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Debra, yes...I think the best thing would be to watch one of their

shopathome shows...they explain it all...natural...what it can do...etc...I

have lines around my mouth, SD...and I have never smoked...the few on my

forehead are minimized as well...I love it...think you can go to Aloette

..com and call them and ask when its on tv...then its cheaper..Let me know..I

swear by it now...Hugs, Debb

rheumatic TMJ

> >

> >

> > > I noticed that someone brought up the problem with

> > TMJ. Before I was

> > > dx with scleroderma, my dentist thought I had TMJ

> > and it was the sd

> > > rearing its ugly head. I had to go to an oral

> > surgeon and had 3 teeth

> > > cut out. I was in so much pain at that time.

> > Then, of course, my face

> > > started tightening. That was in 1999 and today my

> > skin has loosened

> > > alot and I have wrinkles....yea...wonderful

> > wrinkles...who would have

> > > thought that I would like wrinkles. I am very

> > vain, however, and I

> > > went to see a plastic surgeon (his MIL has sd) and

> > he said " no way

> > > would I do anything to your face " . So.......hey,

> > I'm 53 and I guess

> > > everyone has wrinkles at that age. I'm just glad

> > to be alive and

> > > somewhat healthy.

> > >

> > > Susie in Oklahoma

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > To unsubscribe, email:

> > rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

> > >

> > >

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No I do not have SD. I have RA and fibro. I also had a tic bite many years

ago and tested positive but they said it was a false positive(go figure). No

I do not take the pills. I am just on Minocin MWF 200ms. I quit the IV's

because over a period of about 6 IV's nothing was gained. I figuered at this

point I had become immune to the Clindy (even with Minocin you may need to

go on a different med for a while after many years on it).

If your labs are not normal and you still have access to the IV's ...why

don't you try a 5 day stretch of IV's and see if they help? Some times

increasing your Minocin to MWF and Saturday can cause a reaction that might

lower the labs.


rheumatic TMJ

I noticed that someone brought up the problem with TMJ. Before I was

dx with scleroderma, my dentist thought I had TMJ and it was the sd

rearing its ugly head. I had to go to an oral surgeon and had 3 teeth

cut out. I was in so much pain at that time. Then, of course, my face

started tightening. That was in 1999 and today my skin has loosened

alot and I have wrinkles....yea...wonderful wrinkles...who would have

thought that I would like wrinkles. I am very vain, however, and I

went to see a plastic surgeon (his MIL has sd) and he said " no way

would I do anything to your face " . So.......hey, I'm 53 and I guess

everyone has wrinkles at that age. I'm just glad to be alive and

somewhat healthy.

Susie in Oklahoma

To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I had trouble with my jaw at one point in my RA journey. It fit

descriptions that I've read of TMJ, and it was just in one jaw. I told

myself that if it was from the RA, then the meds for RA should fix it,

and luckily they did, LOL. Sue

On Saturday, June 16, 2007, at 05:56 PM, Angie wrote:

> when i saw my rhuemy at the beginning of the month he said he felt

> it was all related to the ra DIdn't think it was tmj because its

> just in one jaw haven't talked to a dentist as a really don't have

> one or dental insurance THanks for replying

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Guest guest

I have TMJ in my right jaw. Whenever I try to eat an apple the joint

slips out. So I cut my apples up. If I yawn to wide it slips out also.

It's an annoying problem but no fix. Only have fibro and OA right now.

Debbie L


> I had trouble with my jaw at one point in my RA journey. It fit

> descriptions that I've read of TMJ, and it was just in one jaw. I


> myself that if it was from the RA, then the meds for RA should fix


> and luckily they did, LOL. Sue


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Guest guest

I have TMJ also and I have fibromyalgia and just a touch of OA. I

can be very annoying and I also night grind due to stress. About

every time the dentist wants to do a mouthguard, I get magically

better. Hugs, Penny

> >

> > I had trouble with my jaw at one point in my RA journey. It fit

> > descriptions that I've read of TMJ, and it was just in one jaw.


> told

> > myself that if it was from the RA, then the meds for RA should


> it,

> > and luckily they did, LOL. Sue

> >


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  • 3 years later...

HI All,

I have a friend visiting whose 22 yo daughter has debilitating TMJ.

Wondering if anyone has seen this from either mold exposure or emf


Thanks, Sue V.

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I have very bad TMJ but then I also have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and general

joint hypermobility. A lot if times, though, what we think of as TMJ is actually

TMD--that is, not necessarily joint related. People can have jaw pain that is

diagnosed as TMJ/TMD but is purely muscular and not joint-related. Anyway, since

mold can cause or contribute to inflammation, I could see it being related. But

there are many causes for TMD, including stress (stress = clenching jaw).

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 31, 2010, at 12:41 AM, sue <svican@...> wrote:

HI All,

I have a friend visiting whose 22 yo daughter has debilitating TMJ.

Wondering if anyone has seen this from either mold exposure or emf


Thanks, Sue V.

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TMJ is Temporal Mandibular Jont which we all have.  TMJD is the disorder.  I

have TMJD from an accident in which my jaw was displaced.  When afflicted by

mold my right side of my face which was more affected.   My TMJD is also more

affected by the mold exposure which is why I feel my trigeminal nerve which was

weak from the TMJD was more affected too by the mold exposure.  One side of my

face is a little druppier than the other and if I get exposure that side also



 I think if one part of your body had already suffered an injury before the


exposure WDB then that part of your body is more likely also to suffer more

damage or be more suceptible to damage.  Yes I do have more problems with my

TMJD upon exposure and is affected by the WDB.  I just have a little of

everything I guess...................

God Bless !!




From: sue <svican@...>

Sickbuildings < >; Emfrefugee

<emfrefugee >; Safety Network EMF <EMFSafe@...>

Sent: Sun, October 31, 2010 1:41:04 AM

Subject: [] TMJ


HI All,

I have a friend visiting whose 22 yo daughter has debilitating TMJ.

Wondering if anyone has seen this from either mold exposure or emf


Thanks, Sue V.

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