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Update on my boys and weightloss issues

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I am so frustrated these days with my pedicatrican and

gastrointerologist. My boys went to their regular checkup at 19

month and Marcel has actually lost weight over the past 6 month even

though he is eating a lot. Fabien has not gained anything either. So

Marcel is now 18lb at 20 month and Fabien is 20lb. I am really

concerned that something is going on there connected to the

weightloss but no help here from the doctors. We had a bloodtest

done for Marcel to check thyroid and had a metabolic scan and all

came back negative. The only 'advise' I got was is to give them

pediasure once a day and put butter on everything they eat. Well how

healty can that be?? And then check weight again in January. Has

anybody else experienced unexplained weightloss in their kids? I am

afraid that Marcel will not progress in his motorskills due to the

weightloss. He is not very active to begin with. He still does the

combatcrawl at his age and can not pull himself up to a stand or

anything. Fabien on the other hand does the regular crawl on hands

and knees and pulls up on everything and is starting to step forward

holding on to a toy bus. We have speach therapy since July and

honestly I do not see any improvements since. Am I expecting to

much? And now I have to find occupational therapy myself and pay for

it out of own pocket as our state's baby's can't wait program is out

of funds. At least for the physical and the speech I get some funds

to cover 40% of the costs. My employers insurance doesn't pay

anything for speach and for physical they pay if its submitted smart

by my therapist. OK, enough venting. On a positive side we had a

great halloween and I posting a picture of my two pirates and the

sister pirate Celine.

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