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Re: New with a question about eating issues

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Hi Leah,

My son is the same. He is 6 now but we noticed at 9 months old that he would

gag when we gave him stage 3 baby food or any kind of table food. To make a

long story short, we went through YEARS of OT that did not work because his

texture issue was not medically related and that is what Occupational Therapists

work on. For my son it is more mental. So we finally started going to a place

that did behavior therapy, but instead of doing the normal behavior therapy that

you normally think of, this was one-on-one with a Psychologist and she worked on

more of the MENTAL aspect of his fear of food and texture issues. We think our

issues steam from his GERD from when he was 1 month old. Dr.'s say that once

they have a discomfort from eating, they remember and so food becomes an enemy

if it makes them feel uncomfortable. I think it also helped when he was around

4 because he understood more that if you just TRY it, you just may LIKE it. We

always joke that he will be like Sheldon from " The Big Bang Theory " and have an

eating schedule that can never be changed, except with my son it will be the

same thing every day. Don't worry about the baby food, at 6 years of age we

still go out to restaurants and he eats his stage 2 baby food of carrots.


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My son never could handle Stage 2 and still can't handle mushy things!Sent from my iPhone

Hi Leah,

My son is the same. He is 6 now but we noticed at 9 months old that he would gag when we gave him stage 3 baby food or any kind of table food. To make a long story short, we went through YEARS of OT that did not work because his texture issue was not medically related and that is what Occupational Therapists work on. For my son it is more mental. So we finally started going to a place that did behavior therapy, but instead of doing the normal behavior therapy that you normally think of, this was one-on-one with a Psychologist and she worked on more of the MENTAL aspect of his fear of food and texture issues. We think our issues steam from his GERD from when he was 1 month old. Dr.'s say that once they have a discomfort from eating, they remember and so food becomes an enemy if it makes them feel uncomfortable. I think it also helped when he was around 4 because he understood more that if you just TRY it, you just may LIKE it. We always joke that he will be like Sheldon from "The Big Bang Theory" and have an eating schedule that can never be changed, except with my son it will be the same thing every day. Don't worry about the baby food, at 6 years of age we still go out to restaurants and he eats his stage 2 baby food of carrots.



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That reminds me of the movie, Adam. :) To: "autism-aspergers " <autism-aspergers > Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 10:22 PM Subject: Re: Re: New with a question about eating issues

My son never could handle Stage 2 and still can't handle mushy things!Sent from my iPhone

Hi Leah,

My son is the same. He is 6 now but we noticed at 9 months old that he would gag when we gave him stage 3 baby food or any kind of table food. To make a long story short, we went through YEARS of OT that did not work because his texture issue was not medically related and that is what Occupational Therapists work on. For my son it is more mental. So we finally started going to a place that did behavior therapy, but instead of doing the normal behavior therapy that you normally think of, this was one-on-one with a Psychologist and she worked on more of the MENTAL aspect of his fear of food and texture issues. We think our issues steam from his GERD from when he was 1 month old. Dr.'s say that once they have a discomfort from eating, they remember and so food becomes an enemy if it makes them feel uncomfortable. I think it also helped when he was around 4 because he understood more that if you just TRY it, you just may LIKE it. We always joke that

he will be like Sheldon from "The Big Bang Theory" and have an eating schedule that can never be changed, except with my son it will be the same thing every day. Don't worry about the baby food, at 6 years of age we still go out to restaurants and he eats his stage 2 baby food of carrots.



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My mostly NT son (8 y/o) will not eat any fruit or veggie (and some meats). He gags on them and will throw up. It's not a taste issue...it is a texture issue. The only fruit or veggie that he will eat is no sugar added applesauce (no chunks). He loves that but won't eat apples. He will drink fruit/veggie juice too.

Both my kids have sensory processing disorder. Matt is orally defensive and my other one is orally seeking.

Oh, it's fun being a mom sometimes. I wouldn't worry about them eating baby food still. At least they are getting the nutrition. I would talk to an OT though.

Good luck!

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-- New with a question about eating issues

Hi! My name's Leah, and I have four kiddos, DD (11), twin boys (2) and a four month old boy as well. My twins were just diagnosed with autism, but I've pretty much known for about 8 months or so. They are really sweet, active boys and they've come a long way with speech and OT...they're starting to point, ask for things, play with toys, and using a few words and signs. I'm really proud of them!However, eating...it's just awful. Cash will eat nothing with any texture, and now Gus is starting to be the same way. So we're still on baby food with a few crackers here and there. They constantly, constantly spit. If they can reach anything on the table it gets thrown. They bang against their chairs to move around the room. It's a struggle to get them to eat anything, and I hate to say it but it's making me miserable. I am so worried because they're both tiny. We can't eat as a family, we can't go anywhere to eat. They've worked on feeding in OT, but maybe it just isn't translating to home. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

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