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My son is 4 and can't swallow any tablets or capsules. I bought an

inexpensive pestle and mortar and crush all his tablets and add them

to his drinks, or apple sauce or the like.

Hope this helps,


> >Epsom salt soaks work just as well for most people as mag.


> Or put epsom salt & water in a spray bottle and spray his arms and

> legs.







> I bought some magnesium citrate but my son age 12 won't attempt to

> > swallow them, too large. Can anyone suggest a product that we


> > use.

> >

> > Am I right in thinking for neurological purposes I could give


> to

> > him on an empty stomache, up to 500 milligrams per dose. How


> > times a day?

> >

> > Bonnie

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  • 1 month later...


Polymyalgia Rheumatica is a form of fibromyalgia with many points of pain.

Fibromyalgia, in turn, is soft tissue arthritis, as opposed to classical

RA, where the inflammation is limited to joints.

There are many web pages about the benefits of magnesium in treating

fibromyalgia. The following text is taken from this single source:


Please excuse the excessive detail. I have pasted in the text below with no

editing on my part -- still very interesting reading.


Alan R. Gaby, M.D. recommends potassium-magnesium aspartate for tired

people, i.e., those with chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition that has

many symptoms in common with Fibromyalgia. Dr. Gaby reports “that

potassium-magnesium aspartate is frequently an effective treatment for

fatigue. This compound is said to be helpful regardless of the cause of the


Nutritionist Nan Fuchs, Ph.D.15 reports that when large amounts of

calcium are taken as supplements, or through dietary regimens, calcium is

increased in the blood, which stimulates the secretion of a hormone called

calcitonin. The parathyroid hormone is also suppressed, and these two

hormones regulate the levels of calcium found in bones, tissues and teeth,

and have a direct relationship to the degree of Osteoporosis and

Osteoarthritis. Also, parathyroid hormone takes calcium out of bones and

deposits it in

soft tissues while calcitonin is depositing calcium in bones.

The correct balance resulting from moving calcium about in the body is

obtained only when there is sufficient magnesium, because magnesium

suppresses the parathyroid hormone and stimulates calcitonin. “This

chemical action helps prevent Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis,” Dr. Fuchs

says. “A magnesium deficiency, however, will prevent this chemical action.

And more calcium is not the solution, because while magnesium helps the

body absorb and utilize calcium, excessive calcium prevents the absorption

of magnesium.

Taking more calcium without adequate magnesium and what is adequate for

one woman may be insufficient for another may either create calcium

malabsorption or a magnesium deficiency.” 15 (See “Prevention and Treatment

of Osteoarthritis,”Treatment and Prevention of Osteoporosis,” and

“Magnesium Chloride HexahydrateTherapy,” http://www.arthritistrust.org.)

In a study reported by Dr. Fuchs, “Volunteers on a low magnesium diet were

given both calcium and vitamin D supplements. All subjects were

magnesium-deficient, and all but one became deficient in calcium as well,

in spite of the fact that calcium had also been added to their diet. When

they were given intravenous calcium infusions, the level of calcium in

their blood rose for the duration of the intravenous feedings. When

intravenous calcium was stopped, blood levels of calcium dropped again.

However, when they were given magnesium, their magnesium levels rose

rapidly and stabilized, and their calcium levels also rose within a few

days, even though they had not been given any additional calcium.”15

Fibromyalgia sufferer, Squires, says that “Malic acid is one of the

ingredients that aids the body in the adenosene triphosphate (ATP) process

(the cell’s energy cycle).

Malic acid occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables and normally is

produced in the body while metabolizing sugars to make adenosene

triphosphate (ATP). However, one published study has shown that this

process is abnormal in Fibromyalgia and chronic immune dysfunction syndrome

(CFIDS), and that sufficient malic acid may not be formed.

In addition, four studies have indicated that adenosene triphosphate (ATP)

is lower than normal in these syndromes. The adenosene triphosphate (ATP)

process is magnesium dependent.”24 To Your Health, Inc., founded by

Squires and his family, therefore recommends magnesium glycinate, which, he

says, “is easy to digest and readily absorbed into the blood stream.” Other

ingredients included in their Fibro-CareTM are manganese which complements

the blend by stimulating the production of thyroxin, a hormone that

influences the ceullar metabolic rate; two B vitamins, thiamine B1 and

pyridoxine B6 which work closely with magnesium in the energy production

process. Deficiency in thiamine metabolism, Squires reports, “has been

found by one group of investigators to be abnormal.” (See Squires.

“Fibromyalgia ’s Story,” A Resource Catalog, To Your Health, Inc.,

11809 Nightingale Circle, Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268.)


Guy E. Abraham, M.D. and D. Flechas, M.D., M.PH.33 in an open

clinical setting gave 15 patients ages 32-60 oral preparations of Super

Malic® from Optimax Corporation, Torrance, CA, containing 50 mg of

magnesium hydroxide and 200 mg of malic acid per tablet. A total daily

dosage of 300-600 mg of magnesium and 1200-1400 of malic acid was administered.

Assessed by the use of a Tender Point Index (TPI), an American College of

Rheumatology 1990 criteria, all patients reported significant improvement

within 48 hours of starting the treatment.

After 6 weeks, 6 patients were switched to a placebo tablet for 2 weeks.

Recurrence of Fibromyalgia occurred within 48 hours in all patients who,

unknowingly, were on the placebos.


According to Vergini, M.D.,14 Predappio, Italy, back in 1915, a French

surgeon, Prof. Pierre Delbet, M.D., was looking for a solution to cleanse

wounds, because he had found out that the traditional antiseptic solutions

actually mortified tissues and facilitated the infection instead of

preventing it.

He tested several mineral solutions and discovered that a magnesium

chloride solution was not only harmless for tissues, but it had also a

great effect over leucocytic (blood cell) activity and phagocytosis; so it

was perfect for external wounds treatment. Phagocytosis is the engulfing

and perhaps the destroying of bacteria and other foreign bodies.

Dr. Delbet performed a lot of “in vitro” [in test tube] and “in vivo” [in

life] experiments with this solution and he became aware that it was good

not only for external applications, but it was also a powerful

immuno-stimulant if taken by injections or even by mouth. He called this

effect “cytophilaxis.” In some “in vivo” experiments

it was able to increase phagocytosis rate up to 300%.

Dr. Delbet serendipitously discovered that this oral solution had also a

tonic effect in many people and so became aware that the magnesium chloride

had an effect on the whole organism.

In a brief time, he received communications of very good therapeutic

effects of this “therapy” from people that were taking magnesium chloride

for its tonic properties and who were suffering from various ailments.

Prof. Delbet began to closely study the subject and verified that the

magnesium chloride solution was a very good therapy for a long list of


He obtained very good results in: inflammation of the colon (colitis),

biliary vessels (angiocholitis), gall bladder (cholecystitis), in the

digestive apparatus; Parkinson’s Disease, senile tremors and muscular

cramps, in the nervous system, acne, eczema, psoriasis, warts, itch of

various origins and chilblains, in the skin. There was a strengthening of

hair and nails, a good effect on diseases typical of the aged (impotency,

prostatic hypertrophy, cerebral and circulatory troubles) and on diseases

of allergic orgin (hay-fever, asthma,

urticaria, and anaphylactic reactions).

Then Prof. Delbet began to investigate the relationship between magnesium

and cancer. After a lot of clinical and experimental studies, he found that

magnesium chloride had a very good effect on prevention of cancer and that

it was able to cure several precancerous conditions: leucoplasia,

hyperkeratosis, chronic mastitis, etc.

Epidemiological studies confirmed Delbet’s views and demonstrated that the

regions of soil with richer incidence of magnesium had less cancer, and

vice versa.

In experimental studies, the magnesium chloride solution was also able to

slow down the course of cancer in laboratory animals.

Prof. Delbert wrote two books, Politique Preventive du Cancer (1944) and

L’Agriculture et la Sante’ (1945), in which he stated his ideas about

cancer prevention and a better living. The first is a well documented

report of all his studies on magnesium chloride.

In 1943 another French doctor, Dr. A. Neveu, M.D., used the magnesium

solution in a case of diptheria to reduce the risks of anaphylactic

reaction due to the anti-diptheric serum that he was ready to administer.

To his great surprise, when the next day the laboratory results confirmed

the diagnosis of diptheria, the little girl was completely cured before he

could use the serum.

He credited the immuno-stimulant activity to the solution for this result,

and he tested it in some other patients. All the patients were cured in a

very short time (24 - 48 hours), with no aftereffects.

Dr. Neveu then began to treat some cases of poliomyelitis, and had the same

wonderful results. He was very excited and tried to divulge the therapy,

but he ran into a wall of hostility and obstructionism from “official

medicine.” Neither Neveu or Delbet (who was a member of the Academy of

Medicine) was able to diffuse Neveu’s extraordinary results. The opposition

was total: professors of Medicine, Medical peer-reviews, the Academy

itself, all were against the two doctors. “Official medicine” saw in magnesium

chloride therapy a threat to its new and growing business vaccinations.

Dr. Neveu wasn’t discouraged by this and continued to test this therapy in

a wide range of diseases. He obtained very good results in: pharyngitis,

tonsillitis, hoarseness, common cold, influenza, asthma, bronchitis,

broncho-pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, “children diseases”

(whooping-cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever . . . ), alimentary

and professional poisonings, gastroenteritis, boils, abscesses, localized

inflammation and swelling of skin called erysipelas, draining inflammation

at the end of a finger or a toe derived from within bone or under finger

nail (whitlow), septic pricks (wounds), puerperal fever (fever during 3rd

stage of labor) and inflammation of bone (osteomyelitis).

But the indications for magnesium chloride therapy don't end here. In more

recent years other physicians, including Vergini, M.D. of Italy, have

verified many of Delbet’s and Neveu’s applications and have tried the

therapy in other pathologies: asthmatic acute attack, shock, tetanus (for

these the magnesium chloride is administered by intravenous injection);

herpes zoster, acute and chronic inflammation of the eye (conjunctivitis),

inflammation of the optic nerve (optic neuritis), rheumatic diseases, many

allergic diseases, loss of strength (spring-asthenia), and chronic fatigue

syndrome, (even in cancer it can be an useful coadjuvant.)

Dr. Vergini says, “The preceding lists of ailments are by no means

exhaustive; maybe other illnesses can be treated with this therapy, but, as

this is a relatively ‘young’ treatment, we are pioneers, and we need the

help of all physicians of good will to definitely establish all the true

possibilities of this wonderful therapy. “From a practical standpoint,

please remember that only magnesium chloride has this ‘cytophilactic’

activity, and no other magnesium salt; probably it’s a molecular, and not a

merely ionic, matter.”14



The solution to be used is a 2.5% magnesium chloride hexahydrate

(MgCl2.6H2O) solution (i.e.: 25 grams/liter of water).

Those who have kidney problems should be carefully monitored by their

family physician, according to the Center for Disease Control. Dr.

Vergini says, that “this is true only for severe renal insufficiency, where

an obvious contraindication may exist; but this is also true for all

minerals that cannot be easily eliminated by a seriously impaired kidney.

In all other cases, there are no risks.I never heard or read of any

problem. The quantity of elemental magnesium contained in a 125 cc dose of

the 2.5% solution is around

500 mg. That is not a large dose! Anyway, I think that it is a good

precaution to advise people with renal problems to consult their physician.”14

But Vergini, M.D. also advises that “the problem is that very probably

their physicians and pediatricians don't know anything about this therapy,

so how can they give good advice? Children under 5, he says, nonetheless

must consult their pediatrician.”

Dosages are as follows:

Adults and children over 5 years old ............ 125cc

4 year old children ........................................ 100cc

3 year old children ........................................ 80cc

1-2 year old children ..................................... 60cc

over 6 months old children ........................... 30cc

under 6 months old children ......................... 15cc

These doses must be administered by mouth.

For chronic diseases, the standard treatment is one dose morning and

evening for a long period.

In acute diseases the dose is administered every 6 hours (every 3 hours the

first two doses if the case is serious); then space every 8 hours and then

12 hours as improvement goes on.

After recovery it’s better going on with a dose every 12 hours for some days.

As a preventive measure, and as a magnesium supplement, one dose a day can

be taken.

Magnesium Chloride, even if it’s an inorganic salt, is very well absorbed

and it’s a very good supplemental magnesium source.

For intravenous injections, the formula is:

Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate ............... 25 grams

Distilled Water .............................................. 100 grams

Make injections of 10-20cc (over 10-20 minutes) once or twice a day. Of

course the solution must be sterilized.

According to Vergini, M.D., “the 25% solution for IV injections is

correct. Personally I never use it, I use only the oral way. But it was

used over thirty years ago by some French doctors (5 grams in 20 ml of

saline solution of distilled water) to treat tetanus and other less

dangerous diseases (asthmatic attacks, choc, opthalmic herpes, herpes

zoster, Quincke’s oedema, itching, etc.). It was injected very slowly (in

10-20 minutes), and the results were very good.

“Moreover also the Myers’ cocktail contains 2-5 ml of a 20% solution of

magnesium chloride (along with other products that may contribute to make

the solution more diluted). However, I think that if there are problems of

‘burning’ with the 25% concentration, it should be possible to use, with

the same results, a 2.5% solution (the same used by mouth) by dissolving 5

grams of magnesium chloride in 200 ml of distilled water. The solution must

be sterilized.

“The intramuscular way is not used because the solution is painful.”

This therapy gives very good results also in veterinary medicine, at the

appropriate dosages depending upon the size and kind of animals.

In the United States, magnesium chloride hexahydrate can be purchased

chemically pure (c.p.) from most chemical supply houses without a

prescription, although if you tell them why you’re ordering this substance,

they may feel compelled to “protect” you. Tell them it’s for experimental

purposes, or for your garden, or any reason that you find works. "

Regards, Harald

At 11:42 PM 9/24/2004 -0400, you wrote:

>I got a call from a friend last night who's husband was just diagnosed

>w/polymyoalgiarheumatica. She said someone told her about a treatment

>mixing powdered magnesium w/water and drinking it. Supposed to work

>wonders? Has anyone heard of this treatment, its benefits, drawbacks?



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  • 3 months later...

I think my daughter was having problems with magnesium too. I've stopped it to

see and I do think things are improving. Don't know exactly what was the



My son was using mag citrate and apparently this was feeding yeast.

His sleep was interupted by twitching and jerking and, well, I found

out by removing it.

I am trying to rplace it, quickly. Magnesium malate? The one I

found has malic acid(mag malate), 670mg, and mag malate(mag malate),

175mg. I am trying to stay away from fillers and this works, but is

it OK?

What can I look forward to with the malic acid??


mom to


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My son had problems with CA and MG both citrate. What forms would be

acceptable in this situation.

Hi -Glad your tests were ok for thyroid. Had my sons done

yesterday. Things are still good with the iodine staining. I not

stain him on Friday and by Sat afternoon he was quite the bear.

Stained him again Saturday and he's been in a good mood. He has had

diahrrea toay which is very very unusal tho. Eileen

> I think my daughter was having problems with magnesium too. I've

stopped it to see and I do think things are improving. Don't know

exactly what was the problem.


> magnesium




> My son was using mag citrate and apparently this was feeding


> His sleep was interupted by twitching and jerking and, well, I


> out by removing it.


> I am trying to rplace it, quickly. Magnesium malate? The one I

> found has malic acid(mag malate), 670mg, and mag malate(mag


> 175mg. I am trying to stay away from fillers and this works, but


> it OK?


> What can I look forward to with the malic acid??


> a

> mom to






> --------------------------------------------------------------------



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We are giving a round of antibiotics to my daughter and then will start valtrex.

She has been a happy girl since I stopped the magnesium and I know it seems

crazy, but her appetite has been a little better too.

She is also taking Prilosec and the burping is better. It gets so confusing when

you are trying to work on a host of things at one time.

Is your son's problem maybe a stomach virus? We had that a week or two ago. My

daughter had a day or so of diarrhea.

It is interesting the results you are having with the iodine.





> My son was using mag citrate and apparently this was feeding


> His sleep was interupted by twitching and jerking and, well, I


> out by removing it.


> I am trying to rplace it, quickly. Magnesium malate? The one I

> found has malic acid(mag malate), 670mg, and mag malate(mag


> 175mg. I am trying to stay away from fillers and this works, but


> it OK?


> What can I look forward to with the malic acid??


> a

> mom to






> --------------------------------------------------------------------



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Ditto to that-I think one thing at a time is best. Could be a virus

but may be what he ate for dinner last night-not the usual. Not

crazy at all, these poor guys are so sensitive. I hope things settle

down for your daughter too. Ill let you know results of test when I

get them. Eileen

> > I think my daughter was having problems with magnesium too.


> stopped it to see and I do think things are improving. Don't know

> exactly what was the problem.

> >

> > magnesium

> >

> >

> >

> > My son was using mag citrate and apparently this was feeding

> yeast.

> > His sleep was interupted by twitching and jerking and, well,


> found

> > out by removing it.

> >

> > I am trying to rplace it, quickly. Magnesium malate? The

one I

> > found has malic acid(mag malate), 670mg, and mag malate(mag

> malate),

> > 175mg. I am trying to stay away from fillers and this works,


> is

> > it OK?

> >

> > What can I look forward to with the malic acid??

> >

> > a

> > mom to

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ----------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------

> >

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magnesium malate promotes fermentation and is a stool softener

by far the best magnesium i have found is the douglas labs magnesium


also the douglas labs magnesium taurate is sueful for promoting bile

but seems to affect mood the wrong way

vitanet sells douglas labs


> My son was using mag citrate and apparently this was feeding yeast.

> His sleep was interupted by twitching and jerking and, well, I


> out by removing it.


> I am trying to rplace it, quickly. Magnesium malate? The one I

> found has malic acid(mag malate), 670mg, and mag malate(mag


> 175mg. I am trying to stay away from fillers and this works, but


> it OK?


> What can I look forward to with the malic acid??


> a

> mom to

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the kids sensitivity is only matched by the mothers insenstivity

i have posted before about willis being a bit old and having impaired

judgement and you are giving toxically high amounts of iodine and

ignoring the need for co factor minerals for thyroio

you don't read what you don't want to hear or reply to


you can write what you like here but you are not fooling me

you are not even up on the essential uselessness of medical thyroid


if you are sincere about your childs welfare then why not spare the

ten minutes necessary to read what i have written up on iodine?

everybody is short of iodine, you don't need a test to tell you what

you already know...........

dilute it down and use on a daily basis since it is not sotred


then the body is best served and not having to cope with yet another

toxic stress form some misplaced idea about 'loading'

having said that iodine is strongly anti viral and it may be its

antiviral action that is giving some mixed improvement but you are

going about iodine the wrong way

large doses of iodine can depress the thyroid

you have toxicty and reading age issues

iodine in the index of


i will answer any emails or posts to me on the subject

i think i must be writing to advanced for people, the reading age of

these boards is about eight or nine really

> > > I think my daughter was having problems with magnesium too.

> I've

> > stopped it to see and I do think things are improving. Don't


> > exactly what was the problem.

> > >

> > > magnesium

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > My son was using mag citrate and apparently this was


> > yeast.

> > > His sleep was interupted by twitching and jerking and,


> I

> > found

> > > out by removing it.

> > >

> > > I am trying to rplace it, quickly. Magnesium malate? The

> one I

> > > found has malic acid(mag malate), 670mg, and mag malate(mag

> > malate),

> > > 175mg. I am trying to stay away from fillers and this


> but

> > is

> > > it OK?

> > >

> > > What can I look forward to with the malic acid??

> > >

> > > a

> > > mom to

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --------------------------------------------------------------


> ----

> > ----------

> > >

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> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > My son was using mag citrate and apparently this was


> > yeast.

> > > His sleep was interupted by twitching and jerking and,


> I

> > found

> > > out by removing it.

> > >

> > > I am trying to rplace it, quickly. Magnesium malate? The

> one I

> > > found has malic acid(mag malate), 670mg, and mag malate(mag

> > malate),

> > > 175mg. I am trying to stay away from fillers and this


> but

> > is

> > > it OK?

> > >

> > > What can I look forward to with the malic acid??

> > >

> > > a

> > > mom to

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --------------------------------------------------------------


> ----

> > ----------

> > >

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I'm sorry, but I take offense to the comment about the reading age

being of 8 or 9 year olds. This is a board of COMMITTED parents who

are doing their absolute best for their children. On this board,

people are free to voice their opinions and I am free to " take what

I like and leave the rest " . I also do my own research and come to

my own judgements as to what is best for my child. I don't know if

you have a child that is on the spectrum, but every child is

different and nobody knows my child better than I do and I will be

the one who decides what is in the best interest of my child.

> > > > I think my daughter was having problems with magnesium


> > I've

> > > stopped it to see and I do think things are improving. Don't

> know

> > > exactly what was the problem.

> > > >

> > > > magnesium

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > My son was using mag citrate and apparently this was

> feeding

> > > yeast.

> > > > His sleep was interupted by twitching and jerking and,

> well,

> > I

> > > found

> > > > out by removing it.

> > > >

> > > > I am trying to rplace it, quickly. Magnesium malate?


> > one I

> > > > found has malic acid(mag malate), 670mg, and mag malate


> > > malate),

> > > > 175mg. I am trying to stay away from fillers and this

> works,

> > but

> > > is

> > > > it OK?

> > > >

> > > > What can I look forward to with the malic acid??

> > > >

> > > > a

> > > > mom to

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -----------------------------------------------------------


> --

> > ----

> > > ----------

> > > >

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

I, too, have had problems giving my daughter any of the citrates

(both cal/mag). Another parent told me that if your child has yeast

problems, the citrates feed it and make it grow. That is probably why your

son's stimming and agitation have increased. This also happened to my

daughter. I haven't found a good substitute for the citrates yet.


I recently began doing the epsom salts cream with my 11 yr old son.

After about 2 days, his stimming and general agitation seemed to be

increased. (He currently takes No Fenol and AFP.) I stopped the cream

and gave him magnesium citrate ( one 500 mg cap) this AM. School

reported higher stimming this morning than usual. But by 4:30 or so,

he seems calmer than usual...?

Since we give mg for calming, why might we be seeing increased

stimming and/or agitation instead?

I thought I would give 1/2 cap of the mg citrate 2X tomorrow but also

wanted the input of the experience and expertise on this list.


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Guest guest

> Since we give mg for calming, why might we be seeing increased

> stimming and/or agitation instead?

If it is a chewable or liquid, it might be the flavors etc, which are

causing the problem.

Citrates can aggravate yeast. Try increasing your yeast protocol.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 6/10/2005 9:54:48 AM Central Daylight Time,

danasview@... writes:

> > I am now giving my son Epsom salt baths (3/4 cup) every other day,

> > with good results. Would I get the same benefit from giving him

> > magnesium supplements in a pill form?

Part of the good effects you are seeing may be due to the sulfate in the

Epsom Salt baths, not just the magnesium. If your son has trouble with highly

phenolic foods, it may mean he lacks sulfate, or can't convert sulfites to

sulfates, which (I think!) are needed to process phenols, if I understand


So for my son, the reason I believe he benefits from Epsom Salt baths is not

because of the magnesium, but because of the sulfate.

Sulfate is a funny thing. Owens, who is an expert on sulfation issues,

says that a study done by Rosemary Waring (another expert) showed that giving

sulfate orally caused the body to dump more sulfate than it takes in. So for

that reason, it's beneficial to supply sulfate transdermally rather than


Just my thoughts, from a mom whose son has taken nightly ES baths for three



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Guest guest

> I am now giving my son Epsom salt baths (3/4 cup) every other day,

> with good results. Would I get the same benefit from giving him

> magnesium supplements in a pill form?

Using the baths for phenol detox is not the same as giving oral

magnesium. I would keep the baths if they are helping.

> I am also thinking about trying Super Nu Thera, if I did this would I

> need to supplement magnesium or are the Epsom salt baths enough?

SNT is not a good choice for most phenol-intolerant kids. Are you

using the baths for phenol detox? If so, try hypoallergenic NuThera,

which is usually better tolerated, altho there are still kids who

don't tolerate it either.

Give oral magnesium for that unless it causes diarrhea.


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Guest guest

What effects are you seeing with the epsom salts? Our daughter is chronically

constipated. She was enema dependant for a while-ugh! Any thoughts or advice,



TwoTonks@... wrote:

In a message dated 6/10/2005 9:54:48 AM Central Daylight Time,

danasview@... writes:

> > I am now giving my son Epsom salt baths (3/4 cup) every other day,

> > with good results. Would I get the same benefit from giving him

> > magnesium supplements in a pill form?

Part of the good effects you are seeing may be due to the sulfate in the

Epsom Salt baths, not just the magnesium. If your son has trouble with highly

phenolic foods, it may mean he lacks sulfate, or can't convert sulfites to

sulfates, which (I think!) are needed to process phenols, if I understand


So for my son, the reason I believe he benefits from Epsom Salt baths is not

because of the magnesium, but because of the sulfate.

Sulfate is a funny thing. Owens, who is an expert on sulfation issues,

says that a study done by Rosemary Waring (another expert) showed that giving

sulfate orally caused the body to dump more sulfate than it takes in. So for

that reason, it's beneficial to supply sulfate transdermally rather than


Just my thoughts, from a mom whose son has taken nightly ES baths for three



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> What effects are you seeing with the epsom salts? Our daughter is

chronically constipated. She was enema dependant for a while-ugh! Any

thoughts or advice, please.


> Thanks,


My son had sensory issues, he was always touching other kids WAY too

much, getting into their space and really getting on their nerves.

Since we've starting the epsom salts those problems are about 90% gone

which has made a big difference for him.

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So, do you just put 3/4 cups into his nightly bath? Is there a maximum amount of

time she can stay in?

Thanks so much,

lizguliano <jimg16@...> wrote:

> What effects are you seeing with the epsom salts? Our daughter is

chronically constipated. She was enema dependant for a while-ugh! Any

thoughts or advice, please.


> Thanks,


My son had sensory issues, he was always touching other kids WAY too

much, getting into their space and really getting on their nerves.

Since we've starting the epsom salts those problems are about 90% gone

which has made a big difference for him.


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> I am now giving my son Epsom salt baths (3/4 cup) every other day,

> with good results. Would I get the same benefit from giving him

> magnesium supplements in a pill form?

Great! You might want to try a few baths at up to 2 cups of salts per

bath and see if it helps more. If not, then you know that too.

The epsom salts baths and magnesium supplements work in different

ways. Both are good. Just make sure the mag supplement is not an

oxide form. You want a soluble form so it is better absorbed. Natural

Calm makes a magnesium citrate drink. Source Naturals and solgar both

have tablets.

>>> I am also thinking about trying Super Nu Thera, if I did this

would I need to supplement magnesium or are the Epsom salt baths


This product usually isn't great for most people with autism and

tends to really aggravate a phenol intolerance. So if your son is

doing well with the the baths, look for a different source of

vitamins. In general, look for whole-food based supplements, not


Brainchilds is quite well tolerated. Animal Parade in stores doesn't

have the nutrient profile of Brainchilds, but tends to be well

tolerated and local. Another line of whole-food based supplements in

New Chapter in stores. I am trying to learn more about this line, but

other companies in the supplement business all say it is a good line

different from others. Personally, I've had excellent results with

Source Naturals. So those are some ideas.

The 'therapeutic dose' of magnesium is around 1000 mg of mag a day.

So if you are giving a total of say...75 or 120 mg, you are still way

under. You can increase the dose of magnesium until you get

persistent loose stools. That is your personal maximum. Then lower

the dose a little. My son with the sensitive gut takes 400-600 mg of

mag a day.


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> So, do you just put 3/4 cups into his nightly bath? Is there a

maximum amount of time she can stay in?

You may need to modify it for your specific child, but the general

rule is to work up to 2 cups of epsom salts in very warm water and

soak for 20 minutes.


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> > What effects are you seeing with the epsom salts? Our daughter


> chronically constipated. She was enema dependant for a while-ugh!


> thoughts or advice, please.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >




> My son had sensory issues, he was always touching other kids WAY


> much, getting into their space and really getting on their


> Since we've starting the epsom salts those problems are about 90%


> which has made a big difference for him.





> ---------------------------------


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  • 1 month later...
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i use magnesium citrate (kirkmans) along with high dose of vit c (like 1500

mg). supposed to help move the bowels. mag citrate has a laxative affect.

however, i do not give to my kiddo daily. more like three x per week. i use


stuff too. nothing much is helping him be " regular " . im working on getting

an appt for dr krigsman to do a scope. vicki

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Lena, I have only used GSE (grapefruit seed extract) to treat yeast. Magnesium

is suppose to help with constipation but I don't know what kind. I have used

Vitamin C personally and find that helps with constipation. HTH, Jackie D.

cbfllady@... wrote:I bought some magnesium yesterday with zinc. I thought

well with my dd

constipation and waking up so much at night this would be good.. Got home and

read the bottle more carefully and see it is Magnesium Oxide... Now, I read

that that causes harding of stools which is NOT what I want. Now I do have

a trial of Grapefruit seed extract, am I correct that that's good for

constipation or is it something else ?




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For loosening the stools I have successfully used magnesium citrate,

magnesium glycinate (both from Kirkman's), and magnesium chelate (from

AllOne). My child tolerates the magnesium citrate very well, and it

is easy to put in a drink if that's an issue.


> I bought some magnesium yesterday with zinc. I thought well with

my dd

> constipation and waking up so much at night this would be good..

Got home and

> read the bottle more carefully and see it is Magnesium Oxide...

Now, I read

> that that causes harding of stools which is NOT what I want. Now I

do have

> a trial of Grapefruit seed extract, am I correct that that's good for

> constipation or is it something else ?


> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

> Lena

> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*




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