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September 7 - email class Introduction to Homeopathy (first-aid & acutes) OnLine Class - Class #80a - Part 1 of 2

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the 80th Class! By email - starts Friday September 7

Class to teach you about homeopathy and how to use for first aid and

for minor acute illness for your self and family.

I will teach you the principles as well as how to take a case and

find the remedy.

(It also will help you to know what quality homeopathy is and how to

choose a practitioner for more serious issues)

Please share with others you know may be interested - friends,

family, on other email lists, webboards, etc

This class is by email and/or webpage on yahoogroups - emails come

out twice a week

Can go at your own pace

Can just share the link if you want instead of this whole email


Introduction to Homeopathy (first-aid & acutes) OnLine Class - Class

#80a - Part 1 of 2

Basic Level -

The Basic class will cover the laws and principles and how to use the

repertory and take a case so you can use this with your family as

soon as possible (see outline below). In the fall there will be an

Advanced class will cover more details about homeopathy (more details

about the lessons that were introduced) for those who want to know

more. More on this as you get closer to finishing basic.

This basic class should last about 4 months and will require study

time of about 2-3 hours a week maximum. 2 weeks off over winter holidays


I. Introduction

A. What is classical homeopathy

B. What you will learn here

C. What kinds of things should you be 'treating'

D. What is Health

E. The Vital Force

F. Symptoms - what is their purpose?

G. Placebo?

II. History

III. Principles - What is classical homeopathy

A. The Laws & ; Principles

1. Law of Similars - totality

2. The Single Remedy

3. Minimum Dose

4. Potentization

B. Provings

III. Comparison Between Homeopathy and Allopathy

IV. Homeopathy, Herbalism, Naturopathy, Bach Flowers, Combos

V. Remedies

A. Sources of Remedy

B. Form of Remedy

C. Single Remedies/Combo Remedies

D How made

1. Potentization

2. Succussion/Trituration

3. Potencies - low, middle, high, LM's

E. Dosage

F. Taking the Remedy

G. Caring for your Remedies

H. Sources for Remedies (single, kits)

VI. Using the repertory & ; materia medica

VII. Take the Case

A. What types of things should you be 'treating'

B. Collecting Complete & ; Accurate Information

C. Case Analysis

D. Key Symptoms

E. Repertorizing

D. Materia Medica

E. Choosing the Remedy

F. Administering the Remedy

G. Lessons in taking the case

VIII. Vaccines & ; their Dangers

IX. How to find a homeopath - what to look for - when to use one


Dawn , Fall 2009

Your information has always been so thorough and informative and...

I've had nothing but incredible results since doing part one and

using water potencies.

Thank you - for everything you do, and think of doing!


April 2008

Carolyn Christman

Just a quick note to say how much I am enjoying the class. The case

studies are very interesting, and you do a great job of teaching --

from a distance! I still feel that the learning is very effective and clear.


February 2004 - Heidi Heims

I took the class last fall and am currently enrolled in the

" advanced " class. My most recent use (Sunday night) was my husband

had a mind-splitting sinus headache from blocked sinus's and after

reviewing his symptoms with him and giving him a remedy his sinus

headache disappeared within an hour and sinus's began to drain! Amazing!

Her class is a god send. It's easy for anyone to fit it into their

BUSY schedule and much more healthy than over the counter

stuff. Sign up today!


February 2004, from Kay Philpot, RN

I just wanted to encourage those of you who haven't taken the

opportunity to take this class to take it! It has come in soooo

handy at my house for me to have some working knowledge of

homeopathy. I've posted some wonderful success on here before, but

let me present the most recent one.

Over the weekend my 14 year old daughter began urinating frequently,

and by Sunday morning she was in great pain when she

urinated. Ahh! Her first UTI! I was unable to get in touch with my

homeopath until late last night. Desperate to help my daughter (who

was in tears in very uncomfortable), I got out my book that we used

for Sheri's course ( " The Complete Guide to Homeopathy Handbook " by

Miranda Castro). I went through the symptoms with my daughter (I

hadn't realized there were so many that covered cystitis)!

We chose Cantharis. After 2 doses she was able to urinate without

crying. By the time she went to bed she had had a total of 4 doses

(repeated when the pain began to return). She slept very well and

was able to go to school today.

To make a long story short... if I hadn't learned about homeopathy

myself from Sheri's course, I would have been in a panic as to how to

help my daughter (and my husband most likely would have made me call

our allopathic doctor whom my daughter hasn't seen in over 2 years,

or worse... take her to the ER!)

I can't recommend this course highly enough! Thanks again Sheri!


From April 2003

Ijust wanted to write and thank you for all that I learned in your

homeopathy course. I am still going through the final pages and still

have lots of reading to do but I have progressed so much through your

course. I have a much better understanding and am actually getting

many remedies chosen correctly for the colds my boys pick up (and for

injuries!) Thanks very much! The course was well worth the money!!!

~Maggie Pogue~


Jo Twiss homeopath


Dear Sheri,

Thanks so much for allowing me to view your introductory study

course. I was constantly amazed at the amount of work you put into

preparing the material and supporting those students who kept up.

Your answers were clear, concise, affirming, and encouraging -- such

patience you must have. I mentioned your choice of textbooks to

Miranda and she was thrilled to hear that her book was being put to

such good use. So any thoughts I may have had about starting a

similar course with the West Coast Homeopathic Society have now

completely vanished. I will enthusiastically recommend your course to

anyone wanting any introductory study.

If you could send me a schedule of when you expect to start future

courses, I would like to promote them on the announcements page of

the WCHS website. Also, if you get a specific webpage for this course

(perhaps you already have one -- I haven't checked for awhile) please

let me know and I will add the address to our educational links. I'd

like to help get the word out however I can.

Congratulations on a superb accomplishment! My very best wishes.

Jo Twiss, Homeopath Website Administrator



Just to let you know that I have been requiring some of the people

who have come in to work with me (office/administrative side of

things) to do your course as part of their employment (paid by

Homeopathy Plus!) to bring them up to speed with homeopathy. Great service!

Many thanks,

Frances Sheffield, RN, CM, DRM, MHlthSc.Ed., Australia

Glenning Valley (near Tuggerah) on the Central Coast of NSW - about an

hour north of Sydney.

Homeopathy Plus! (Information - Education - Treatment)


I had been using homeopathy for acutes for a little over 5 years,

when I came to Sheri's class. I'd also been receiving homeopathic

treatment for a chronic condition for a year with excellent results,

and had become inspired to see if I had what it takes to truly learn

the principles of homeopathy. The first great thing in Sheri's class

was her choice of Miranda Castro's book; I had been looking for a

home manual for some time and had not found one up to that point;

Miranda's book is perfect for me and my family members (who have been

coming to me for homeopathic " advice " for some time).Secondly,

Sheri's approach to the history and basic principles is concise and

understandable, which is no mean feat in homeopathy! From the way the

cases in Miranda's book are presented in the class (with much

feedback and mentoring) to the many " extra " articles Sheri provides

from the current leaders in the field, this class is an excellent way

to learn the healing principles that make homeopathy work so well.

Whether a person wants to learn the basic applications for a family,

or (as in my case) seeks a foundation for advanced learning, I will

recommend Sheri's course to everyone with an interest in using this

wonderful healing art.

Nora Hill


Sheri's course on Homeopathy is well-taught and *very* comprehensive,

touching upon every possible subject you could think of in an Intro

Course. To give you an example: I was only about halfway through

Sheri's course when I attended my first Homeopathy Study meeting

offered through the NCH (National Center for Homeopathy). The people

meeting within this study group had been doing so for almost four

years, and a few months prior to this meeting the lady who ran it

said that they didn't want to have to regress for a " newbie " or go

over the same old things again. But I insisted that I wouldn't be a

burden and wanted to attend. To make a long story short, I went in

December and was surprised to find that I knew and understood over

90% of what was taught and discussed at that meeting (and I even

already had some of the books they were using!). I had Sheri's

teachings to thank for that.

Prior to Sheri's class I had read Miranda Castro's book, but Sheri

brought it to life in the best way possible. She made the pages come

alive and made understanding new concepts very enjoyable.

If you're at all interested in learning about a non-allopathic way to

treat yourself or family for acute illnesses, this is THE course for

you. The knowledge you'll learn is priceless, especially if you have

a family and/or children who depend on you to take care of them. And

for anyone who's into no-vaxxing, you MUST take this class; your

children will be better off with the knowledge that you'll gain.

Sheri has my highest recommendations, and I'll always look at her as

my mentor and the one who brought me to the world of Homeopathy :-)

Bobbett Jascor

PS THANKS a bunch Sheri. Your help has been priceless. Really :-) Bobbett


I have been interested in alternative therapies since I could read. I

have always felt that allopathic medicine was too " generalized " for

the population. That one cold remedy can relieve symptoms for

millions of people that are individuals simply never made sense to

me. This course taught me so much about looking at every person as an

individual. Not only for acute illness diagnosis, but also simply to

connect with them. While it is designed to be an introduction, what I

have learned through the reading and course book has inspired me to

plan to continue my studies in the area of homeopathy. Ms. Nakken is

a patient, thorough instructor. Her willingness to lead a course with

more than 100 people signed up, yet be able to give personal

attention is truly a beautiful and valuable skill. Her extensive

knowledge makes the course run smoothly and at a good pace. I have

enjoyed this course on many, many levels.

Zawrotny, C.M.T. Thousand Oaks, California

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

http://homeopathycures.wordpress.com/ &


ONLINE/Email classes in Homeopathy; Vaccine Dangers; Childhood Diseases

Next classes start August 2

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