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Re: OT: Seed treatment boom a d...

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my son is so sick he needs medical supervision to detox and he needs big

burly attendantss to wheel him to his next therapeutic activity because

he has overwhelming fatigue and lack of will, you never know when he

will be awake or asleep, and so getting him to do any therapies with

enuf consistency to rule in or out their efficacy is almost mission

impossible, add to that the constant pain, and total digestive tract

dysfunction, phobias, allergies, lung problems, hormonal dysregulation,

in fact dysregulation of all body systems, he has the perfect storm of

symptoms that prevent healing...his outlook in my opinion is poor, i

worry that he is just going to get worse and worse and exit this planet

sooner rather than later, and it is all exhausting me so i have less

energy to put into it that i did initially, if i can't get him in to his

docs to do the iv therapy and other stuff they have him doing now, i

will be looking for an appropriate inpatient clinic after the new year,

he hardly gets out of bed, 21 yo, even the healthiest person would get

sicker and sicker lying there 24/7. at present he is doing dr rea

allergy and autovac shots/drops, avoidance diet but not rotating (i

don't have the time), no candida diet eats sugar, stopped dr. rea's

supplements too many makes him nauseous, can't get him to sauna even

though we now have our own sauna right in the house--doesn't have the

energy or will, starting nutritional ivs, testosterone, on oral and

nasal ketaconazole, about to start docycline, and LENS brain

biofeedback, customized oral supplements which will be fewer pills, i

have no expectation that any of this will help but we shall see.....have

to keep trying anything and everything...

i am the one who could use the spa treatment!! maybe a few years worth,

ha ha ha, hope you are able to do the spa thing, how about gabriel

cousins center in arizona...<http://www.treeoflife.nu/home-index/>

cheers, sue v.

>Hi Sue,


>Not considering going to a clinic. Don't need one. I would just like to

>go to Sanoviv as a total detox Spa experience, though.

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