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Elimination of thimerosal from vaccines


Politics and

Political Science

In 1999 when one « mad » chemistry professor (Boyd Haley) asked why they put

mercury in childrens vaccines, he not only achieved the title he did not deserve


suddenly his job and grant money began to change for the worse.

Today, portrayed as a « second hand car salesman » and fortunately not a

« medical practioner » his message and credibility has been impugned by

those who cannot

and will not pay for the millions they have killed and tens of millions still

alive facing a life where independence means a team of 5 persons helping you

live a « normal »

life and rare diseases are now called that if one person in 20 has them when you

add the « rare » diseases together. The only thing really rare is to get a

doctor to say

most are simply due to TOXINS we are exposed to.

These « rare » diseases are those most people have never heard of and mount

up to a catastrophic, pandemic, reversible illness afflicting a large minority

of the next

generation. The « lucky » ones some will argue. And matye rightly so, for we

must remember those that die before breathing air, those that die shortly after

breathing air,

and those that hang on for a few months, suddenly to die while in

« perfect » health.

Thimerosal doesn't share all the blame but taking issues one by one, it is:

An argueable carcinogen – people are loathe to admit anything is carcinogenic

because it means one molecule on its own can change the DNA and the life for


person affected. Fortunately the body is robust and can correct errors but

sometimes the errors cannot be corrected. This would mean no threshold for harm.

Also more than likely a teratogen and here the science is primitive with hardly

any way of telling if substances are genuinely teratogenic. Thalidomide children


thalidomide children themselves if repeated for thimerosal exposure means that

autism if related may be very difficult to eliminate in the short term. Again

this would mean

no threshold for harm.

A toxic material and chemically the most toxic of all elements. It is known that

molecule for molecule it has more power to harm as the amount in us is

decreased. Quite

logical for extreme poisons, as in massive amounts they simply destroy vital

organs or the signalling to them. In small amounts they have the choice of

nearly every

protein in our body, every enzyme system, to HARM them. Their ability to cause

this non-infectious syndrome or another disease state is simply the chance of

encountering that pathway and the ability or not of the body to defend itself

from harm. More often than not simply resulting simply in tiredness as the body

succeeds in

neutralisation at least in the short term.

A neurotoxic material and has the ability to destroy neurons but in the case of

thimerosal to get to the brain and destroy brain cells there. This causes


delays at the very least and for the older person regression and perhaps loss of


A catalyst, which means for some processes it is released to redo the harm

already done. For the decomposition of ozone in the ozone layer, (a not

altogether unrelated

consequence of thimerosal vaccines!) the mercury from crematoria can travel to

the poles and destroy a million ozone molecules in a matter of a few seconds.


has incredible powers of destruction.

A substance where harm therefore is not restricted to the intended use or misuse

of the material.

Despite the enormous knowledge of Professor Haley and mad or not mad, pushed out

of mainstream science or not; the vaccine regulators and vaccine producers in

league with the government:

Immediately stopped the injection of thimerosal vaccines into babies.

Got the mercury vaccines off the shelves in USA drugstores.

And denied ANY harm from thimerosal vaccines except THEORETICAL harm.

To reinforce this decision they supplied the world with the mercury vaccines at

special discounted prices and even free. Many countries eagerly availing

themselves of

vaccines otherwise out of their easy financial reach. Countries like China

without much autism promptly started needed to start up autism groups and

numbers of autism

cases here soon passed the million mark from a near zero base.

The only country to exceed that of USA percentage wise is the UK with in 1990 an

accelerated vaccine scheme to protect their children. Soon after autism went

from a

medical illness few knew of to an illness EVERYONE was an expert on.


Politics and

Political Science

Elimination of thimerosal from vaccines

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