Guest guest Posted July 27, 2012 Report Share Posted July 27, 2012 Excellent (I missed this last year when it came out, as I was traveling). Goes along well with Dr. Blaylock's video (watch after you read the below) Visit 's blog for so much more.......................... Vaccines and neonatal immune development - 3 parts & A=SearchResult & SearchID=4989767 & ObjectID=72027 & ObjectType=55 - Monday, May 23, 2011 (Series, Part 1 of 3) The Scientist recently published an article about Dr Wallace who is head of a new unit called the Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine, at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr Wallace believes that “Every one of the diseases we can’t solve is absolutely logical if we put energy at the center,” ... “I believed that in 1970 and I believe it now.” So what’s a mitochondria? If you don’t know, this book might be one of the most important books you read in your life. Use “Click to look inside” and the first two chapters which are available free, will show you why mitochondria are so important. Mitochondria, are intimately involved with your immune system, and if your immune system isn’t working properly, neither will your mitochondria. Dr Wallace has TWO problems in his new mitochondrial research Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, which I believe will be insurmountable: 1) Dr Offit (vaccines and autism). 2) Dr Offit's echo, Arthur L Caplan, Ph. D. ( the Emmanuel and Hart Professor of Bioethics and director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania). who says " The scientific case for the importance of vaccines is overwhelming and beyond any dispute (and most worries about safety rest on fear and lies ). " It's my bet, that Dr Wallace has already been instructed to stay away from vaccines, or the impact of vaccines on the development of mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction will always be consigned to the “cause” of vaccine reactions, never the result of a vaccine's administration, because so many medical people consider mitochondrial disorders to be genetic, not " epigenetic " (affected by lifestyle). If ... Dr Wallace believes autism has something to do with mitochondrial disorders, then he needs to ask “why and how?” - or " what causes the mitochondria to suddenly go wrong? " alternatively, Dr. Wallace would have to seriously examine two issues that have only recently received the attention they deserve: 1) The development of the neonatal immune system, 2) Epigenetic effects on vaccines on the developing neonatal immune system. Dr Wallace will also need to study Dr Terry Wahl's case, and see how when faced with a multiple sclerosis death sentence, she set about righting her mitochondria, and succeeded in doing so by good nutrition - a topic that most allopathic physicians are fairly ignorant about. Last but not least, Dr Wallace needs to compare the health of fully vaccinated adults with never vaccinated adults. The research starting point, is pregnant mothers and babies. In particular, looking at all those things which throw spanners in the baby’s immune system programming – in utero and after birth, including food, vaccines, mercury in teeth, and drugs. The simple fact is that if we keep throwing monkey wrenches into a very young immune system, we will guarantee that bad stuff will follow for the rest of the baby's life. Let’s look at this issue, working backwards. In 2010, A medical article was published which discussed the human neonatal system and how it was similar to mice. So using mice, the author showed how, “... myosin immunisation with complete Freund’s adjuvant and additional lipopolysacchride (LPS is an endotoxin), induced (autoimmune) disease. These findings clearly indicate that a potent adjuvant effect can overcome the relative genetic resistance to autoimmune disease. At the same time, we showed that blocking either IL-1B or TNFa inhibits the development of disease even in highly susceptible A/J mice” A previous paragraph on the same page stated, “These experiments convinced us that the administration of microbial products together with self antigen greatly increases the probably that autoimmune disease ensues” Ah, but I hear you say, vaccines don’t include self-antigens. At least two vaccines have certain peptides in the common, between the vaccines and the human proteins in relation to surface antigen proteins: Hepatitis B, and Gardasil. Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D, a lone voice in the wilderness, has already stated publicly that she considers the Hepatitis B vaccine " guilty " of adverse reactions as a result of molecular mimicry between the relevant proteins in the vaccine, and the immune system's response to them. Other vaccines which have residual DNA from aborted fetal tissue (which can also theoretically be treated by the body as “self” antigens, or animal DNA from culture mediums which may cross-react, may also fulfil the criteria of presenting “self-antigens” or “similar antigens” into the recipient, subsequently resulting in autoimmunity. That apparently, hasn't been considered at all. Most vaccines have potent adjuvants as well as other foreign antigens, and when you give several vaccines together ..... you more than fulfil the criteria in Rose 2010.. But to understand the significant of the 2010 Rose paper, we have to have a look at HOW a baby’s immune system develops, and why. We can do that by looking at Chelvarajan 2004, where at that time, the author considered a baby’s immune system to be “defective” precisely because a baby’s immune system persistently and defiantly refuses to produce IL-1B and TNFa – those same things mentioned in Rose 2010. Look at how many times almost in disgust, Chelvarajan 2004 used the word “defect” or defective. Let me repeat that: Babies just won’t produce IL-1B and TNFa. Which is why all the early vaccines, for Hib, which were not joined up with a toxin and adjuvant to whack the immune system around the ears, wouldn’t work. Once they conjugated them onto a diphtheria or tetanus toxin, and other adjuvants were added, to further push the red alert buttons in the baby, the baby’s immune system had no option but to respond. The vaccine manufacturers crowed at this marvel of technological success, wihch corrected the baby’s “defective” immune system. In 2004, Chelvarajan suggested that if vaccine pushers added various immune system kickers into vaccines, this would solve the problem and fix this horribly deviant system. All vaccines for Strep Pneumo, Hib and Meningococcal diseases have potent adjuvants for this purpose, because without them, the baby's immune system acts from the blue-print, sits there and does nothing - just as it's supposed to do. However, by 2007, Chelvarajan was seeing things differently, and stated in the last paragraph, that whereas in the past, they had considered this a “defect”, they now considered it “an important developmental program” saying, “This anti-inflammatory phenotype may be beneficial to the neonate at a time when tissue growth and remodelling events are taking place at a rapid pace... thus the inability of the neonate to respond to infection with encapsulated bacteria may be the risk the organism takes for successful development.” Why " protect " tissue growth and remodelling? What is being remodelled? From what - to what? If a baby's prime directive in NON-INFLAMMATION, what could inflammation do to tissue growth and remodelling that would be so bad? Everything in a baby is growing so fast. The body, the gut, the immune system, the brain – cognitive function. Your baby learns the fundamentals of language at an astonishing speed and can be speaking single nouns within 7 months of you doing nothing but talk to your baby. If it is important for successful development of a baby to allow the RISK of infection by NOT allowing two key parts of the primary infection defence to " fire " , what’s the OTHER risk you might take, if you force an immune system to do something it's not supoosed to causing repeated, chronic inflammation at the end of a needle? Peripheral inflammation and vaccine adjuvants, can cause brain inflammation; create allergies, autoimmunity - constant inflammation all around the body - not just at the site of the injection... and.... cause mitochondria to stop working properly. The brain and the immune system, are the two key fundamentals of successful, appropriate adaptation to the environment you live in. Your baby’s immune system needs to recognise what to react to, and what NOT to react to. Your baby’s brain needs to accurately, mentally respond to everything around it. And the key to this is a non-inflammatory phenotype. If your baby learns this correctly, that process greatly reduces the possibility of allergy, asthma and other “inflammatory” disorders from developing in the first place. Even Holt, in 2005, recognised that this was the key. So here’s the next question? If a baby’s default position is NOT to respond to toxin-mediated bacterial diseases, what chance does a baby have to survive potentially serious infections? Part 2. How a baby fights and develops the immune system. - Tuesday, May 24, 2011 The main and unique intermediary step between a NON-INFLAMMATORY phenotype, which is the default setting in pregnancy and for all baby mammals - and a more individually competent educated immune system better able to handle the world's dangers and challenges.... is breast milk. The prime directives programmed into breast milk in the first two years - apart from " food " ... ARE: 1) To reinforce and control a good balance of gut flora which help block out disease causing pathogens, whether bacteria like Hib, and Pneumococcus or virusis like Measles and Rotavirus.. 2) To maintain, TEACH and regulate the immune system and to MAKE SURE that the prime directive is REDUCTION OF ALL INFLAMMATORY processes, and ASTHMA or ALLERGY producing markers. The reason for this is to learn to distinguish " self " from an " outside " pathogenic antigen. 3) To patrol the body for cancer and nuke anything multiplying incorrectly, with a molecule called HAMLET. 4) To optimise bone density, and other hormone or enzyme pathways. 5) To supply stem cells, so that in the event of something going seriously wrong, those stem cells help the body to self-heal. 6) To provide the baby with ready made immediate and long term T-cells for the baby to use, which the baby immune system isn't " primed " to make for itself. 7) To prevent the development of future disease chronicity. As this article says, " Human milk is the richest known source of such immunomodulation and protection. " So it’s no surprise that Il-1B and TNFa allong with other inflammatory cytokines are not going to be produced in a baby whose core prime directive is to PREVENT AND REDUCE INFLAMMATION AT ALL COSTS. Babies are not supposed TO RESPOND to any bacterial diseases, because the baby gets protection from toxin mediated diseases, by neutralizing toxins with gangliosides from the mother’s breast milk. The reinforcement patterning from breast milk, is ... to continue suppressing inflammation, preventing coeliac disease, creating good neuronal development, which determines a child’s future - not just in terms of babies being brighter, but also in terms of children not having future behavioural problems and adolescent depression. Breast milk has a key impact on the pituitary gland, which in turn enhances the ability to handle stress, long term. NOTE: Mothers who eat junk food, negate the effect of breast milk to prevent allergy. The financial costs of NOT breastfeeding to society and individuals, both short and long term, are staggering. At and after birth, neonates are in a period of transition where they are exposed to a barrage of antigens in the mouth, and lungs. Injecting antigens at this critical time, and claiming that they, “do nothing to the immune system compared with the numbers of natural antigens....” makes no sense whatsoever, and is certainly not supported by their own medical literature. In order to adjust to the world appropriately, not only is a “non-inflammatory phenotype” critical, but breast milk is also essential to protect the baby from toxin-mediated and other diseases while the immune system develops appropriately. But here’s another key to the story. Up until recently, the brain and the immune system were considered to be two separate entities. While Il-1B and TNFa are part of the active immune system process in adults, what was NOT considered in this equation, is that they are also key components in remodelling neuronal pathways in the brain in babies, so if you trigger them at a crucial time when neuronal connections are being built faster than the speed of light, you are seriously compromising the baby. In September 2010, a medical article in Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience made some staggering admissions on the state of knowledge in this field: " Although much progress has been made in the past 10 years in our appreciation that immune molecules play critical roles in the healthy brain, the large majority of immune molecules have not yet been studied for their presence and function in the brain. For the immune molecules that we know are important, almost nothing is understood about their mechanisms of action. " Astonishingly, the authors look everywhere, including pregnant mothers who - when they have even silent infections, release cytokines - to provide and explanation for the immunological insults they see in children with autism. The authors hypothesize what might have triggered these immune molecules about which they know almost nothing, and point the finger at everything, except the white elephant in the room ... which are vaccines at this most critical time in babyhood, and now, vaccines during pregnancy. Here is the UNMARKED article, and here is a copy with my notations and markings. Just maybe, that’s why a baby is programmed to DOWN-regulate the inflammation part of the immune system, and not react to toxin-mediated diseases the way an adult does. So, the " risk " you take in upregulating inflammation provokers, just might be that a baby's brain won't work as smoothly. And it’s no fluke that breastmilk also has in it, unique compounds which help to programme a baby’s brain correctly. The breastfed baby is still an extension of the mother in terms of immune programming and brain development. The breast fed baby is dependant on the mother’s breastmilk to switch on, and off specific genes – which will optimise that baby's future development programming, immune protection and appropriate recognition of “pathogen associated molecular patterns” (PAMPS) . Breastmilk programming also appears to confer a degree of protection against Type 2 diabetes, and obesity later in life. Breast milk also takes food antigens, inhaled pollens etc... from a mothers lungs and digestive tract, partners them with macrophages in the breastmilk, and directly presents them to a baby as a message saying, “These are safe”. Breast milk, correctly teaches recognition of self, and definition of what is dangerous – the right way. Summary: Breast milk's mission for at least two years, is to prevent as much inflammation in the body, as possible, to reduce the possibility of serious infection, allergies and chronic disorders throughout life. Question: So what might happen when someone comes along with rafts of needles from birth, and repeatedly, chronically, forces a baby’s body to do something it’s NOT designed to do? Part 3: Can vaccines become cranial and immunological cluster bombs? - Wednesday, May 25, 2011 ( Part 3 of 3 ) So what might happen when you repeatedly bombard a baby’s immune system with vaccines? It depends whether you believe Dr Offit, the king pin at the Children’s Hospital at Philadelphia and seemingly of late, the sole mouthpiece for vaccination programs and the vaccine industry in the United States, who claims that healthy infants can safely get up to 100,000 vaccines at once. Yes, " Safely " ! I disagree with Dr. Offit. But then, I am only a country town hick who never went to medical school, so what would I know? But here’s why I disagree with him. A baby develops “adaptive tolerance” by suppressing inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1B and TNF-a, to make sure that T cells don’t respond to everything naturally presented to the baby as “safe”. IF a baby’s immune system is developing along a specific pathway which is designed to SHUT DOWN INFLAMMATION, as an “important developmental programme” - “beneficial to the neonate” what might be the result of tossing vaccines into a baby immediately after birth, and at regular intervals thereafter? 1) We know that in adults, influenza vaccines increase autoimmunity antibodies ( Isakov). Does this happen in infants and children? There is no logical reason to believe that it doesn't, but we can't be sure until such research is urgently undertaken - now that yearly influenza vaccination is forced upon babies - and pregnant mothers. 2) We know that hepatitis B vaccines given to adolescents results in an increase in alloreactive cellular responses ( Roddy) and , but that research hasn’t extended to babies either. Neither have researchers looked at what happens after regular booster shots. At such a crucial non-inflammatory time, what would a neonatal immune system do with increased allo-antibodies? The fact is no one has a clue! 3) We know that vaccination in adolescents can result in autoimmune anti-NMDA encephalopathy ( Hoffman), but unfortunately that research has not yet extended to babies. 4) We know that vaccinating mice at the critical point of immune development described by Chelvarajan, results in a skewing towards an allergic Th2 immune system ( Eurekalert and Lee). 5) We also clearly know that the LONGER a parent delays giving a DPT vaccine, the less the baby's chances of developing asthma.( Mc) A first vaccine is designed to PROVOKE inflammatory immune responses, and booster shots are designed to enhance that inflammatory process, and to keep it going for a long time. The core of NEONATAL vaccine administration “theology” is that the earlier we vaccinate babies, the better. The alleged “objective” of regular booster vaccinations, is that continuing to provoke the immature immune system of the baby, will result in life-long memory T-cell immunity as a result of being repeatedly vaccinated early in life. The other untouchable tenet of NEONATAL vaccine “theology” is that IPSO FACTO, all vaccines are safe, and do not affect, or perturb the normal functioning of the immune system, and THAT anything that happens after a vaccine is “coincidental”. A recent study ( Wherry) about " chronic " infection, has shown that “pathogen persistence” in the body, results in the body’s T-cells against that specific pathogen “giving up”. This is called “T-cell exhaustion”. The author contrasts the very specific immune system actions against acute infection: “After infections that are cleared acutely, highly functional memory T-cells develop....” with the across-the-board blunted action of the immune system in chronic infections. Acute infections ARE cleared from the body because they usually don’t come through a needle with a whole array of foreign proteins and adjuvants. The WAY the body clears an acute natural infection, is quite different from the way a body is being forced to respond to repeated injections of the same antigen. What might happen IMMUNOLOGICALLY if you put in vaccines, a form of applied " chronic " infections, into babies in the first few weeks of life? What are vaccines - if they aren’t a form of applied “chronic” infections? Might a different form of T-cell exhaustion happen later, to those vaccinated babies? The answer appears to be “yes”. In a recent study ( Posfay) adolescents were given a booster dose to check how they would respond to the DPT vaccines they received at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age. Looking at tetanus antibodies, the authors found to their horror that nearly half had no boost or increase in their tetanus antibodies. They noted that a high proportion of teenagers who were given their primary vaccinations on the early schedule simply had no response to boosters and they conceded that, " early life immune immaturity may limit the persistence of infant-induced immunity " . Similar “refusal” to make booster T-cell dependant antibodies has been documented in 14 year-old Alaskan children after Hepatitis B boosters, as well as in 15 year-olds in Micronesia and Taiwan. ( Lu) In 2003, Pihlgren showed that if mammals are vaccinated too early, memory IgG responses to T-cell dependant antigens are suppressed. In mice it took 6 – 8 weeks for the immune system to mature enough to be able to start making long term Ig G antibodies. Pihlgren stated that in humans, the process is much longer, without specifying how long. Both the mice and human studies, suggest that the core theory that infant vaccination DOES NOT affect the immune system, is incorrect. That proof is staring us in the face.Example. Paediatric EPI-PEN prescriptions are at an all-time high. Young and old adults, (who we are told haven’t yet co-operated with the burgeoning adult vaccination programme and are seriously undervaccinated), are not (yet) meaningfully represented in the huge EPI-PEN prescription increase in young children. Today's children, are the MOST vaccinated ever, in the " during-the-crucial-neonatal-developmental " time frame. Is it some " fluke " that children today, have the highest level of developmental disabilities in the history of mankind? Is this " real progress? " In America 43% of children have chronic ill-health, and developmental disorders affect one in every six children. This study showed that 16.8% of children younger than 18 years of age have lifelong conditions arising in early childhood as a result of cognitive or physical impairment or a combination of the two. Everywhere in the developed world, parents are starting to notice the huge numbers of children with serious chronic disorders and behavioural issues. Older teachers readily see the difference between children they taught years ago, and children entering school in 2011. These figures are outrageous, but are explained away by the authors as improved survival of children born preterm, or with birth defects or genetic disorders - but I note - buried amongst a sack of other excuses on page 1035 - was " new infant vaccines " . Just an intsy ray of light there? Also please note the preponderance of chronic conditions " based on an emotional or behavioral phenotype... " . How about substituting that phrase, with my own theory, which is: " A vaccine-enforced neonatal inflammatory phenotype triggering inappropriate brain activity by activations of immune cytokines including Il-1B and TNFa, which should be left well alone. " It’s no good blaming the increased numbers on better diagnosis as Boyle does, because that implies that these disabilities have always been at these percentages, but that no-one noticed before. Even the most naive parents can see through that excuse. It's also no good blaming older parents either, because in the days before contraception, women continued to have children right up until menopause. Where are all the similarly blighted adults today, who were born to those older mothers? The medical profession argues that the solution is " better access to medical care " when it could be argued that it's the medical system throughout pregnancy and after birth, that took the children to the very precipice on which they now stand. It’s my contention that vaccines, given to a baby within the immunological window of vulnerability, described by Pihlgren, can force some babies into an " inflammatory phenotype " resulting in the possibility of: 1) an increase in allergy, 2) autoimmunity 3) the triggering of brain inflammation, with resultant chronic ill health in many diverse ways... and 4) an inability to respond to vaccine antigens previously injected during this neonatal period. We can't even restrict potential problems to neonatal time frames, because serious neurological disorders after DPT in adolescents have been seen, where all of the current tests came back normal. So clearly there's even more that isn't known about adolescent neurology/immune system tie-ups as well. For the reasons above, I believe that the current obsession to vaccinate pregnant women, babies - earlier and earlier, and adolescents and adults with as many vaccines as possible - will result in: .... the most immunologically damaged population the world has ever seen. I believe that the writing is being written on the wall, for those with the eyes to see the finger moving. No doubt these same people who didn't realise that the brain and the immune system were connected until about a year ago, will all have their own plausible theories to protect vaccine programmes, and explain away neonatal immune system problems rarely seen in children decades ago. Immune systems, which, by their own admission, they know virtually nothing about. It's no longer acceptable to tell a parent, " The vaccine didn't do this. We don't know what did, but WE KNOW a vaccine didn't do this. " because they " know " nothing of the sort. They may believe it but certainly no more! It's also not acceptable to bully parents into giving their babies any vaccines at all, when immunologists haven't the foggiest what those vaccines do in a baby's body, let alone a baby's developing brain. It's time the medical profession took a long hard realistic look at the huge numbers of chronically sick children they treat, and ask the same questions that parents and those of us without medical training, have been asking for a very long time. Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA Vaccines - Homeopathy Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes start July 12 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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