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LEAD articles

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LEAD Articles

The EPA have an extensive database on

LEAD for example.

http://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyNET.exe/30001T4R.TXT?ZyActionD=ZyDocument & Client=EPA & Index=1981+Thru+1985 & Docs= & Query= & Time= & EndTime= & SearchMethod=1 & TocRestrict=n & Toc= & TocEntry= & QField= & QFieldYear= & QFieldMonth= & QFieldDay= & IntQFieldOp=0 & ExtQFieldOp=0 & XmlQuery= & File=D%3A%5Czyfiles%5CIndex%20Data%5C81thru85%5CTxt%5C00000003%5C30001T4R.txt & User=ANONYMOUS & Password=anonymous & SortMethod=h%7C- & MaximumDocuments=1 & FuzzyDegree=0 & ImageQuality=r75g8/r75g8/x150y150g16/i425 & Display=p%7Cf & DefSeekPage=x & SearchBack=ZyActionL & Back=ZyActionS & BackDesc=Results%20page & MaximumPages=1 & ZyEntry=1 & SeekPage=x & ZyPURL

or Googlechrome search:


Bibliography for Lead



C. R. ; Mclntire, M. S. (1977) Lead, mercury and

cadmium toxicity in children....... of

vegetable crops grown on land with a history of

sewage sludge application. ....Cook,

J. A.; Marconi,

E. A.; Di Luzio, N. R. (1974) Lead, cadmium, endotoxin ...... and

deposition of automotive pollutants - preliminary -communication.

Over 350 pages of research articles

(and 200 years) which it took to eventually recognise the HARM of

lead to humans and especially children and especially those yet to

be born or very young babies.

Bearing in mind MERCURY (very closely

related) is more troublesome it seems odd to put the stuff in our

teeth in massive amounts and in our medications and everyones

VACCINES (50 times more than is SAFE) in 2012.

The reasons are very clear:


Eg: possibly NOT KNOWING even?

The EPA do what they can but as

INHOFE senator and ENVIRONMENTALIST for the USA government (goodness

help us!) et al show their are vested interests to SABOTAGE them at

every turn.

A list of the papers can be downloaded

but you can't search this item (invites you but it doesn't work) but

you are directed to the main EPA site where you can do meaningful


A search for LANDRIGAN brings up:

http://nlquery.epa.gov/epasearch/epasearch?areaname= & areasearchurl=search.html & typeofsearch=epa & search_crumbs=no & result_template=epafiles_default.xsl & allquery=landrigan & allin= & phrasequery= & phrasein= & anyquery= & anyin= & nonequery= & nonein= & doctype=all & sort=term_relevancy

Over 1 500 article titles of which this

is but one:


In 2006 he was tracking children


recent years, Dr. Landrigan’s work in children’s environmental

health has focused on the National Children’s Study, a prospective

epidemiological study that plans to follow 100,000 American children

from conception to age 21 to elucidate the factors in their

environment – chemical, biological, psychological and social- that

influence their health growth, development and risk of disease.

LEAD articles

This database will be useful for those interested also in

MERCURY for example etc etc.

The database just shows the weight of evidence to get movement on the

most basic of issues.

My interest today was the result of a programme on the development of

wireless communication by MARCONI and the snippet that in Cornwall,

England the senders of the signals to USA suffered serious BLEEDING

GUMS disease, the cause of which was OBVIOUS from the mercury used


The recognition of PINKS DISEASE and its MERCURY cause coming nearly

50 years later. And of course the diehards and typically dissenters

of 2012 who still think mercury and especially organomercury as used

in vaccines is COMPLETELY NON TOXIC. And that pinks disease is viral

et al and nothing to do with a POWERFUL NEUROTOXIC chemical.

You can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Because the HORSE knows that heavy metal pollution in the water is

BAD for him.

LEAD articles from the EPA LEAD to other articles eg on MERCURY

A very useful resource.

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