Wow, that sure sounds alot like my 18 yr.. old son.

Food seems to be on his mind all of the time.

And he wants to eat like every 3 hours or so.

He claims he's really hungry when I suggest that he is

eating out of boredom or just because he likes the taste of food.

And of course, he doesn't crave veggies or fruits.

He will eat bananas and does like seafood, but it's

always meat, potatoes, sandwiches, chips, french fries.

Don't get me wrong, I like all those things too,, but he just

seems to crave food constantly. He also will ask sometimes

right after a meal, what is for the next meal, or even what

is for breakfast or dinner the next day.

I think this is just how they are, especially because of the textures

of things. I do hope he likes veggies eventually, but I don't

see that happening.

Well, take care and God bless all the aspies of this world.

They are great people.

From: Mesenburg <admesenburg@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Advice Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 6:46 PM

Yes, my daughter is the same way. I just try to keep her busy and have healthy snacks in the house such as apples and carrots that I know she will eat. But otherwise, I'm clueless.

in NV

From: Debbie <debsnest6 (DOT) com>Austinautismsupport <austinautismsupport @groups. com>; Asperger's Support <Aspergers Treatment>Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2009 9:24:53 AMSubject: ( ) Advice

Does anyone else have an aspie child who is "addicted" to food? When I say addicted, I mean, that is all he thinks about is eating or food. I have to monitor what he eats and when because he would eat constantly if I let him.

Also, I know a lot of aspie's don't really like going out of their comfort zone, as in home, etc, but lately, my son doesn't want to go anywhere. He wants to stay home and do nothing. Of course, we make him go with us, etc when we go places, but all we hear when we're gone is when are we going home or to eat.

Anyone else have these issues? And if so, any advice??

Thanks and Happy 4th to all!!!

Faith never wonders why.

Worry about nothing, pray about everything!

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

"For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness."

Sometimes the best gifts come in the ugliest packages.

April is Autism Awareness Month, show ur support!

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Make a chart on a wipeboard with a schedule of meals/snacks.

Robyn, Aspie Angel Parent to cell: 757-218-6507 (for more info text or call anytime)-Generation Rescue Angel of Hampton Roads, VAhttp://www.generationrescue.org/-Organizer, Hampton Roads Area Asperger Family Support Group (est Feb 07)http://www.meetup.com/aspergers-267/- Vice Chair Hampton Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) /member since Fall 05/Vice Chair since June 09


From: Debbie <debsnest6@...>Austinautismsupport <austinautismsupport >; Asperger's Support <Aspergers Treatment >Sent: Saturday, July 4, 2009 12:24:53 PMSubject: ( ) Advice

Does anyone else have an aspie child who is "addicted" to food? When I say addicted, I mean, that is all he thinks about is eating or food. I have to monitor what he eats and when because he would eat constantly if I let him.

Also, I know a lot of aspie's don't really like going out of their comfort zone, as in home, etc, but lately, my son doesn't want to go anywhere. He wants to stay home and do nothing. Of course, we make him go with us, etc when we go places, but all we hear when we're gone is when are we going home or to eat.

Anyone else have these issues? And if so, any advice??

Thanks and Happy 4th to all!!!

Faith never wonders why.

Worry about nothing, pray about everything!

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

"For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness."

Sometimes the best gifts come in the ugliest packages.

April is Autism Awareness Month, show ur support!

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Yes my son, 19, eats all the time, he is very over weight, it's a real worry. Nothing is safe, if we go to bed we have to take a cake, etc. that I have baked, or he will get up during the night and eat it all. Will drink all my cokes, even if I hide them. We are going to have to put a lock on the pantry door and something around the refrigerator. It's like they just can't help themselves. There must be addicting ingredients in most of the fast foods and foods in the stores. He got better when I did the Gluten free/casein free diet. But he got tired of it, and if he knew it was free of that he would purposely not eat it. And everything like that is so expensive, these companies really get us all coming and going, you'd think they try to give us a break with our kids and help us, but no, it's all greed like

everything else in this world.

Any time you can use the Gluten free stuff, I would, like use that kind of four instead of the bleached white flour for frying meat, etc. I got so use to it, I liked the way the food tasted with it. I have even thought my son might need to get the lap band on his stomach, but I dunno. Good luck, we are in the same boat, and I know others are too. pj

From: Debbie <debsnest6@...>Subject: ( ) Advice"Austinautismsupport" <austinautismsupport >, "Asperger's Support" <Aspergers Treatment >Date: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 11:24 AM

Does anyone else have an aspie child who is "addicted" to food? When I say addicted, I mean, that is all he thinks about is eating or food. I have to monitor what he eats and when because he would eat constantly if I let him.

Also, I know a lot of aspie's don't really like going out of their comfort zone, as in home, etc, but lately, my son doesn't want to go anywhere. He wants to stay home and do nothing. Of course, we make him go with us, etc when we go places, but all we hear when we're gone is when are we going home or to eat.

Anyone else have these issues? And if so, any advice??

Thanks and Happy 4th to all!!!

Faith never wonders why.

Worry about nothing, pray about everything!

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

"For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness."

Sometimes the best gifts come in the ugliest packages.

April is Autism Awareness Month, show ur support!

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