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Car and Car Air Conditioning/Re: more mold

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Any ideas? How the heck do you NOT cross contaminate a new car...you have to

transfer to the new car!

If you are going to sell or give the car away.. assuming a good vaccuumm and

cleaning will take most spores away and most people can handle, then how to do

that? What about the AC? Any way to clean it out?

Thank you!!



> One of my ongoing big problems with mold is with air conditioners. They keep

getting moldy. I replaced a brand new A/C this year because once it gets a mold

spore in it, I'm finished. No amount of cleaning will help.

> My cars keep getting mold in their a/c's too. I can't use either cars A/C now

(and it's 100 degrees here in NY!). But I can't afford to buy new cars every

time. Plus it seems the A/C's are getting moldy faster and faster (both my cars

are brand new-one is not even a year old yet!). This is something I am going to

have to learn to live with because a solution is not going to happen.

> I keep an open bottle of both rosemary oil and a coriander/olive oil in the

car which seems to combat the moldiness. But as I said I can't use the A/C at

all and leave all 4 windows open all the time-it's like I'm driving a

convertible sometimes with all the wind but I have to use the car.


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My pleasure Robin,  if it helps you or anyone than I have served a




God Bless !!




From: listspub <listspub@...>

Sent: Fri, August 13, 2010 11:41:24 AM

Subject: [] Car and Car Air Conditioning/Re: more mold


Great! Thank you. If I didnt send an email.. thank you Mayleen for thoughts on

dog cleaning. I have GSE here that needs using, so perfect.


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Once again, thanks very much! And thanks Dr. Thrasher for mentioning this topic

and suggesting Carl to reply! 


There is a simple way for a temporary solution to the car A/C


Go to the health food store and buy the 2 oz container of

Citricidal. It's grapefruit seed extract and it comes in a white

plastic bottle with red lettering. It will say for internal use only but

it works great for spraying on plants and into car A/C units.

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I cannot smell the GSE, nor does it irritate my skin as I have taken it and put

it on my skin at the strength it takes to disinfect.


 And boy could I smell stuff.  I can identify cleaners, detergents by product


God Bless !!




From: surellabaer <surellabaer@...>

Sent: Fri, August 13, 2010 12:24:33 PM

Subject: [] Car and Car Air Conditioning/Re: more mold


Carl-if this really works I am going to be so grateful to you! I am assuming the

scent from this is unoffensive and non-toxic. Also I'm not super clear about the

intake and I'm not exactly sure how to get it to exhaust but I will try this!

Anyone following me knows that AC in cars are a BIG BIG problem for me-in fact

I'm driving with a protective mask now because I can't afford a new car.

Thank you!!!!


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Thank you Gil,   not all works for everyone.  I also have car air purifier.

Cover my seats, wash and change them. My babies cannot go in the car unless I

can tolerate them. I wash them frequestly including detox baths now. There are

many steps you can take to prevent...................not that it will work for

everyone.  I am very sensitive.  I for instance could never use lysol. I also

dose my car every now and then with GSE.  It is complicated living like this,

but it has worked for me and my A/C.  


I react to open windows, open recirculation button which means it is probably

not mold but exhaust fumes and chemicals.  First thing is I loose my voice in 2

seconds flat or faster, then my throat swells .  I for myself would need a

cleaner interior, an air purifier, a closed recirc button, thus far it has

worked for me.  As you said though YMMV

God Bless !!




From: Gil Vice <gilvice@...>

sick buildings < >

Sent: Fri, August 13, 2010 3:27:12 PM

Subject: [] Re: Car and Car Air Conditioning/Re: more mold


Mayleen, I think I disagree with you on this. As you point out, many newer cars

have cabin air filters. Most of these filter only outside air entering the AC,

but do not filter recirculating air. If there is absolutely no dust in your car,

great, no problem. But if there is dust, or perhaps you take a pet in the car,

some of that dust and animal dander will enter the AC when it is on recirculate,

potentially contaminating coils and drain pan, leading to mold growth. My car is

a 1996 Ford Contour which has never been run on AC Max, recirculate. The AC

still smells as fresh as when new. And AC mold is my worst trigger. As you point

out, cabin air filters should be changed frequently. I have found that I can get

3 years or more on a filter if I spray a little Lysol on it before installation.

I change it in the spring so I can drive with my windows open until the Lysol

smell is gone. Without Lysol, filters are good for me for 18 months tops.


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