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VACCINIDE policies are GOOD policies ?

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Le Roy girls: A cause seeking an


All is not well in the VACCINIDE


I read the interim report and was left

feeling lost.


No author puts their name to this

document. Is it surprising?

Strangely simplistic but leaving little

doubt most had received the gardasil vaccines while not explaining

why some hadn't.

We know already that 25 per cent of the

others claimed not to have the vaccine did have it.

75 per cent truth and maybe less? 25

per cent lies and RISING?

Original reports claimed as few as two

had the vaccine. Preliminary evidence of 25 per cent truth. 75 per

cent LIES.

Epidemiology that damned mercury and

Pinks Disease was based on less than 25 per cent evidence suggesting

mercury. BUT it was MERCURY.

To demand 100 per cent accuracy or

guilt for vaccines is not possible by such crude means of analysis.

But it is ONLY girls getting ILL.

Also lacking in this report was any

detail as to the REAL health state of the girls. Plenty of they are

FAKING it though.

On reflection, the report is a

whitewash of pollution, infection and vaccine harm but more

importantly, more worryingly and in total arrogance there is

ABSOLUTELY no GENUINE consideration for the girls or their state of

health or lack of it. 100 per cent ARROGANCE. ZERO real interest.

We know they had tics but this can mean

lots of things. Were there other illness signs. They talk of just

four and their ASO status. Implying a link to vaccines in my view.

The report not only gives no credence

to the family or the girls but actively seeks to blame them for

causing a scene and publicity for their IMAGINARY condition.

Not as if but a deliberate: Please keep

quiet and don't rock the boat and just get over this imagination,

fabrication and machination.

The diagnosis for the girls is a

straight insult, like the vaccines mentioned but more important those

vaccines not mentioned and possibly more recent.

I certainly hope future reports are

nearer 100 per cent accurate and not floating around 25 per cent to

75 per cent of lies, obfuscation or plain inability to understand

what is going on at Le Roy.

Tics are indisputably linked to

vaccines and their is no science, no authority, inside or outside

government, regulation or inductry that denies this.

Is there mention of the research of Tom

Verstraeten from the CDC or that of Dr E and Prof B

from the UK Health Service on links from vaccines to tics? Not a

mention is seen.

ASO indicates some possible link to an

infectious unleashing an auto immune problem. The nearest to a TRUE

explanation of the disorder seen.

Also a limited link to mercury and tics

but no mention of the girls exposure to mercury vaccines. As

teenagers they will be certain to have received Hep B mercury

vaccines at birth and mercury is a known element which builds up

during life in organisms. Negative findings for mercury mean nothing

except that mercury is locked up safely or unsafely somewhere in

their bodies. I can't see mercury challenge testing done on these or

controls or any sign they are conversant with such knowledge that is

available to tackle this issue of health where costs are being born

by the authorities.

Rather less blaming the girls and

little more science and openness is needed to make progress unless

the aim is lies, obfuscation and to continue to destroy the quality

of life for these girls, the USA nation and all those that follow

both in USA and where they export their vaccines.

The very fact that only girls appear to

be involved immediately directs suspicion towards gardasil. If only

boys got this vaccine as well, then everyone could share the tics

except that in their ignorance possibly they forget boys suffer much

more and we may see this hysteria shift firmly to the male side of

current USA disorders and unhealth that has taken USA from top to

bottom in the space of an astonishing 20 years in the struggle to

maintain and not destroy health.

Not only failure in the local search

for cause but repeated on the national scale too with an arguable one

in three or one in six with similar and PERMANENT neurological


Even in this inadequate report we see

mention of previous tics making yet again a nonsense of statement

that the timings don't add up to gardasil.

More detail may actually reveal the

link to vaccines and with all girls getting this to date the gloves

are off to hide or prove gardasil cause or involvement.

Vaccines are undeniably essential but

as people say; quite where is the need for short term protection for

people at risk from casual sex at age one hour after birth or even

protection from having an autistic child when you are nine months

old. It's not partial but TOTAL LUNACY. This vaccine is nigh on

BANNED in France for ADULTS so imagine for one hour babies. The

litigation for harm to ADULTS is ongoing and huge.

We know puberty comes early but at age

one hour or nine months stretches credulity to the limit as much as

that infamous we got mercury out of vaccines 12 years ago when

clearly it rests in flu vaccines clearly linked to TICS and for which

we have NO DATA in this unsigned, incomplete interim paper.

We already know that vaccines if they

eliminate disease provide a freedom for those that follow but

conversely the forces of evil maintain the vaccine industry with the

threat of reintroducing past illness and those of new man-made

illness. The known development of vaccines has already manifested in

accidental release of dangerous pathogens.

PANDAS being one such possible new

style DISORDER precipitated by vaccine OVER USE.

Looking briefly at mass hysteria we

normally see this effect if it exists at the same time. The hysteria

of pop fans for example isn't reflected by them getting hysterical at

the time, one months after their view of their idol and 6 months

after. The spread of the illness for Le Roy is NOT that of mass

hysteria or MINOR hysteria. It smacks of some infection or pollutant

as a trigger or the sole cause of this but then a sole cause means

why not boys too whereas a trigger after gardasil would explain

easily the reverse of what is normally expected; ie all girls when

normally you get 4 times as many boys with this disorder.

Le Roy girls a cause seeking



Recent info on vaccines to go with

millions of others.


The summary again.

And again note at the start of this

document that 20 per cent of the nation get these tics. So TRUE.

Looking at the videos of the girls and their prolonged ABSENCE from

school, the complacency of this statement astounds me. Lack of

concern and interest « PAUVRE CLOCHARDS »? Keep quiet,

you are NOT alone!

And at the end of the same document the

doleful statement: We provide interested families with health care …

No initial mention of those with this

disorder - the girls. Girls first and foremost. The parents don't

seek health care good or bad, they just want FACTS. And the girls

don't want TICS, they want GOOD HEALTH. But after masses of mercury,

aluminium, organophosphate vaccines and the final insult of a girls

ONLY vaccine recently? And not to mention the hundreds they will be

looking forward too in the future.

I get the distinct impression that this

disorder is genuinely present in one child in five as the report says

so accurately and that these children and their symptoms are of

ABSOLUTELY no concern to the USA health service as 20 per cent can be

expected to get these disorders as part of the 2012 method of making

the USA nation the worst healthiest of all those who practice

immunisations but to a lesser, more spread out and later action.

In other words these girls get what

millions get because of their vaccines and they need to take their

shots, get over the minor side effects, shut up and NOT make a fuss

or prevent the continued, increased aand ever more effects that we

can expect in future from future EXPANSION of the vaccinide policy.

The health authorities are GENUINELY

concerned that such MINOR health issues must not get this adverse

publicity or ANY publicity and worse the belief to the public that

they really present real illness in the real sense that such minor

conditions would add ten fold or up to a thousand fold to the already

too high number of VAERS records (heading towards the million?). They

are not illnesses, diorders or conditions. They are signs of GOOD


As Verstreaten and E imply TICS

– yes they are vaccine caused.

But what are TICS.

They are a NOTHING illness. Not even an

ILLNESS. They are normal states of HEALTH in 2012 USA.

SADLY they are a sign that all is not

well in the USA health and vaccinide industry

Le Roy girls: A cause seeking an


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