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OT: Neualgia

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I having cavitat - removal soon. Bio dentist thinks my body nerve pain is from

that. I'm seeing a bio-oral surgeon since it's now over 3 former tooth areas.

Started in 1.

I have traveling nerve pain & neropathy.  The odd thing is the traveling. It's

so bad most days I can't get dressed. The nerves are so irritated I wear

nightgowns or dresses. The nerves in a certain area can't tolerate pants.  I

feel silly.

Had the dish taken out.  Found 2 shared DVR receivers had a wireless connection.

Felt some relief.

My husband doesn't get MCS. Used a carpet shampooer he said filled w water. I

had instant burning in esophagus & nasal & whole body. Almost went to the ER.

Sat outside all afternoon & aired out the house.  He used it when we moved in.

In days I got a fever & nerve pain??? Kathy

I wrote about pineapple helping, B1 w aloe has helped but have to be careful

about dosing.

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Neuralgia is a familiar catch-all term for severe nerve pain. When

the pain has to do with your musculo-skeletal system, osteopathy or

chiropractic is likely the first port of call. However, these are less

likely to be effective when the problem ha

Homeopathy has

repeatedly demonstrated success in alleviating dental pain. In one

double-blind study, patients given Arnica 30 before and after dental

surgery had a statistically significant reduction in pain (near the

point of injury) and less severe pain and bleeding than a similar group

given a placebo. The results were confirmed by a more extensive study

(Brit Hom Research Group Communication 15, 1986: 3-11).

In another

double-blind study, 80 patients undergoing dental extractions and other

dental surgery were divided into three groups, with one given Hypericum

5C, Arnica 7C and Nux Vomica 9C before surgery, one given Arnica 9C and

Nux Vomica 9C after surgery, and the third given both sets of

medications before and afterward. The first group given pre-medication

fared the best; during a total of 150 instances of dental surgery, only

three required orthodox analgesics or antibiotics (Congres Liga

Medicorum Homoeopathicorum Internationalis, Lyons, 1985: 85). In

another randomized double-blind study where patients received either

Arnica 7C and Hypericum 25C, or a sugar pill, those on the homeopathic

treatment had significantly less pain (Homeopathie, 1984; 1: 47-9).


one study found that chronic dental pain from exposed roots or T-M (jaw

joint) dysfunctions could start or be worsened by food intolerance.

Allergies could even alter the affect of local dental anesthetic (J Appl

Nutr, 1988, 40(2): 95-8).

Tablets of bromelain, a

pineapple enzyme, can successfully treat a variety of pain, including

inflamed or swollen tissue after a traumatic injury. They've even been

found to ease or shorten labour (Amer J Obstet Gynaecol, 1960, 79: 1161;

Lancet, 1958, 2: 827: Research, 1961, 9: 162).

As for

cyclical breast pain cysts (which usually get worse at certain points in

your cycle), reducing or (better yet) stopping your consumption of

coffee had been shown to help. In one study, 61 per cent of patients

reported that their pain decreased or stopped altogether (Nurse

Practitioner, 1989, 14 (2): 36-7: 40). This may be because

coffee binds to opiate-receptors in the body, provoking a greater

sensation of pain (Nature, 1983; 301: 246-8).Vitamin

deficiencies may be the culprit in certain types of pain. A combined

deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 is often associated with

reversible neuralgia in polyneuropathy (severe pain in the extremities)

(Scand J Haematol, 1980, 25: 63), as may a vitamin B1 deficiency (Eur

Neurol, 1987; 26 (3): 129-33). It's long been known that vitamin B1 and

vitamin B12 may each be especially beneficial for trigeminal neuralgia.

This may be important to keep in mind if you are taking one of the

many orthodox medications that reduce vitamin B12 levels, such as

neomycin, antidiabetic drugs, cholestyramine, to lower cholesterol, and

potassium chloride. In fact, an experimental study showed

that copper deficiency also leads to more pronounced perception of pain

(Am J Clin Nutr, 1986, 43: 42-6). Harald GaierHarald Gaier is a registered

naturopath, homeopath and osteopath.

Story from WDDTY:



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