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This is amazing. Many of these are the same thing one does to deter

fungal induced illnesses.

_Prevent Alzheimer's_



Simple Ways to Prevent Alzheimer's

You may think that Alzheimer's is a by-product of aging, but author Jean

Carper (pictured) wants you to know that you can avoid the disease. After

the former CNN medical correspondent and bestselling author discovered she

was genetically at risk for Alzheimer's, Carper interviewed experts and

reviewed medical research to better understand the disease and how to prevent

it. She turned her research into a book full of easy-to-follow advice. Read

an excerpt from her book, " 100 Simple Things You Can do to Prevent

Alzheimer's. "

Don't Shy Away From Antibiotics

Stories of people with Alzheimer's becoming lucid after taking antibiotics

are so legendary that doctors cannot disregard them. In one case, an

elderly woman with Alzheimer's was near death and taken to an emergency room,

where she was given an antibiotic drip for lung congestion. She had a mental

revival that astounded her daughter: " She recognized us, was able to put

three words together, and understood and responded to everything we said to

her. She has not been this responsive in close to a year! I attribute it to

the antibiotic drip. " ...Aline.

(http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0316086851?ie=UTF8 & tag=aolhealth-20 & linkCode=a\

s2 & camp=1789 & creative=9325 & creativeASIN=0316086851) Control Bad


You're in your forties. You find out your blood cholesterol is high. You

probably know it could mean heart disease ahead. You may not know it also

predicts Alzheimer's, according to the largest study ever done on the

subject. Researchers at Kaiser Permanente's Division of Research and the

University of Kuopio in Finland collected data for over four decades on nearly


thousand men and women. Their conclusion: high total cholesterol is an early

warning sign that appears three or four decades before dementia does. ...

Have Your Eyes Checked

If you preserve good or excellent vision as you age, your chances of

developing dementia drop by an astonishing 63 percent. And if your vision is

poor, just seeing an ophthalmologist for an exam and possible treatment at

least once in later life cuts your dementia odds by about the same amount --

64 percent, according to a recent study at the University of Michigan Health

System. Be aware that your eyes reflect and influence how your brain is

functioning, especially as you age. Don't tolerate poor vision. It can often

be corrected, dramatically cutting your risk of dementia. See an

ophthalmologist for at least one examination in late life, and have yearly


if possible.

Surf the Internet

It's a scientific fact: doing an Internet search can stimulate aging

brains even more than reading a book. So finds Small, MD, director of the

UCLA Center on Aging. " Internet searching, " he says, " engages complicated

brain activity, which may help exercise and improve brain function. " Using

MRI scans, Small found that activation picks up dramatically in the brains of

experienced Web surfers -- mainly in regions related to decision making

and complex reasoning, which are not stimulated simply by reading. Another

way to stimulate your brain online is to play quick " brain games, " so look

into brain-fitness-training software but check to see if there it relies on

solid science before you buy.

Drink Juices Of All Kinds

It's easy to get up in the morning and have a glass of juice. It's also

startling how much that simple act can slash your chances of Alzheimer's.

Compelling research from the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in

Nashville shows that the risk of Alzheimer's plummeted 76 percent in people who

drank fruit or vegetable juice more than three times a week, compared to

those who drank juice less than once a week. Fascinating research by

ph, PhD, at Tufts University and Krikorian, PhD, at the University

of Cincinnati showed that drinking Concord grape juice or commercial

blueberry juice improved short-term and verbal memory in older people with


memory loss and a high risk of Alzheimer's. Make it a habit to drink a

glass of juice every day. It may be smart to drink more of the deep-colored,

brain-proven juices, such as grape, pomegranate, and blueberry juice, but

don't forget orange and grapefruit, pineapple, mango, cherry, prune, and all

the rest. They, too, are apt to have brain benefits. Be sure to drink only

100 percent fruit or vegetable juices, not " fruit drinks. " Look for " no

sugar added " on the label.

Take Care of Your Teeth

People with tooth and gum disease are apt to score lower on memory and

cognition tests, according to a University of West Virginia School of

Dentistry analysis. Researcher Crout, DDS, theorizes that an infection

responsible for gum disease gives off inflammatory by-products that travel to

areas of the brain involved in memory loss. These inflammatory agents may be

toxic to brain cells. Consequently, Crout says brushing, flossing, and

generally preventing gum disease may help keep your gums and teeth healthy, and

also your memory sharper. Be sure you and everyone in your family get

treatment early in life to control bleeding, inflamed gums. It could help save

your brain from inflammatory assaults leading to memory loss and dementia

later in life, experts say.

Put Vinegar in Everything

Vinegar does not confront Alzheimer's directly but there is evidence that

vinegar sinks risk factors that may lead to memory decline and dementia --

namely, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, diabetes and prediabetes, and

weight gain. Studies at Arizona State University have found that vinegar

can curb appetite and food intake, helping prevent weight gain and obesity.

Swedish investigators agree. In one study, downing two or three tablespoons

of vinegar with white bread cut expected rises in insulin and blood sugar

by about 25 percent. Pour on the vinegar -- add it to salad dressings, eat

it by the spoonful, even mix it into a glass of drinking water. Any type of

vinegar works because it's the acidity that counts.

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