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Bringing MUTAGENS to your plate.


Have you heard the one about the

neurotoxin they gave to one day babies?

Big Harma are very nice people. One day

a chemist called Professor Haley asked why they put neurotoxins in

the vaccines they injected into one day babies.

The regulators who represent the best

interests of the Harmas told the messenger that they would never put

neurotoxins into the vaccines for little babies.

Yes, they would for big fat adults but

not for tiny harmless little children.

But they had bungled their job and so

it came to pass that they removed the neurotoxin from little babies

vaccines but left it in for big fat adults.

In 2012 we find that although this came

to pass, that neurotoxins are still present in most vaccines and the

use of the neurotoxin concerned has increased the income for its

discovering Harma company several times over.

We are talking of around 0.01 per cent

of a neurotoxic chemical and for Big Harma this is so little that

they were very happy to reduce the level; not because it was a

neurotoxic chemical (their interested friends had passed laws to

change its chemistry to non neurotoxic: BY LAW and INERNATIONAL

DECREE) but just to please the now out of work, meddling, sorry,

miserable fallen comet.

Just imagine, if you like, how Big

Harma would react in different situations:

Imagine the scene repeats but instead

of 0.01 per cent of a neurotoxin that took 70 years to discover

neurotoxic and made necessary laws to change its chemistry but this

time for a KNOWN neurotoxin present at over 10 per cent and for good

measure MUTAGENIC also and probably CARCINOGENIC and TERATOGENIC too.

This time the harm being KNOWN in advance of its use.

A chemical with ZERO sales and ZERO

profits for Big HARMA companies but with anticipated receipts of

TRILLIONS. This chemical had in fact been brought into use more than

70 years before in a different guise and left a trail of dead and

sick people behind it. Now Big Harma had the chance to repeat the

exercise of many generations before but this time with even more

spectacular profits. And for a laugh; use GMO techniques of

production and sell to countries with laws forbidding the use of GMO

food. What a laugh they have at their AGM's every year?

Today, some 20 million unsuspecting

people have taken this neurotoxic chemical and died or become

permantently ill. But do you remember the story of the 0.01 per cent

toxin removed not because it was toxic but just to please a chemistry

professor who thought he knew a bit about chemicals. Surely they will

do the same here?

Well, today I can report that these

HARMA companies not only went ahead and produced a chemical product

that is neurotoxic and not present at 0.01 per cent or 0.1 per cent

or even 1 per cent but lets go for it: Over 10 percent in your food.

And remember they already KNEW it was NEUROTOXIC before they ever

marketed one SWEET molecule of the SICKLY or SICK MAKING stuff. Those

20 million are indeed REAL people, really DEAD or really ill TODAY in


I used to say in a few years they will

have 2020 vision of the harm they do but for this chemical they had

2020 vision back in the days before it was passed for use and what

did they do?

So there we go when a few trillion

dollars / pounds / euros are at stake today what's a NEUROTOXIN in

your food in 2012 at over ten per cent when there's MONEY to be made.

Let 'em eat it and DIE: WE DON'T CARE, WE DO DARE and WHO WILL BE

THERE? To date no one is there, no one dares and HARMA certainly

don't care.

The power of the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.

Hence, recently we see the LURE or is

it the YEN for the Chinese market.

With five times less deaths and

sickness in China this represents a wide open market for the New

neurotoxic exposure to another few billion people to make a few

TRILLION yen. A wide OPEN field in health care and roll over profits.

Big HARMA AS USUAL always looking for



In 2012 bringing MUTAGENS to your food



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