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NZ - Whooping cough: What is it that they don't get about fail?

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Whooping cough: What is it that they don't get about

" fail " ?

Given that the pertussis data on ESR Public Health Surveillance website

shows so many children who get whooping cough are fully vaccinated, why

does the New Zealand medical system continue to blame the UNVACCINATED?


's Desk

Whooping cough: What is it that they don't get about

" fail " ? - Thursday, July 26, 2012

All GP practices have received

this letter dated 25 July, 2012.

Very interesting.

See this?

The national coverage for two-year-old children by ethnicity is;

Maori 92 percent, Pacific 97 percent, Asian 98 percent and NZ European 93

percent. This is a dramatic improvement in coverage for all of these

groups since 2007.

Meanwhile, they continue to ramp up the " whooping cough "


Question: What is it, that the New Zealand medical

profession doesn't understand about the word

" FAIL " ?

Until recently, there has never been a whooping cough vaccine for adults.

Why doesn't that very fact give people pause for thought?!!

As I predicted in " From One Prick to Another " in 2008, they

are now trying to push an adult vaccine onto every man, dog, aunt, uncle,

parent and chook.

Given that


pertussis data on ESR Public Health Surveillance


shows so many children who get whooping cough are fully

vaccinated, why does the New Zealand medical system continue to blame


This American article here is fascinating. For the first

time, the AMERICAN medical profession have stopped blaming

the unvaccinated.

They have FINALLY realised that it's simply

counterproductive to do so, because so many communities across America,

have just about 100% immunisation rates up to date in most ages, and

still whooping cough ploughs around the country like galloping draught


However, as usual, their solution is simply to reinforce

vaccinating every man and their dog, cat and chook, and napalm bombing

whooping cough communities with Azithrymycin - a potent antibiotic which

is NOT needed, and cannot alter the course of the disease. They SAY

it reduces spread. Really? If that is the case, then why is

whooping cough endemic? After all, every person the medical system

gets their hands on, is prescribed antibiotics and threatened with dire

consequences if they don't take it.

Why do they prescribe them? Because they have NOTHING else

to offer.

Why do they now want to prick everyone from cradle to grave with a

pertussis vaccine that is crap? Because they have NOTHING else to


I repeat, exactly what it is these people don't understand? ....

About the word

Answer: Nothing, .... because they don't want to see what is

right in front of their eyes - which is that whooping cough epidemiology

is VASTLY different from the old days, BECAUSE of the vaccine's

use. Other overseas media articles, say that the increase in

whooping cough is solely because of better testing. Really?

Was that sort of a cough easily " missed " in the

past? Does that sort of cough require a better lab test to

define? If so, what kind of doctor is that?

The whooping cough vaccine is ineffective. It doesn't do the job it

was made to do. And the REASON adults and kids spread pertussis is

precisely BECAUSE - - - they were vaccinated in the first

place. The reasons for that are in my

chapter on whooping cough from " From One Prick to

Another " . The medical literature is all there to prove it, but on

that topic, there is resounding silence from the medical

profession. After all, who wants to admit that the very vaccine

they tout is PART of the problem?

But what most fascinated me about the

visuals in this programme, is that you NEVER leave a baby with

whooping cough lying on it's back to cough.


KNOWING,.... that the mucus is thick and needs to come up, whooping

cough is a disease that needs to be managed. Wouldn't you

think that a medical system with a brain would know that? Oh,

perhaps they do. Perhaps what they wanted... was to cultivate and

create a sense of parental helplessness with that videoing technique?

However, it seems to me, that the medical system has NO IDEA how to

efficiently, accurately and humanely manage whooping cough. I've

talked with parents whose children were " managed " and it was an

utter disaster. babies and children, are... left to cough.

Sometimes I think it's a testament to the fortitude of the human immune

system that these kids survived, under the medical model of whooping

cough treatment.

The medical system believes it's own self-fulfilling

prophecy that whooping cough is a disease that has limited

treatments. That is after all, why they have vastly expanded the age

range of people recommended to receive the very vaccine, which doesn't

work, and which has had a hand in creating today's problem.

Yes, there is

treatment for whooping cough which works incredibly well. But the

medical system doesn't want to use that because... it doesn't fit in with

their belief system.

Not only does alternative treatment NOT fit in with their belief system,

and doesn't bring big Pharma large financial rewards, .... if the medical

profession used such treatments on every patient and found that it

worked, they would not be able to emotionally blackmail parents into

vaccinating or taking antibiotics. The medical profession would

lose " control " of the medical, social and political aspects of

whooping cough. The medical system does NOT want to look at

alternative treatment of whooping cough, and would certainly never

dream of doing trials of it. They've even told some parents that

the treatments would kill their babies and children! Those parents

went ahead anyway, and within two days, were living a life of comparative


Is the medical profession's response to both this situation and

alternative treatment unethical? I believe it is. But this is the

world we live in. We have to deal with it.

In the meantime, the numbers of people all over the country who have

rescued their own sanity, families and children using varied forms of

treatment for whooping cough not promoted by the medical system, grows

exponentially. The solution is simple. You, the parent,

must take control. If you do, and you discover what the rest of

us have discovered, you will also discover something else. That

with knowledge, you, the parent, become much more compentent, confident,

and no longer feel helpless. A parent - and child - feeling

" helpless " , is the worst side effect of the medical model of

whooping cough treatment.

There is one brick wall that comes out of the medical profession

continuing to proselytise a vaccine that doesn't work, and that is that

DESPITE them saying that infant vaccination rates are at an all time

high, many mothers are seeing their completely up-to-date kids keeling

over with whooping cough.

These parents then divide into two camps.

One camp, like dutiful little medical system parrots, blame the

unvaccinated. Relentlessly.

The second camp looks at the vaccine full in the face and asks

" What is it that the medical profession can't see about the word

" fail " ?

After all, if such a highly touted vaccine doesn't protect your

child, what use is it?

Oh, supposedly - your child will get a milder dose.

Guess what.

This supposed milder dose, treated under the medical model, is a MAJOR

case, when compared to any case treated in the alternative model.

Where's your proof ? 30 years of experience in a

country which has NEVER seen a time when whooping cough cases have not

been rampant. In New Zealand, whooping cough is endemic and has

ALWAYS been endemic. Everyone my age, who actually looks at reality

with clarity, knows that. The Ministry of Health knows that.

Their own DATA proves it. I've posted it all here, many times, in older

blogs on the topic.

Maybe your doctor whines, " But there is no PROOF that quackery

and old wives tale ideas work! It's just a big money rort from

snake-oil purveyors " when actually - - - the

costs are not that high at all.

Yet in the very next breath, that same doctor is happy to enrol your kid

in a $400,000 drug trial, which you have to pay for and

perhaps travel to another country to receive..., for which there is no

proof? If it's their drug and unproven, that doesn't matter.

There are a huge number of pharmaceutical drugs prescribed off label

(meaning not proven for that purpose) which doctors are only to happy to

dispense without question, or realising their own hypocrisy.

Why? Because they have nothing else to offer.

Doctors who say that alternative treatment is a financial scam, never

factor in that the costs of treating whooping cough at a doctor, are much

higher than what the parent pays, because of the taxpayers who fund the

Government treatment subsidies, and Pharmac drug


If parents had to pay the full costs of mainstream visits, treatment

costs etc, themselves, as they have to do with alternatives, alternative

medicine would win hands down. Alternative treatment is so easy,

you don't even need an appointment to see anyone, or travel anywhere

repeatedly. You just need to be able to read; to buy what you need

on line; read some clear instructions on line; quarantine yourself and

get on with it in relative peace and quiet. And help is no further away

than a community at the end of a phone - or an email to anyone who

has been there, done that, and succeeded. Those people are scattered

throughout New Zealand, and their numbers are huge.

There are answers as to why this vaccine has never, and is

still not working. There are effective treatments for

whooping cough. What you are now faced with is the classic dilemma


Only you can work out what you will do.

Do not expect anything other than violent discord if you

open your mouth to a pharmaceutical doctor about alternative

treatments for whooping cough.

The bottom line is that that part of the medical system will not

look at anything that either disturbs it's own belief system, or treads

on their turf.

But there is hope. Within the medical system, there are doctors who are

now using alternative treatments to the full, in recognition of the fact

that they have little constructive to offer with regard to whooping

cough. These doctors have experienced the fact that alternative

treatment works. Many of them are not just surprised, but also gratified

by that experiential fact.

The trick - and your challenge - is to find out where those doctors are,

if you need them.

On the other hand, if you are like thousands of us in this country, and

do actually KNOW how to recognise and diagnose whooping cough, there is

no reason to give your patronage to the medical system immediately. If

you know what to look for, and if you understand the progression of the

disease, you can pick up whooping cough much earlier than the

average parent would. The key is to know what you need to

know, before you need to know it. Whooping cough has been endemic

for over 30 years, so get learning. If you understand the method of

treatments, and have the strength of your own convictions, you can treat

whooping cough much earlier than the medical profession

would start treating it in the first place, and the severity will

never get very bad.

Being in control of the disease early leaves you with the option to go to

the doctor like everyone else does anyway. If they see your child

is coping well, and not that distressed, and doesn't go blue at all, then

they won't get upset. Just don't tell them what you are


Why might you consider going to a doctor if you aren't going to tell

them what you are doing?

You might want an official diagnosis, so that some medical bureaucrat

can't try to emotionally blackmail you into vaccinating a child that has

already had whooping cough, but you can't prove it.

You might want to tell them what you are doing. Just remember that

when it comes to suggesting or discussing different treatments for

whooping cough though, most doctors' blood pressures go through the roof,

and they flip their lids. If you want to discuss everything, you have to

be prepared to stay very calm, smile, know thyself, and get out of there

in one bit. It can be done.

Read Full Blog

More Herald Flu Propaganda. - Sunday, July 22,



I wrote a blog about the Sunday Herald flu


, which resulted in the Herald removing

the original article and replacing the Sunday on Herald

emotional blackmail with different

Pap. Not content with that, the vaccine

" stakeholders " must have also said, " Oi, while we're on

the phone, can we rope in Rudman? He's pretty gullible... " and

on cue, he produced an

" opinion " rant, while , produced a

plodding report. Tomorrow I will have a go at Rudman's


Read Full Blog

New Zealand Herald's usual Flu propaganda -

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Today, the Herald printed it's usual annual flu propaganda (I've removed

the URL) and a private email to the reporters who put their names to it,

was returned. The Herald doesn't allow enough words on the comment

facility to deal with the issues, and they only want videos or photos,

not facts. Therefore, this blog will address the issues.

Read full blog


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