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vaccines have BENEFITS

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Vaccines have BENEFITS

Flu jabs for the French when it was the

2009 H1N1 season presented KNOWN serious health issues not from the

illness but from the vaccine.

These are documented not by ACTIVISTS

but by the industry that developed the vaccine.

Of course, UNKNOWN or presumed unknown

problems arise too.

One Euopean country with a batch for

its nation was EXPRESSLY told NOT to « Quality Check »

the vaccine as this had been done already as part of the deal. With

the problems of the language barrier, the vaccines although in short

supply were first checked again on animals, which is the NORMAL

testing done in TRIALS, BEFORE more sets of trials on humans, before

passing out as SAFE. There was not the expected or unexpected death

to a few animals. Fine? Not really; as ALL the test animals DIED.

But the French ALSO got a bad lot of

vaccines in 2009. No complaints from the Government yet though.

Strange that.

MORE than 95 per cent of the French

public REFUSED these VERY BAD vaccines.

Messages getting through?

But lets model the BENEFITS of flu


Take TWO groups of 60 persons.


PUBLIC SPIRITED group all get their flu vaccines SAFELY. Yes, it does

happen USUALLY!

During the winter they will be expected

to have just ONE of those people getting the flu.

With good medical care this person will

make a good recovery in two weeks.

So 59 are vaccinated and protected for

4 viruses and get through the winter safely.

They were vaccine unprotected for

around 996 viruses however.

During the winter they can ALL be

expected to get immunity for say 2 more viruses without illness


So 6 viruses are protected for in the

run up to next years flu vaccine season by our group of VACCINEES.

But the four viruses for which they

were vaccinated induces ABNORMAL immune responses.

The consequence of this is not clear.

They will thankfully have developed

normal viral resistance to two types of virus naturally.

But the vaccine contained mercury, a

known and potent neurotoxin in large amounts.

Four more vaccine seasons and their

risk of later development of AD (Alzheimer Disease) is reckoned by

many scientists to go up tenfold (many agree with the scientist who

arrived at this figure).

The vaccine in some POOR nations will

have squalene linked to Gulf War Syndrome, a mysterious malady that

most people will get the diagnosis from their vaccine doctor that

they are FAKERS. Some can be expected to die of the FAKERS, FATAL

psychosomatic illness.

There is a long list of ingredients for

which we ONLY know one thing for SURE. They have ABSOLUTELY no place

in our bodies.

In any event these illnesses or faking

come on long after the vaccine is forgotten about. The vaccine will

NEVER get the blame. It NEVER gets the blame when people drop DEAD

straight after vaccines.

But Roll-On costs for ill health,

hospital care and psychiatric treatment for « PAUVRE

CLOCHARDS » produces trillions of dollars for Big HARMA and the

medical care industry just gets Bigger and Better. More capable of

costing its government more BUCKS than has ever been known in that

countries history.

Imagine a group of DELIQUENTS,


not to get the vaccine.

For our group of 60 there will be just

less than TWO getting the flu. (These from the industry figures


In a fortnight these DELINQUENTS

probably without spending money on medication will fully recover.

They will ALL have been subjected to

ALL four of the many viruses causing flu like conditions as the

industry will have done its research well into the types around that

winter. In addition they may get two more unexpected different

viruses not forseen by the vaccinides as the vaccinees got.

So at the end of the winter they will

be all well and have NORMAL viral resistance to six winter viruses.

The resistance will be the NORMAL

response built up over generations.

They will not have residual NEUROTOXIC

mercury in their brains or squalene or aluminium lurking in muscle

tissue as nodules or encased by dead macrophages et al.

Their health will be NORMAL for the

human race for the rest of their lives.

So where are the BENEFITS?

It is clear they are ALL for the

vaccine industry, the medicare industry and not for:


and not for:


But again with LOBBYING (lobbying means

MONEY and JOBS when not in government) means the GOVERNMENT of today

cannot see the problems inflicted by MYOPIC policy on tomorrows


Vaccines have BENEFITS

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