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How can one be sick and not be fatigued?(Was: Re: Tug's Sauna

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I don't understand how one can be sick from mold or toxins of any sort and NOT

have crushing fatigue. Anyone else EXHAUSTED?

I wish I could do moderate exercise, let alone vigorous, electrolyte-depleting

exercise. At least I don't have to worry about edema. Small favors! :)

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On Nov 5, 2010, at 10:31 PM, snk1955@... wrote:

Moderate execise, such as walks, when first recovering is how I understand

what is recommended. Too much and one can get exercise induced edema.

In a message dated 11/5/2010 8:22:42 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

tug_slug@... writes:

Thank you Carl and everyone else that took the time to respond to my

question. Carl as you know I push myself extremely hard and as I grow older my

body just cant take the punishment I put it through. Mentally Im still the

18 year old that thinks he's invincible. Physically Im the 50 something old

man that cant do the things his mind says he can. Im going to make an

appoint with my GP (starting point) and see what direction he wants to go and

how my particular situation needs to be handled.

All I want to do is get my health back, when I was younger exercise got me

through just about every health crisis that I've been confronted with. It

seemed the harder I pushed myself the better I would feel but unfortunately

my philosophy isn't holding true this time. This time what ever is in my

system is putting up a fight and isnt letting go as easily as I would like

it to.

Thanks again for all your replies

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After my initial exposure the weather was to cold to go out and do any kind of

walking but I dont ever recall being " fatigued " . When March rolled around and it

started to warm up I started out by walking a mile every day than it was two

miles and so on. By April I felt like I was ready to go back to the gym again

but I started out slow rather than doing my normal workout of 30 minutes of

cardio and 2 body parts per work out I did 30 minutes of cardo and one body part

as time went on I worked up to my normal routine which is what I do 6 x's a

week. In 6 short weeks I went from 185 lbs down to 160, I am now back up to 185

lbs and my waist is still around 31 "

I dont know why I dont get fatigued maybe its because both of my exposures

lasted a total of 4 months combined and my system wasnt affected like so many

others who were in their WDB for longer periods of time. After my first exposure

I do know that if I couldnt get out to exercise I seriously doubt that I would

be here today to create this post and for that I thank the man upstairs.

Also, I started on antifungals and CSM weeks after my first exposure which I am

still taking. Im sure that has something to do with it


> I've read before that men might not suffer the fatique like woman do, I wonder

if theres something to that. hormone related???

> I dont know, my first thought was that Tug's ability to still work out meant

he just hadn't be injuried as bad in that way as some of us, but I dont know,

the way my muscles get to ackeing,plus the quick loss of energy, and what he

described with the muscle problems might be related but difference between men

and woman somehow. ????

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Oddly enough i have loads of horrible symptoms, organ damage, neutrpenia,

extremely low cortisol, low iodone, very low iron, repeated infectoions, chronic

sinitis, yellow stools and blockage if i eat sulfur indicating liver issues,

extreme mcs which has me pretty much house bound, extreme food intolerance...

Onlt tolerate about 6 foods, theres more but i always forget, yet unless i get

some scary exposure symptoms at night and dont sleep my energy is usually pretty

good. Yet i get organ pain, shocks and tremors, and all sorts of horrible


Truley i dont understand. Before i gave up gluten and dairy 3 years ago fatigue

was the number one complaint, throughout my 20s i felt like an old lady with

zero energy most of the time...

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Ugh. I know what you mean. Disability is a scary prospect for the future!

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On Nov 6, 2010, at 11:51 AM, " barb b w " <barb1283@...> wrote:

Me too. Too tried to 'exercise'!! My goodness. It's exhausting to me to run

errands and I'm only a 100 pounds. At breaks at work my friends want to walk

around for exercise...I want to go ly down somewhere. I work parttme at a job

that is supposed to be fulltime. They let me work it parttime. I don't make much

money but I'm afraid to apply for or depend on disabilty bec of the state of the

economy and government debt that has built up in last 10 years.


> I don't understand how one can be sick from mold or toxins of any sort and NOT

have crushing fatigue. Anyone else EXHAUSTED?


> I wish I could do moderate exercise, let alone vigorous, electrolyte-depleting

exercise. At least I don't have to worry about edema. Small favors! :)


> Sent from my iPhone

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