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food for thought

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Hi, ,

My thoughts exactly!!!

I have an autoimmune disease (which has caused chronic candida,

peripheral neuropathy, mild stroke also) and my internist recently told me

that just in the last year they have discovered that inflammation causes

chronic candida.

I know that I have tried EVERYTHING, including the diet, religiously, for

over half a year at a time, plus all the herbs ever mentioned for candida, as

well as Diflucan and Nystatin, meditation, soul searching, etc. etc. etc.

Not a stone left unturned. And none of this has cleared up my problem!!!

Now that I have this problem, I find that eating certain things can make

it worse (for example, dairy, vinegar, refined sugar), but NOTHING CLEARS IT

UP!!! And now I know why! It's because there is an underlying problem with

the immune system!!

Thanks, , for your thought-provoking post!

Love 'ya,


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You're welcome. Get to work on the underlyng problem. The best place to

start would be to go to the health food store and get a book on herbs. Make

sure it has the warnings in it, because not all herbs are safe for everyone.

Then, you can see the herbs your body needs to treat the underlying cause.

Also, a herbologist can do this for you. Good luck!!!

Re: food for thought

> From: Ldeyerle@...


> Hi, ,


> My thoughts exactly!!!


> I have an autoimmune disease (which has caused chronic candida,

> peripheral neuropathy, mild stroke also) and my internist recently told me

> that just in the last year they have discovered that inflammation causes

> chronic candida.


> I know that I have tried EVERYTHING, including the diet, religiously,


> over half a year at a time, plus all the herbs ever mentioned for candida,


> well as Diflucan and Nystatin, meditation, soul searching, etc. etc. etc.

> Not a stone left unturned. And none of this has cleared up my problem!!!


> Now that I have this problem, I find that eating certain things can


> it worse (for example, dairy, vinegar, refined sugar), but NOTHING CLEARS


> UP!!! And now I know why! It's because there is an underlying problem


> the immune system!!


> Thanks, , for your thought-provoking post!


> Love 'ya,


> Lucy


> > _


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Exactly--if our immune systems work properly, and if our GI tract had the

proper balance of good bacteria--candida could not overgrow. But the

average person's immune system is 28 to 30% less effective than 20 years ago

(proven scientific studies) The foods we eat that are supposed to provide

us with phyto nutrients are picked before they are ripe and those nutrients

never form in them. We eat food with substance, only calories. Americans

consume so much refined sugars, and these become almost toxic

anti-nutrients, robbing our body's immune system of effective functioning.

Toxins abound in our world, we eat, breathe and drink them everyday.

Real--good--food is hard to find, bad food is abundant and easy to get. We

are victims of overconsumptive malnutrition --in other words, fat starving



From: " Stinnett " <hbbreg@...>


Subject: food for thought

Date: Sat, Oct 2, 1999, 7:35 AM

I was reading a book yesterday called The Hyperactivity Hoax by Sydney

III, M.D. In it, he was discussing the ADD connection with Candida.

He pointed out that everyone lives with Candida, so why do some people's

body go crazy with it? He says that there is an underlying cause. The causes

that he mentions are: immune disorder, a disorder affecting carbohydrate

metabolism, overtreatment with antibiotics, use of birth control pills, and

abnormalities of the liver, thyroid, or adrenal glands. It makes sense to me

that if an underlying problem is causing the Candida, that would be what is

making it so hard to clear up.

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  • 2 years later...

Hey I just wanted yall to knowe I went for my viral load today...Will find the results on the 17th...Wish me luck..Remember I have been off tx for almost 2 months..My side has been very uncomfortable lately so I hope it all turns out alright.

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Is that like the guy who went to see his shrink and

said " I don't know what to do doctor. One minute I

think I'm a teepee and the next minute I think I'm a

wigwam "

The shrink says, " Well, that's your problem, you're

too tents. " groan! -dz-

--- the wicked one <debsimonen@...> wrote:


> MORSEL: Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: You

> find the present tense and

> the past perfect.




> =====

> deb, the wicked one

> debsimonen@...



> " Between two evils, i always pick the one i haven't

> tried before. " Mae West


> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
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if I had taken let's say ProEFA during my pregnancy and then gave

the twins 'Beech-nut " and

> ProEFA would it have lessened the degree of their apraxia...is

that possible?

W/ my 1st child who is a boy and is 4 now I did nothing out of the

ordinary and he is so smart (just started reading and has been

writing pretty well and has always been ahead in every developmental

aspect). My daughter is 2.2 and has apraxia, delayed myelin, GDD,

SID issues. I got into all this healthy stuff when I was pregnant w/

her - flax, fish (never even ate fish until I was pregnant w/ her),

etc. And I am still breastfeeding and taking fish supplements and

flax seed oil. So why is my son so smart and my daughter has so many

special needs? Don't beat yourself up!


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  • 3 years later...
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Note: forwarded message attached.Jan

New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC for low, low rates.

To realizeThe value of a sister:Ask someoneWho doesn't have one.

To realizeThe value of ten years:Ask a newlyDivorced couple.

To realizeThe value of four years:Ask a graduate.

To realizeThe value of one year:Ask a student whoHas failed a final exam.

To realizeThe value of nine months:Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realizeThe value of one month:Ask a mother who has given birth toA premature baby.

To realizeThe value of one week:Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.To realizeThe value of one minute:Ask a personWho has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realizeThe value of one-second:Ask a personWho has survived an accident.

Time waits for no one.

Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more whenyou can share it with someone special.

To realize the value

of a friend or family member:


The origin of this letter is unknown,But it brings good luck to everyone

who passes it on.

Do not keep this letter.

Send it to friends & family

to whom you wish good luck

and don't forget the one who sent it to you!Peace, love and prosperity to all!


hold on tight to the ones you love!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Now I think there needs to be some clarification as to what ,

Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah did or did not eat and why. There are 2

viable reasons they refused to eat the kings " meat " . The Hebrew word used

in 1:5 is " Pathbag " which translates " meat " , " food " , and " rich food "

(such as found at the kings table). So we could be talking about any one of

the three meanings for the nourishment in question. Food and rich food are

not just meat but all manner of edible goods.

To state that they only ate pulse because that was the only " pure " thing he

could eat is misleading.

You have to understand the history of this period of time. The Israelites

were hauled away into captivity by the Babylonians. The first thing any

conquering force does with captives is break their will, their allegiance to

prior held beliefs. You cannot control people effectively without

controlling their minds. Part of what was required was that they dress like

Babylonians, worship like Babylonians, and eat like Babylonians. Therefore

the first possible reason for refusing to eat the king's food was rebellion

to being controlled totally and completely by the Babylonians.

Consideration # 2. Short course is that part of Babylonian culture dictated

that meat sacrificed to idols was then given to people to eat as a form of

worship to their pagan gods. This was considered standard table fare for

the ruling houses of Babylonia. Nebuchadnezzar being king had the authority

to order everyone within his household to eat what he ate. He was typically

served meat selections that came from idol worship. The point here of

's not eating " unclean " food was not that it was meat, but that he

would not eat meat taken from idol sacrifice. This was a major affront to

the God of Israel. Pulse was a diet of grains used for purification prior

to various Jewish rituals. et al.were protesting the eating of

sacrificed meats not the eating of meat. There is no reason to believe or

even assume that this was a permanent, ongoing thing.

There is another consideration that also hides inside this and that is of

wines and fermented drinks. It is unknown whether and friends were

of the Nazarene sect. If they were, then wine, liquor, even grapes are

forbidden by Hebrew law to be consumed. So this too could have a bearing on

their rebellion when it came to eating.

There is a complete list of foods that can be eaten in Leviticus and a lot

of meat sources are perfectly fine to consume.

I am not knocking the " maker's diet " in any way. I just think that the

reasons they most probably refused to eat from the king's table have

absolutely nothing to do with being vegetarian or not eating " rich foods. " .

The world at that time was meat eating and has remained such for centuries.

What the four of them did was to protest their captivity and protest the

eating of meat that was sacrificed to idols which to them was a religious

abomination. It was nothing more than that.


Bruce Guilmette, PhD

Survive Cancer Foundation, Inc.

<http://survivecancerfoundation.org> http://survivecancerfoundation.org

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day

has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34 (NIV)


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of robert-blau@...

Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 10:45 AM

cures for cancer ; cures for cancer2 ;

; gyllenha@...; drpasdndc@...;

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Subject: [ ] " Food " for thought

From: BiblicalHealthDaily@...(Biblical Health Daily)

Food for Thought

The Bible tells us: " But made up his mind not to defile himself

by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the

chief official for permission to eat other things instead... God gave

these four young men an unusual aptitude for learning the literature and

science of the time. And God gave special ability in

understanding the meanings of visions and dreams. " ( 1:8 & ndash;17,


Held in captivity far away from home, and his friends were given

the chance to eat the rich food from the king's table but refused,

choosing instead to remain spiritually pure by eating only pulse, a

mixture of seeds and nuts.

Think of the typical America diet, filled with unhealthy processed

foods, as a modern-day version of what was on the king's table.

understood that the food at the king's feast would taste wonderful, but

obeyed a higher plan for both his nutritional and spiritual needs. In

turn, he reaped God's rewards.

Next time you're faced with the temptation of processed, unhealthy

foods, consider how obeyed much more than just his stomach.

Jordan's Tip of the Day From the author of The Maker's Diet

Tempted? Make a Plan

Parties and visits with friends can put all kinds of dietary temptation

into your path. For these situations, have a plan in place. Scan the

offerings for things you can eat, and stick to them. If you can, eat a

small meal before you leave. Then you won't feel the need to load up on

unhealthy snacks.

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  • 4 years later...

I've noticed allot of people posting about their pets and the extremes they go

to make sure their pets remain healthy. The one thing that I would like to add

is give them fresh food and water as often as possible. I feed my dog first

thing in the morning with food that's in a sealed bag in the garage where to my

knowledge hasn't been contaminated by spores, when shes done eating depending

how much is left over I'll either put it in a ziplock and put it in the

refrigerator till around lunch time or I'll throw it away repeating the process

at dinner. Also, I give her fresh water at least 3 times a day thoroughly

washing out her bowl every time. They not only breath the same contaminated air

were breathing but if their foods left out all day their now eating the same

micro organisms that are floating around the air.

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  • 2 months later...

I forgot to ask for a copy. Doc said evrything looking very good. RBC low , anemic, but nothing to be alarmed at. Said WBC still in normal range. And as always, issues with protein. Said my protein level almost non-existant. So back to GNC and protein bars. I thought I felt good when I woke up. Now, not so much. Oatmeal, 32 ounces of crystal light, morning meds and a darvon. My pillow beckons...http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae Westhttp://oktravels.wordpress.com http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx On Oct 16, 2010, at 9:19 AM, Teri Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> wrote:

Trudy,Your WBC count is up? How up? And that's not the number that indicates anemia... it indicates something totally else. Gimme some numbers girlfriend.... here are the ones I want: RBC, Hct, Hgb and now I really want to know what that WBC count is.. that may explain your exhaustion.... Hugs,Teri MOVE ON. It's just a chapter in the past, but don't close the book. Just turn the page.From: "trudykinsey@..." <trudykinsey@...>Hcv < >Sent: Sat, October 16, 2010 8:17:10 AMSubject: [ ] Food for thought

My Doc yesterday said that surprisingly my white blood count was still

up. I know that is good thing. However when I tried to explain it to

Hubby, I realized that if I still have high WBC, doesn't that also

mean the TX isn't doing it's thing to kill the virus? Kill off the WBC

in order to kill the virus. Goes hand in hand...

http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 "

"A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West



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Your WBC is an indicator of infection if it is high. Glad it is normal. The RBC's, Hgb and Hct show the anemia. If your WBC doesn't bottom out that is a good thing. So right now, your blood work is on par for where you are in treatment. You are doing fine.Those meds are playing tricks on you aren't they? I hated when that happened. It was like the meds were teasing me.Get your tush in bed!Hugs,TeriSent from my Verizon Wireless PhoneFrom: trudykinsey@... <trudykinsey@...>Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 10:30 AM < >Subject: Re: [ ] Food for thought I forgot to ask for a copy. Doc said evrything looking very good. RBC low , anemic, but nothing to be alarmed at. Said WBC still in normal range. And as always, issues with protein. Said my protein level almost non-existant. So back to GNC and protein bars. I thought I felt good when I woke up. Now, not so much. Oatmeal, 32 ounces of crystal light, morning meds and a darvon. My pillow beckons...http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae Westhttp://oktravels.wordpress.com http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx On Oct 16, 2010, at 9:19 AM, Teri Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> wrote: Trudy,Your WBC count is up? How up? And that's not the number that indicates anemia... it indicates something totally el[The entire original message is not included]

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TrudyPerhaps you could pick up a can of protein powder at that GNC. Then you can add it to things like fruits and make a smoothie.Gloria

I forgot to ask for a copy. Doc said evrything looking very good. RBC low , anemic, but nothing to be alarmed at. Said WBC still in normal range. And as always, issues with protein. Said my protein level almost non-existant. So back to GNC and protein bars. I thought I felt good when I woke up. Now, not so much. Oatmeal, 32 ounces of crystal light, morning meds and a darvon. My pillow beckons...http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 " "A well- behaved

woman never made history"...Mae Westhttp://oktravels.wordpress.com http://allrecipes.com/cook/TrudyK/profile.aspx On Oct 16, 2010, at 9:19 AM, Teri Gottlieb <theresagottlieb@...> wrote:

Trudy,Your WBC count is up? How up? And that's not the number that indicates anemia... it indicates something totally else. Gimme some numbers girlfriend.... here are the ones I want: RBC, Hct, Hgb and now I really want to know what that WBC count is.. that may explain your exhaustion.... Hugs,Teri MOVE ON. It's just a chapter in the past, but don't close the book. Just turn the page.From: "trudykinsey@..." <trudykinsey@...>Hcv < >Sent: Sat, October 16, 2010 8:17:10 AMSubject: [ ] Food for thought

My Doc yesterday said that surprisingly my white blood count was still

up. I know that is good thing. However when I tried to explain it to

Hubby, I realized that if I still have high WBC, doesn't that also

mean the TX isn't doing it's thing to kill the virus? Kill off the WBC

in order to kill the virus. Goes hand in hand...

http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 "

"A well- behaved woman never made history"...Mae West



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