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The worldwide ban on DDT

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The Worldwide Ban on DDT


The ban on DDT is as illusory as any other VOLUNTARY and non policed chemical

ban. It is a WORTHLESS piece of


Today in 2010, we are ten years into a ban on mercury in vaccines and more than

50 years into the multiple

injection of mercury containing polio vaccines into every man; woman and child

on this planet. A ban that if we

saw the figures for mercury production would expose a growth in use of this


And why? All because of PROPAGANDA, the saviour of the Big p'HARMERS. So

completely taken in by this PROPAGANDA

that the mass vaccinations of babies and the UNKNOWN sudden deaths to more than

a million infants after their

polio vaccine is just a small part of the heritage.

Richet with hundreds of earlier vaccinologists proved beyond doubt that

repeat vaccines lead to

neurological illness and sudden death to previously healthy living creatures. So

dramatic was this that a non

believer watched with his own eyes an injection of a harmless vaccine in smaller

amounts than normal kill simply

because of this presensitisation to the once safe vaccine. If only we had not

given the second, or third or

fourth, or fifth.

The worldwide ban on DDT came about in the 50's and 60's after decades of safe

use of this insecticide we can't

do without. We are not sure how much was made as the figures are kept secret

from the mass populus. We can be

sure that the worldwide ban is as ILLUSORY as any other ban such as the ban on

mercury for us in vaccines.

France a non user of mercury vaccines, (2 exceptions in an arsenal of a 100 or

so vaccines) used in 2010

vaccines for everyone from the foetus up through to the hundred year olds a

« free » vaccine containing the

deadly brain destroying deliberately added impure organomercury compound called

thimerosal and changed from

merthiolate to avoid the old data showing its harm being found by those who are

not diligent in their research.

Today DDT is probably an « INERT » ingredient in many Western formulations

of insecticides and used openly in

Africa and India in 2010. The general NON ban on organochlorine is cynically

celebrated in fact by giving us the

perfect replacement for the teratogenic, carcinogenic and criminally illegal

addition to thousands of processed

foods by companies like Monsanto, that of aspartame. Today we have the chance to

ingest again organochlorine

compounds that took out wide species of the animal kingdom INCLUDING man.

As the use of DDT flourished, so did fatal and debilitating illness in its wake.

Finally DDT was abandoned by

protesting bird lovers claiming it destroyed the birds by leaving them incapable

of growing wings and legs. The

insecticide in its 100 or so actions had this effect of stopping anything

requiring calcium from normal

development. Animals it seems, count before mankind.

An illness NEVER seen before was sweeping the West where babies would not grow a

leg or an arm or both arms,

both legs or all four. Many just died.

Manna from heaven came when polio virus was found in one case. Polio is a

disease so benign that more than 90

per cent of the world are exposed to it and the virus shows no noticeable

problem. In any event, the numbers

showing symptoms resting constant for decades. Suddenly in line with DDT the

numbers rocketed more than 20 fold.

Accepting the blame of chemical harm is NOT POSSIBLE. Of the thousands of

carcinogenic, teratogenic and toxic

chemicals to date, only about three have ever been accepted to harm us. Why make

an exception with DDT that

prevents normal limb growth in numbers 20 fold times that of old polio. We had a

ready scapegoat for the harm

done by Big p'HARMERS and of course the same companies had a share in the

profits from the newly developed polio

vaccines. How effective were the early vaccines for polio? Probably no more than

the lump of sugar given to

everyone in the UK. We are told, ad nauseum, today that digestion takes

everything down to the molecule level so

how did the polio sugar lump work? Changing the story of science to fit the

purpose. Assuming the establishment

knew of the harm of DDT they would not care that the pill was a real sugar

placebo. It would still work when

more care was taken in exposing people or not exposing them to DDT.

And so it came to pass; the extinction of polio went ahead and everyone was

happy. No one noticed the sleight of

hand and double dealing going on.

Looking today at the huge rise and then fall in a disease that has been around

for generations they didn't even

need to use the trump card of the exceptionally dangerous pathogenic strain idea

of a harmless virus. Everybody

was so impressed by the results that no one took a serious look for fraud ,

deceit and trickery.

So today we still get our multiple doses of polio complete with brain destroying

mercury for an « illness »

caused by a toxin hopefully no longer used in the West. We hope. But we have had

to explain away a million

deaths after polio vaccines given ad nauseum.

The UK pattern of so called polio shows less than 10 000 cases a year for a

period of 5 years or less. This

gives a total disability of around 50 000. Compare this with deaths peaking at 2

000 a year for SIDS for decades

and the current rise in autism to 6 000 or so each year also for more than a

decade and the price of obfuscating

short term harm for a safe insecticide is huge, unacceptable and

disproportionate indeed.

History may help us where dogma and refusal to accept a brain destroying

chemical will EVER destroy human brains

is presenting an IMPASSE that is impossible to penetrate. Organomercury is not

water and has no lower limit of

safety. It has a total unacceptability of use for everyone, young, old or

foreign. Comparing ethyl and methyl

for an impure product is like debating whether to give people strychnine or

cyanide to kill them. ABHORRENT.

DDT was clearly responsible for more than just having no long term reduction in

mosquitos around the world. It

had a short term but not long term effect of taking away life and quality of

life for upwards of 50 000 people

in the UK and precipating 100 000 sudden deaths in the same country decades

later from a vaccine used to

scapegoat harm a long time before.

Harry : Polio vaccine at 4.30pm and dead by 10.30pm, attracted no blame to

vaccines, no blame to

organomercury in the vaccine and of course never in a million years to the

overuse of DDT decades before leaving

a sick policy of Big p'HARMERS, government and medical collusion in covering up

the GUILTY party.

Propaganda never more POWERFUL than in the hands of Big p'HARMERS whether

Monsanto of today or other companies

of yester year.

Today polio is still amongst us, still killing us in those countries that still

use DDT.

The ban that never was.


The worldwide ban on DDT

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