Guest guest Posted February 21, 2010 Report Share Posted February 21, 2010 How Cancer Begins – The Exact Cause of Cancer Explained Posted by Leukemia Feb 21 A microbe is found in every cancer cell. Cancer microbes get into normal cells and their presence turns the normal cells into anaerobic cells (an anaerobic cell does not burn oxygen like a normal cell, rather it ferments glucose to get energy). The definition of an anaerobic cell is a " cancer cell. " A Nobel Prize was given in 1931 (Otto Heinrich Warburg) for the discovery that a cancer cell is anaerobic. The microbe various, sometimes it is a virus, a fungus, a mould, acid-fast bacteria (which mutated into a fungus) or an amoeba (e.g. trichomonad). Inside each cell are mitochondria. These mitochondria are where the energy of the cell is created, in the form of a molecule called ATP. The chemical process by which ATP are made start with what is called " The Krebs Cycle " or the " Citric Acid Cycle. " This cycle of chemical reactions leads to the creation of ATP. But as a spin-off of the Krebs Cycle, the Electron Transport Chain (ETC), creates even more ATP than the Krebs Cycle. In a cancer cell, the Krebs Cycle is broken. Since the ETC is a spin-off of the Krebs Cycle, it is broken also. The result of breaking the Krebs Cycle is that the energy in the cell (i.e. the number of ATP molecules) drops dramatically. The human cell is a very sophisticated living thing. When the Krebs Cycle is broken, the cell is generally able to fix the cycle, thus restoring the energy in the cell. With a cancer cell, the cell is not able to restore its Krebs Cycle. Instead the broken Krebs Cycle and broken ETC are maintained. So what possibly could maintain the break in the Krebs Cycle and ETC? What could make it impossible for the cell to fix itself month after month and year after year. The microbe, once inside, intercepts the glucose entering the cell (most microbes eat glucose). The microbe excretes " mycotoxins, " dangerous hormones and perhaps a thick slime (mycotoxins are the normal excretions of microbes). Mycotoxins are very, very acidic, the inside of the cell becomes highly acidic, which is a characteristic of cancer cells (in fact the longer a cell is cancerous, generally the more acidic it becomes). The cell's mitochondria (which convert glucose into energy) get very little glucose because the microbe has intercepted most of the glucose. What the cell's mitochondria does get is lots of mycotoxins and other harmful garbage, which it cannot convert into energy, The mitochondria's energy level (ATP provides the key energy of a cell, but ATP is created by the Krebs Cycle and ETC) plummets because it is living in a sea of filth, meaning the ATP energy drops. Signals are sent to the insulin receptors and glucose receptors on the cell membranes to grab more glucose. Glucose enters the cell (about 15 times more), but most of the glucose is intercepted by the microbe (which may be multiplying) and the mitochondria are bathing in an increasingly large sea of mycotoxins, dangerous hormones and possibly slime. Technically, the glucose is normally converted into pyruvate and it is the pyruvate than enters the mitochondria. There is a limit to how high the activity of these two types of receptors can become there is no way for the mitochondria (and thus the ATP) to get enough glucose/pyruvate and energy. The cell is now officially cancerous because its energy level drops (the ATP energy levels can be compared to the steps of a ladder) and it is defined to be anaerobic. In this process, two things happen. First, because of the microbe(s) the break in the Krebs Cycle and ETC are broken as long as the microbe(s) are inside the cell. Second, each cancer cell is turned into a very healthy microbe(s), living inside a very sick human cell. Because the microbe(s) are healthy, and the cell is sick, it makes it very difficult to kill the microbe without killing the cell. The medical establishment, and their friends in the media, would like people to believe that DNA damage is what causes cancer. While in rare cases, a person's normal DNA may provide them an immune system which gives them a predisposition to get cancer, DNA damage has never caused a single case of true cancer. Cancer can only be caused when the Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain are broken inside the mitochondria. DNA damage cannot break the Krebs Cycle and thus cannot cause cancer. Why would the medical establishment want to mislead the general public about what causes cancer? There are two reasons. First, it gives people the impression that curing cancer is many decades away; and second, it gives people the impression that many more hundreds of billions of dollars are needed for cancer " research. " It has been known since the 1930s that various microbes are the cause of cancer. Once a certain kind of microbe is able to get inside of a healthy cell, the Krebs Cycle is broken and the process of cancer begins. The person's immune system may or may not be able to identify and kill the new cancer cells. Regarding DNA damage, researcher Ron Gdanski has shown, it is the DNA of this microbe, which is inside of cancer cells, that causes the DNA damage to the cancer cells. Thus, the DNA damage of cancer cells is not the cause of cancer, but rather the DNA of the microbe which causes cancer is the cause of the DNA damage in cancer cells. In fact, the medical establisment has used viruses to get inside of cells with defective DNA in order to fix the DNA. This is called " gene therapy. " Thus, it is well known that the DNA of microbes (called " vectors " ) inside of human cells can affect the DNA inside that same cell. Facts 1) It is a fact that the ATP energy is very low in a cancer cell. In fact several alternative cancer treatments take direct advantage of this fact. Graviola, Paw Paw, Protocel, Cantron, and other alternative cancer treatments, lower the ATP energy of all cells. Non-cancerous cells are not affected by a small drop in ATP energy, but cancer cells literally fall apart when their ATP energy drops. Most types of chemotherapy, by the way, increase ATP energy. 2) Dr. O. Young, PhD has literally watched through a live-blood dark-field microscope, highly agressive molds (i.e. moulds) drill through the cell membrane of normal cells. 3) Several types of cancer, including squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, are well-known to spread in a very unique way. The way that it is described can only be attributed to a microbe coming out of a cancer cell, traveling through the blood, and entering a normal cell in another part of the body. 4) Several scientists have independently identified a special kind of pleomorphic microbe as being the cause of cancer. Among these was Dr. Royal Rife, who did numerous experiments injecting a cancer virus into healthy mice, thus causing cancer in the mouse. 5) Dr. Royal Rife also developed a machine called " The Rife Machine. " He, and others who used early versions of his machine, cured many cancer patients. His machine was designed to do one thing – kill microbes. It was not designed to kill cancer cells, yet early versions of his machine cured cancer. Electromagnetic machines can kill microbes inside of cancer cells as easily as kill microbes in the blood. 6) Dr. Tamara Lebedewa cut off parts of a tumor and put it in a culture high in nutrition. Within several days she noticed three-tailed amoeba (trichomonads) swimming in the culture. In fact, these may not have been amoeba, but instead a special kind of very large bacteria. In either case, she has shown the presence of a microbe inside of cancer cells. 7) Several types of cancer are well-known to be associated with a microbe. Among those are leukemia (in fact some cases of fungal infection have been misdiagnosed as leukemia), cervical cancer, sqamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and perhaps others. For example, tobacco is very, very high in fungus, and this fungus may be a causal factor in the development in lung cancer. About a dozen known natural substances are known to revert cancer cells into normal cells. The only way this can happen is if the Krebs Cycle and ETC are restored to normal. Thus it is known that the Krebs Cycle and ETC can be restored. 9) Cesium chloride is known to kill cancer cells by accumulating in the cancer cells. Cesium chloride is also known to kill microbes. Thus, when a cancer patient receives enough cesium chloride to easily kill the microbes inside the cancer cells, but not enough to kill the cell, a person would think that the cancer cells would revert to normal. This does not happen because the cesium left in the cell blocks the glucose from entering the cell, thus the cesium itself (and potassium) blocks the Krebs Cycle and ETC. This indicates that the blocking of glucose can lead to lower ATP. It is possible the cesium chloride treatment actually works by lowering the ATP energy. 10) Ron Gdanski has shown how a tear in tissue can lead to cancer. More than 90% of all cancers start in tissue. Ron's model is that a tear in tissue creates a small pool of blood. This pool of blood becomes infested with microbes, particularly fungus. The fungus weaken the cell membranes of the cells surrounding the pool of blood and are able to enter into the cell, thus causing cancer. His book has a large amount of evidence, from several sources, as to the correctness of his model. 11) Cancer cells consume 15 or 16 times more glucose than normal cells. Yet, these cells cannot create enough ATP. Much more pyruvate is made by the added glucose (pyruvate is actually what enters the mitochondria to begin the Kreb's Cycle or Citric Acid Cycle), yet the cell still cannot make enough ATP molecules. There are more than a dozen natural substances that are known to be able to revert a cancer cell into a normal cell. DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is the king of these substances. Is it possible these natural substances are able to kill the microbe(s) inside the cells, without killing the cells themselves, and thus the cell is able to restore its Krebs Cycle and ETC and is able to become normal again. Trans-fatty-acids, which are very rigid molecules, attach to cell walls and block " ports " that allow glucose to get into the cell, causing type 2 diabetes. But it is also possible these fats can cause weaknesses or gaps in the cell walls allowing microbes to enter. It turns out that a " carcinogen " is anything that weakens or damages cell walls, allowing microbes to enter in. There are many, many things that can do this, such as: 1) A very acidic diet, which allows the microbes to change forms, proliferate and become more aggressive 2) Leaky gut syndrome, which allows unprocessed food to get into the blood stream 3) Numerous chemicals and processed substances 4) A substance that cuts internal tissue, forming a small pool of blood in the tissue, which allows the microbes to concentrate and weakens cell membranes (over 90% of all cancers start in tissue). The cause of cancer and how it begins includes both that the damaged cell walls allow microbes to enter in, and the microbes cause the cells to become anaerobic. Why Does Cancer Spread? A carcinogen creates a cut in tissue (over 90% of all cancers originate in tissue layers). This cut causes a small pool of blood to form in the tissue. This small pool of blood is a safe haven for microbes because it is not part of the bloodstream. In this pool of blood, microbes, especially fungus, grow and thrive. This pool of blood also weakens the cell membranes of the cells surrounding the pool. The combination of a weakened cell membrane, and many highly active microbes, allows some of the microbes to get inside the cells surrounding the pool of blood, thus causing cancer cells to form. For two types of cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma), and probably other types, it is strongly theorized that microbes inside the cancer cells leave the cells, travel through the bloodstream, then drill their way into normal cells, perhaps a great distance from where they left their prior host cell, thus causing normal cells to become cancerous and causing cancer to suddenly show up long distances from where the cancer was before. What is known is that the new sections of cancer did not form due to cell division and all the evidence points to microbes as the culprit. Dr. Matthias Rath, a well-known cancer researcher, has yet another theory of why cancer spread. He says that all human cells are surrounded by collagen fibres and connective tissue. In order to grow and expand, healthy cells need to break down this extra-cellular barrier that confines them. This process is essential for life and for this reason, cells produce and secrete various enzymes that digest connective tissue components, including collagen and elastin. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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