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There are other places to go for

information on autism, vaccines and neurotoxic metals.

What you find here is a whole new world

apart from that of modern authoritarian medicine.

Doctors who insist that neurotoxic

mercury once administered to the one day baby must now be given to

the child in the womb as Government in its folly has prohibited

mercury vaccines for the new born infant.

Doctors who insist you must be

protected from illnesses impossible to get before you are 16 years

old if you respect the laws of your country.

Doctors who insist you get vaccinated

many times just in case the vaccine didn't work the first time,

second time, third time or fourth time.

Doctors who insist that when there are

theoretical risks from neurotoxic mercury you just need to up the

neurotoxic aluminium and other components of vaccines tenfold to

compensate for Government folly once more.

Doctors who insist the work of Nobel

Prize Winners on medicine is WRONG.

Richet was wrong when he found

anaphylaxis, allergies and death following repeat vaccines.

Doctors who insist that stopping one

vaccine preventabe death every few years is necessary even if we

don't know why babies die by the million before they are one year old

but after receiving the benefits of protection from a dozen out of 3

million illnesses they might encounter.

Doctors who don't know why there is a

growing epidemic of autoimmune diseases of neurotoxic origin but do

know if they are injecting neurotoxins into you they are therefore

harmless by some magic application of their oaths.

Researchers who insist on multimillion

dollar studies and papers to assemble just four letters of the

alphabet into strings a hundred or so long that are meaningless even

to the researchers themselves assembling this new language no one

understands. One day though this information may be more useful than

at present. Perhaps for wallpapering some new restaurant perhaps.

Doctors who still hold to the

philosophy of some Swiss astrologer of 5 hundred years ago and his

ideas that poisons can be the doctors and patients BEST FRIEND.

That is the world of Pub Med.

Try the world of Linus ing a two

time Nobel Prize Winner and possibly the only person to achieve this


He has very firm ideas on health, which

are so DIAMETRICALLY opposed to that of Pub Med and government and

authoritarian medicine that you will seek in vain in Pub Med for one

whisper of this BLASPHEMY.

What is the BLASPEMY?

It is that VITAMINS might be VITAL.

It is that FOOD should be NOURISHING.

A far cry from TODAY, from Government

support for tinkered about with food so anything that eats it may

bleed to death.

A far cry from modern doctors who as

said inist if they can't inject neurotoxic mercury they be allowed to

inject neurotoxic aluminium into children.

A far cry from the same who even relish

to inject the TWO neurotoxins together into expectant mum.

Linus ing takes us away from a

world of today where abortion blamed on vaccines suddenly went from

one a year to hundreds a year in USA and many thousands just

FORGOTTEN about in line with the ethos of:




Orthomolecular MEDICINE brings us back



Vitamins are VITAL.


The proof can be seen in Linus ing

who died at a good age unlike today millions of children dying before

their first BIRTHDAY but after receiving ALL that neurotoxic vaccine

protection from 12 of at least 3 million illnesses that lurk behind

every pesticide, insecticide, neurotoxin that modern science insist

is so BENEFICIAL for us.


See the work of Mike Marlowe from 1995.



No mincing of words here!

Straight to the point.

And what a point.

The lower limit for harm from MERCURY

in our vaccines is CLEAR.

Crystal CLEAR.

The lower limit is ZERO.

Not as in current flu vaccines, not as

in current vaccines for the one day infant.

The amount SAFE is ZERO.


A reference about aluminium and its

role in neurodegeneration. Hardly good stuff to give to government by

vaccine makers when they recently and after this work decided to up

the aluminium for a babies vaccine tenfold.

Dr Harold How aluminium causes

Alzheimers disease.

Again no beating about the bush. If

aluminium can according to some authorities cause brain degeneration

what 4 Al plus is it doing in a babies vaccine?

It is there to save 8 per cent of the

antigen of the precious vaccine companies.

Babies are exposed to this NEUROTOXIN

so that BIG PHARMA can squeeze an extra 8 per cent profit from little


I find the articles on

orthomolecular.org are informative, sensible and generally more

understandable than that of pub med.

Both should be used, but be prepared

for clearness from orthomolecular papers and obfuscation and fog from

pub med.

Looking at vaccines we see there is

need but why not use SCIENCE and NUTRITION to make them safe and why

do doctors not advise their patients of such need.


Dr Clemetsen and the protective effects


Vaccine harm may be tiny, tiny, tiny

but bit by bit it builds up until with autism we see people living

poorer lives and to blame it on genetics and to thank God for the

blessing does not hold water for orthomoelcular medicine that sees

GREAT HARM and GREAT OMISSION in authoritarian treatments.

It is not accpetable not to know.

And not acceptable to demand

UNREALISTIC proof that HARMFUL chemicals and HARMFUL practices are


Enough is enough.

And why does Pub Med not integrate

orthomolecular work?


But only in the sense that:

Two Wrongs do not make a right.

Pub Med is not right in hiding the work

of sensible, practical researchers and denying them full publicity in

finding where, how and when harm comes to modern children.

But we can be KNOWLEDGEABLE and use the



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