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Re: Toxic Brain Injury

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I used to be a technical information specialist for the government before I

got sick from mold. Now I can barely do my checkbook. So that is a brain



In a message dated 9/11/2010 1:48:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

jeaninem660@... writes:

MCS is a brain injury, TE. exposures can affect many organs and can bring

on multi symptoms, from my own view,for what it's worth,

the organs affected also become symptomatic ,some might become permenantly

damaged.not everyone is going to have all the same symptoms because not

everyone has all the same organs affected but some are the same for everyone.

hope that helps.

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MCS is a brain injury, TE. exposures can affect many organs and can bring on

multi symptoms, from my own view,for what it's worth,

the organs affected also become symptomatic ,some might become permenantly

damaged.not everyone is going to have all the same symptoms because not everyone

has all the same organs affected but some are the same for everyone. hope that


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yep Janet,it sure is. have you talked to any lawyers about the possability of

refileing your case based on the fact that your statue of limitations might be

neal because it is a brain injury?

I would look into that possability. it seems a good law firm would be able to

refile based on this. I dont think it's resonable for the courts to demand the

same capabilities out of someone with brain injury as someone without.

seems that this would be a pretty constant fact in all states.

or should be. haveing a brain injury diffenitly exposes you to the chances of

not getting a good lawyer,not getting a lawyer at all, and not getting your

case handled properly. it puts you at the tottal mercy of the justice system and

that itself can not play out fair to you. as some of us know, theres much behind

the issue of WDB exposures and people that do take advantage of our brain

injurys to screw us over.


> I used to be a technical information specialist for the government before I

> got sick from mold. Now I can barely do my checkbook. So that is a brain

> injury?

> Janet



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Here is something from Dr Meggs and others I found:






God Bless !!




From: osisposis <jeaninem660@...>

Sent: Sat, September 11, 2010 1:38:50 PM

Subject: [] Re: Toxic Brain Injury


MCS is a brain injury, TE. exposures can affect many organs and can bring on

multi symptoms, from my own view,for what it's worth,

the organs affected also become symptomatic ,some might become permenantly

damaged.not everyone is going to have all the same symptoms because not everyone

has all the same organs affected but some are the same for everyone. hope that


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