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MERCURY: More evidence of harm

The use of mercury being


chrome google: epstein pink diseaseORhttp://archive.samj.org.za/1953 VOL XXVII Jul-Dec/Articles/03 September/3.10 PINK DISEASE AND TEETHING POWDERS.Dr.B.Epstein.pdf

Epstein did some research back in the

1950's on mercury harm.

Not so much a piece of research from

the museum of science history as lost in the basement of the same

science museum.

His work is priceless to understand the

MERCURY mess we are in today.

His work showed 1 child in 5 excreted

absolutely NO mercury and yet they were severely ill.

But about the same number with the same

illness were excreting such a large amount that it would be

impossible not to be severely ill. The excretion rate was at the

level of over 500 micrograms per litre in their urine.

Conversely in his control group there

were children excreting up to this amount of 500 and they were

perfectly healthy.

Another control group with absolutely

no exposures to any mercury presented with more than half of them

with measurable amounts of mercury. One in 10 probably had too much

mercury to be fine and with no mercury exposure, a considerable worry

then for their future health and more so today for all of us in a

mercury polluted world.

Is it surprising today if we live to a

good age that 3 out of 4 will get Alzheimer Disease.

Epstein explains clearly how his data

implicates mercury harm despite the blur, fuzz and range of findings

of health or illness inconsistent individually with the mercury

amounts found.

With a few exceptions of less than 1

child in 12; any single figure for mercury excretion would give no

consistent and reliable indication of whether that child was well or


But put together with symptoms, mercury

excretion and even with the small numbers tested the results were

damning for mercury.

Mercury did cause Pinks Disease and

those who remained well with mercury had their immune system to thank

for their health. The immune system built up over generations of


The challenge of why children with ZERO

excretion of mercury were very ill is harder to answer. Today we have

those who maintain that mercury is retained by sufferers and not

excreted. But equally likely is that they have been exposed to

mercury and are now sensitised to it. We know potential harm comes

from very low levels of mercury exposure.

The amounts of mercury in these

children are staggering by todays standards and therefore not

necessarily typical of illness from todays exposure. These children

sweated as if they were hot but were actually very cold to the touch.

They could have red skin literally falling off their backs. We do not

tend to see these clinical signs today but this does not mean we are

not being toxified by smaller amounts of mercury.

Today, we would be surprised if people

did not immediately think of a toxic cause for Pink Disease. But

today we fall for the same mistake that held up the cause for a

hundred years. We are so inbred with the modern ideas of Pasteur and

of the even more modern ideas of the virus and today the protein

illness (the PRION) that simple chemical poisoning is forgotten, not

looked for and even bitterly resented when put forward. Why, waste

time looking at NEUROTOXINS when searching for a neurological

illness. Even when rates rise and the illness is higher in countries

where children are exposed to mercury. The same objections prevented

the real mercury cause for Pink Disease. When mercury exposure

actually killed a handful of children before Pink Disease was

identified we see doctors bewailing chemists when they find mercury

but could not find the toxic cause of death to so many children. Talk

about missing the boat. Today sadly this mentality is everywhere. Yes

we know these autism children get exposed to mercury but it is

important to find the gene responsible for their illness. How can

genes explain illness when parents are both fine and the ratio of

boys to girls fits no known theory of gene illness even if the

mythical gene was identified. Meanwhile very toxic neurotoxins are in

the clear with evidence more damning than shown here for Pink

Disease. History does repeat itself.

Thousands of tons of mercury pollution

have turned once mercury free fish into holders of methyl mercury and

this is now used to induce people to willingly and deliberately take

that little bit more of mercury into their bodies. See the fish live

with the mercury in them so your little child to be will love to swim

in a mercury environment ready for when he or she emerges into a


The excuse that a microgram of mercury

in a vaccine is minute compared to a milligram of mercury in our

fish begs the question of why fish have that amount in them today.

And it begs the question as to the fact that this amount is already a

100 times too much to take safely. But everything has a RISK today

and we need to take risks especially if they only belong to others

less able to defend themselves.

We have to stand 10 lots of mercury so

why not 11 lots tomorrow, 12 the day after and so on. But where and

WHEN do we say ENOUGH.

Since the time of Epstein we have

increased by mans hand the amount of mercury in the environment more

than a 100 fold. That 10 to 11 to 12 was but the start.

Epstein shows us that those excreting

very large amounts are not mercury toxified but SUR-toxified. They

would be ill even with a hundred times less mercury.

Other babies as mentioned are ill when

mercury tests indicate they should be healthy. Practically ZERO

mercury or too small to measure in 1950 but still VERY ill.

Some babies with too much mercury are

in good health. Nature has wonderful powers of defence not known to

man. Man in fact insists we have to be saved from this mechanism by

exposing us to just a little mercury (100 times too much in fact).

The miracle is that out of 10 000 only 4 got mercury harmed and today

this means only 60 or so are being harmed as the mercury stakes rise.

This leaves a lot of people around ignorantly chanting. IT NEVER


Then and today we can make sense of all

these figures.

Richet showed even simple

molecules can induce ANAPHYLAXIS and clearly those with too much

mercury and well may become ill later.

Those with very little or even no

excretion of mercury are now ALLERGIC to mercury in their bodies.

Unable to excrete what is harming them. Mercury is a known


Mercury is also a known TERATOGEN and

the increase since these times can explain the rise in cancer

alongside other chemical toxins. Mercury doesn't just give us a risk

of autism et al.

Mercury was uniquely responsible it

seems for Pinks Disease but this does not limit the harm of mercury

simply to this illness.

As said, other ills may have gone

unnoticed including AUTISM.

We know Pinks has been with us for 100

years unrecognised and for 150 years without knowing it was mercury.

Autism too, goes way back into history

and is not limited to the date given by Kanner. This just represents

the date when it was recognised as this illness. Today, much debate

goes into whether it has increased or decreased. In fact with

changing exposures the illness will naturally change. We accept

increase only when explaining away mercury cause. But otherwise we

tend to hide the increase. Doctors are not only incapable of finding

cause for autism they are incapable of determining the change in

numbers. Chemists are clear valproate, thalidomide, viral toxins,

lead metal all cause types of autism and mercury will be no


Pinks has 12 classic clinical features

but no single case of Epstein showed all 12 or anything close. A

character of a toxic illness apart from the bizarreness of test

readings is the spectrumod signs and intensity. The fact autism is a

spectrum disease should alert anyone to an obvious chemical cause.

Also autism and even the wider spectrum will not include all illness

cases. Boxes to put patients into is of mans making just as the cause

is of humans making. The problem is finding what other illnesses are

of mercury culpability. Alzheimer Disease, Multiple Sclerosis,

Diabetes et al.

People in mental institutes will have

autism in the past which went unrecognised.

The use of past research and past

solutions for illness is absolutely vital for us to understand new

illness or recently recognised illness and the pitfalls to avoid when

positive leads are scrapped for causation for being to embarrassing

or whatever reason.

Even if mercury did not cause some

autism it is not a substance to increase in our environment more than

a hundred fold over the past 50 years.

There is good reason to believe that

alongside fish and humans even the planet itself suffers from the

MERCURY madness of man.

When lead was eliminated from petrol

the beneficial health effects were quickly noticed. For mercury this

will be a harder task but even more necessary. And the rewards even


There is an urgent need to look back

over the history Pinks disease and what happened to those who

suffered. Long overdue. Not time to forget Pink Disease but to learn

from the mistakes and errors.

For Minamata we have an Institute and

we belatedly need the same for Pinks.

Epstein proves himself human when he

mentions the benefits for a child from ASPIRIN but that as they say

is another story.

But he was spot on correct with his

evaluation of mercury as a medicine


MERCURY: More evidence of harm

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