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wound healing experience....long

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Hi all, im usually a lurker, but need to share this

Last year i had MAJOR emergency surgery, leaving me with a colostomy....but im

reversible. now ive developed hernias, one in mymidriff, from the incision.

theother around the stoma sight(where my intestine is exposed) due to the

stretching of the skin due to the hernia, it become weak. changing my

appliances, that stick to my skn, caused some problems, and the ulcerated sores

that occured were horrible. they were under the part closest to the stoma,

which means they couldnt be uncovered, because of the part that i wear, that

sticks to my body. this is gross, but they were bloody, weeping sores that got

bigger, and nastier, and even a little puss would occur. after over 2 months of

seeing the wound care nurse, nothing was better, and id gotten another ulcerated

sore to boot. well a week and a half ago, i said, ive had it. when it was time

to change my colostomy bag, i would rig up a temporary bag around the stoma, as

theres no control when you go to the bathroom with thses, i would apply small

pieces of scoby to the wounds, for at least a half hour, then i would apply a

couple layers of KT, 1 would dry, i would apply another. about 10 days later

now, my wounds are almost healed!!!! 1 is totally gone, the 2 worst ones are

smaller, no leaking, bleeding, nothing. its working MIRACLES!

i go to the nurse tommorrow, and am going to let her know just how i did

this.....i know for a fact this is common among ostomy patients, and since the

nurse was the one that told me to drink kefir(ive given my nurse her own grains

to make her own, instead of buying) im hoping they will do something about this

miracle thats happend, and admit it has the healing properties, some people


sorry this is so long, but i HAD to share this


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