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OMG...they can't lock him in a closet...get an advocate....call the local newspaper...make waves...they school can't do that...and you son doesn't belong in a room with behavior problems ....he probably could make it in regular classes with an aide....don't let them push you around....ADVOCATE...and if need be GET A LAWYER.....locked him in a closet...NO WAY...that is a DISGRACE and CHILD ABUSE!!!!!


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: SCOTT STERLAND <ssterland@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Hi Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 7:57 AM

Dear Tannette:We live in Wisconsin now, but lived most of our lives in the west side of Washington. Boy, I can really understand your pain. I have been thru the ringer with the public school district. My nightmare was the Monroe, WA school district. My 1st and 2nd grade school year for my ADHD/PDD/Asperger' s son (not diagnosed at the time). They had him locked in a "quiet room" with windows. The "Special Educators" at the time was ready to retire so she did not want to "HANDLE" him. I had one "educator" walking him to class each day as punishment and the school district did not tell me. We had to threaten with lawsuits because of the punishment was being done with out our knowledge. "Walking" (more like dragging) him to class was done with out notification. They were calling me 4 times a week to "remove" my son from his classroom. Talk about "not being an educator and having charge of how many

kids a day." By 4th grade and one school later, we pulled both our sons out and are now home schooling.I always say when typing these responses that home schooling is not for every one and it is not always possible for families because of financial conditions for the family. Okay, that being said, until Autism, in general, is greatly understood with more research, our so called educators will not know what to do with them. I came to Wisconsin under the false understanding that the "small country schools" would be better, nicer. NOT TRUE. I tried both my boys and 1 full school years and 4 months into the next school year I yanked them again. My children's heads being bashed in to cement walls while standing in line in the bathrooms just waiting to go to the bathroom because the older kids know we are from a different state and don't "fit in." No punishments for the kids because every one here,

including the teachers are all "related to one another." WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!! !!!!!!Okay, GET A LAWYER FOR EDUCATIONAL CONDUCT if you can afford it. OR get as much information from the state education departments about what your school needs to do for your family and your son. They HAVE to provide you with some kind of information. Parents don't realize actually how much power they have to help their son or daughter at the public school level. There are so many laws now being put into place where the school system has to work for you. My situation didn't work, but that was almost 7-10 years ago. Autism was just coming in to the public knowledge. Now it is a house hold word. GET SOME HELP. Get on the computer or phone and ask for info. As far as moving your son to a "behavior classroom", what a nightmare for your son! There is such a range of autism that your situation might have just gotten

worse for him. My son is very sensitive to noise. He could definitely not thrive in a situation like that. Your school district (Highline) is not letting your son learn. They are punishing him for being different. Most schools are square boards, your son is a round peg. School don't fit the child, the child MUST fit the schools or be punished for being a round peg. Sorry for going off, but BEEN THERE, DONE THAT MANY TIMES. Do not let them bully you. You have soooooooooooo many rights, they just are not letting you know. They don't want to pay out the money they do have to cater to one student. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let me know if I can help. Aleshia ssterlandtds (DOT) net in Wisconsin ( ) Hi> Im looking for other parents from the seattle area, Highline School> District with aspergers syndrome. I have an awsome 11 year old son> and Im struggling with the schools right now. My son was expelled> from school the end of september for kicking a teacher. They kept> him out three weeks until he could be moved to a behavior classroom.> I didnt want him their but they told me I didnt have a choice. He> was their a week, the first day he complained that a boy was pounding> on his desk all day and children were flipping him off, the second a> child was throwing things at him and fipping him off this continued> for a week before he exploded and starting throwing his books off

his> desk. I was called to the school and my son was crouched in the> corner of the 'Time Out' room (closet). They had locked him in. It> broke my heart.>> Maybe Im over protective but if I did that the state would put me in> jail. I walked out with my son and I refuse to return him to the> program. At a meeting with the last thursday they refused to move> him out of the program. They dont have a program with aspergers> children so they say its my only option. They are going to have a> program next year but not in his age group. My son has been in> school one week since september and now Im struggling to get them to> provide a tutor. They want to bully me into taking him back or home> schooling him.>> I want to meet other parents in my district to create a support> system for dealing with the schools. Please email me if you are>

interested Tannettemiller>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>

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Sometimes I wish I could home school my son..lately he is with the wrong bunch of kids and gets in trouble....omg...

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: SCOTT STERLAND <ssterlandtds (DOT) net>Subject: Re: ( ) Hi Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 7:57 AM

Dear Tannette:We live in Wisconsin now, but lived most of our lives in the west side of Washington. Boy, I can really understand your pain. I have been thru the ringer with the public school district. My nightmare was the Monroe, WA school district. My 1st and 2nd grade school year for my ADHD/PDD/Asperger' s son (not diagnosed at the time). They had him locked in a "quiet room" with windows. The "Special Educators" at the time was ready to retire so she did not want to "HANDLE" him. I had one "educator" walking him to class each day as punishment and the school district did not tell me. We had to threaten with lawsuits because of the punishment was being done with out our knowledge. "Walking" (more like dragging) him to class was done with out notification. They were calling me 4 times a week to "remove" my son from his classroom. Talk about "not being an educator and having charge of how many

kids a day." By 4th grade and one school later, we pulled both our sons out and are now home schooling.I always say when typing these responses that home schooling is not for every one and it is not always possible for families because of financial conditions for the family. Okay, that being said, until Autism, in general, is greatly understood with more research, our so called educators will not know what to do with them. I came to Wisconsin under the false understanding that the "small country schools" would be better, nicer. NOT TRUE. I tried both my boys and 1 full school years and 4 months into the next school year I yanked them again. My children's heads being bashed in to cement walls while standing in line in the bathrooms just waiting to go to the bathroom because the older kids know we are from a different state and don't "fit in." No punishments for the kids because every one here,

including the teachers are all "related to one another." WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!! !!!!!!Okay, GET A LAWYER FOR EDUCATIONAL CONDUCT if you can afford it. OR get as much information from the state education departments about what your school needs to do for your family and your son. They HAVE to provide you with some kind of information. Parents don't realize actually how much power they have to help their son or daughter at the public school level. There are so many laws now being put into place where the school system has to work for you. My situation didn't work, but that was almost 7-10 years ago. Autism was just coming in to the public knowledge. Now it is a house hold word. GET SOME HELP. Get on the computer or phone and ask for info. As far as moving your son to a "behavior classroom", what a nightmare for your son! There is such a range of autism that your situation might have just gotten

worse for him. My son is very sensitive to noise. He could definitely not thrive in a situation like that. Your school district (Highline) is not letting your son learn. They are punishing him for being different. Most schools are square boards, your son is a round peg. School don't fit the child, the child MUST fit the schools or be punished for being a round peg. Sorry for going off, but BEEN THERE, DONE THAT MANY TIMES. Do not let them bully you. You have soooooooooooo many rights, they just are not letting you know. They don't want to pay out the money they do have to cater to one student. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let me know if I can help. Aleshia ssterlandtds (DOT) net in Wisconsin ( ) Hi> Im looking for other parents from the seattle area, Highline School> District with aspergers syndrome. I have an awsome 11 year old son> and Im struggling with the schools right now. My son was expelled> from school the end of september for kicking a teacher. They kept> him out three weeks until he could be moved to a behavior classroom.> I didnt want him their but they told me I didnt have a choice. He> was their a week, the first day he complained that a boy was pounding> on his desk all day and children were flipping him off, the second a> child was throwing things at him and fipping him off this continued> for a week before he exploded and starting throwing his books off

his> desk. I was called to the school and my son was crouched in the> corner of the 'Time Out' room (closet). They had locked him in. It> broke my heart.>> Maybe Im over protective but if I did that the state would put me in> jail. I walked out with my son and I refuse to return him to the> program. At a meeting with the last thursday they refused to move> him out of the program. They dont have a program with aspergers> children so they say its my only option. They are going to have a> program next year but not in his age group. My son has been in> school one week since september and now Im struggling to get them to> provide a tutor. They want to bully me into taking him back or home> schooling him.>> I want to meet other parents in my district to create a support> system for dealing with the schools. Please email me if you are>

interested Tannettemiller>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>

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Guess what....you could be in a crowded town with lots of people and still be all alone. And, that is what I feel right now...I live in the Poconos in PA....I work in the school district my son goes too....I fight for him but then he does stupid stuff....I get angry with the school for some dumb things they do to us Paraprofessionals and to the teachers....I lost a dear friend who was 78 and lived with my family for 12 years ...he helped raise my child....and now he is gone and I am lonely...no one to really talk to ...i swear my husband has aspergers....

But, I guess we have to look at our glass as half full and not half empty.....

You said you have beautiful children, you can homeschool them, they don't have to deal with bullies at school or on the bus. They don't have to get up 2 hours before school. They are not exposed to a lot of foul language, defiant behaviors, school lunches, dirty jokes, dirty motions, kids kissing in the halls, drugs and such. They can never be late to class...they can never get lunch detention or after school detention ....they can never get a teacher who doesn't understand AS and their ways...LOL!!!!

You just have to check into doing things on you own...going on fun hikes, sled riding. snowboarding, crafts, baking, sewing, puzzles, art...etc. etc. And, just think...you don't have to deal with nasty parents, terrible neighbors...etc. etc. I truly understand being lonely as I am too....but just keep posting...it helps.


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: SCOTT STERLAND <ssterland@...>Subject: Re: ( ) Hi Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 8:51 AM

Dear Vickie:Good morning. Thank you, thank you for responding back. I feel so alone where I am at and no one around me home schools. I am from a little town in Lafayette county. The town is called Blanchardville. We are in the northeastern corner of Lafayette County - bottom of the state on the western side. Look it up on a Wisconsin state map. We are 30 minutes north of Monroe. The schools here are absolutely horrid!!!!! We are originally from Washington State - West Coast, West side of Washington. (I preface this because when you say "Washington" , they ask, "Oh, WA D.C.) No, the evergreen state where you don't tan, you rust because of all the rain. LOL, LOL,. So to try to compare the schools that we came from to here - there is no comparison. These schools down here push kids thru so fast and don't give them time to learn. Stick them in special ed. classes just so they can get $6,000.00 per

kid to help the school - NOT THE KID. Push the kids thru so when they graduate at 18 they can't even read a drivers education manual to get their license - NO LIE. This happens alot down here.YES, the Lord has blessed my husband and I so we can educate our children at home. I wish I could find a good situation, but since Madison is an hour away, and private Christian schools are so extremely expensive, no chance of that happening. We are currently trying to sell our house. Look at Wisconsin MLS. Put in the MLS number #1521340. You will see our house. Yes, it has been on the market since March of 2008.So, here we sit for another Winter isolated with no home schools, no help from the public school district. Please forgive my venting. I'm so happy to find another person that is at least in the same state. I have been through the autism stuff for over 10 years now. Been their, done that. Gone thru

all the counseling, gross and fine motor skills specialists, speech therapy for at least 5 years, occupation therapy, child psychologists, child psychiatrists, all of it. Now my oldest son will be 15 in December. So, we continue to pray our house sells and we can move to the Madison area. Hopefully a small town near Madison so my husbands commute can be cut in half and we can get services for my son. That's if for now. If you have any questions about ADHD, PDD, Aspergers Syndrome, let me know. This has been my focus since my oldest son was 4. I will help you in any way I can. Thank you again ever so much for writing, 's wife Aleshia..... ssterland@ tds.net Re: ( ) Hi> Hi ,>> Just wondering where in WI you are from? I am from WI. We have an> awesome school district here in Cedar Grove-Belgium (south of> Sheboygan, north of Milwaukee). My son started 4K in Milwaukee school> district. Talk about nightmare! Once you find a great situation it is> amazing how it works wonders. I'm glad Home schooling is an option for> you.>> Vickie>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- ------>>

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I really envy you your bathtub right now. I could use a good soak.

I will pray for you to sell your house soon. Hopefully when you do

get the chance to move you will find some new resourses whether for

homeschooling or for public school. I have to count my blessings

that I have had such a good experience at our school. They really

strive to make school a good experince for my son. He will be going

to middle school next year so I'm sure that there will be new

challenges for him and me:) but I am getting very active with the

school and getting to know the people who work there ( I am actually

running for school board this year) so I am hopeful that it will be a

good transition for him.



> From: SCOTT STERLAND <ssterland@...>

> Subject: Re: ( ) Hi


> Date: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 8:51 AM







> Dear Vickie:


> Good morning. Thank you, thank you for responding back. I feel so


> where I am at and no one around me home schools. I am from a little

town in

> Lafayette county. The town is called Blanchardville. We are in the

> northeastern corner of Lafayette County - bottom of the state on

the western

> side. Look it up on a Wisconsin state map. We are 30 minutes north


> Monroe. The schools here are absolutely horrid!!!!! We are

originally from

> Washington State - West Coast, West side of Washington. (I preface


> because when you say " Washington " , they ask, " Oh, WA D.C.) No, the

> evergreen state where you don't tan, you rust because of all the

rain. LOL,

> LOL,. So to try to compare the schools that we came from to here -

there is

> no comparison. These schools down here push kids thru so fast and


> give them time to learn. Stick them in special ed. classes just so

they can

> get $6,000.00 per kid to help the school - NOT THE KID. Push the

kids thru

> so when they graduate at 18 they can't even read a drivers

education manual

> to get their license - NO LIE. This happens alot down here.


> YES, the Lord has blessed my husband and I so we can educate our

children at

> home. I wish I could find a good situation, but since Madison is an


> away, and private Christian schools are so extremely expensive, no

chance of

> that happening. We are currently trying to sell our house. Look at

> Wisconsin MLS. Put in the MLS number #1521340. You will see our


> Yes, it has been on the market since March of 2008.


> So, here we sit for another Winter isolated with no home schools,

no help

> from the public school district. Please forgive my venting. I'm so


> to find another person that is at least in the same state. I have


> through the autism stuff for over 10 years now. Been their, done


> Gone thru all the counseling, gross and fine motor skills


> speech therapy for at least 5 years, occupation therapy, child

> psychologists, child psychiatrists, all of it. Now my oldest son

will be 15

> in December. So, we continue to pray our house sells and we can

move to the

> Madison area. Hopefully a small town near Madison so my husbands


> can be cut in half and we can get services for my son. That's if

for now.

> If you have any questions about ADHD, PDD, Aspergers Syndrome, let

me know.

> This has been my focus since my oldest son was 4. I will help you

in any

> way I can. Thank you again ever so much for writing, 's wife

> Aleshia..... ssterland@ tds.net


> Re: ( ) Hi


> > Hi ,

> >

> > Just wondering where in WI you are from? I am from WI. We have an

> > awesome school district here in Cedar Grove-Belgium (south of

> > Sheboygan, north of Milwaukee). My son started 4K in Milwaukee


> > district. Talk about nightmare! Once you find a great situation

it is

> > amazing how it works wonders. I'm glad Home schooling is an

option for

> > you.

> >

> > Vickie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ------

> >

> >

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Dear Vickie:

Thanks for the bathtub thing. We actually used a very small bedroom (used

to be a sewing room to the woman who used to live here.) We changed it over

to have a bathroom on the top floor of a 3 story 110 year old farm house.

Okay, Good Luck on the school board thing. YOU can probably make huge

differences. Write when you have time. I would love to keep the dialog

going. Aleshia

Re: ( ) Hi


> > Hi ,

> >

> > Just wondering where in WI you are from? I am from WI. We have an

> > awesome school district here in Cedar Grove-Belgium (south of

> > Sheboygan, north of Milwaukee). My son started 4K in Milwaukee


> > district. Talk about nightmare! Once you find a great situation

it is

> > amazing how it works wonders. I'm glad Home schooling is an

option for

> > you.

> >

> > Vickie

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ------

> >

> >

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You put your foot down (good for you!!) ---- keep it down.

There is no way it is acceptable to lock your child in a closet. What

are they doing, TRYING to give him psychological problems?? Make the

teachers question their own judgement on the matter. Don't faulter on


I am sooo glad you took him out. And that class is out of control

altogether, so even if they remove the " time out room " , don't ever let

him return to that class. Also, I totally encourage homeschooling.

Tannette wrote:

> Im looking for other parents from the seattle area, Highline School

> District with aspergers syndrome. I have an awsome 11 year old son

> and Im struggling with the schools right now. My son was expelled

> from school the end of september for kicking a teacher. They kept

> him out three weeks until he could be moved to a behavior classroom.

> I didnt want him their but they told me I didnt have a choice. He

> was their a week, the first day he complained that a boy was pounding

> on his desk all day and children were flipping him off, the second a

> child was throwing things at him and fipping him off this continued

> for a week before he exploded and starting throwing his books off his

> desk. I was called to the school and my son was crouched in the

> corner of the 'Time Out' room (closet). They had locked him in. It

> broke my heart.


> Maybe Im over protective but if I did that the state would put me in

> jail. I walked out with my son and I refuse to return him to the

> program. At a meeting with the last thursday they refused to move

> him out of the program. They dont have a program with aspergers

> children so they say its my only option. They are going to have a

> program next year but not in his age group. My son has been in

> school one week since september and now Im struggling to get them to

> provide a tutor. They want to bully me into taking him back or home

> schooling him.


> I want to meet other parents in my district to create a support

> system for dealing with the schools. Please email me if you are

> interested Tannettemiller@...





> ------------------------------------



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Terri, I will be sending over a copy of the welcome e-mail, what not to take with LDN and what side effects may occur.

I also forwarded on some posts that I had saved from this group under the category of HIV.

They may help you to decide if LDN is worth trying for HIV.

All my best


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thank you so much aletha.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:40 AM, Aletha Wittmann <Aletha@...> wrote:

Hi Terri, I will be sending over a copy of the welcome e-mail, what not to take with LDN and what side effects may occur.

I also forwarded on some posts that I had saved from this group under the category of HIV.

They may help you to decide if LDN is worth trying for HIV.

All my best


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  • 4 weeks later...

Is he dairy free (casein free)? I thought I had seasonal allergies

for the longest time - that would lead to a sinus infection/cold and

when we took my son off dairy, wheat, soy, and chocolate, I stopped

eating most the foods too and my allergies mysteriously disappeared.

They come back every time I eat a dairy product or chocolate. I now

take a lactase supplement before eating any dairy and it helps.

Wheat doesn't cause a runny nose, sneezing, and coughing for me, but

it does cause brain fog. Soy and chocolate (legumes) cause bloating

and gastrointestinal upset in us.

One thing I learned recently is that there is glutamate in all the

common allergens and that kids with autism are usually sensitive to

glutamate (and MSG containing foods). We had quite a bit of

improvement after removing all sources of MSG from my son's diet and

limiting glutamate sources through rotation diets.


> I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a


> for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control


> was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that


> overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a


> for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

> which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

> situation? What did you do?


> Thanks


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You could try high dose vit D3 (2000IU per kg per day for no more than 3


For me I only have to do it on day 1 and when I wake up on day 2 I'm

completely healthy again.

Dominique wrote:


> I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a cold

> for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control it

> was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that the

> overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a cold

> for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

> which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

> situation? What did you do?


> Thanks



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Question does he have food/environmental allergies? My son was sick for months

with what I thought was a cold. I found out he was reacting to allergies. The

reason for him is his immune system like a lot of ASD kiddos is his immune

system is in really bad shape....HTH!

Tami >Mom of 4----daughter 11 NT,daughter 9 NT, daughter 8 ADHD, 2.5 year old

son ASD


From: Dominique <daj1409@...>

Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 3:03:04 PM

Subject: [ ] Hi

I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a cold

for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control it

was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that the

overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a cold

for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

situation? What did you do?


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He was tested, he does have food allergies, I've been trying to do the gfcf

diet, unsuccessfully so far. Do you know of any meds that might help?


--- En date de : Sam 27.12.08, Tami <allhopeisrenewed@...> a écrit :

De: Tami <allhopeisrenewed@...>

Objet: Re: [ ] Hi


Date: Samedi 27 Décembre 2008, 1h22

Question does he have food/environmental allergies? My son was sick for months

with what I thought was a cold. I found out he was reacting to allergies. The

reason for him is his immune system like a lot of ASD kiddos is his immune

system is in really bad shape....HTH!

Tami >Mom of 4----daughter 11 NT,daughter 9 NT, daughter 8 ADHD, 2.5 year old

son ASD

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Dominique <daj1409 (DOT) fr>

Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 3:03:04 PM

Subject: [ ] Hi

I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a cold

for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control it

was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that the

overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a cold

for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

situation? What did you do?


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> I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a cold

> for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control it

> was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that the

> overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a cold

> for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

> which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

> situation? What did you do?

I use high doses of vitamin C, and OLE, to eliminate colds. Virastop

can also help.

Cold-related coughing, at my house, meant yeast in the lungs. I use

biotin and GSE to eliminate that problem.


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The only things that helped my son were eliminating the food

allergies,probiotics,digestive enzymes and nystatin. When you start healing the

gut the allergies will begin to disappear(atleast that is what has happened for

others) also his immune system will begin to get better.....hth!

Tami >Mom of 4----daughter 11 NT,daughter 9 NT, daughter 8 ADHD, 2.5 year old

son ASD


From: Dominique <daj1409@...>

Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 8:07:57 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Hi

He was tested, he does have food allergies, I've been trying to do the gfcf

diet, unsuccessfully so far. Do you know of any meds that might help?


--- En date de : Sam 27.12.08, Tami <allhopeisrenewed> a écrit :

De: Tami <allhopeisrenewed>

Objet: Re: [ ] Hi


Date: Samedi 27 Décembre 2008, 1h22

Question does he have food/environmental allergies? My son was sick for months

with what I thought was a cold. I found out he was reacting to allergies. The

reason for him is his immune system like a lot of ASD kiddos is his immune

system is in really bad shape....HTH!

Tami >Mom of 4----daughter 11 NT,daughter 9 NT, daughter 8 ADHD, 2.5 year old

son ASD

____________ _________ _________ __

From: Dominique <daj1409 (DOT) fr>

Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 3:03:04 PM

Subject: [ ] Hi

I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a cold

for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control it

was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that the

overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a cold

for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

situation? What did you do?


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We use a humidifier for our son and it seems to help with the cough and breaking

up the mucus.

The cough at night is caused by post nasal drip. When they lay down on their

backs it runs out of the back of their nose into their throat.



From: Dominique <daj1409@...>

Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 12:03:04 PM

Subject: [ ] Hi

I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a cold

for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control it

was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that the

overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a cold

for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

situation? What did you do?


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I've heard of the mucus dripping back. I'll try a humidifier tonight and see

what happens.



--- En date de : Sam 27.12.08, TJ Werth <tj_werth@...> a écrit :

De: TJ Werth <tj_werth@...>

Objet: Re: [ ] Hi


Date: Samedi 27 Décembre 2008, 21h29

We use a humidifier for our son and it seems to help with the cough and breaking

up the mucus.

The cough at night is caused by post nasal drip. When they lay down on their

backs it runs out of the back of their nose into their throat.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Dominique <daj1409 (DOT) fr>

Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 12:03:04 PM

Subject: [ ] Hi

I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a cold

for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control it

was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that the

overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a cold

for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

situation? What did you do?


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Try putting Vicks Vapour rub on the soles of his FEET, sounds spooky but it

generally works...........

Mandi in UK

[ ] Hi

I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a cold

for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control it

was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that the

overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a cold

for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

situation? What did you do?


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We use a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in jojoba oil on feet,

here, instead of Vicks, as a natural alternative.


> Try putting Vicks Vapour rub on the soles of his FEET, sounds

spooky but it generally works...........


> Mandi in UK



> [ ] Hi


> I have another quick question, my autistic son has been dragging a


> for a very long time now. At first, the only way we could control


> was to put him on antibiotic, I've stopped since I've learned that


> overuse of antibiotic will do him more harm than good. He's has a


> for about a month now. He's started coughing during the night again

> which causes him to vomit. Has anyone ever dealt with a similar

> situation? What did you do?


> Thanks



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Yes, we do this, too. With socks on top. Our babysitter says it stops the fever.

They do seem

to improve (and sleep better) when we do this. Maggie d.


> Try putting Vicks Vapour rub on the soles of his FEET, sounds spooky but it




> Mandi in UK




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  • 1 month later...

Hi, welcome to the group. I have psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and also rheumatoid

arthritis (RA) and I am currently suffering from a flare. I know can't do much

but just wanted to say " hello " and welcome. I look forward to speaking more with



Thank You and GOD BLESS. Mrs Theresa  Palmeri.............     May the good Lord

keep us all safe.............       

Hi everyone. I have just joined the group . . .

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks art how long will it be ok in the refridge?

[low dose naltrexone] Re: hi

How to prepare the 50mg Revia Naltrexone tablets.Liquid LDN: Acquire some ml measuring equipment from the baby section of a Drug Store and a small bottle with a mess-on cap. Put 50ml of water (distilled is best) and one 50mg "ReVia" Naltrexone tablet in the small bottle and let it dissolve with a little time and shaking. Now each ml of water in that small bottle contains 1 mg of Naltrexone. At bedtime shake the bottle, take a desired dose (no more than 4.5ml), chase it down with some water and store the small bottle in the refrigerator. Use Stevia sweetener from healthfood store to sweeten for taste.Graduated medicine dropperhttp://tinyurl.com/asw58y>> I know this has been posted many times but I just received my ldn from India and cant find the how to make it up and how long it will last in the refridge thanks in advance >

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Does she work? Is she getting any therapy? Does she live with you? Are there any programs available to her? Work with her everyday ....role play...read books...and get help.

Best wishes....and keep reading...


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: Norma Filbrun <n.filbrun1@...>Subject: ( ) Hi Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009, 11:53 PM

I'm "new again". I was a part of this group a few years back and somehowgot disconnected but felt the need to look it up again. I'm raising twoAsperger grandchildren ages 21 and 16 plus a 14 year old sibling withADHD. These are children of the first child we adopted 40 years ago. He's always had problems but the Dr's never gave him a proper diagnosis. Now that two of his daughters have the Autism spectrum/ Aspergerdiagnosis I realize that their dad had all the same symptoms. My girl'sbirth mother also has all the symptoms. The 16 yr old is my biggestchallenge with her major meltdowns. My 21 yr old is emotionally around12 or 13 but lets me know she 21 so can do her own thing! How do youkeep a 12 yr old 21 yr old protected from the world!____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _Find Business Careers here. The source for New Careers.http://thirdpartyof fers.juno. com/TGL2141/ fc/BLSrjpTEKqbDm tgxmu7xAqmrsO2Sl HfBBf8Jx1Re19H8u zv9tJ0OGRE5I72/

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Believe it or not, my situation is almost

exactly like yours—the only difference is that my granddaughter is only 8! Otherwise, you just wrote my story! I would love to get to know you better

and compare notes—I thought I was the only one out here with my

situation! Let me know if you’d

like to email.

( ) Hi

I'm " new again " . I was a part of this group

a few years back and somehow

got disconnected but felt the need to look it up again. I'm raising two

Asperger grandchildren ages 21 and 16 plus a 14 year old sibling with

ADHD. These are children of the first child we adopted 40 years ago.

He's always had problems but the Dr's never gave him a proper diagnosis.

Now that two of his daughters have the Autism spectrum/ Asperger

diagnosis I realize that their dad had all the same symptoms. My girl's

birth mother also has all the symptoms. The 16 yr old is my biggest

challenge with her major meltdowns. My 21 yr old is emotionally around

12 or 13 but lets me know she 21 so can do her own thing! How do you

keep a 12 yr old 21 yr old protected from the world!


Find Business Careers here. The source for New Careers.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi, Ellen!

It's great to know you are doing so well. :) I hope to get back to riding this

year. I was healthy enough last year, but my poor horse got loose, ran into an

old wire fence in the woods, somersaulted, and broke her neck.

It took a long time, and nearly sent me into a relapse, but she has made a

miraculous recovery, and hopefully we can have some fun together this year.

Yay!!!! :)

Take care, and stay well, :)

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks for the info... any exposure is good. I see ins and outs of the

healthcare reform being proposed right now--but at least someone's talking about


Just for clarification: Cure Unknown is by Pamela Weintraub, not Phyllis. :)



> I'm listening to Fox show with Judge Napoleanio (sp). He was talking

> about nationalized health care. He asked a woman about a problem he had.

> He had a tick bite and called his doctor-a specialist. He was told to

> come in and got antibiotics and what to watch for. Under the National Health

> Care system the woman speaker said there will be an elimination of many

> specialists in numbers-he would probably go to the emergency room for that.

> Doesn't sound like continued care with a physician if that's your problem

> Lyme.


> Attorney General of Conneticutt exposed in the film " Under Our Skin " , as

> well as Phylis Weintraub in her book:, " Cure Unknown " Inside the Lyme

> Epidemic, that the doctors, who make up the Infectious Disease Society and


> other doctors how to treat-2 weeks of orals and if not well, then you have

> something else. These doctors were exposed taking money from Insurance

> companies who DO NOT WANT to pay for treatment. Also, drug company who wants


> develop vaccine for Lyme.


> Just thought I'd let people know there was exposure about Lyme Disease on

> one of the most watched news stations this afternoon.



> Sc@...

> **************Recession-proof vacation ideas. Find free things to do in

> the U.S.







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