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World DS day - conversations with my kids

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I wanted to somehow celebrate World Down syndrome day by bringing Down syndrome

awareness. And were else to start but with a's classmates (a (T21) and

Tianna are 4 and are in the same class in Junior Kindergarten - 1st preschool

year in the Canadian school system). I made cupcakes and attached a little note

explaining what March 21 represents. I also brought the book " My friend has Down

syndrome " to school for the teacher to read to the class.

Alyssa (my oldest- who is 7) read this book to Lexi in the morning. It is a

story about a " typical " girl befriending at camp a girl who has Down syndrome.

It is one of the books I read to Alyssa when I introduced the " Down syndrome

subject " to her. Watching Alyssa reading the book to a made me smile. Quite

a few times. She would read a couple of pages and then make a comment to Lexi

like: " Tammy has Down syndrome, just like you Lexi " or " Look at her pretty

little nose. Just like yours. Oh! I love your little nose! "

The cupcakes and the book were very well received. When I went to pick up the

girls the teacher asked me if she can keep the book so she can read it to her

afternoon class as well! Bonus awareness points!

On our way from school to daycare we pass a dealership. There were quite a few

balloons there as they celebrate some sort of customer appreciation day. When we

drove by Tianna noticed the balloons.

Tia : Mommy, why do they have balloons?

Me: I have no idea!

Tia: I know!

Me: Why?

Tia: Because it is Down syndrome day!

Me: Did the teacher talk to you about it today?

Tia: Yes, she did!

In the evening I tried to find out from my little " spy " Tianna if the teacher

mentioned anything to the kids about a having DS. She could not remember

exactly what else she said but she for sure said that it was " Lexi day Down

syndrome day " !

On a different topic we connected with another family from Toronto who has twin

girls (a few months old). Just like our girls, one of the girls has DS and we

are going to meet them in a couple of weeks. They are coming to visit us and I

am very excited about this as we connected through the Toronto DS association

through a parent support program shortly after the girls were born.

Have a wonderful day!


Mommy to

Alyssa (7)

a (T21) & Tianna (4)

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