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Toxicology, Mercury, Autism and being MAD as a HATTER

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Toxicology, Mercury, Autism and being MAD as a HATTER

« The dose makes the poison ».

The favourite Defence of vaccine regulators, High Court judges and Government.

This « expression », from an astrologer, around five hundred years ago is

the mark of the « science » used to find the origins of autism or protect

future babies from the

same or other fates.

Out dated.

Out of credibility. And:

Out of their depth.

While they use any hack chemist or even hackless psychiatrist to bolster up

their crumbling position that to inject thimerosal even in small amounts in

mercury free

versions is safe and:

That chemically the worlds most toxic element, MERCURY, is just fine to inject

into one day babies in the USA or into 2 month babies and repeat monthly until

ill or dead in

UK and is protective of both death and illness and use compliant countries and

money hungry beings with ten times less autism, a hundred times less mercury and


thousand times less scruples, to prove that their action (UK, USA. TOTAL

DISMAY!) of injecting this thimerosal is OK, fine and protective, as government


industry, High Court judges protect Government, while no-one protects families,

babies or even our own future health.

Not so much a « Revolving Door » for claimants of harm as a CLOSED DOOR to

sense, common sense or even simple science.

First they didn't know that mercury was in their vaccines.

Then they abandoned both vaccines and thimerosal inside.

Then they reduced the amount of mercury and called it mercury « FREE ».

And then they watched the figures go through the roof for autism by some sleight

of hand of definitions, recognition and admitting total INABILITY to recognise

an autism

case even if they turned up unwanted at their autism meetings.

But toxicology has move on since it was in the capable hands of an ancient

European astrologist and is now in the totally incapable hands of modern vaccine


Government and lawyers.

Today, we know that injecting the amounts of mercury in December 2010 flu

vaccines can KILL or cause illness to men and women and much more so the unborn


But those mercury free vaccines are not FREE of mercury and while it is hard

using even modern toxicology to explain death or illness from a TOXIC action we

do have

the science of vaccines to help us understand why the mercury « free »

versions are still lethal, dangerous and BAD for babies:

MERCURY « FREE » vaccines are still provably harming our children by using

simple vaccine « know how ».

Sad to say, that in their efforts to protect us from some non infectious illness

(tetanus for example) at or around birth which we have ZERO chance of getting:


« forget » to tell us of the work of a Nobel Prize winning vaccine scientist

Richet and his work on ANAPHYLAXIS, which warns any who choose to


that mercury « free » vaccines are a recipe for allergy, illness and death.

As vaccine makers, regulators and government seem incapable of understanding

simple science and why this reduced amount of mercury is STILL causing autism


making autism rise, I will explain again the proven work of great scientists,

what they don't have time to read, ingest or comprehend.

Professor Richet innoculated and PROTECTED from illness. Vaccines do WORK! But

we know that.

He then PREDICTED DEATH from a repeat vaccine at ten times LESS amounts of

exactly the same vaccine material. Vaccines are powerful and need to be used


care and with expertise rather than stupidity.

His assistant, NON BELIEVING, watched in horror as death came from what he

thought was a SAFER amount of vaccine than he had administered SAFELY before.

Death from vaccines comes as easily as « protection » but only if you are

STUPID, IGNORANT and do not want to SEE what happens AFTER you vaccinate people.

(Harry : Vaccine at 4.30pm dead by 10.30pm. But vaccines are just fine,

mercury vaccines are just finer, and Harry is now « protected » from an

illness (tetanus)

he would never have got in a million years. Vaccine regulators, High Court

judges and Government being: STUPID, IGNORANT and do not want to SEE, that

vaccines, do

kill. So it must be the mum: What Done It!)

Mercury can react with proteins, enzymes, blood in ways we have some idea about

but not all and thereby when we inject mercury, we are « protecting »

against many

things other than that intended. We are sensitising some, to even minute amounts

of mercury or their compounds injected before.

When we repeat for those sensitised, we are giving the equivalent to a « Kiss

of Death » or lifetime Illness from repeat injections of mercury « free »

vaccines which

have enough mercury to now elicit an ALLERGIC reaction. When that same mercury

compound is reinjected, we are repeating and proving that Richet and his work on

ANAPHYLAXIS is true, still works and explains why one in a hundred or whatever

the experts will agree to, is the PRICE we pay, to save one vaccine preventable

illness MAYBE but MAYBE not.

Getting out mercury from vaccines is not:

Leaving enough inside for ALLERGIES and tens of millions more VICTIMS.

Changing one neurotoxin for another, so we can « prove » any neurotoxin is

just FINE for baby, finer for the foetus and don't ask us: We are the


Giving repeat vaccines, IDENTICAL, in some macho way of denying Nobel Prize

winners work as it is now HISTORY, in our « KNOW IT ALL » society that KNOWS

NOTHING except how to kill and make people ill and CLAIM:

Dont ask us. We are:


Toxicology, Mercury, Autism and being MAD as a HATTER

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