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Re: question for Ew and anyone who can help

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I'm not EW but wanted to throw my 2 cents in. Because of all the beneficial live

enzymes in young sprouts-and broccoli in particular, they can aid in detox and

anti inflammation. I have hip and knee issues and find a raw green diet is

overall helpful for inflammation, as well as some specific herbs which have some

fantastic anti inflammatory properties.....see links below. Another less

publically known anti inflammatory powerhouse is the systemic enzyme supplements

which are fantastic in age reversal and healing and anti inflammatory

properties. The best example of these systemic enzymes is known as Wobenzym.

Other companies make similar products.

http://www.buywobenzym.com/SFNT.html<http://www.buywobenzym.com/SFNT.html> I

have taken them and they are amazing at reversing damage and preventing

inflammation. Another natural anti inflammatory product I swear by is

Flexagility Max by Enzymatic Therapy.

http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en & gs_mss=Flexagilit & tok=b0a5IpPc8HoRQ\

gD1dEA2og & cp=15 & gs_id=42 & xhr=t & q=flexagility+max & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.\

osb & biw=1024 & bih=454 & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tbm=shop & cid=10246973245689185226 & sa=X & ei=wFX\

RT_H9NcG06gHj0Y2MAw & sqi=2 & ved=0CI4BEPMCMAI<http://www.google.com/products/catalo\

g?hl=en & gs_mss=Flexagilit & tok=b0a5IpPc8HoRQgD1dEA2og & cp=15 & gs_id=42 & xhr=t & q=flex\

agility+max & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb & biw=1024 & bih=454 & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tb\

m=shop & cid=10246973245689185226 & sa=X & ei=wFXRT_H9NcG06gHj0Y2MAw & sqi=2 & ved=0CI4BEP\

MCMAI> Hope this helps.







question for Ew and anyone who can help

Ew what is the best sprouts and at what amount for inflammation? I have

derivative disk disease threw out my back with Arthritis and on

anti-inflammatory medications and very strong pain meds for this. So anything I

can do to help this out will help. I have already had to have surgery on my neck

to have 2 vertebra fused and a plate and screws put in and get injections in my

back and base of my skull to help with inflammation and pain. Even have nerves

in my lower back burned to help with sciatica pain.


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, that's out of my realm of knowledge, but I'm sure you will get an answer.


question for Ew and anyone who can help

Ew what is the best sprouts and at what amount for inflammation? I have

derivative disk disease threw out my back with Arthritis and on

anti-inflammatory medications and very strong pain meds for this. So anything I

can do to help this out will help. I have already had to have surgery on my neck

to have 2 vertebra fused and a plate and screws put in and get injections in my

back and base of my skull to help with inflammation and pain. Even have nerves

in my lower back burned to help with sciatica pain.


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Ew ty anyway!


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To: sproutpeople

Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2012 7:53 PM

Subject: Re: question for Ew and anyone who can help


, that's out of my realm of knowledge, but I'm sure you will get an answer.


question for Ew and anyone who can help

Ew what is the best sprouts and at what amount for inflammation? I have

derivative disk disease threw out my back with Arthritis and on

anti-inflammatory medications and very strong pain meds for this. So anything I

can do to help this out will help. I have already had to have surgery on my neck

to have 2 vertebra fused and a plate and screws put in and get injections in my

back and base of my skull to help with inflammation and pain. Even have nerves

in my lower back burned to help with sciatica pain.


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, Thanks so much for the info Im going threw it slowly. Only thing is I dont

think I could go on a completely raw green diet. For one My hubby wouldnt go for

that, He has to have his meat and if I smell it im gonna want it too. Although

we are reducing the amount in our diet so thats a plus!


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To: sproutpeople

Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2012 7:32 PM

Subject: Re: question for Ew and anyone who can help


I'm not EW but wanted to throw my 2 cents in. Because of all the beneficial live

enzymes in young sprouts-and broccoli in particular, they can aid in detox and

anti inflammation. I have hip and knee issues and find a raw green diet is

overall helpful for inflammation, as well as some specific herbs which have some

fantastic anti inflammatory properties.....see links below. Another less

publically known anti inflammatory powerhouse is the systemic enzyme supplements

which are fantastic in age reversal and healing and anti inflammatory

properties. The best example of these systemic enzymes is known as Wobenzym.

Other companies make similar products.

http://www.buywobenzym.com/SFNT.html<http://www.buywobenzym.com/SFNT.html> I

have taken them and they are amazing at reversing damage and preventing

inflammation. Another natural anti inflammatory product I swear by is

Flexagility Max by Enzymatic Therapy.

http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en & gs_mss=Flexagilit & tok=b0a5IpPc8HoRQ\

gD1dEA2og & cp=15 & gs_id=42 & xhr=t & q=flexagility+max & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.\

osb & biw=1024 & bih=454 & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tbm=shop & cid=10246973245689185226 & sa=X & ei=wFX\

RT_H9NcG06gHj0Y2MAw & sqi=2 & ved=0CI4BEPMCMAI<http://www.google.com/products/catalo\

g?hl=en & gs_mss=Flexagilit & tok=b0a5IpPc8HoRQgD1dEA2og & cp=15 & gs_id=42 & xhr=t & q=flex\

agility+max & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb & biw=1024 & bih=454 & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tb\

m=shop & cid=10246973245689185226 & sa=X & ei=wFXRT_H9NcG06gHj0Y2MAw & sqi=2 & ved=0CI4BEP\

MCMAI> Hope this helps.







question for Ew and anyone who can help

Ew what is the best sprouts and at what amount for inflammation? I have

derivative disk disease threw out my back with Arthritis and on

anti-inflammatory medications and very strong pain meds for this. So anything I

can do to help this out will help. I have already had to have surgery on my neck

to have 2 vertebra fused and a plate and screws put in and get injections in my

back and base of my skull to help with inflammation and pain. Even have nerves

in my lower back burned to help with sciatica pain.


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Your welcome....and incorporate a little at a time. One of the major causes of

acidity and inflammation in the body is from animal products and refined carbs/

sweets. A starter would be incorporating more of the herbs in meals and/ or as

supplements, and get fresh salads every day. For serious treatment, look closely

at the info on systemic enzymes. True miracle stuff. Best of luck on the


question for Ew and anyone who can help

Ew what is the best sprouts and at what amount for inflammation? I have

derivative disk disease threw out my back with Arthritis and on

anti-inflammatory medications and very strong pain meds for this. So anything I

can do to help this out will help. I have already had to have surgery on my neck

to have 2 vertebra fused and a plate and screws put in and get injections in my

back and base of my skull to help with inflammation and pain. Even have nerves

in my lower back burned to help with sciatica pain.


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By adding more vegetables and sprouts will certainly help.  And if you add in

chicken and fish and not just red meat will help.  Dishes that have smaller

amounts of meat, like lasagna or casseroles may help too so long as not a lot of

fat.  By growing some of your own veggies and sprouting will put healthier food

in your diet as well as saving money (at least once you have things going and

don't have to buy start up things).  It is the direction you are going.  Good

luck to you.

Carolyn Wilkerson


To: " sproutpeople " <sproutpeople >

Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2012 10:48 PM

Subject: Re: question for Ew and anyone who can help


, Thanks so much for the info Im going threw it slowly. Only thing is I dont

think I could go on a completely raw green diet. For one My hubby wouldnt go for

that, He has to have his meat and if I smell it im gonna want it too. Although

we are reducing the amount in our diet so thats a plus!


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To: sproutpeople

Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2012 7:32 PM

Subject: Re: question for Ew and anyone who can help


I'm not EW but wanted to throw my 2 cents in. Because of all the beneficial live

enzymes in young sprouts-and broccoli in particular, they can aid in detox and

anti inflammation. I have hip and knee issues and find a raw green diet is

overall helpful for inflammation, as well as some specific herbs which have some

fantastic anti inflammatory properties.....see links below. Another less

publically known anti inflammatory powerhouse is the systemic enzyme supplements

which are fantastic in age reversal and healing and anti inflammatory

properties. The best example of these systemic enzymes is known as Wobenzym.

Other companies make similar products.

http://www.buywobenzym.com/SFNT.html<http://www.buywobenzym.com/SFNT.html> I

have taken them and they are amazing at reversing damage and preventing

inflammation. Another natural anti inflammatory product I swear by is

Flexagility Max by Enzymatic Therapy.

http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en & gs_mss=Flexagilit & tok=b0a5IpPc8HoRQ\

gD1dEA2og & cp=15 & gs_id=42 & xhr=t & q=flexagility+max & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.\

osb & biw=1024 & bih=454 & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tbm=shop & cid=10246973245689185226 & sa=X & ei=wFX\

RT_H9NcG06gHj0Y2MAw & sqi=2 & ved=0CI4BEPMCMAI<http://www.google.com/products/catalo\

g?hl=en & gs_mss=Flexagilit & tok=b0a5IpPc8HoRQgD1dEA2og & cp=15 & gs_id=42 & xhr=t & q=flex\

agility+max & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb & biw=1024 & bih=454 & um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & tb\

m=shop & cid=10246973245689185226 & sa=X & ei=wFXRT_H9NcG06gHj0Y2MAw & sqi=2 & ved=0CI4BEP\

MCMAI> Hope this helps.







question for Ew and anyone who can help

Ew what is the best sprouts and at what amount for inflammation? I have

derivative disk disease threw out my back with Arthritis and on

anti-inflammatory medications and very strong pain meds for this. So anything I

can do to help this out will help. I have already had to have surgery on my neck

to have 2 vertebra fused and a plate and screws put in and get injections in my

back and base of my skull to help with inflammation and pain. Even have nerves

in my lower back burned to help with sciatica pain.


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Hi Charlotte:

Loved your post about all the shoots you are growing.

This morning, I went to breakfast with my 4 little ziplock bags with sprouts. In

them I added something different than what they had yesterday. I added SUNNIES.

So off I went to the restaurant at 7:15 this morning. The gang was there and I

walked in waving my ziplock bags and announced. SOMETHING new is in these bags.

I gave them out and the waitress said " what are these things? " I said " Sunflower


And there they went, putting them on their sandwiches and going to town.

but the best was when the waitress announced:

" Melody, I'm off on Saturday and Sunday, WHAT AM I GOING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? "

I said " now you know why I want you to learn to grow your own sprouts "

lol lol lol


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I am certainly with you on the sunflower seeds. I buy seeds in 50# bags to fill

my bird feeders. One day I contacted the grower and asked about using them for

sprouts. I was told that they were not organic, but were fit for human

consumption. He told me that he had been contacted by many people about

sprouting and knew of several that do. Even some of his employes. I don't use

them any more because I can get cleaner seeds at a local farm store for a good



Re: question for Ew and anyone who can help

I'm going to (maybe) get shot down in flames here but after all the talk of

bird seed grade black oil sunnies I was reading a thread about them on the UK

raw food network. They were saying that these seeds were fine to sprout, just

rinse them extra well. So, I bought 100g (3 1/2 oz) to try out. I don't have

extensive testing equipment but I pinched some of the water testing stuff my

husband uses for his fish tank. None of the rinse water tested positive for

anything like acid, nitrates etc, and I gave them a ton of extra rinses. As far

as I'm aware from reading about the grubs in these seeds, nothing should be

present within the seeds (they chew out and drop into the soil rendering the

seed damaged and dead) and anything in with the seeds would rinse away... and on

growing, nothing would be actually within the shoots or leaves. I didn't find

any grub damaged seeds (I inspected them throroughly!), just a few mechanically

damaged ones and a very few rogue seeds from other plants. They've grown

beautifully, just as well as my expensive organic seeds. There's more chance of

finding grubs and flies in an iceberg lettuce hehe. I'm happy to grow them, they

may not be the top grade seeds producing huge tasty sunnies but they're still

pretty good.



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According to NutritionData.com:

....The good: This food is low in Sodium, and very low in Saturated Fat and

Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Iron and

Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C,

Vitamin K, Folate and Manganese.

The bad: A large portion of the calories in this food come from sugars....

How would one interpret the " large portion...from sugars " ? One cup of iceberg

lettuce - shredded - has the following nutrition label info:

10 Calories (1 calorie comes from fat)

0 Fat

0 Cholesterol

7mg Sodium

2g Carbohydrate (1 each Dietary Fiber and Sugar)

1g Protein

Also, based on 2000-calories per day, it contains 7% Vitamin A, 3% Vitamin C, 1%

Calcium, and 2% Iron.

Sure, it's not a powerhouse green like spinach, kale or other lettuces, but it's

got more going for it than just being a naturally filtered source of water.

Totally worthy of being included in a greens rotation.



> .


> I have read where Iceberg Lettuce (while it's good when it's chunked up) well

it has NO nutrients at all. Unless you are growing it yourself (so you know

where it came from), why not skip the iceberg and use the sprouts as a basis for

your salads. I've been doing this for years. Saves a lot of money on lettuce

buying. I now grow my own leaf lettuce outside of my door. And now I'm growing

Stevia too!!!

> lol


> Melody


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Wow, I had no idea that iceberg lettuce had some benefits. Thanks very much for

clearing this up.


> >

> > .

> >

> > I have read where Iceberg Lettuce (while it's good when it's chunked up)

well it has NO nutrients at all. Unless you are growing it yourself (so you

know where it came from), why not skip the iceberg and use the sprouts as a

basis for your salads. I've been doing this for years. Saves a lot of money on

lettuce buying. I now grow my own leaf lettuce outside of my door. And now I'm

growing Stevia too!!!

> > lol

> >

> > Melody

> >


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