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Research of stimulants and anabolic steroids in dietary supplements

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Research of stimulants and anabolic steroids in dietary supplements


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N. Baume 1 , N. Mahler 2 , M. Kamber 2 , P. Mangin 1 , M. Saugy 1


dietary supplements • prohormones • creatine • urine • doping •

anabolic steroids • stimulants


The purpose of this study was to analyze the composition of 103

dietary supplements bought on the internet. The supplements were

dispatched in four different categories according to their announced

contents [creatine, prohormones, " mental enhancers " and branched

chain amino acids (BCAA)]. All the supplements were screened for the

presence of stimulants and main anabolic steroids parent compounds.

At the same time, the research was focused on the precursors and

metabolites of testosterone and nandrolone.

The study pointed out three products containing an anabolic steroid,

metandienone, in a very high amount. The ingestion of such products

induced a high quantity of metandienone metabolites in urines that

would be considered as a positive antidoping test. The results have

also shown that one creatine product and three " mental enhancers "

contained traces of hormones or prohormones not claimed on the labels

and 14 prohormone products contained substances other than those

indicated by the manufacturer. The oral intake of the creatine

product revealed the presence of the two main nandrolone metabolites

(19-norandrosterone and 19-noretiocholanolone) in urine.



Wakefield, UK

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