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Hi Hanna,

This is Pamela. Just wanted to say hi. I wanted to ask you if you were on treatment for hepatitis C. I am waiting for my number to come up with Scherring.

House sounds really beautiful. Hope it comes out all pretty.

Your Friend

Pamela Rae/Sablelovely

-- To All

Feeling pretty good today, I have been painting my house. All pastels! Beachy colors. It,s very cheerful and bright. I also am a country girl at heart. I grew up in Mississippi, you dont have much choice but to grow up country when your in the south and barefoot picking sugarcane! I rode horses a lot too, and worked for free at the barn down the street.Anyway someone write me. Did you get my thank you letters? Much Love, Hanna/oceaneyes38

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Hannah, Edajane here. I know how excited you

were to meet your bio dad and all but remember

that is what he is---your bio dad. He is not the

one who raised you, is not the one who changed

your diapers when you needed them changed, didn't

go through childhood and the teen years with you,

and hasn't been there for you through the years.

Now he makes instant judgements about you and is

critical about your life style without really

knowing you. I have a good friend that " met " her

bio family recently and really wanted to get to

know them. She was very excited because her

adopted parents were both dead and she had no

family. She didn't have a husband either because

of divorce. She went to them with open arms.

She and one of her sisters got an apartment

together and everything. Then she went out of

town for two weeks with friends. When she got

back almost all of her things had been " stolen "

or so her sister said. When the police

investigated, they found out that the two sisters

had held a big yard sale and sold lots of

goodies. They are both now in jail and my friend

has to start over. This is how much blood means

to some people.... Don't pay any attention to

what your bio dad has to say. I would hazard a

quess that we on the hot line know you better

than he does. Right everyone????

--- oceaneyes38 <hanna@...> wrote:

> Dear everyone, I want to thank you all for

> always being here

> for me, It's kinda like a sisterhood with a few

> men.And you are

> right edajane, I should never feel shy about

> voicing my opinion, but

> as you know some people get offended easy and I

> woulndn't want to do

> that. As far as my wieght goes I want thank you

> all for making me

> feel better. My Bio-Dad only met me 3 or 4

> months ago and when he

> did I was plump. Last time he saw me, I had

> returned to my normal

> wieght, and was skinny. Well, he wrote me this

> long upseting letter

> about my wieght, my smoking, and about me

> taking medication. He said

> I looked awful, hollow and sick, and that I

> needed to gain wieght,

> quit smoking immeadiatly, and take NO medicine

> what-so-ever for my

> pain, arthritis, or sleep problems. Then, when

> I called his wife she

> told me he said that he has decided that " I


> because if I did, I would already be TAKING

> MEDICATION for it. He

> also said from his observation " that me and my

> beloved had domestic

> problems " . I COULD NOT BELIEVE HIS NERVE " .I was

> very upset by the

> whole thing and completly stressed out. I have

> bruises all over my

> legs and I guess thats why he thought we had

> domestic problems. My

> fella has been the answer to my prayers, and I

> deeply resent ANYONE

> talking bad about him. He's a Christion and

> wonderful. Any way I

> feel better now thanks to you all. Your all

> very good friends And I

> love you very much. Hanna




Remember that you are with me in my thoughts and prayers.

Love, Edajane


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  • 3 weeks later...

I can understand the rest but why cut your hair?

I have hair way past my bra line and it is way

easier to take care of that way. I will also

have a problem with the juice. I'm diabetic and

too much juice sends my blood sugar through the


--- oceaneyes38 <hanna@...> wrote:

> Dear Everyone,

> Hey, just got a call from the Committ To Care

> nurse.

> She said if I signed up in June for my meds

> that I should be getting

> them in the next 2 weeks. Lets hope so. She

> told me that they will

> continue to call me once a month, and that I

> needed to start

> drinking a bunch of juice, Grape, Apple, and

> Cranberry. She also

> said to buy saline for my nose, and lotion for

> my skin. Plus she

> reccommeded that I cut my hair, and use NO

> blowdryers, or curling

> irons. I also am to drink tons of water.We all

> know that one. Well,

> gotta go. Yall pray that the meds come soon.

> Love Hanna





Remember that you are with me in my thoughts and prayers.

Love, Edajane


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Everyone,

I'm sitting here at a terminal in our local public library, trying to make some

room in my inbox so your notes and messages don't get turned away and sent back

to you. I'm not sure that you've heard but on Sunday night our computer went

down. Need a new video display card but I have to do it through the company, by

mail, so it may take some time. Especially around the holidays.

Anyways, I wanted everyone to know that you are in my thoughts ... and I share

these sentiments that Teena sent to the group.

If you'd like to call me, to say hi, our number is: 808 877 8716. It would be

great to hear from you. I'll be back ... as soon as my computer is back : )

Hopefully, not too long : )




> From: Sel61wv@...

> [unable to display image]This rose goes out to all of us here on the JRA list

us Mommies whom fight so

> tenderly & feircly for our babies whom have this disease, we as a whole will

> never give up until there is a cure maybe not in our lifetime but in our

> childrens lifetime we hope and pray God Bless America:)


> Bye,

> Teena,(poly),,Zac & Cory-Lee all my jra babies

This rose goes out to all of us here on the JRA list us Mommies whom fight so tenderly & feircly for our babies whom have this disease, we as a whole will never give up until there is a cure maybe not in our lifetime but in our childrens lifetime we hope and pray God Bless America:)


Teena,(poly),,Zac & Cory-Lee all my jra babies

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  • 5 months later...
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When I saw this mail. I thought no not again. When do people start to learn?

With love from The Netherlands

[ ] To All

To All,Why is it we can not just be supportive or worried or compelled to push one of our friends here to get needed medical help? That is all any of us was doing for Allida. Yet somone has to step in and find fault in it somehow. Why is it some can not understand that when things are here in type, it is difficult to know what the feeling is behind it? Why can't we be more reasonable and understand that what appears to have been said, may not be what was meant at all? Are some so focused in finding fault that they have to nit pick even our good intentions?I am just in shock that yet again this has to go on. You know, if you don't care for someone here, or their opinions, then ignore them. Unless you can see that someone may be giving bad advice, or incorrect information, then who are we to judge or butt in? If you see something incorrect, then by all means speak up. If you don't agree with someones advice, or think you may have an idea of your own, then by all means speak up. If you feel someone is harassing, then yes you should go to the moderator or owner. But if you just don't care for a person, this is not a place to to voice that opinion. If you want, contact them personally, but none of us here want to be brought into bitterness and petiness.I for one am sick and tired of seeing some ones good intentions being picked apart, with an obvious attempt to belittle or berate the person. If you are confused by what someone says, or feel they have worded something incorrectly, then contact them. Don't put it here where we all have to be made a part of it. No one here is better than another. No one here is in a position to judge any one. We are all brought to here by our common illnes - for support and to give it. We are not here to be belittled. I do not want to respond to anyone with an opinion or advice, constantly in fear that someone will be waiting to see if I have said something so they may pick it apart and humiliate me here publicly. No, I am no super scholar, but I am capable of speaking about what I know and experience, and that is all any of us do here. WE do not pretend to be doctors or make diagnosis. I feel sorry for anyone who has nothing better in there life but to sit here reading our posts looking for what they see as worded poorly or politically incorrect. If you choose to do that, you are here for all the wrong reasons, and maybe you need to find another home. Bert & Jerry, I don't know the details of everything, but what I do know is you both have always done nothing but look out for the best interests of everyone here. You have done nothing wrong. In the past few weeks you have been put through one hell of a beating for no reason at all by some very little people. Just try to remember, some people are only happy if they are making others miserable. BUT! Remember, we all choose how we live, and those people choose to be miserable and pass it along to others. Only you can choose to be happy and not let the few lousy opinions here account for the feelings of the majority. Yes, being put into the positions of moderator/owner and then it being withdrawn as it has was a very poor decision. I don't know if it was done intenionally to be hurtful, or was just a mistake. What ever it was it WAS hurtful to you, and I am sorry you have been put through that.But now, I WANT EVERY ONE TO KNOW, just in case they want to continue to pick it apart when others are being supportive and helpful THAT WE ARE ALL NOTHING BUT HUMAN. Humans make mistakes, humans sometimes say the wrong things, humans sometimes word things poorly. That does not make others better than them. That does not make any one person judge and jury. It is not our position to correct and chastise each other like children.Just the other day I convinced a young man from Yugoslavia to join our group, as he is going through a deeply desperate time right now and I thought we could be of some comfort and support. At this moment I am emberassed and sorry I did. How can he think that this group can be conceerned about his welfare, if they are going to possibly find fault in what he writes. I only hope we have not scared him and others who truly need our help away. I truly needed everyones help tonight, I am very nervous about tomorrow and the near future, I needed some moral support - but got to witness this instead.Shame on us all.Carole

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  • 8 months later...

convential medicine is what helped land many people, including myself,

on this list. people are perfectly cabably of researching an issue

and deciding for themselves how to proceed. learn to trust yourself.



> I thoroughly enjoyed reading 's post about getting to the root

of the problem, and absolutely agree. However as tempting as it is

to want to rely on the traditional medical profession, their ability

to find the root may be limited by their area of expertise and also

whether or not the true root cause is medically grounded yet. For my

8 yr old daughter, I did get her in to see a gastroenterologist. And

this doctor is known in this area as being one of the best most

tenacious " traditional " pediatric gastroenterologist in the area.

When I so much as mentioned yeast overgrowth, she shut it down with

her version of a study 15 years ago that proves in her mind there is

nothing to it. (I knew how things would turn out from that moment

on.) However because she was very thorough and willing to order all

of the tests noted BIG PLUS this stuff was actually covered by

insurance, I bit my tongue. As she had predicted though, all the

tests came back negative. When I showed her

> the comp. stool test/IGG and OATS tests I had done at Great Plains,

same as with the pediatrician she pretty much discounted it because it

was apparently not something she was familiar with and/or didn't

believe in. So from her perspective, my daughter's

behavioral/emotional problems are not stomach related. However I know

my daughter has food sensitivities; leaky gut; yeast/bacteria

overgrowth. When I was explaining to her about my daughter's comment

regarding feeling shaky after eating sugar (and we had ruled out

hypoglycemic), she said I should see a neurologist for that. Another

root cause example is a lot of people are finding their root to

candida stems from mercury poisoning. This coming from either

thimerosal in the vaccinations or perhaps from their amalgams. Since

the body is inefficiently trying on it's own to remove this excess

toxin the act of doing so creates a very acidy stomach environment

which opens the door for yeast and bacteria to flourish. Until they

> chelated and/or removed the amalgams, they could not get a handle

on the yeast. Yet this theory is not very scientifically supported by

most medical professionals either.


> I guess my point is absolutely start by ruling out some of the

proven known root causes. However if your root is not to be found by

a doctor, then many are forced to venture into the less known world.

Ideally you can find both. Interesting mentioned that a more

apparent case for root cause might be heavy antibiotic use, which was

the root for my daughter. Yet so far none of the doctors I have seen

will even consider that could be the root to a leaky gut/yeast

problem, if they even believed she had one. Another thing to add is

screen your doctors, know their background and believes. There is a

group of professionals compromised of MD's and other health care

providers that amongst their normal practice have been registered as

professionals that are focused on helping to stamp out autism. The

organization that they qualify under is called DAN, stands for " defeat

autism now " . I'll spare you all the details other than to say there

is something really, really wrong out there

> these days messing up these kids, the statistics are staggering.

It is turning out many do have heavy toxic mercury poisoning, which in

addition to a whole host of other problems they have leaky guts and

candida. Although my daughter doesn't have mercury poisoning, I was

able through this list to find an MD that I believe will be able to

help us. (I have spoke with his nurse extensively and reviewed his

literature, but our appointment isn't until next week.) I am not by

any means giving a recommendation for anyone on this list, but just

more information to ponder through your attempt to find the root

cause. http://www.healing-arts.org/children/amyholmes.htm#

> Thanks,

> Kari

> Re: to all



> You need to ask to be referred to a gastroenterologist!! I had many

tests but the main ones you need are a Thyroid Antibody Test, a

Glucose Tolerance Test and an Adrenal Gland Function test!!! My own GP

did do the Thyroid Antibody test which came up positive. I insisted on

being referred to a stomach specialist when i knew it was sugar that

was making me ill. Where do you live? My specialist has his main

clinic in London and also has clinics in Essex and Cambridge. I'm

using BUPA for my health care. Rather than paying for the tests

yourself why don't you consider BUPA health insurance yourself?! might

make much more sense financially.


> All the best,






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> Thank you Kari,

> I totally agree with everything you have said!!! My whole point of my

> first email was that there are people on this site who are self-treating

> themselves and have not properly exhausted proper medical advice first.

Of course, we won't lose sight of the fact that modern medicine IS the

latecoming money-hungry racket, established only since around 1920 or

so, and that common cures that are outside medicine's " expertise " have

worked just fine for centuries, even thousands of years.

Rather than promoting reliance on the biggest resource-extraction

industry the world has ever seen for your well being, many people shun

it except as a last resort, and I respect that they feel empowered

enough to do so. Self-health requires a bit of knowledge of course, but

it's exceedingly difficult to get into trouble with letting food be

your medicine, as promoted by the father of medicine, Hippocrates.

Doctors still take the Hippocratic Oath, but do they abide at all by

the teachings of Hippocrates? Of course not. I figure they should make

a new oath, the Pharmaceutical Oath, an allegiance to Mammon.

Duncan Crow

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

If the messages aren't there, would you please repost them? I

remember one instance where some messages might have been accidently

deleted. An appology was also posted. But since the messages might

have been deleted (and this was awhile ago), I have no idea of what

they contained.

> Dear Feistys, I spent all day yesterday reading back posts on the

Feistys website. I believe I sent out 3 or 4 posts and I do not see

any of them, or any answers to my questions.

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I typed " Diane " into the search archive box of this site and found a

couple of posts from from this week and a couple of replies. I doubt

you did anything to offend anyone, and please don't feel alone

because we are all in this together, and all pulling for each other.

Are you the person with adhesive arachnoiditis, who is looking for a

doc in PA or NY? I'm not familiar with that specific diagnosis, but

remember reading about a couple of other people who also suffer from

it. It might be helpful to type that into the search archive box as

well. I don't know any of the PA doctors, but you could try

calling up their offices and asking to speak with their N.P. or P.A.

to ask if they have experience with patients with your specific

problems, and if so, how much experience. I live in New York and

have been trying for months to get up the courage to make an appt.

with Dr. Boachie. Are you the person who will be seeing him in


Sometimes first thing in the morning for a few minutes I can fool

myself into thinking that my flatback is not bad enough to need

revision surgery. But after an hour or two of the struggle to remain

upright, everything starts hurting, and I get disgusted and so

depressed with the fact that I'm leaning more and more forward as the

day wears on. Sitting at the computer is not feeling too good,

either, so I'll close here. I mostly just wrote to let you know that

I was thinking of you, and hoping that you can find some help. Hang

in there, and please post your questions again.


> Dear Feistys, I spent all day yesterday reading back posts on the

Feistys website. I believe I sent out 3 or 4 posts and I do not see

any of them, or any answers to my questions.

> Did I do something to offend people? I feel so bad and so alone,

if I have done something wrong or said something out of line would

someone tell me. I feel very sad that not one person answered any of

my questions.

> Maybe I did not look in the right place?????

> I am bent at a 90 degree angle & must have the surgery soon...I

need some help desperately.

> When you are sick I know you can get paranoid, if I have over

reacted please do not judge me too harshly, I was so looking forward

to some answers to my many questions.

> The Best To Everyone,

> Diane B.

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Diane, I second what Loriann said. I get all posts in my email, and I only

received one on the 7th, and one on the 8th, before your " To All " post. Any

that you can't find must have been lost. Please post them again.

I know nothing of the docs you asked about, so had no answer for you on that.

I've also been preoccupied with a big spring gardening project, so I'll admit

that I for one haven't been following Feisy posts with any real dilligence.

Our chief moderator/list owner, , is in the early stages of recovery

from revision surgery, so of course she isn't doing her usual job of trying to

make everyone feel cared for.

I'm really sorry your HARMS has become so unmanageable for you, and I do hope

you find a surgeon you trust and get the help you need.

Please keep posting. Sorry things have been so dull on the list. That happens

sometimes, and it certainly doesn't reflect on you!

Re: To All


I typed " Diane " into the search archive box of this site and found a

couple of posts from from this week and a couple of replies. I doubt

you did anything to offend anyone, and please don't feel alone

because we are all in this together, and all pulling for each other.

Are you the person with adhesive arachnoiditis, who is looking for a

doc in PA or NY? I'm not familiar with that specific diagnosis, but

remember reading about a couple of other people who also suffer from

it. It might be helpful to type that into the search archive box as

well. I don't know any of the PA doctors, but you could try

calling up their offices and asking to speak with their N.P. or P.A.

to ask if they have experience with patients with your specific

problems, and if so, how much experience. I live in New York and

have been trying for months to get up the courage to make an appt.

with Dr. Boachie. Are you the person who will be seeing him in


Sometimes first thing in the morning for a few minutes I can fool

myself into thinking that my flatback is not bad enough to need

revision surgery. But after an hour or two of the struggle to remain

upright, everything starts hurting, and I get disgusted and so

depressed with the fact that I'm leaning more and more forward as the

day wears on. Sitting at the computer is not feeling too good,

either, so I'll close here. I mostly just wrote to let you know that

I was thinking of you, and hoping that you can find some help. Hang

in there, and please post your questions again.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

That is GREAT NEWS. TerryAnnita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...> wrote:

As of Friday I am pleased to inform all that after 4 months of treatmt my hep c is undected. Great news huh.. i still have 2 months to go on treatment.Annita

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--- Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...> wrote:

> As of Friday I am pleased to inform all that after 4

> months of treatmt

> my hep c is undected. Great news huh.. i still have

> 2 months to go on

> treatment.

> Annita






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Keep on pushing!!! Great news. –dz-

[ ] To


As of Friday I am pleased to inform all that after 4

months of treatmt

my hep c is undected. Great news huh.. i

still have 2 months to go on



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I don't say much any more, but I still read and I just had to say......

Keep up the good work Annita!! You're on the count down side! I don't remember much of life while on medication except that I was sick, but I sure remember the doctor telling me I was undetectable. Makes it all worth it doesn't it? We're rooting for you.........

Peace...SharonTerry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:

That is GREAT NEWS. TerryAnnita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...> wrote: As of Friday I am pleased to inform all that after 4 months of treatmt my hep c is undected. Great news huh.. i still have 2 months to go on treatment.Annita

Discover Stay in touch with email, IM, photo sharing & more. Check it out! __________________________________________________

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

More great news!!! Keep it up. –dz-

[ ] To


As of Friday I am pleased to inform all that after 4

months of treatmt

my hep c is undected. Great news huh.. i

still have 2 months to go on



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Your almost there, that's GREAT!!!!!!!


--- Annita Finkemeier <redskyoregon@...> wrote:

> Today is #20 th shot for me.I will be done the

> 29th.of ths month.

> Its amazing what all can happen in 8 months. Finding

> out I had hep

> then treating it and clearing. Annita






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  • 2 months later...

beautiful TEss..................we can all relate



--- Grammi B <grammi_love@...> wrote:

> When sleep eludes

> and pain persists,

> When weariness cries

> And no rest exists...


> When colors fade

> And hope seems lost,

> When strength is a memory

> And bones sting with frost...


> When quilts do not warm

> And Despair seems to sneer,

> When tears never end

> And the future is unclear...


> I close my tired eyes

> and think of your face,

> shining with compassion and

> glowing with Grace...


> And the arms of my little ones

> hold tight to my soul,

> My children's deep loving

> Reminds me I am whole...


> The shell of my being

> is transient at best,

> And there will come a time

> When the pain is put to rest...


> But for now I choose love

> And the hope that it brings,

> From all the dear people

> Whose voices still sing...


> Of endurance, of courage,

> of tenacity, of peace,

> And at last I find solace

> And a sense of release...


> For this life is not perfect

> But the love it brings shines,

> Showing me The Victory

> As my Heart rests in Thine.



> Lovingly...


> Tess








> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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beautiful TEss..................we can all relate



--- Grammi B <grammi_love@...> wrote:

> When sleep eludes

> and pain persists,

> When weariness cries

> And no rest exists...


> When colors fade

> And hope seems lost,

> When strength is a memory

> And bones sting with frost...


> When quilts do not warm

> And Despair seems to sneer,

> When tears never end

> And the future is unclear...


> I close my tired eyes

> and think of your face,

> shining with compassion and

> glowing with Grace...


> And the arms of my little ones

> hold tight to my soul,

> My children's deep loving

> Reminds me I am whole...


> The shell of my being

> is transient at best,

> And there will come a time

> When the pain is put to rest...


> But for now I choose love

> And the hope that it brings,

> From all the dear people

> Whose voices still sing...


> Of endurance, of courage,

> of tenacity, of peace,

> And at last I find solace

> And a sense of release...


> For this life is not perfect

> But the love it brings shines,

> Showing me The Victory

> As my Heart rests in Thine.



> Lovingly...


> Tess








> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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