Guest guest Posted June 3, 2010 Report Share Posted June 3, 2010 ok, I have to write stuff down to try to sort things out in my own head, so thought I would just post this. hopefully some thoughtful feedback will accure. not all toxins are created equally. anyone can have a toxin screaning at any given point in time and many chemicals well be found in their system. with WDB exposure it's a much higher dose than average dailey exposure of toxins in our environment, no. 1. we recieve tissue and organ damage, the whole body is affected, the higher the dose the more damage done. when the dose exceeds what the first line of defences,sensory system,olfactory system,mucus system,liver,kidneys can handle, damage happens everywhere in our body. at lower doses, long term,organ damage will damage specific organs,weaker organs and eventually other organs may get weakened to the point that they well also start to be damaged. after the damage is done, it is about the dose and the type of toxin. consider that because our sensory system is badly damaged and in my case I have completely lost sence of smell in my left nose and the ability to taste to some extent. my olfactory bulb and tract are shot on the left side. that does not mean that I still wont react to toxins . and I do not believe that mycotoxins cause a chemical sensitivity reaction. they inter silently and do there damage and cause their pain. voc's and man made chemicals cause chemical sensitivity and cause a chemical sensitivity reaction and it is still dependent on dose, but I think if you od ed on a drug it probably wouldn't take much of that same drug again to make you fell really bad.(neuron programing?) no, we dont have to be tottally free of chemicals in our body to not have a chemical reaction, but sence our detox functions are not up to par,we will accumalate a higher toxin body load and as it builts we will start felling worse again. but the build up of toxins in our system is seperate from what happens with a chemical exposure reaction the chemical sensitivity reactions are about our first defences, our sensory system, our neurons. our nerve damage. it is the damage to these functions that cause the reaction and the dose and type of toxin involved well deturmine effects and also symptoms depending on type of toxin. also the severity of the organ damage and what organs were damaged during the arigenal exposure well deturmine further, longer lasting effects. even allergies reactions become way worse than simple allergy effects because of the nerve and sensory damage. histamine intolerance, and histamine release is not just about allergies either. also matabolism dusfunction well be a factor. and yes, it would help greatly if immedititly after our exposure we were detoxed, but I think that we are detoxing even during our exposures and thats what the night sweets (day sweats) everytime we turn around sweats were all about, our bodies were trying to make up for our liver and kidney disfunctions and being overloaded and we were detoxing through sweating. it's saddens me to say but we are not healing from the nerve damage if it got bad beyond a certain point of not healing. that would be the major key to healing. secondly, there is a point where the olfactory system is not going to heal, and while the brain may work around some brain damage, it may not still function like before. I strongly believe that the intencity of any single chemical sensitivity reaction is based on these things. first reaction is goverened by the above, sensory and nerve damage(receptor and transmitter disfunction due to myelin sleath damage, this is what we reconize as the responce to a chemical . earlier on this was called sensory hyper-reactivity) 1. how your felling on any given day and how that translates to your ability to cope with a chemical insult and tottal toxin body load at the time of a chemical exposure well play a role in your abilty to tolerate that exposure to some extent but it's not involved in the chemical reaction as in the first,immediate reaction. in other words, when the tottal toxin load, also refered to as toxic body burden, gets high it well make you fell worse overall, before you sweat it out and fell better but I dont think that has anyhing to do with the chemical reaction itself except that if you are felling bad, tired, weak,ect. your less able to cope with a insult on your system. if your weak, you well be weaker,ect.. 2. the dose of the chemical/toxin and the type that you are exposed to, does matter,weither you smell it or not, weither you inhale,ingest,or soak it into your skin, well make a difference on the effects you have, it's all a reaction that our body deals with but in different ways, just as different as the ways they were recieved. the ones straight up the nose to the brain are immedite and to the lungs are immedite. some to the stomach can be pretty fast too. effects that go on into the bowels, spinal cords, and brain from the lungs,stomach,bowels are delayed. chemical's build up in your system and over time and when it gets to a certain point you well either sweat it out or it well swell your brain and comeout in spinal fluid leaks if it happened with your exposure and you dont have much resistance in these pathways anymore. (I fell pretty strongly that these are infections, not just inflamation ?? or sometimes are both.) 3. everyone, weither with WDB illness or not ,does get and well have many chemicals of many kinds in their system at all times. theres no way to avoid that. so, it seems there 3 differences here, one would be what most people, without this disease live with in their system that may play a big role in some days felling tired or other ackes and pains,ect. than theres us, less tollerant,less able to detox normally, and we deal with effects because of that ,that people without this disease do not deal with. than theres what we went through during our arigenal exposure that, for the ones who end up with TE and chemical sensitivity, had levels of exposure that did major damage to our systems. and even at the level, there are different levels of damage and even possable death. 4. after your exposure, sweating out the toxins are very important, but seems to me the only effect that toxin load in your body would have on a chemical sensitivity reaction would be if your at high load and felling pretty crappy at the time of a toxic insult, a lesser dose or a mider toxin could make you fell pretty bad,and your immediate reaction would be worse because felling bad would lesson your resistance to that attack, but still the dose and the type of chemical insult well rule. it seems reasonable that in that condiction even those small hits would be hard to take. but really the two conditions would be pretty seperate. really, I've thought about it, I know when I'm getting to the point of haveing a sweat out, I get to felling like tottall crap, I cant even muster myself to go to the store and when I drag myself there anyway, it's all I can do to make it through and it seems that ever little smell is just affecting me to the worst, but I may or may not have a chemical reaction where I get the coughing,airways closeing up, effects (you know) to the brain in that chemical reaction way. on the other hand, theres days I fell desent and I might make it through the store in pretty good shape, or I may get a bad chemical reaction hit and it may wipe me out for quite a while or I may get to felling pretty desent again after I get outside and recover for a bit. and that difference probably depents on just eactly what I was assulted by and how bad of a dose I got. weather I recover fairley quickly, or not, that exposure well add, to some level to my tottal body load. this level well will be based mostly on dose and just how bad it effects me will be based on dose and type of chemical. to me, this could possably explain what is thought to be effects of masking. but it's not that we are masking anything, but that some chemical may cause a obvious chemical reaction or maybe not depending on the dose, consentration we inhale. plus the overall way of how we are felling at the time of the exposure could make us less resistant , not with this sensory,reception transmission effect but with how the rest of our body deals with the assult. also this could explain why those who smoke do not suffer from it in any noticeable reactive way. the chemicals in the cigerettes are at a low enough dose that they dont cause a chemical reaction. people who dont smoke has always, to my knowledge, not liked the smell of smokeing and yes, they could get headackes just like they could get headackes from ragweed, dust,ect. people without this illness could have these same responces. smokeing would add some toxins to the tottal body burden, and like anything else we breath in that has chemicals involved, it wood cause further damage or maybe aggervation of some sort to some organs. so will a chemical exposure to people with or without this illness. this would also prove that smokeing prior to a WDB exposure really has nothing to do with the injury of that exposure. all people carry a toxic soup mix with them, all people are exposed to toxins on a daily bases. people that have not had a WDB exposure still do suffer effects from chemical exposures, they just haven't had a bad exposure that damage their systom like we have. true be told, their bodies are probably primed for it. with all the chemicals we live with in todays world. so really, you cannot really even say that some who was sickly from any disease prior to a WDB exposure can be blamed for, in any way, shape or form for their injuries. it is two tottally different things , different events, and with other types of illness, tottally different causes. even if a person had a WDB exposure and had some recovery and got re-exposed again because of others negligence, you can not say there previous exposure or they are to blame, it was a whole seperate accurance and we do know that the range of injury in these types of exposures have mutiple levels of injury and to mutiple organs, and there can be mutiple chemicals/toxins involved. I know that not every exposure is the same, I've been there done that. I've seen it in the group, no body's injury is equal. now, I do believe that there is a big difference in afterwards with any continuing organ damage because of our exposure. for one, we are not (hopefully ) being exposed at the same levels so that would stop or greatly slow down any continueing organ damage at the rate it was during exposure. we all avoid (like the plague) what ill's us. what we precieve as illing us and/or what we can cope with, kick the habit of,ect. and people with brain injuries do develope addictions, very badly so. I've seen it happen with two family members because of brain injuries. anyway, we have been damage and may not detox (the normal everyday chemical exposures that everyone gets) like we should so it builts up and that itself causes further damamages and even that well be based on prior damage, secondly, those with TE and chemical sensitivity, and I believe even aquired allergies from exposures well cause a whole other seperate illness to deal with because of the TE and what I can understand(because I have the allergy's)could very possably be causeing more aggervating symptoms to accure on a more contant level and if you think have chemical intolerance is hard to deal with, haveing the allergies too is twice as fun. so, anyway, thats my view, hope you can make sence of it. one other point that I hope someday well become very clear as it's very aggervating is that people understand the damage that can accure in the sinus,olfactory to the limbic system damage and the sinus rhinorreaha sinusitis stuff is not fun to deal with, and the lose of smell can be quite dangerous to those with chemical sensitivity, because smelling something helps you get away from it quicker. I'm blessed to still have some smelling capabilitys from my right side of nose, but loss of taste just sucks. but it's important that it's understood that some suffer alot more than whats called brain fog, some suffer seizure type symptoms, and damn, it's got to be reconized that some suffer miningitis from these exposures and they need fast proper medical attn. for that. everyone should have CSF tested and tested right. these exposures can kill. sorry, got on the temper tamper there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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