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RE: Yasko metals removal

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We got our genetics panel results back last May but I have implemented very slowly.  Mainly because Charlie is very sensitive to supplements (and everything else) but also because when I'm doing anything I need to understand what I'm doing so I've literally spent hours and hours understanding the protocol and what to do next.  I think the approach is that you need to really understand a lot to be able to implement/manage it. Due to phenol probs we can't use the compounded supplements containing herbs so this has made protocol even harder.

Charlie has been on bio med since he was tiny - baby probiotics from 8 weeks, digestion enzymes from 18 months , basic mineral support ie trace minerals, zinc, magnesium, fish oils since 12 months so some of the step one supports were already in place.  However once we put in proper organ support ie ora products we saw huge differences.

On testing we have gone from virtually no metal excretion to metals leterally pouring out.   In respect of what we have seen, Charlie received his autism diagnosis at the same time we got the genetic panel results.  At further assessment meeting the therapists who assessed Charlie  said his autism could be quite  discreet but they had no doubt and did not feel the need to do an ados (prior to enzymes he was in a real tacking - they were the ist wow for us , especially no fenol so he had already been on road to recovery for a while).  At this time Charlie virtually had no speech and the few words he said he stammered over and over.  He never slept for more than 2 hours, and had absolutley no emotional control.  He was not toilet trained ( could not feel the sensation), you could not touch his head, brush his teeth, wash his face, apply suncream, cut this nails, cut his hair.  He had had a couple of seizures but I now recognise he was often in a pre seizure state.  His stools were offensive mush.  He complained continually of his legs hurting and would not walk more than a few yards.Was very sensory esp noise and smell. - Has to have food and bath cold - could not tolerate heat at all.  Very sensitive to pain.  Was hypermobile and had peripheral vision.  He was full of anxiety and required adult re-assurance continually. He would copy play but was not able to initiate - rarely played without adult prompt.  He has always been quite sociable and happy to mix with peers but struggled to engage.  He was referred for early years out reach support when moving to F1mainstream nursey.

Now:Had SEN assessment in nursey last october - SEN consultant said she would not have picked Charlie out as asd (I think this was a bit too positive as there is still a lot they just don't see at nursery and she clearly got him on a good day) .

His receptive and expressive speech is advanced but the clarity is still quite poor - due to start speech therapy.  Also just found out he has glue ear which may be impacting here.  He is functioning well at nursey with very little support (would be functioning even better with a bit more support)!!!.  he has developed friendships, leads play.  Lots of behaviours have totally gone such as peripheral vision.  He is totally toilet trained - did it himself in 3 days after reducing sulphur and protein (ammonia protocol) as per test results.  Tells us he likes the water hotter now.  Fetched dad his coat and asked to go for his haircut as his head din't hurt anymore. Tolerates haircut, teeth brushing fine (still have to cut nails in sleep). Still wakes every night but only once and goes back relatively easily (with exception of when going through hard detox). anxiety has reduced a lot (since introducing tiny bit lithium as per test results) - still is a problem but is managable.  Still has significant eating problem which seems to be connected to gut.  Dr Amy thinks he has h pylori so we now need to concetrate on gut protocol.  Test show that ammonia is currently under control as well as CBS activity which means we can plod on with stage 2 really supporting methylation - been at this point since xmas and since adding thing like BH4 this is when he has started to sing, be really happy and just play, play play by himself - he is now playing properly for the ist time and fully enjoying it.  He is very bright and the rate he is learning is just blowing us away.

He still struggles at nursery (but they don't see it) due to uncertainities - at the moment he just doesn't want to go and says he doesn't like it.  I'm dreading full time in September mainly due to the unstructured times such as play time and lunch time - then theres eating to address in its own right.

So in summary - we still have issues but  overall he's doing amazing.  According to Yasko he has the combination of mutations seen in the most affected children she deals with - they are also the ones most difficult to manage long term (bloody CBS++)!!!

Hope this helps.Alison R


Hi Alison Thank you for replying. It was fixing the methylation pathway and hence the route of the problem which originally drew me towards Yasko. Also Dr G pointed me in her direction so I know he respects the approach.

I think maybe I just need to have faith but it's difficult when the most popular method used is Cutler so that's the protocol of choice. I feel a sence of urgency to get these metals out and I want to do it the quickest and most effective way possible for j. Having said that the promise of fixing the original problem to prevent further accumulation has to be the primary goal.

Do you mind me asking how long you have been using Dr Yaskos protocol for and what benefits you have seen?Also is anyone else on this list using Yasko or have any thoughts on her protocol?Thanks :-)

To: Autism-Biomedical-Europe From: rowbotham.alison@...

Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 23:50:43 +0000Subject: Re: Yasko metals removal


I can't advise whether Yasko or cutler is more appropriate - I still question this with myself!  We are currently doing yasko and I am happy to share with you my understanding according to yasko.

Metals, genetics and methylation is a catch 22 situation. Genetic changes in key areas of methylation cycle (as per nutrigenomic test) are seen more and  in particular combinations in asd and other neurological disorders.

These changes impair detoxification which means holding onto rather than eliminating metals, bacteria and viruses (proper methylation is required to silence viruses).  The bacteria and viruses also trap metals.  

Here is the catch 22 - metals then interfere with methylation.  There is now a vicious circle of metals, viruses, bacteria, impaired methylation which means detox problems and digestion problems. (so with cutler you are also removing the metals that further impact on methylation but not bypassing the genetic errors - I think, correct me if I'm wrong here Mandi)

By even just starting to correct methylation, metals will start to be eliminated.  Viruses and bacteria will then start to be removed from the body again pushing the metals at the same time.  You are not only removing metals but correcting the way the body works so the metals do not build back up so that viruses can be silenced and the many other critical jobs methylation is required for such as correct cell multiplication (this process is what has gone wrong when cancer occurs).

With yasko as it causes the body to detox naturally step 1 involves supporting the vital organs to cope with elimination of metals without being ill (eg liver support so that liver enzymes do not end up raised as the liver will be working harder).  However there will be experience of detox symptoms.

I'm also doing yasko myself and both my kids seem to be coping much better than me.  Yasko requires lots of testing to do it properly and ends up very expensive.  When we started out I thought I could use the protocol as a base and 'adapt' to suit but I have found I can't do this.  I don't know how to do it other than just follow it.

A real positive is receiving the test results and seeing the excretion of metals when previously there were none.  Then there is stage 3 which means promoting remylination to protect the pruned, less toxic nervous system and brain.

My son aged 4 was in a real mess.  For us the results have answered so many questions - he has some of the most severe combinations.  Even if we get to a point where financially we can't continue with full protocol we will still know his biggest issues and what needs to be controlled life long.  It has also helped with diet.  There are so many different suggested diets for autism it has helped us to understand what to avoid for Charlie and hopefully this can be expanded once methylation is more functional.

Once we got the yasko results we went to Breakspear and Dr G ran methylation panel bloodtest. This along with urine amino acid test confrimed the predispsitions suggested on yasko panel were actually causing both my children significant problems.

Hope this helps rather than adding confusion.BWAlison R


Hi I have just started Dr Yaskos protocol and am awaiting results from the nutrigenomic test and range of biomed tests. So far I have seen great gains by altering the gabba glutamate balance and J is much calmer and happier in himself.

My worry is that I don't fully understand how her approach removes metals from the body and how her method compares to the Cutler method in terms of effectiveness?

I know J has a lot of Arsenic and cadmium from testing but with my history I also suspect mercury. I'm just not sure if I should go with Yasko or Cutler and would really appreciate some advise!

Thanks in advance :-)


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Alison I hope you are very proud of yourself a well as Charlie,I know what hard work Yasko is having tried to do it myself, its 2 full time jobs just learning, well done and keep going!


His receptive and expressive speech is advanced but the clarity is still quite poor - due to start speech therapy. Also just found out he has glue ear which may be impacting here. He is functioning well at nursey with very little support (would be functioning even better with a bit more support)!!!. he has developed friendships, leads play. Lots of behaviours have totally gone such as peripheral vision. He is totally toilet trained - did it himself in 3 days after reducing sulphur and protein (ammonia protocol) as per test results. Tells us he likes the water hotter now. Fetched dad his coat and asked to go for his haircut as his head din't hurt anymore. Tolerates haircut, teeth brushing fine (still have to cut nails in sleep). Still wakes every night but only once and goes back relatively easily (with exception of when going through hard detox). anxiety has reduced a lot (since introducing tiny bit lithium as per test results) - still is a problem but is managable. Still has significant eating problem which seems to be connected to gut. Dr Amy thinks he has h pylori so we now need to concetrate on gut protocol. Test show that ammonia is currently under control as well as CBS activity which means we can plod on with stage 2 really supporting methylation - been at this point since xmas and since adding thing like BH4 this is when he has started to sing, be really happy and just play, play play by himself - he is now playing properly for the ist time and fully enjoying it. He is very bright and the rate he is learning is just blowing us away.

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Alison,I was so moved to read this. Congratulations to you and your little man.ZahraSent from my iPhone

We got our genetics panel results back last May but I have implemented very slowly. Mainly because Charlie is very sensitive to supplements (and everything else) but also because when I'm doing anything I need to understand what I'm doing so I've literally spent hours and hours understanding the protocol and what to do next. I think the approach is that you need to really understand a lot to be able to implement/manage it. Due to phenol probs we can't use the compounded supplements containing herbs so this has made protocol even harder.

Charlie has been on bio med since he was tiny - baby probiotics from 8 weeks, digestion enzymes from 18 months , basic mineral support ie trace minerals, zinc, magnesium, fish oils since 12 months so some of the step one supports were already in place. However once we put in proper organ support ie ora products we saw huge differences.

On testing we have gone from virtually no metal excretion to metals leterally pouring out. In respect of what we have seen, Charlie received his autism diagnosis at the same time we got the genetic panel results. At further assessment meeting the therapists who assessed Charlie said his autism could be quite discreet but they had no doubt and did not feel the need to do an ados (prior to enzymes he was in a real tacking - they were the ist wow for us , especially no fenol so he had already been on road to recovery for a while). At this time Charlie virtually had no speech and the few words he said he stammered over and over. He never slept for more than 2 hours, and had absolutley no emotional control. He was not toilet trained ( could not feel the sensation), you could not touch his head, brush his teeth, wash his face, apply suncream, cut this nails, cut his hair. He had had a couple of seizures but I now recognise he was often in a pre seizure state. His stools were offensive mush. He complained continually of his legs hurting and would not walk more than a few yards.Was very sensory esp noise and smell. - Has to have food and bath cold - could not tolerate heat at all. Very sensitive to pain. Was hypermobile and had peripheral vision. He was full of anxiety and required adult re-assurance continually. He would copy play but was not able to initiate - rarely played without adult prompt. He has always been quite sociable and happy to mix with peers but struggled to engage. He was referred for early years out reach support when moving to F1mainstream nursey.

Now:Had SEN assessment in nursey last october - SEN consultant said she would not have picked Charlie out as asd (I think this was a bit too positive as there is still a lot they just don't see at nursery and she clearly got him on a good day) .

His receptive and expressive speech is advanced but the clarity is still quite poor - due to start speech therapy. Also just found out he has glue ear which may be impacting here. He is functioning well at nursey with very little support (would be functioning even better with a bit more support)!!!. he has developed friendships, leads play. Lots of behaviours have totally gone such as peripheral vision. He is totally toilet trained - did it himself in 3 days after reducing sulphur and protein (ammonia protocol) as per test results. Tells us he likes the water hotter now. Fetched dad his coat and asked to go for his haircut as his head din't hurt anymore. Tolerates haircut, teeth brushing fine (still have to cut nails in sleep). Still wakes every night but only once and goes back relatively easily (with exception of when going through hard detox). anxiety has reduced a lot (since introducing tiny bit lithium as per test results) - still is a problem but is managable. Still has significant eating problem which seems to be connected to gut. Dr Amy thinks he has h pylori so we now need to concetrate on gut protocol. Test show that ammonia is currently under control as well as CBS activity which means we can plod on with stage 2 really supporting methylation - been at this point since xmas and since adding thing like BH4 this is when he has started to sing, be really happy and just play, play play by himself - he is now playing properly for the ist time and fully enjoying it. He is very bright and the rate he is learning is just blowing us away.

He still struggles at nursery (but they don't see it) due to uncertainities - at the moment he just doesn't want to go and says he doesn't like it. I'm dreading full time in September mainly due to the unstructured times such as play time and lunch time - then theres eating to address in its own right.

So in summary - we still have issues but overall he's doing amazing. According to Yasko he has the combination of mutations seen in the most affected children she deals with - they are also the ones most difficult to manage long term (bloody CBS++)!!!

Hope this helps.Alison R

Hi Alison Thank you for replying. It was fixing the methylation pathway and hence the route of the problem which originally drew me towards Yasko. Also Dr G pointed me in her direction so I know he respects the approach.

I think maybe I just need to have faith but it's difficult when the most popular method used is Cutler so that's the protocol of choice. I feel a sence of urgency to get these metals out and I want to do it the quickest and most effective way possible for j. Having said that the promise of fixing the original problem to prevent further accumulation has to be the primary goal.

Do you mind me asking how long you have been using Dr Yaskos protocol for and what benefits you have seen?Also is anyone else on this list using Yasko or have any thoughts on her protocol?Thanks :-)

To: Autism-Biomedical-Europe From: rowbotham.alison@...

Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 23:50:43 +0000Subject: Re: Yasko metals removal

I can't advise whether Yasko or cutler is more appropriate - I still question this with myself! We are currently doing yasko and I am happy to share with you my understanding according to yasko.

Metals, genetics and methylation is a catch 22 situation. Genetic changes in key areas of methylation cycle (as per nutrigenomic test) are seen more and in particular combinations in asd and other neurological disorders.

These changes impair detoxification which means holding onto rather than eliminating metals, bacteria and viruses (proper methylation is required to silence viruses). The bacteria and viruses also trap metals.

Here is the catch 22 - metals then interfere with methylation. There is now a vicious circle of metals, viruses, bacteria, impaired methylation which means detox problems and digestion problems. (so with cutler you are also removing the metals that further impact on methylation but not bypassing the genetic errors - I think, correct me if I'm wrong here Mandi)

By even just starting to correct methylation, metals will start to be eliminated. Viruses and bacteria will then start to be removed from the body again pushing the metals at the same time. You are not only removing metals but correcting the way the body works so the metals do not build back up so that viruses can be silenced and the many other critical jobs methylation is required for such as correct cell multiplication (this process is what has gone wrong when cancer occurs).

With yasko as it causes the body to detox naturally step 1 involves supporting the vital organs to cope with elimination of metals without being ill (eg liver support so that liver enzymes do not end up raised as the liver will be working harder). However there will be experience of detox symptoms.

I'm also doing yasko myself and both my kids seem to be coping much better than me. Yasko requires lots of testing to do it properly and ends up very expensive. When we started out I thought I could use the protocol as a base and 'adapt' to suit but I have found I can't do this. I don't know how to do it other than just follow it.

A real positive is receiving the test results and seeing the excretion of metals when previously there were none. Then there is stage 3 which means promoting remylination to protect the pruned, less toxic nervous system and brain.

My son aged 4 was in a real mess. For us the results have answered so many questions - he has some of the most severe combinations. Even if we get to a point where financially we can't continue with full protocol we will still know his biggest issues and what needs to be controlled life long. It has also helped with diet. There are so many different suggested diets for autism it has helped us to understand what to avoid for Charlie and hopefully this can be expanded once methylation is more functional.

Once we got the yasko results we went to Breakspear and Dr G ran methylation panel bloodtest. This along with urine amino acid test confrimed the predispsitions suggested on yasko panel were actually causing both my children significant problems.

Hope this helps rather than adding confusion.BWAlison R

Hi I have just started Dr Yaskos protocol and am awaiting results from the nutrigenomic test and range of biomed tests. So far I have seen great gains by altering the gabba glutamate balance and J is much calmer and happier in himself.

My worry is that I don't fully understand how her approach removes metals from the body and how her method compares to the Cutler method in terms of effectiveness?

I know J has a lot of Arsenic and cadmium from testing but with my history I also suspect mercury. I'm just not sure if I should go with Yasko or Cutler and would really appreciate some advise!

Thanks in advance :-)


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I also must say what an incredible job your doing with your sons treatment and

wonderful to hear of Charlies improvements.


> >

> > **

> >

> >

> > Hi I have just started Dr Yaskos protocol and am awaiting results from the

> > nutrigenomic test and range of biomed tests. So far I have seen great gains

> > by altering the gabba glutamate balance and J is much calmer and happier in

> > himself.

> >

> > My worry is that I don't fully understand how her approach removes metals

> > from the body and how her method compares to the Cutler method in terms of

> > effectiveness?

> >

> > I know J has a lot of Arsenic and cadmium from testing but with my history

> > I also suspect mercury. I'm just not sure if I should go with Yasko or

> > Cutler and would really appreciate some advise!

> >

> > Thanks in advance :-)

> >

> > Lis

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Hi AlisonThank you so much for taking the time to write such a lengthy response. Your hard work of learning all the complexities of the yasko approach and your subsequent progress that Charlie has made has really given me the confidence that this is the right route for us.I am worried about the best way to remove the metals but have decided to push forward with Yasko and if progress slows maybe add in ALA later down the road like Sandy and Tim did.Just awaiting the genetics results and results of comprehensive testing now which should be with me first week in April. Until then I best stop faffing around dithering over which approach and get my head back in the books :-{ lol!Lis xxTo: Autism-Biomedical-Europe From: zahrawaheed@...Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 10:07:37 +0000Subject: Re: Yasko metals removal

Alison,I was so moved to read this. Congratulations to you and your little man.ZahraSent from my iPhoneOn 12 Mar 2012, at 01:19, alison rowbotham wrote:

We got our genetics panel results back last May but I have implemented very slowly. Mainly because Charlie is very sensitive to supplements (and everything else) but also because when I'm doing anything I need to understand what I'm doing so I've literally spent hours and hours understanding the protocol and what to do next. I think the approach is that you need to really understand a lot to be able to implement/manage it. Due to phenol probs we can't use the compounded supplements containing herbs so this has made protocol even harder.

Charlie has been on bio med since he was tiny - baby probiotics from 8 weeks, digestion enzymes from 18 months , basic mineral support ie trace minerals, zinc, magnesium, fish oils since 12 months so some of the step one supports were already in place. However once we put in proper organ support ie ora products we saw huge differences.

On testing we have gone from virtually no metal excretion to metals leterally pouring out. In respect of what we have seen, Charlie received his autism diagnosis at the same time we got the genetic panel results. At further assessment meeting the therapists who assessed Charlie said his autism could be quite discreet but they had no doubt and did not feel the need to do an ados (prior to enzymes he was in a real tacking - they were the ist wow for us , especially no fenol so he had already been on road to recovery for a while). At this time Charlie virtually had no speech and the few words he said he stammered over and over. He never slept for more than 2 hours, and had absolutley no emotional control. He was not toilet trained ( could not feel the sensation), you could not touch his head, brush his teeth, wash his face, apply suncream, cut this nails, cut his hair. He had had a couple of seizures but I now recognise he was often in a pre seizure state. His stools were offensive mush. He complained continually of his legs hurting and would not walk more than a few yards.Was very sensory esp noise and smell. - Has to have food and bath cold - could not tolerate heat at all. Very sensitive to pain. Was hypermobile and had peripheral vision. He was full of anxiety and required adult re-assurance continually. He would copy play but was not able to initiate - rarely played without adult prompt. He has always been quite sociable and happy to mix with peers but struggled to engage. He was referred for early years out reach support when moving to F1mainstream nursey.

Now:Had SEN assessment in nursey last october - SEN consultant said she would not have picked Charlie out as asd (I think this was a bit too positive as there is still a lot they just don't see at nursery and she clearly got him on a good day) .

His receptive and expressive speech is advanced but the clarity is still quite poor - due to start speech therapy. Also just found out he has glue ear which may be impacting here. He is functioning well at nursey with very little support (would be functioning even better with a bit more support)!!!. he has developed friendships, leads play. Lots of behaviours have totally gone such as peripheral vision. He is totally toilet trained - did it himself in 3 days after reducing sulphur and protein (ammonia protocol) as per test results. Tells us he likes the water hotter now. Fetched dad his coat and asked to go for his haircut as his head din't hurt anymore. Tolerates haircut, teeth brushing fine (still have to cut nails in sleep). Still wakes every night but only once and goes back relatively easily (with exception of when going through hard detox). anxiety has reduced a lot (since introducing tiny bit lithium as per test results) - still is a problem but is managable. Still has significant eating problem which seems to be connected to gut. Dr Amy thinks he has h pylori so we now need to concetrate on gut protocol. Test show that ammonia is currently under control as well as CBS activity which means we can plod on with stage 2 really supporting methylation - been at this point since xmas and since adding thing like BH4 this is when he has started to sing, be really happy and just play, play play by himself - he is now playing properly for the ist time and fully enjoying it. He is very bright and the rate he is learning is just blowing us away.

He still struggles at nursery (but they don't see it) due to uncertainities - at the moment he just doesn't want to go and says he doesn't like it. I'm dreading full time in September mainly due to the unstructured times such as play time and lunch time - then theres eating to address in its own right.

So in summary - we still have issues but overall he's doing amazing. According to Yasko he has the combination of mutations seen in the most affected children she deals with - they are also the ones most difficult to manage long term (bloody CBS++)!!!

Hope this helps.Alison ROn 7 March 2012 12:25, lis harrison wrote:

Hi Alison Thank you for replying. It was fixing the methylation pathway and hence the route of the problem which originally drew me towards Yasko. Also Dr G pointed me in her direction so I know he respects the approach.

I think maybe I just need to have faith but it's difficult when the most popular method used is Cutler so that's the protocol of choice. I feel a sence of urgency to get these metals out and I want to do it the quickest and most effective way possible for j. Having said that the promise of fixing the original problem to prevent further accumulation has to be the primary goal.

Do you mind me asking how long you have been using Dr Yaskos protocol for and what benefits you have seen?Also is anyone else on this list using Yasko or have any thoughts on her protocol?Thanks :-)

To: Autism-Biomedical-Europe From: rowbotham.alison@...

Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 23:50:43 +0000Subject: Re: Yasko metals removal

I can't advise whether Yasko or cutler is more appropriate - I still question this with myself! We are currently doing yasko and I am happy to share with you my understanding according to yasko.

Metals, genetics and methylation is a catch 22 situation. Genetic changes in key areas of methylation cycle (as per nutrigenomic test) are seen more and in particular combinations in asd and other neurological disorders.

These changes impair detoxification which means holding onto rather than eliminating metals, bacteria and viruses (proper methylation is required to silence viruses). The bacteria and viruses also trap metals.

Here is the catch 22 - metals then interfere with methylation. There is now a vicious circle of metals, viruses, bacteria, impaired methylation which means detox problems and digestion problems. (so with cutler you are also removing the metals that further impact on methylation but not bypassing the genetic errors - I think, correct me if I'm wrong here Mandi)

By even just starting to correct methylation, metals will start to be eliminated. Viruses and bacteria will then start to be removed from the body again pushing the metals at the same time. You are not only removing metals but correcting the way the body works so the metals do not build back up so that viruses can be silenced and the many other critical jobs methylation is required for such as correct cell multiplication (this process is what has gone wrong when cancer occurs).

With yasko as it causes the body to detox naturally step 1 involves supporting the vital organs to cope with elimination of metals without being ill (eg liver support so that liver enzymes do not end up raised as the liver will be working harder). However there will be experience of detox symptoms.

I'm also doing yasko myself and both my kids seem to be coping much better than me. Yasko requires lots of testing to do it properly and ends up very expensive. When we started out I thought I could use the protocol as a base and 'adapt' to suit but I have found I can't do this. I don't know how to do it other than just follow it.

A real positive is receiving the test results and seeing the excretion of metals when previously there were none. Then there is stage 3 which means promoting remylination to protect the pruned, less toxic nervous system and brain.

My son aged 4 was in a real mess. For us the results have answered so many questions - he has some of the most severe combinations. Even if we get to a point where financially we can't continue with full protocol we will still know his biggest issues and what needs to be controlled life long. It has also helped with diet. There are so many different suggested diets for autism it has helped us to understand what to avoid for Charlie and hopefully this can be expanded once methylation is more functional.

Once we got the yasko results we went to Breakspear and Dr G ran methylation panel bloodtest. This along with urine amino acid test confrimed the predispsitions suggested on yasko panel were actually causing both my children significant problems.

Hope this helps rather than adding confusion.BWAlison ROn 6 March 2012 22:15, liskent wrote:

Hi I have just started Dr Yaskos protocol and am awaiting results from the nutrigenomic test and range of biomed tests. So far I have seen great gains by altering the gabba glutamate balance and J is much calmer and happier in himself.

My worry is that I don't fully understand how her approach removes metals from the body and how her method compares to the Cutler method in terms of effectiveness?

I know J has a lot of Arsenic and cadmium from testing but with my history I also suspect mercury. I'm just not sure if I should go with Yasko or Cutler and would really appreciate some advise!

Thanks in advance :-)


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