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The toxicity of thimerosal is clear. It is TOXIC. To be precise it is EXTREMELY


It is also a NEUROTOXIC chemical. This means it destroys your BRAIN CELLS. This

for the developing child means they are not altered, not rewired but destroyed


behind in the brain the tangled, useless remnants of what was going to be your

very own new brain cells.

Lead was described a very long time ago as a metal that takes away the mind.

Working in a similar fashion but much less toxic than mercury.

Defending the deliberate addition of a brain destroying chemical to a childs

vaccine is not just silly but is tantamount to attemped murder.

In the debate to save childrens lives and their health it is essential to be


It is essential to place all facts for those who do not have not the knowledge.

It is CRIMINAL to lie about the known harm of thimerosal as is being done.

Work around 2003 through 2004 in the PEDIATRICS journal/magazine gave the

impression that not only was the deliberate addition of this safe but in fact


« protective » effects for autism and intelligence.

This contradicts ALL known and hard won data on mercury and is in contradicting

our previous knowledge. Toxicity cannot prove something less toxic than it was

before but here in Pediatrics many authors are falsely claiming safety where

previously we had sure knowledge of harm. Claims made in their work placing the




It is no longer secret that in the preparation of the Verstraeten paper for the

CDC that earlier and more complete data showed a dose related relation of autism


thimerosal injections to young babies. Work showing harm from thimerosal never

being published willingly but a reworked set of data showing protective effects

in the

final published edition together with a lie that the person who did most of the

work was working in the interest of the CDC when he was working for a company


would be bankrupted or financially embarrassed by publication of the first

results of his work.

The equivalent work by English people also found little evidence of anything

harmful about thimerosal injections.

For example Heron and Golding et al said:

Contrary to expectation, it was common for the unadjusted results to suggest a

beneficial effect of thimerosal exposure.

You cannot in the 21st century come up with work of this nature implying that to

inject what is chemically the most TOXIC element into babies with the result in

2010 that it

is common practice to inject mercury into the unborn child via the mother.

It has to be a licence to KILL.

I have looked carefully at this work which puts the results in a manner very

ambiguously and hides any harm by mathematical inaccuracies.

I will highlight just one problem with the paper here:

The measure of exposure to mercury is not done by analysis of blood, stools,

urine, bone, muscle or any enzyme test but by use of vaccine schedule data and



My own daughter, first injected with mercury vaccines at just over 6 months of

age say 183 days.

The reason self evidentally was my firm belief that even in 1971 the vaccines

were given far too young to children at the then normal age of 3 months.

Further to repeat the same injection again is tantamount to overexciting the

bodies defence mechanism. Something not only logical but proven a very long time

ago by

Nobel Prize Winner Professor Richet and hundreds of other scientists all

working and competing for improved knowledge and safety in vaccine use. Today we

see this knowledge forgotten, overturned and BAD science replacing it.

Using the calculation for this article the mercury load for my daughter comes

out to be ZERO.

This is done in a mathematical NONSENSE that subtracts in days the date of the

vaccine from the number 183.

Imagine 11 vaccines given on this day, all containing mercury. And it does

happen in recent years that 11 vaccines are known to be injected at one time of

which some at

least were mercury containing.

This would be represented as a ZERO exposure for mercury.

If this person then got autism or any of dozens of rare or not so rare

illnesses, disorders or syndromes then the mercury survivors would indeed show

the protective

effect of mercury.

Such work cannot be called science and has no place in a blog let alone in a

peer reviewed journal with several other papers showing the same non toxic

effects of a

DANGEROUS toxic substance.

Clearly the data needs reworking, rechecking to exclude such fundamental errors

and perhaps put in a fashion more easily understood to the ordinary

mathemetician or

scientist. A reputable scientist needs to ask for the original data to verify

and correct the errors and the effects caused by them.

A paper showing non-harm where earlier workers show harm cannot be accepted

without proper verification.

Even the most elementary perusal can see errors of which the mathematical error

alone makes all the work VOID.

Phrasing results in a poor way also misleads us and for this mathematical flaw

alone makes the work useless and against known toxicology makes the apology for

thimerosal such that it escapes blame to the point that a 1999 call for its

removal has been reversed with children exposed at even younger ages. In 2010 we


injections of mercury for the pregnant mother and unborn child.


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