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Urgent, please help!

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thankyou to everyone that replied and sorry about my delay in reponding. Im now

almost 100% sure that mold is a major problem. I have been sleeping in the

loungeroom for the last week and itchyness in ears has gone away and have been

taking lots of oregano oil which seems to have helped, i have had another

infection which has made me feel rough and got it when i was on hol away from

house, but it seems to have cleared up. However its started raining here since

yesterday and today i have had the following symptoms 'air hunger' which ive had

previously and assumed that it was an adrenal thing, weakness in muscles,

tiredness, itchy red eyes, bags under eyes, twitchy eyes, itchyness in ears,

clenching of calf muscles, sore throat, bags, clear mucous coming from vag,

crawling skin, mild headache, forgetfullness, later nausea. Boyfriend slept in

and has massive rings under his eyes.

I may have mentioned that ive gotten full blown mcs in the last few months ie

the spreading phenomena where everything chemical bothers me. now i think ive

found the cause for sure. Can mold stress all organs as i had one of those

electrodermal or meridian assesment tests done a year ago which showed stress to

pretty much every organ, liver spleen lungs kidney adrenals etc etc. He said i

was being exposed to mercury so spent a long time investigating that. I also had

lead levels off the chart so spent ages investigating that. He did say i had

some sort of inhalent allergy but i had no idea what he was talking about and

didnt pursue it any further.

Ok so my symptoms are all screaming mold and obviously i need to get the hell

out of here. I could go to my mums but arent i likely to take the spores along

with me and infect her house? I probably have since i stayed there a week ago. I

want to leave but i dont know how or what to do. I could sleep in the car but no

doubt there are spores in therre.

Do i really need to throw out everything and start again? Arent there spores

everywhere, or is it more that we become sensitiesed and there would be a large

number in our clothes? I threw the matress out and there is no mould growing

anywhrere in the living space. There is no way im checking in the roof cavity as

there is likely a lot of lead dust up there and i would also be terrified to

breath in even larger amounts of spores.

Please help me with where to go tonight and what to do i dont want to

contaminate my mums place and i find all of this too hard to understand by

myself though ive tried. Im sitting outside in the mild rain with my ipad and

feeling better than inside.

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