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3X the reference level of neurotoxins

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Alcohol and Thimerosal

Both are neurotoxins.

But the regulations for the two are not the same.

Over one times the reference level and a lone driver will face disqualification

and confiscation of his car. He will be banned from driving whether intoxicated

or not for a


Three times over the reference level and he will go to prison in addition.

He will be classed as a delinquent and will have trouble being accepted again in

society especially for his insurance.

But for thimerosal, the law lags behind. You might even say, what law?

In 1991 little USA babies got 87 times the reference limit for a known

neurotoxin and no positive action was taken. Just that regulators were comforted

that the neurotoxin

wasn't too bad, compared to others.

At this time they actually introduced thimerosal vaccines at age one day so

increasing the toxic load for baby.

So ten years later, little baby was getting 247 times the reference limit of


Yes; eventually regulators asked for the mercury to be taken out and levels have

been reduced by the appropriate 250 times. By gentleman's agreement, that is.


five years if you like or maybe don't bother if its too hard to not deliberately

add thimerosal to the non-toxic, finished and ready vaccine.

But from 2006 those in charge of vaccines began to demand thimerosal to be

injected into the unborn child via mercury vaccines. Nobody has spotted our

error, let's just

try a bit harder to cause chaos. With the proviso that most would choose the

safe non mercury injection. Well, that's if they have heard that USA and not

other countries

have been using thimerosal or a neurotoxin for the past few decades.

As a chemist and like the regulators I found out just ten years ago and as a

chemist who thought it incomprehensible to add even non-toxic amounts of

mercury, let alone

247 times the reference maximum. In fact we know for carcinogens there is

actually no threshold level and the reference level is that of

« reasonableness » if you

honestly seek to use materials not containing mercury.

Here we see deliberate calculated addition of thimerosal for convenience and


But one single mercury flu vaccine for mother is still 3 times over exposure of

neurotoxins to both mother and unborn child.

Too much for mother certainly and for the unborn child more so.

We know children are not just little adults.

They are more sensitive to toxins than adults and their blood-brain barrier does

not exist at this age.

Today 3 times over the reference level for a lesser neurotoxin and prison awaits


But we still wait for prison terms for those who seek to inject 3 times the

reference dose of thimerosal into our unborn child in November 2010.

One day we may act but the only action so far is to continue and renew the toxic

assault on our next generation.

Both are neurotoxins.

Alcohol and Thimerosal

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