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TYPE II ERRORS. Is this why we kill and maim babies?

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What can the study of lead teach us about other toxicants?


What can the study of lead teach us about other toxicants?

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de HL Needleman - 1990 - Cité 20 fois - Autres articles

What can the study of lead teach us about other toxicants? H L Needleman.

School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of ...

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ... › Environ Health Perspect › v.86; Jun 1990

I commend this short but UNDERSTANDABLE document to all serious people who think

that thimerosal, a powerful neurotoxin is a factor in the sudden unexpected


or autism et al today in the USA when we inject it into children in MASSIVE


Basically it tells us that all the old ideas on toxicology are FAULTY when

looking for « minor » illness conditions. Minor, meaning those not

immediately killed by the toxic


The dose is in the poison for example is several hundreds of years out of date.

We did have laws saying the poison is the poison but this has been thrown out


economic reasons for a couple of decades. For carcinogens and teratogens like


Needleman explains SEVEN ways even responsible scientists can be « fooled »

into thinking a neurotoxic poison like thimerosal is like « lemon juice » by

being ambivalent

about studies showing clear adverse health danger signals.

This is, for example, easily seen in the notion that methyl mercury compounds

are completely different to ethyl mercury compounds. They are only different if

you commit

a type II error. Recognising wrongly, that a toxic substance is like « LEMON

JUICE » rather than the neurotoxins they BOTH are.

Chemically they are not substantially different and in any event I have not seen

the chemical structure of any methyl mercury compound in fish in the literature.

While we

prevaricate that methyl mercury compounds are NOT like thimerosal we fail to use

the same thoroughness in saying that not only don't we know the exact structures


these methyl mercury compounds we claim to have data for but it is certain they

are all different from each other. Unless we group chemicals into broad groups,


already poor data on chemical harm will become almost no data. Perhaps as shown

by Needleman, this is exactly what is required to protect industry but not the


We do have an exact chemical structure for thimerosal as well as a 100 per cent

known data of harm to humans from it. And we do know of the methylmercury

impurities in all thimerosal used in vaccines and their chemical structures.

This means to me that you can add a possible three other criteria at least to

the seven to make that ten.


Politically results before chemical safety results


Not publishing works showing harm or changing data until it does show no harm.

This Needleman paper has been cited JUST 20 TIMES in 20 years and has been

neglected in the pursuit of new drugs and continuing old ones for the ALMIGHTY


One million dead, tens of millions with their minds taken away. All from

dangerous ADULTERATED vaccines, if type II errors are being made.

But this IMPORTANT work has been dusted down and used 20 TIMES only.


Harm done to the next generation not just for the almighty dollar but as seen in

the law courts around the Western world for political ends and proving ignorance

IS an

excuse when denying this biggest HEALTH CATASTROPHE of man's making in our

entire history.

Put this next to the Nobel Prize work of Richet and allergies and

ANAPHYLAXIS from just ONE repeat vaccine;

and you would have very red faced officials, if they weren't snowed under in


Don't let illness, allergy or past history prevent the next toxic vaccine being

pumped into your child when they can cost up to a thousand dollars a SHOT and

cut your

doctors PROFIT margin.

Let the babes take the strain and BRAIN DESTROYING thimerosal.

The studies in the 21st century showing no harm from a possible and theoretical

million times overexposure to thimerosal!

Maximum exposure ADMITTED in 1991 from mercury vaccines came out at 87 times TOO


The ACCEPTED load of thimerosal is 0.1 µg per kg per day and from a 12.5µg of

thimerosal in the current 2010 flu vaccines where mercury has been added and has

been excused by assuming no more vaccines for a year as if some drunk can be

excused his fine if he gives alcohol up for a week. But lets work out the maths

in the

opposite sense.

A vaccine takes less than a second to inject, so using this perverse maths lets

say 60 x 60 x 24 seconds in a day. That's 86 400. So for a 4kg babe that means


than a million times the maximum spike of thimerosal is coursing through the

veins of an infant at the moment of injection. 2 million 700 thousand in fact.

So for Harry whose life ended 6 hours after this two and a half million

overload of thimerosal got to work. For Wetterhahn more than 4 months was

the time

before harm or illness was noticed. Chemicals can be fought off for short or

long periods of time and for a very healthy person. NO PROBLEM.

But type II errors in safety for thimerosal have resulted in the worlds worst

health catstrophe.

And the Type I errors of Boyd Haley, Mark Geier, Fritz Lorscheider? Perhaps when

we see video of brain cells being stripped down and heaps of rubbish build up


those saying this is a type I error need to eat humble pie before ramming a

million times the maximum dose of thimerosal brain destroying neurotoxins into

each and every

infant. Perhaps when serious scientists, DO show harm from mercury vaccines, it

may not be a type I error but an error of judgement by judges, when they say


have NO EXPERTISE. It takes one to know one as the saying goes.

What can the study of lead teach us about other toxicants

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