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COUNCIL'S DISMISSAL OF HEALTH CARE CONCERNS- CHEMICAL SPRAYING Moreton Bay Regional Council's spraying of dangerous chemicals

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ATTENTIONDear Mayor,       And Ms Cecily Draper and CouncillorsYou must stop spraying your poisons in my street and nearby - the data  I am giving you here is the tip of the iceberg.

I refer to my email below to you and my phone conversation with a member of your  Council  Cecily Draper on Thursday 29th March, 2012 wherein she advised me that I won't have a written reply from council after it goes to your legal department for approx. a month so that is after Council elections, so I thought it necessary to write to you before the Council elections, not that I think you would care after the appalling response I had from Cecily Draper to my request to not be exposed to the dangerous poisons that you spray up and down our streets and in MY GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY - this poison making me sick, affecting my heart, giving me mind crushing headaches, shortness of breath, aching throat and sore neck....     Do you care apparently not one bit  .............    and your claim that because it is approved it is safe, you are dead wrong all of you.

Like the incompetent ninny in your EHU back in Jan. 2002 when the neighbour next door sent his family out and had a duel filtered mask on and power sawed through ASBESTOS SHEETING - I desperately trying to close my house up and protect my family and dog - when I rang your Council I was told by your 'expert'  in the 'Environmental Health unit'   ' I wouldn't be concerned about you or other close neighbours I'd only be concerned about anyone close such as their children,  there's a safety distance of a few metres' '  I said 'how stupid there is no safety distance you had all  better learn about asbestos and that the particles fly around everywhere endangering everyone in the near by neighbourhood, he power sawed through dry asbestos sheeting' - I hung up in disgust, tried everyone else including Dutton who all just past the ball onto somebody else ....................

your Environmental health Units are a joke, especially when you spray chemicals around everywhere exposing men, women, children, babies, pets to these poisons and you are all clueless as to the cumulative and long term health and mental health effects - your 'sprayers have no protective clothing or masks.

Please find news clipping attached, the only media interested in this was the Queensland Independent in the asbestos debacle mentioned above. 

Cecily Draper informs me that you will go about your business as usual  herbicide spraying  with utter contempt and disregard for my health complaints and concerns over your herbicide sprayings,  and tells me that you do not have to notify residents of any sprayings nor do you have to stop spraying and ' that you will continue with your programs because of maintenance issues - there are some weeds that impact peoples' health causing asthma'. 

I reminded her that these dangerous chemicals are doing a lot more than that and the effect of peoples' health and I demand that you stop the spraying - to which I was advised that this will not be happening.

I told her I wanted this in writing and she said it will go to the legal department and take about a month (after Council elections)  so I hope everyone does something about this.    I have paid rates to you people for 37 years (so many Council rules and regulations we're damn near told when to do no. 1's and 2's) well,  I hereby demand that you stop spraying these dangerous chemicals in my street and nearby streets as I WANT TO TAKE CONTROL TO PROTECT MY HEALTH which we are told to you and you should CONSIDER YOUR ACTIONS. 

I am absolutely appalled and disgusted with you and hope that your so called Environmental Health unit reconsiders this arrogant and wilful stance and decides to comply with my request to not be exposed to these poisons that not only affect me but would affect a lot of people, many not realising the effects - not to mention you are polluting the waterways with all these poisons which anybody else would surely be fined for. 

I will attach extensive evidence on the dangers of the chemicals you are spraying and call for the council to exert common sense and respect in this matter and do not spray chemicals in my street 4 Mia Street, Kallangur or the streets near my home.  My son is particularly chemically sensitive also.   The neighbour across the road was furious about the spraying also, she hand weeds or uses chemical free means - as an Environmental Health Unit???   you should respect my request and care for our health and look for chemical free means - you should study Integrated Pest Management.

Your Environmental Health Unit should also be addressing and demanding an end to the dangerously corrosive and cumulative fluorosilicic acid/silicofluoride poisoning of our water supplies (known as 'fluoridation'), hence contaminating not only us all, but all our waterways - you are all failing woefully in your duty of care to protect the health and safety of the population or have we deteriorated as a Society to such an extent that this is now irrelevant to you all and that your fat pay cheques are all that counts;   prove to me this is not the case and fix the mess we are in once and for all.

Yours faithfully,      Diane Drayton Buckland, Kallangur.



PREVIOUS EMAIL: From: Diane Drayton Buckland Sent: Wednesday, 28 March 2012 12:59 PMTo: MayorSubject: Moreton Bay Regional Council's spraying of dangerous chemicals

Dear Mayor Sutherland,   Moreton Bay Regional Council       QueenslandDo Council ever listen ?    do Council ever respect a duty of care ?     may I suggest that your " Health and Environment Department "   look at stopping spraying these dangerous poisons around everywhere exposing us all to these potent toxins/neurotoxins, which also end up in the waterways -  in their widespread programs of 'weed killing'  and access chemical-free means of weed control.    The Head of the Dept. Cecily Draper is apparently going to phone me back at some stage about my complaint and I want to make sure by contacting you that this never ever happens again and somebody cares enough to act on it.

I am furious with the MORETON BAY REGIONAL COUNCIL for years we were on their DO NOT SPRAY REGISTER (to stop them spraying the dangerous weed killers in our gutters and street and streets nearby to us) and they have just sprayed this dangerous poison all up and down our street this morning - they just don't care - my neighbours  are also furious as they've been out and hand-dug weeds and also sprayed a chemical-free mixture -and don't want these dangeorus poisons sprayed -  The person I spoke to  (Adam) at the MBRC said they changed their schedule last year- well how come a do not spray register entry gets removed???? - these poisons are so dangerous and make me and my chemically sensitive son so ill - horrendous headaches and feel like I'm having a heart attack and feel like I've been hit by a bat - and yes I'd also like to avoid parkinson's disease  and other neurological damage from these neurotoxic poisons !!! - spent 22 minutes on the phone after the poison spraying  and the fellow  (Adam) told me the team leader of operations will have to get back to me - people should start contacting their councils and tell them they should not be spraying these dangerous poisons around anywhere.   One uninformed ignoramus once said to me that " this stuff is so safe you can drink it "   that is the mentality you are dealing with.   I am furious you cannot escape these poisons even at one's own home!!!  sprayed up and down the streets even with men, women, children, babies and pets walking everywhere and  in shopping centres outside you see the 'poison herbicide sprayers' spraying everywhere - absolute and abysmal failure of duty of care to protect the health and safety of the population (and your 'employed sprayers' no masks or protective clothing either) from these insidious poisons.  Will you ever listen ?  I doubt I'll even get the courtesy of a reply.

Please consider the small amount of information on these dangerous chemicals as hereunder and start to protect the health and safety of the people for a change:-



Brief extract: Over 100 peer reviewed papers have been published by Huber and other scientists on the detrimental effects of glyphosate. Glyphosate increases disease in plants (as well as animals), prompting Huber to write to the Secretary of Agriculture. It may be linked to many health problems in animals and humans, which are an added cost to all the failed promises of a new agricultural technology that would feed the world. As Huber concluded, the “public trust has been betrayed.”    http://www.biosafety-info.net/article.php?aid=873  





(Will include this on pesticides also)PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES   POISONS DANGER   http://poisonedpeople.com       and                                    http://poisoningandlegalaction.com.au 

OP INSECTICIDES  http://www.markpurdey.com/news_the_cause_of_bse.htm

Glyphosate formulations induce apoptosis and necrosis in human umbilical, embryonic, and placental cells


 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19105591?ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum


Benachour N, Séralini GE.

UniVersity of Caen, Laboratory Estrogens and Reproduction, UPRES EA 2608, Institute of Biology, Caen 14032, France.

We have evaluated the toxicity of four glyphosate (G)-based herbicides in Roundup formulations, from 10(5) times dilutions, on three different human cell types. This dilution level is far below agricultural recommendations and corresponds to low levels of residues in food or feed. The formulations have been compared to G alone and with its main metabolite AMPA or with one known adjuvant of R formulations, POEA. HUVEC primary neonate umbilical cord vein cells have been tested with 293 embryonic kidney and JEG3 placental cell lines. All R formulations cause total cell death within 24 h, through an inhibition of the mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase activity, and necrosis, by release of cytosolic adenylate kinase measuring membrane damage. They also induce apoptosis via activation of enzymatic caspases 3/7 activity.

This is confirmed by characteristic DNA fragmentation, nuclear shrinkage (pyknosis), and nuclear fragmentation (karyorrhexis), which is demonstrated by DAPI in apoptotic round cells. G provokes only apoptosis, and HUVEC are 100 times more sensitive overall at this level. The deleterious effects are not proportional to G concentrations but rather depend on the nature of the adjuvants. AMPA and POEA separately and synergistically damage cell membranes like R but at different concentrations. Their mixtures are generally even more harmful with G. In conclusion, the R adjuvants like POEA change human cell permeability and amplify toxicity induced already by G, through apoptosis and necrosis. The real threshold of G toxicity must take into account the presence of adjuvants but also G metabolism and time-amplified effects or bioaccumulation. This should be discussed when analyzing the in vivo toxic actions of R.

This work clearly confirms that the adjuvants in Roundup formulations are not inert. Moreover, the proprietary mixtures available on the market could cause cell damage and even death around residual levels to be expected, especially in food and feed derived from R formulation-treated crops.


Diane Drayton Buckland 

Kallangur resident since 1975

Independent Chemical Researcher/ActivistFIA website | MCS website | Profile

  Fluoride  Causes Cancer – Dr Yiamouyiannis                                           http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1 & feature=endscreen & v=SYxLRtudYM4

Fluoride Causes Cancer - Dr. Dean Burk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqK7XvfLg0 

 “Our studies show that cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, bladder, breast and ovaries are those primarily associated with fluoride intake.”                 Yiamouyiannis PhD, Cancer Control Journal, Vol. 5, no’s1 + 2, p. 75.

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The views expressed in this email and any attachments are the personal views of the sender unless otherwise stated.


Diane Drayton Buckland 

Independent Chemical Researcher/Activist

FIA website |

MCS website |





http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1 & feature=endscreen & v=SYxLRtudYM4                             “Our studies show that cancers of the

gastrointestinal tract, kidney, bladder, breast            and ovaries are those primarily

associated with fluoride intake " .                                             Yiamouyiannis PhD, Cancer Control Journal, Vol. 5, no’s1 +

2, p. 75.



Dean Burk - Former

Chief of Cytochemistry at National Cancer Institute for 30 years     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqK7XvfLg0 

FLUORIDE'S LINK TO CANCER - DR. DAVID KENNEDY                                         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um4baHtxsR4


AND CANCER   http://www.fluoridealert.org/health/cancer/index.aspx

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