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>>He received the HepB vaccine before he was

> 24hrs old, and I strongly believe the problems started there. He was

> fine after he was born, fumbling with breastfeeding, but normal that

> first night. After his vaccine he wasn't trying to eat, and wouldn't

> stop crying.

This was my son. Cried nonstop until he was 1 year old. His dx is

" classic Kanner's autism " , severe, low functioning. He is no longer

autistic, but it did require MANY biomedical interventions and a lot

of time. He is almost 12 now. I started biomedical when he was 3.

> told the doctor about the crying and he patted me on the back and

> said, " it's colic honey, good luck. "

My son's colic was caused by food intolerance. I used digestive

enzymes, altho I did not start them until later.

>>as well as having reflux.

Same as above, food intolerances.

Here is my son's story. He is fully chelated and I have had to do a

number of other interventions for him.


But, my son is recovered now, and catching up in his language. All

the doctors told me I should just put him into an institution, so I

recovered him without a doctor. People on this list and a few others

are VERY helpful. Ask any questions you want, you will find the

answers you need.


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I did not have time to read this but it's a search.


javirichy <javirichy@...> wrote:



Co-Moderator " Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. "



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Maybe a couple of days before surgery you should not take LDN. Then start back up a couple of days after you stop taking pain medications. I will send you the "what not to take with LDN" sheet

My best


[low dose naltrexone] hi

Hi folks

i am on ldn since three and half months . good news my present MRI has not showen any contrast enhanced lesion .that means disease is in control.

i have PAN sinusitis ENT advised surgery ? any conservative suggestions please !



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I am using DMSA right now ...I would like to know what you

are using to remove heavy metals so I can do some research on it.


In a message dated 3/17/2008 1:12:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, CarolGeraci@... writes:


I am new to this group. I had my implants in 1995. I became very ill in 1997 and had to give up a very successful computer consulting business. I called the surgeon who put them in around 1997/1998 and asked him if my implants could be making me so ill and he said "NO WAY". I trusted him and the FDA.

I have been to over 100+ doctors. In 1997, diagnosed with Firbomylagia, Chronic infections, CFS, 2003- IBS. 2001- I developed skin lesions all over my body, neck, face and arms. I went to a clinic in FL for treatments, and was given antifungals for skin lesions. Severe joint paint developed in 2003, became severe in 2005.

It did heal the skin lesions, but I have scars all over, face, neck and arms.

In 2006 I had my implants removed. They cultured aspergillis, a deadly fungus. I went on V-fend for this.

Prior to my illness I was into organic food since college and tried many different detoxing, chelation, vit C IV's and was really into health. I have been bed-ridden for over 4 years

In December I had about 2 good weeks after the implants were removed in late September and then the lumps began. I developed lumps in both breasts and felt deathly ill, with fevers, chills and sweats.

I went back to the surgeon who removed the implants, only to be told the lumps were normal. I went to my primary care doctor who did not think they were normal. I had Ultrasound, MRI and Mammogram. All showing something wrong, one saying I had a mass of 4 cm and many cysts, nodules.

Please look at the photo of what they removed.

I was put into the hospital in February by my infectious disease doctor. A general surgeon removed a 7cm mass yellow in color, with 20 cc of grey fluid inside. They also did a needle biopsy on the right breast. I was in the hospital for 8 days, and now I am under home health care, getting 7 IV's per day for 60 days.

I have hired Dr. Blais to review my case. From what he told me I am dealing with capsular residue abscess, with infection. I am going to see Dr. Barrette tomorrow.

I have hired a lawyer, to sue the surgeon who removed the implants, and I am going to try to sue the implants manufacturer.

I am outraged at all of this. I know all of you have gone though this nightmare, so any words of advice would be appreciated.

I wish I went to Dr. Kolb, because she seems to be the only one, who really believes you can become very ill from implants.

When I become well, I intend to become an advocate for this cause. We need a voice and need to be heard.

I am really so sickened that this is going on and continues to go on.

I have done over 200 Chelation and Vit C IV's. DMPS, DMSA, plaquex, gluthione IV;s and so much more.

I found a metal and chemical detox that I will be trying (it was highly recommended by someone I trust).

I think that the DMSA and DMPS are very hard on the body and does not do a good job at removing metals (just my opinion). DMPS is hard on the kidneys and mercury should never be removed via the kidneys, only the stool. I will share the name of the product after I try it. I am also into Bio-feedback, biomerdian machines/rife, and I tested very, very, very good for this particular product. Many products just tested good or poor. The person testing me is a friend, and does not make any money from recommending products. She has been ill with Lyme disease for 30 years and is now completely well. So I know there is hope for all of us.

I have foot detox bath, foot pads, and you name it, I have most likely tried it. I am determined to get better after being ill for over 10 years.

What is being done to women is a crime. More then malpractice it is a crime. We have to do something to stop this.

I read some of the posts on pain medicine. If you are in pain, there is nothing wrong with pain medicine. I used to be someone who only took herbs and never took an aspirin ( yes, "hollyier then thou", but I learned what chronic pain is and what it can do. There is a reason there are plants that take pain away and herbs that help one sleep. These medicines come from plants. Do not feel quilty for taking pain medicine. This is between you and your doctor.

If you are in pain, I find that a long acting pain medicine along with short acting is the best. I like a medicine called Avinza 30mg once a day. My pain use to spike to a 10 every morning/night, and now it does not. It is also time released so you do not feel it, like normal pain medicine. For anyone taking long term pain medicine, I think this is more effective and people who like pain meds, will never like Avinza because it is time released.

Without pain medicine, I would not have been able to survive all these years. I take the bear minium necessary. I use to think Firbomylgia was bad, but I now have joint pain, which is beyond any pain I have endured, other then the Explant Surgery.

If there is anyone who wants proof of what can go wrong, send them to me. For anyone that needs a friend to talk to you can call me at 813-645-2920. I can call back as I have free long distance.

I have done allot of research in so many areas of health. I studied Lyme disease, since my symptoms matched Lyme, but I now think I have had a chronic abscess all along. I really never believed all along it could have been my implants. My breasts always hurt after I had them, and I think I got use to them hurting, but in the last 3 years the pain became un-bearable.

Again, we are all sisters, and need to help each other. I live in TampaBay area of FL. I have no social life so it would be nice to meet others who are looking for a friend.

Love to all,


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Hi Leonie,

Am looking into the Serrapeptase. I'm thinking it probably is not TGA approved

and therefore my client will need to order this herself. Would you mind sharing

who the Australian supplier is so I can pass this on to her. You're spot on with

about the Withania, highly indicated in my client's case and we have used a lot

of it over the course of time. We use it for general adrenal support and to

lessen night waking to good effect. Yes that last advice sounds scary, the thing

is there are naturopaths and there are naturopaths. Currently in this country

anyone can call themselves a naturopath which is a real worry. We are hoping

the government will move to national registration of naturopaths to cut out a

lot of the quacks, but it will not be before an enormous amount of political

lobbying is done by patients and practitioners alike.

Kind regards,


rheumatic hi

Hi ,

Like Lynne, I can vouch for the enzyme, Serrapeptase, as I use it myself

regularly. It dramatically reduces pain and swelling and makes movement much

easier for me. From what I understand of it, it " eats " or digests the

inflammation, rather than regulating it like other products which contains herbs

etc. I have a lot of swelling in my knees, and it really frees them up. I've

ordered Serrapeptase from all over the world, but now I get it from a supplier

in Australia which is handy. None of the other brands compare to this one,

potency-wise. It's probably the best brand in the world, and used by naturopaths

in the USA. Personally, I use a mega dose of up to 24 capsules when the swelling

gets bad, and that reduces it right down.

Also, I use the herb Withania for inflammation and pain. I must say that it's

made a huge difference for me, especially for the sort of radiated pain that I

get through my muscles and tissues. It's also greatly increased my appetite

which used to be very low. I don't know if it would be indicated in the case of

your patient - I just try things out at my own discretion which is probably not

ideal, but right now I don't have the luxury of consulting someone like you who

seems to be clued up on these things :) The last naturopath I saw, told me to

eat nothing but meat and eggs for 3 weeks ! It wasn't good.



leoniecentbigpond (DOT) com

02 62556202

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I would also like to know your austrailian supplier and name of the

Serrapeptase you use. I am thinking about trying it.




From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of Doolan

Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 3:32 AM


Subject: Re: rheumatic hi

Hi Leonie,

Am looking into the Serrapeptase. I'm thinking it probably is not TGA

approved and therefore my client will need to order this herself. Would you

mind sharing who the Australian supplier is so I can pass this on to her.

You're spot on with about the Withania, highly indicated in my client's case

and we have used a lot of it over the course of time. We use it for general

adrenal support and to lessen night waking to good effect. Yes that last

advice sounds scary, the thing is there are naturopaths and there are

naturopaths. Currently in this country anyone can call themselves a

naturopath which is a real worry. We are hoping the government will move to

national registration of naturopaths to cut out a lot of the quacks, but it

will not be before an enormous amount of political lobbying is done by

patients and practitioners alike.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Thanks Caroline,I'm so glad to hear you are getting the silicone out! . . . Amazing that the implants were saline! . . . Do you suppose they lied to you about what type implant you had? . .. It's happened before.If you'll give Patty Dr. Barnett's contact info, I know she'll be happy to add him to the recommended doctor list! . . . We need all we can get! . . I'm not sure that implants cause breast cancer. We've not seen a lot of that (although I've had breast cancer post-implants . .. But the big problem is finding breast cancer in it's early stage with implants and/or scar tissue. . . Certainly not worth the risk! They estimate about 25% of women will eventually get breast cancer as it is!Of course, you can't know what's going to happen to implanted women 20 or more years from now.RogeneCaroline Caroline <seekeroftruth23@...> wrote: Hi everyone, I had the 7cm mass removed in February and just had 6 more masses plus the capsulars removed, another one was 5cm! I did not have enough blood supply to the breast so my breast tissue was dying. I was dying. I was on 7 IV per day, and today is my last day of IV's. So happy about that. I am so glad my doctor allowed me to do home health care, for he wanted me hospitalized for 60 days and I was able to do the research needed to find dr. barnett. I know she is not on your

list, but after speaking with dr. blais I trusted him referring her to me. She was very compassionate. She said I was more like silicone patient then a saline patient. They also found pieces of the implant shell in the tissue. I had Dr. Barnett do the surgery, dr. blais said she was very good, and I was in such a critical condition, I was fortunate that I did not have to travel far. I have a 60 page report from Dr. Blais and will try to get more pictures of the masses. I am slowly recovering. It is so important to go to one of these doctors, I really trusted when the surgen told me he does remove the capsular and had so many years experience in Explant. I am the one that aspergillis was cultured from both breasts. They also cultured other bacteria. So glad I had an excellent infectious disease doctor.

He has a patient that did not have her capsulars removed and now has carcinoma of the breast, he is very interested in all of this. Sorry it has taken me awhile to write in..... caroline Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Hi Caroline,

Thank you so much for your update on your healing. I am so thankful

that you are now explanted! You are in the care of some excellent

doctors. Keep hoping in your healing and believing that you are

overcoming...you will!

I do believe Dr. Barnett is on our list...at least she was the last

time I looked.

Dr. Blais is someone we love. Sorry to hear that you had a positive

test culture for aspergillis...Take good care of yourself and do your

detoxing. Your body will appreciate all the help it can get.




> Hi everyone,


> I had the 7cm mass removed in February and just had 6 more masses

plus the capsulars removed, another one was 5cm! I did not have

enough blood supply to the breast so my breast tissue was dying. I

was dying. I was on 7 IV per day, and today is my last day of IV's.

So happy about that. I am so glad my doctor allowed me to do home

health care, for he wanted me hospitalized for 60 days and I was able

to do the research needed to find dr. barnett. I know she is not on

your list, but after speaking with dr. blais I trusted him referring

her to me. She was very compassionate. She said I was more like

silicone patient then a saline patient. They also found pieces of the

implant shell in the tissue.


> I had Dr. Barnett do the surgery, dr. blais said she was very good,

and I was in such a critical condition, I was fortunate that I did

not have to travel far.


> I have a 60 page report from Dr. Blais and will try to get more

pictures of the masses. I am slowly recovering.


> It is so important to go to one of these doctors, I really trusted

when the surgen told me he does remove the capsular and had so many

years experience in Explant.


> I am the one that aspergillis was cultured from both breasts. They

also cultured other bacteria. So glad I had an excellent infectious

disease doctor.


> He has a patient that did not have her capsulars removed and now

has carcinoma of the breast, he is very interested in all of this.


> Sorry it has taken me awhile to write in.....

> caroline








> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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thanks paula,

yes, now it is detox time...



Hi everyone,

I had the 7cm mass removed in February and just had 6 more masses plus the capsulars removed, another one was 5cm! I did not have enough blood supply to the breast so my breast tissue was dying. I was dying. I was on 7 IV per day, and today is my last day of IV's. So happy about that. I am so glad my doctor allowed me to do home health care, for he wanted me hospitalized for 60 days and I was able to do the research needed to find dr. barnett. I know she is not on your list, but after speaking with dr. blais I trusted him referring her to me. She was very compassionate. She said I was more like silicone patient then a saline patient. They also found pieces of the implant shell in the tissue.

I had Dr. Barnett do the surgery, dr. blais said she was very good, and I was in such a critical condition, I was fortunate that I did not have to travel far.

I have a 60 page report from Dr. Blais and will try to get more pictures of the masses. I am slowly recovering.

It is so important to go to one of these doctors, I really trusted when the surgen told me he does remove the capsular and had so many years experience in Explant.

I am the one that aspergillis was cultured from both breasts. They also cultured other bacteria. So glad I had an excellent infectious disease doctor.

He has a patient that did not have her capsulars removed and now has carcinoma of the breast, he is very interested in all of this.

Sorry it has taken me awhile to write in.....


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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have you tried cutting out nightshades, they make it worse, if its

really bad antibiotics are the only game in town.

On 26 Apr 2008, at 16:41, cecil_8299 wrote:

> im 35yrs old and i been suffering this rheumatic arthritis pain

> everytime the rainy season comes specially in my lower knee is there

> something you can advice me what to

> do? yours cecil




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Do you really mean " knee " in the singular, and not both knees in the

plural? If only one knee is affected, chances are that you have a

meniscal tear. Get an X-ray, then and MRI, then arthroscopic surgery.

You will then be as good as new.

Sincerely, Harald

At 07:56 AM 4/26/2008, you wrote:

>have you tried cutting out nightshades, they make it worse, if its

>really bad antibiotics are the only game in town.


>On 26 Apr 2008, at 16:41, cecil_8299 wrote:


> > im 35yrs old and i been suffering this rheumatic arthritis pain

> > everytime the rainy season comes specially in my lower knee is there

> > something you can advice me what to

> > do? yours cecil

> >

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I would be very careful recommending surgery to anyone with a rheumatoid or

possible rheumatoid disease. This is how many times a " trouble spot " becomes

widespread, as in my case.

Better safe...

Re: rheumatic hi


Do you really mean " knee " in the singular, and not both knees in the

plural? If only one knee is affected, chances are that you have a

meniscal tear. Get an X-ray, then and MRI, then arthroscopic surgery.

You will then be as good as new.

Sincerely, Harald

At 07:56 AM 4/26/2008, you wrote:

>have you tried cutting out nightshades, they make it worse, if its

>really bad antibiotics are the only game in town.


>On 26 Apr 2008, at 16:41, cecil_8299 wrote:


> > im 35yrs old and i been suffering this rheumatic arthritis pain

> > everytime the rainy season comes specially in my lower knee is there

> > something you can advice me what to

> > do? yours cecil

> >

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Hi, Cecil!

Both and Harald have good points! I had a horribly troublesome knee

the size of a cantaloupe for about a year. I saw a variety of doctors, and

finally, despite negative x-rays and MRI, they were convinced my meniscus

was torn and operated. Well, turns out there was nothing " fixable " in my

knee because all they found was a lot of inflamed tissue and fluid. So,

they recommended seeing a rheumatologist. By the time I got in to my

appointment, my knee was the least of my worries. I was almost crippled

with pain in every part of my body. It took no time at all for the

rheumatologist to diagnose me with fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, and

rheumatoid arthritis.

So, IF you DO have a torn meniscus, laproscopic knee surgery is the way to

go, and you'll feel great in no time. (I've had friends who had great

success with it.) However, if you are dealing with arthritis, it could very

well make things worse.

Hope you can get a good doc who will help you figure it out.




From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf

Of mary ottman

Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 5:30 PM


Subject: Re: rheumatic hi

I would be very careful recommending surgery to anyone with a rheumatoid or

possible rheumatoid disease. This is how many times a " trouble spot " becomes

widespread, as in my case.

Better safe...

Re: rheumatic hi


Do you really mean " knee " in the singular, and not both knees in the

plural? If only one knee is affected, chances are that you have a

meniscal tear. Get an X-ray, then and MRI, then arthroscopic surgery.

You will then be as good as new.

Sincerely, Harald

At 07:56 AM 4/26/2008, you wrote:

>have you tried cutting out nightshades, they make it worse, if its

>really bad antibiotics are the only game in town.


>On 26 Apr 2008, at 16:41, cecil_8299 wrote:


> > im 35yrs old and i been suffering this rheumatic arthritis pain

> > everytime the rainy season comes specially in my lower knee is there

> > something you can advice me what to

> > do? yours cecil

> >

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hi caroline;

am interested in your culture of asperfilius and bacteria removed from breast tissue - which dr. did this? I had silicone injection and would like to find a dr. who could tell me what went into it - I have a slide from the pathologist but his report doesnt say anything about silicone, bacteria, etc., he just says something about giant cell reaction to quantities of material that dissolved during processing and impossible to determine compositon of foreign material. are there only certain pathologists or drs. who know about silicone? my dr. was no help either.

also, how did you happen to contact dr. blais? I did speak to him once and he advised me to go to a local lab to read the slide, (qwest), but they said they don;t do that.! really don't know what to think. my local dr. thot they would do it too. if I remember right, dr. blais said he only looks at cadaver slides. this was awhile back tho.







Hi everyone,

I had the 7cm mass removed in February and just had 6 more masses plus the capsulars removed, another one was 5cm! I did not have enough blood supply to the breast so my breast tissue was dying. I was dying. I was on 7 IV per day, and today is my last day of IV's. So happy about that. I am so glad my doctor allowed me to do home health care, for he wanted me hospitalized for 60 days and I was able to do the research needed to find dr. barnett. I know she is not on your list, but after speaking with dr. blais I trusted him referring her to me. She was very compassionate. She said I was more like silicone patient then a saline patient. They also found pieces of the implant shell in the tissue.

I had Dr. Barnett do the surgery, dr. blais said she was very good, and I was in such a critical condition, I was fortunate that I did not have to travel far.

I have a 60 page report from Dr. Blais and will try to get more pictures of the masses. I am slowly recovering.

It is so important to go to one of these doctors, I really trusted when the surgen told me he does remove the capsular and had so many years experience in Explant.

I am the one that aspergillis was cultured from both breasts. They also cultured other bacteria. So glad I had an excellent infectious disease doctor.

He has a patient that did not have her capsulars removed and now has carcinoma of the breast, he is very interested in all of this.

Sorry it has taken me awhile to write in.....


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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On their way

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Answer for increased muscle stiffness while on LDN

I have problems with this statement from the site you referenced because it seems to suggest that people should expect symptom improvement, whereas the primary aim of LDN is to slow or stop progression and not everyone gets symptom improvement.Nan Rekowski wrote:> If after 6 months you have had no measurable positive effects - (the > first, normally, is improved bladder control) - then we suggest you > discontinue LDN, as everyone has a different pathology and it may not > be the correct treatment for you.>

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  • 3 months later...


> hi friends


> i am on LDN 4.5 mg since 7 months .


> i was doing quite ok but since around a week i have developed

> giddiness and migraine which is troublesome . i have started tab

> cinnarizine 25 mg sos .


> can you advice please


> amit


Has your filler been changed without your knowledge? You may try

stopping the LDN for 7 days to see if it is the culprit, it may not be

the LDN at all. Have you started any new supplements or changed your


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A couple of things can explain the symptoms you have. Have you recently had a

bad cold? The headache could be sinus related and the vertigo because of an

inner-ear problem. I know that I'm very susceptible to the latter so I usually

don't assume it's MS. If that is the case, see a good ENT doctor.

If not, then are you on anti-acidity meds? My pet theory is that in people with

MS they cause vertigo. It's a very rare side-effect but I had it. I was put on

those for my GERD and one fine morning I got up and my head was swimming. I

stopped the pills and the problem was gone. I found a much simpler solution to

my acidity issue - apples. I have one every night after dinner and I'm fine.

Hope this helps,


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Hi Abhayyou are right may be i am having acidity so i take omeprazole i will try the apple after dinner .thanks for your advicetake careAmithi H

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Jeff and Welcome,

Don't go on a Patch this is old and it does not stay on when you take it off you

heed HC cream to get the rash or sore spot to heal. Don't go on TRT until you

know way your levels are low. If you do you will never find out why your low

some are low do to an infection, high iron levels. low Cortisol and Thyroid a

fatty liver the list goes on. Find out why your low some younger men working

out in the gym over do this and tear down there body not doing this right and

end up low. If you find out why your low and fix it your levels can come back

up and you will not need TRT.

For the best way to treat this go to Dr. 's site and read TRT: A Recipe for

Success and his HCG update. He puts this out there free for us and are Dr.'s.

www.allthingsmale.com and in this are labs you need and why.



> From: Jeff Gerrin <jgerrin@...>

> Subject: hi


> Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 11:49 AM

> Hi i just been told by my doc i have hypogonadism he wants

> to start me

> on a daily patch im new to all this my testeron level is

> 161 he also

> gave me triple mix for my ed to



> ------------------------------------



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> Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 11:49 AM

> Hi i just been told by my doc i have hypogonadism he wants

> to start me

> on a daily patch im new to all this my testeron level is

> 161 he also

> gave me triple mix for my ed to



> ------------------------------------



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Yes start at 100mgs of Depo T comes in a 10ml vile at 200mgs./ml so to do a

100mg shot you only need .5mls. I use a 27g 1ml x 1/2 " lg. needle to shoot into

my thigh. Been doing this over 3 yrs no pain good levels.

Go to www.allthingsmale.com and read TRT: A Recipe for Success and the HCG

update. In this are labs you needed and why and it's the best way to do TRT Dr.

is one of the best male hormone Dr.'s out there and he puts this on his

site free for us and are Dr.'s.

Also read this link and try to learn about this.


At the home page on the left side are links and files sections full of good info

like this link. Go there read and learn the more you know about this the better

off you will be.




> > From: Jeff Gerrin <jgerrin@...>

> > Subject: hi

> >

> > Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 11:49 AM

> > Hi i just been told by my doc i have hypogonadism he

> wants

> > to start me

> > on a daily patch im new to all this my testeron

> level is

> > 161 he also

> > gave me triple mix for my ed to

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Tannette:

We live in Wisconsin now, but lived most of our lives in the west side of

Washington. Boy, I can really understand your pain. I have been thru the

ringer with the public school district. My nightmare was the Monroe, WA

school district. My 1st and 2nd grade school year for my

ADHD/PDD/Asperger's son (not diagnosed at the time). They had him locked in

a " quiet room " with windows. The " Special Educators " at the time was ready

to retire so she did not want to " HANDLE " him. I had one " educator " walking

him to class each day as punishment and the school district did not tell me.

We had to threaten with lawsuits because of the punishment was being done

with out our knowledge. " Walking " (more like dragging) him to class was

done with out notification. They were calling me 4 times a week to " remove "

my son from his classroom. Talk about " not being an educator and having

charge of how many kids a day. " By 4th grade and one school later, we pulled

both our sons out and are now home schooling.

I always say when typing these responses that home schooling is not for

every one and it is not always possible for families because of financial

conditions for the family. Okay, that being said, until Autism, in general,

is greatly understood with more research, our so called educators will not

know what to do with them. I came to Wisconsin under the false

understanding that the " small country schools " would be better, nicer. NOT

TRUE. I tried both my boys and 1 full school years and 4 months into the

next school year I yanked them again. My children's heads being bashed in

to cement walls while standing in line in the bathrooms just waiting to go

to the bathroom because the older kids know we are from a different state

and don't " fit in. " No punishments for the kids because every one here,

including the teachers are all " related to one another. " WHAT A


Okay, GET A LAWYER FOR EDUCATIONAL CONDUCT if you can afford it. OR get as

much information from the state education departments about what your school

needs to do for your family and your son. They HAVE to provide you with

some kind of information. Parents don't realize actually how much power

they have to help their son or daughter at the public school level. There

are so many laws now being put into place where the school system has to

work for you. My situation didn't work, but that was almost 7-10 years ago.

Autism was just coming in to the public knowledge. Now it is a house hold

word. GET SOME HELP. Get on the computer or phone and ask for info. As

far as moving your son to a " behavior classroom " , what a nightmare for your

son! There is such a range of autism that your situation might have just

gotten worse for him. My son is very sensitive to noise. He could

definitely not thrive in a situation like that. Your school district

(Highline) is not letting your son learn. They are punishing him for being

different. Most schools are square boards, your son is a round peg. School

don't fit the child, the child MUST fit the schools or be punished for being

a round peg. Sorry for going off, but BEEN THERE, DONE THAT MANY TIMES. Do

not let them bully you. You have soooooooooooo many rights, they just are

not letting you know. They don't want to pay out the money they do have to

cater to one student. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let me know if I can

help. Aleshia ssterland@... in Wisconsin

( ) Hi

> Im looking for other parents from the seattle area, Highline School

> District with aspergers syndrome. I have an awsome 11 year old son

> and Im struggling with the schools right now. My son was expelled

> from school the end of september for kicking a teacher. They kept

> him out three weeks until he could be moved to a behavior classroom.

> I didnt want him their but they told me I didnt have a choice. He

> was their a week, the first day he complained that a boy was pounding

> on his desk all day and children were flipping him off, the second a

> child was throwing things at him and fipping him off this continued

> for a week before he exploded and starting throwing his books off his

> desk. I was called to the school and my son was crouched in the

> corner of the 'Time Out' room (closet). They had locked him in. It

> broke my heart.


> Maybe Im over protective but if I did that the state would put me in

> jail. I walked out with my son and I refuse to return him to the

> program. At a meeting with the last thursday they refused to move

> him out of the program. They dont have a program with aspergers

> children so they say its my only option. They are going to have a

> program next year but not in his age group. My son has been in

> school one week since september and now Im struggling to get them to

> provide a tutor. They want to bully me into taking him back or home

> schooling him.


> I want to meet other parents in my district to create a support

> system for dealing with the schools. Please email me if you are

> interested Tannettemiller@...





> ------------------------------------



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