Guest guest Posted January 20, 2012 Report Share Posted January 20, 2012 ALL in the MIND NOT The attitude of the doctors at Le Roy reinflame the old idea of FREUD that any illness which is not infectious must be a psychotic or hysterical state. So the doctors in New York imply that the 6 girls and then 12 girls at the school are descending to a hysterical state which the doctors sympathetically call CONVERSION DISORDER. In France the attitudes to AUTISM follow the same idea that the mother is a COLD mother and the child being intelligent reacts to the COLDNESS of the mother. In Le Roy School, the refusal to state if and when and who of the girls have had the GARDASIL vaccine and the fact that post GARDASIL for millions of girls has presented with tens of thousands of ADVERSE EVENTS which are now common in girls around the world and have started since circa 2006 puts the lie to this FREUDIAN idea of ill health. A very expensive ENVIRONMENTAL survey at Le Roy School revealed NOTHING and this would include TOXIC HAZARD in the school and from the local outside environments eg. Chemical plants etc etc (eg et al). The survey itself gives the lie to the: Its in the mind idea. The Tourette type symptoms are so close to the adverse effects of GARDASIL that the very fact all victims are girls makes extremely likely this is the cause. Where are all the hysterical boys? Past health hazards always come up with some confounders and it is not necessary for EVERY one of these girls to have had GARDASIL. Human failings of recall or even fraud are sadly common as shown by the very denial so far of any vaccine effect. As the adverse reactions are common and there are now boys and girls getting this toxic injection down to the age of 9, it has criminal motives if doctors et al at the school do not reveal ALL information relating to the VACCINE status of these girls and others at the school so far unaffected. There is indeed enough cause to lay a formal complaint for ATTEMPTED MURDER. My simple calculations give the ADVERSE EFFECT at around 6 per cent which is quite in keeping with vaccine trials here in Europe. Looking at possible similar events, we can see that there are many. The internet has a book relating in its 2 000 pages the adverse effects from GARDASIL in its very short life. The laws of LIABILITY are such that it is the doctor that must be complained against as the government, regulators and vaccine companies have a mesh, web or shield of total protection from MASS MURDER even from vaccines. In some countries NEUROTOXINS are forbidden in vaccines but are actually recommended indirectly for children before they take their first breath. Looking for the SAFETY trials on this GARDASIL VACCINE reveals the astounding fact that it was scrapped because of the harm to those being injected with an unknown mix which left out the active part of GARDASIL. IE the vaccine was too dangerous in the form without the active ingredients but safe in the mix which has resulted in so many complaints out of all proportion to ANY other modern vaccine. Just what did they put in the CONTROL jabs that made the authorities call a halt. And why was the GARDASIL proven safe when it had not finished its trials for efficacy? The safety tests on GARDASIL were PREMATURELY abandoned and the rising incident of extreme adverse GARDASIL effects makes on wonder the real reason for abandoning the trials. Do the developers really hold to the safety belief for GARDASIL today? Having supported vaccines without thought for 50 years it came as a shock to realise that dozens of experts who had reservations were being reasonable in their concern. More they have proof or past and present harm. High numbers of complaints before 1990 were temporarily halted for earlier vaccines by bringing on a policy of actually using vaccine harm as a whip to incarcerate parents for the fault of the vaccine. Increasingly we were seeing first accusations of strangulation and then shaking. Today it moves ever onward to new accusations as first strangling and then shaking are proved ficitious. The figure seen of 900 000 such potential SBS cases each year ALL with the exact same MO of crime means it cannot be the millions of parents who would act differently but the common denominator of the much fewer vaccines with many points in common. The Le Roy school incident is one more step in this process. Impossible to accuse parents of teenagers that parents have battered them they fall back on the old ruse of accusing the girls of making up their symptoms. The parents have no experience of the vaccine harm and the long length from injection to harm that can be from immediate to the next day month year or longer. Richet showing harm from repeat vaccines. HPV involves three rounds of the SAME vaccine. ANAPHYLAXIS for all can be expected. More recently the protein first discovered in EVERY person with CANCER is now turning up in the three days after vaccines at rates up to every single person injected. The immediate consequence is that of potential headaches, pain in the body, seizures and in the long term a greater risk of cancer. No proper scientific safety tests are being done with modern vaccines and harm as here at Le ROY is denied and those who can prove vaccine harm ar ethemselves losing grants, jobs and careers. When will this GENOCIDE be controlled? NOT ALL in the MIND Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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