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Pink's Disease must have been with us

since 1812, but was first recognised and reported around 1903,

finally entering into medical science in 1915 and becoming generally

known to the profession by 1923 or so.

Today, most people accept the

culpability of MERCURY. But like all medical mysteries, it is good

not to be too sure, as it costs billions in compensation if Big

Pharma accepts ANY fault. And a few even try new ideas for an old

disease. Somehow, mercury is still just fine for everyone.

Built into the denial of mercury

induced disease, come obfuscation, reduction of the numbers affected

and most important denial of a mercurial cause even in the face of

overwhelming evidence.

Mercury is an ace card being very toxic

as the element and very, very toxic as some inorganic compounds

while being very, very, very toxic as certain organomercury

compounds. You could say anyone knowingly putting this stuff in our

food, drink or medications must be a TERRORIST or a MURDERER.

To continue putting a mercury compound

in a vaccine injected into the UNBORN child via mum or the RETIRED

person must be some kind of a EUGENIC policy by those who think they

can engage in GENOCIDE and escape the consequences. They have.

However NO ONE can escape the

consequences of MERCURY pollution and by mans' efforts the rise in

background level of mercury is rising 10 fold every 20 years for at

least the last 40 years and may have passed already the point at

which unborn children are being TOXIFIED.

In addition, the present extreme sunny

periods in the middle of winter, global warming and destruction of

the protective layer of ozone may ALL be because of this heavy

MERCURY pollution.

The evidence is there but to date a few

only are realising the harm from mercury in all these widely

different actions and many others still not known in the modern

catastrophes around us.

But to return to Pink's Disease.

Imagine that from 1812 through to 1903

and possibly longer in many countries like England there was a silent

killing of at least 60 infants a year possibly well over a 100 and

for all we know hundreds or maybe thousands. Mercury disease and

deaths and for the most part no one even noticed. In addition EVERY

child that didn't get this hidden illness or die would be mercury

toxified at levels that also went unnoticed. For LIFE. Parents too

would be toxified. There was in effect a huge number of deaths and

sick people not knowing what afflicted them or more likely getting

fobbed off with false diagnoses. Today the false diagnosis of a

doctor is still important. How do we know we have cancer, subject

ourselves to dangerous treatments and then heap thousands, millions

or as one person billions to maintain this shambles called medical

health. In GRATITUDE for saving them but in fact not saving them,

just putting them through unnecessary medical experimentation.. Why

are the number and worth of doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals

growing exponentially every year. How did we survive pre 1812 when 25

per cent pure mercury compounds was introduced to SAVE us from

certain death in INFANCY?

Before thinking too seriously that

society would not accept the use of mercury for the 4 month child,

reflect that organomercury which is thousands of times more deadly is

now injected into 20 year old girls in 2012 when they carry an unborn

infant. The recommendation being such that a 20 year old girl without

a child inside her would NOT qualify for her free mercury injections.

The discussions on theoretical safety, withdrawal of thimerosal et al

are worse than the arguments supporting the use of mercury for teeth

100 years or more ago. A shudder down my spine and any half decent


If everything goes well with the

thimerosal exposure, then in time that same person will then get a

huge amount of mercury placed an inch or so from her brain. Mercury

loves BRAINS. And BONES. And HEARTS. The only people to qualify for

such MERCURIAL treatment are the poor. The English National Health

Service, most assurance policies, will pay for deadly mercury to be

loaded next to their brain. But anything SAFE? GET LOST. A patient

with money will NEVER get offered mercury but will get a chemically

bonded filling which involves absolutely no drilling away of good

enamel and provides no harm or adverse effects except theoretical

ones while denying mercury as a known toxin, a known poison and a

neurotoxin. And no gaps to accept little bugs. No toxin to destroy

your GUMS. And that myth about its not so good. Almost as good as

mercury is NON TOXIC when put in your mouth. When I offered to pay

for non mercury fillings and PAY the difference, I was told: NO, its

not possible. The idea of supplementing money from your pocket to add

to the assurance is theoretical and dose not apply. You pay the whole

lot or accept cheap, toxic and deadly alternatives.

The lessons of Pinks Disease have not

been fogotten, they have been buried. In effect mercury is again the

finest thing to give to the UNBORN, the FECUND woman, the REDUNDANT

or RETIRED person and especially the POOR.

Professor Boyd Haley says of mercury:

You cannot conceive of a scientific test to show the safety of

mercury at ANY level. The CDC, The FDA, nearly every government can

CHILLINGLY tell you that mercury is only a THEORETICAL poison and in

any event is not given to you. Not given to them but what about all

those groups mentioned above? Judges, Big Pharma et al DO NOT LIKE

these kind of people in court. WHAT DO THEY KNOW? They are not worthy

of their HIRE. Messing with Big pHARMERS is worse than messing with

the MAFIA. So exactly what chemical knowledge have all these people

got that Professor Haley hasn't. You have probably guessed: POWER.

There were clues for deaths to infants

that we know about. In 1874, in one English town, healthy babies

were dying like flies and SOMEONE fingered mercury given to the now

dead children. Of course like vaccines in the 1980's and 1990's no

one much knew of mercury exposure for babies. A chemist duly analysed

the deadly concoction and concluded that it contained MERCURYand

nothing else. So why didn't the tragedy stop then? The reason was

they were looking for a POISON. Remember, like today when mercury is

a known admitted THEORETICAL poison only in these days but MERCURY

was a VITAL medical compound essential for the GOOD HEALTH of our


You see, for decades, little babies

were dying or becoming ill from the eruption of their teeth. Mercury

medication was absolutely vital to stop or reduce this malady and

death to babies. OK a tiny risk from mercury but the consequences of

not using it would be much greater. In addition this was before

vaccines so represented the SOLE income for the fledgling

p'HARMERCIDAL industry.

Nothing much changes. Today we

absolutely need mercury vaccines as much as 150 years ago we HAD to

have mercury for out teeth when 4 months old. It was and still is

azll to do with SAVING life and nothing to do with the fact that

doctors know practically XXXX all there is to about mercury.

Hence the lament in the medical

journals. This chemist can find MERCURY in the powders given to the

dead children but cannot find the compound responsible for their

death. This chemist, sadly unknown brings DISCREDIT to the chemists

of our time. A bit like many chemists and enlightened docotrs today?

So SIXTY years of SAFE use, became 100

years of safe use and then 150 years of safe use. Sound familiar?

And then an American Doctor f

Warkany found mercury in the blood, liver, brains of the dead Pinks

infants. He didn't think it was mercury but he was prepared to LOOK.

And prepared to accept what he saw and not look for excuses.

Was the mercury treatment stopped now?

Not a bit. The fight to recognise

mercury harm has in 2012 still to be won.

Enough mercury in vaccines in 2012 to

KILL a 100 times over

Enough mercury in one filling in 2012

to take out a town.

But let's remember:


Evidently in teething powder there was


But 100 times or 100 000 times as in


We can take that. If we live for 250

years we can handle all the mercury in vaccines and / or our teeth.

Let's not get TOO HASTY.

We can't manage without MERCURY


We can't manage without MERCURY





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