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Epidemiology is a vast subject and can

and has been used to good advantage in the past and no doubt in times

to come.

It is also a tool of those who want to

retain the status quo. Vaccines have always drawn much criticism and

epidemiology is the perfect weapon to keep the vaccination KILLERS in


Dr L Magos mentions that epidemiology

is hardly the best scientific tool to use when events (adverse events

for example) are at 5 per cent or less.

Vaccine adverse events should be MUCH

lower than 5 per cent and hence the use of ordinary epidemiology is

indeed totally FARCICAL.

Imagine back in the 1960's when a

smallpox vaccine had a chance of going wrong once in 50 million


Given to strapping, healthy people of

several years of age they induce little more than momentary pain if


Today, observation by vaccine companies

tells us of 4 cases of 5 of complaints after Gardasil vaccines. How

times have changed.

Epidemiology of any modern vaccine will

prove its harmlessness but is ill equiped to tell us of that chance

in a million of harm.

Even if it could; what a waste of

energy to check through a million patients to find the one that ends

in disaster. Hardly the trait of most humans?

Simple OBSERVATION beats epidemiology

every day. Millions of vaccines are given and when there are

complaints; roll in the big guns and do the research. Why, when, how

and all that money spent on a million people who reacted normally and

were protected by their vaccine can now be spent both in time and

money on that one poor person paying for the good public health of

the rest of us.

It doesn't work like this at present.

Vaccine companies are protected. They can put poison in their

products and little can be done. Probably the most is to withdraw a

vaccine and leave that company with a vaccine base of ZERO. Poison is

put in 2012 vaccines so it is no theoretical idea. The current flu

vaccines include those that would prove toxic to any test unless

diluted 200 fold. Is this the stuff that people lose jobs or get sent

to prison for if they refuse them?

A recent bad reaction to a vaccine case

in England took 18 years to get through the legal process and obtain

an award fractional to that of the time for vaccine failure. Other

multiple adverse effects from vaccines cases were funneled to one

only legal team where by subtle or not so subtle destruction of the

reputation of intelligent researchers the legal process was abandoned

by the power and might of the administration. Why were people so daft

as to put their trust in one person in a real and not always honest

world. Individual claims are expensive but the courts have to pay for

obstructing justice and hence to do so involves high risks and high

costs for winners or losers. Justice was denied whether the parents

were in the right or wholly mistaken in their claims of MMR harm.

Tens of millions of pounds soaked up for more and more proof and then

cynically the case thrown out before reaching any court. A claim

openly admitted by the withdrawal of several such MMR vaccines

implicated by the parents in their children's illness. Not so much

false claims by parents as heaping government immunity on top of

government immunity given to the vaccine companies. How can the claim

be baseless when most MMR vaccines were withdrawn? The answer of

course is Might is Right. And a million dead babies and tens of

millions injured is the sign of the puissance of government who dont

care, wont care or are not governing. And the Big HARMAS have no

shame anyway.

One such company with a name most

people will never have heard of, had their vaccine withdrawn

officially in England because they didn't WORK. My own idea is that

it may be implicated in DEATHS simply because out of 29 people

injected with this vaccine that I knew of, one died while in perfect

health shortly after from a brain illness. Ie. from simple

observation. Add to this concerns of people investigating more brain

illnesses in England it seems as if to date this link is not even

being checked in PUBLIC for harm but may be known about in PRIVATE?

Why else withdraw a vaccine so BADLY needed in England except that it

causes HARM rather than has a less than 100 per cent protection rate.

Surely some protection is better than NONE? And why give HUGE sums

AUTOMATICALLY and IMMEDIATELY ( ie not after 18 years) for certain

brain illnesses in English children? Strange that!

Add to this; large sums of money given

by that company to support political parties (LABOUR) in England

(lobbying!?) and the companies links to huge BIG PHARMA groups such

as Chiron and particularly Novartis (ex CIBA ex … ex … etc etc)

and you wonder if even the companies that make todays vaccines are

100 per cent sure of their ultimate safety. Why hide vaccine

production behind unknown front companies distancing yourself from

the total protection you already have obtained from government?

No, Epidemiolgy NEVER works to give

blame to vaccines and is not a blunt tool but a cover up tool to

avoid admitting harm from UNSAFE and EXPERIMENTAL vaccines.

Why was this vaccine withdrawn? Not

from epidemiology but from simple OBSERVATION. Observation to me it

kills (simple observing) but to government that it doesn't work

(political, it cost BILLIONS to admit the truth?)

Parents OBSERVE that their child dies

after a vaccine, gets a bad reaction or descends from good health to

permanent bad health. Treatments cost a fortune, take a long time and

show small improvements. OBSERVATION and not EPIDEMIOLOGY is the key

to protecting ourselves from BAD vaccines and making sure companies,

regulators and usines give us the SAFE vaccines we demand.

At present OBSERVATION is being

DENIGRATED. ANECDOTAL! If we used this denigration everywhere we

would be at the level of being BRAINLESS morons. Big Pharma cannot

stand it when people OBSERVE death shortly after using their


But human nature, if we care to study,

shows us also that VERY FEW people will LOBBY effectively for changes


back to that which we USED to have: VERY VERY SAFE vaccines. And a

measured use sparingly to people who had resistance to toxins and

dirty ingredients. Big Pharma actually laugh literally ALL THE WAY

TO THE BANK. They pay lip service to the law and to the public. In

fact they make products and their safety checks are illusionary.

Government FAILS in its duty to protect

us from such NON industry whose only motive is PROFIT, which they

share handsomely with a government meant to serve the public and not

those who pay under the counter..

It is for government to say if Big

Pharma goods are good and sadly they are MASSIVELY ILL EQUIPPED for

the task and pass laws which turn ILL EQUIPEDNESS to MASSIVE ILLNESS

for the people they have been elected to serve.

Protection from KILLER illnesses is

NEEDED where people want their child vaccinated and protected and

departing from todays practice:

Forced vaccinations for those ALREADY

vaccine damaged.


250 000 adverse reactions to vaccines

reported by medical professionals who do not LIE but do OBSERVE.


EPIDEMIOLOGY which does LIE. As do its

practioners like Professor Sir Doll who are in the pay or

were of Big Pharma.

Governments lie or omit as for example

in withholding important information and regulations for mercury in

2004 USA while arming the worlds government with false assurance that

mercury is SAFE for children in their vaccines.

What a mess! What a LIE. And for the

millions that suffer we have:


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