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MERCURY and METHANOLNEUROTOXINSTaking a break here from vaccines, mercury vaccines and autism (ASD).Other NEUROTOXINS are around, have always been around and NEED some proper investigation.One such is METHANOL.Used either directly in vaccines or as the metabolite FORMALDEHYDE at levels still unknown to me.What is not UNKNOWN is that like MERCURY, METHANOL is also a MUTAGEN.Why therefore is the amount of this INCREASING in our environment in a so called SCIENTIFIC world.Or is it just a MONEY GRUBBING world and damn the 1 in a 1 000, 1 in a 100 or 1 in 6 that suffer illness from mans greed.I looked at figures for Alzheimer Disease which has been likened to autism at an old age and being visibly shaken by the HUGE increase in the last 30 years compared to decreases even in some illnesses despite GMO, more pollution, radioactive leaks, oil spills et al.Or more likely the other way round:AUTISM is 2012 children getting AD at an early age in an increasingly POLLUTED CHEMICAL NEUROTOXIC world.I remember getting rid of SULPHUR DIOXIDE from home fires stopped the deaths and illness in London, England in the early 19850's.Since then chemical illness has been denied, ignored and past over.In the USA Alzheimer Disease (AD) deaths for the over 65's has increased from a base of 1 000 in 1980 to 63 000 deaths in 2004.Not easy to see how the internet deniers can explain this increase away like they try to do and do do in their own minds for autism.They are certainly in the DO DO over their lack of knowledge?Autism is like AD so the increase in autism is logically the same in theory. And almost certain in FACT.We know MERCURY is a neurotoxin that is likely to be a factor in ANY neurotoxic illness.But we need to explore the role of METHANOL which is also a KNOWN neurotoxin.And will be a CO-FACTOR for SURE.We certainly have for AUTISM and ALZHEIMER DISEASE an UNPARDONNABLE increase in these two diseases.And we already KNOW both neurotoxins MERCURY and METHANOL work on and damage similar ENZYME systems in humans.Methanol is a particularly SINISTER MUTAGEN and in its metabolites a NEUROTOXIN as its toxicity in animals is at a very much REDUCED rate, meaning that animal studies provide FALSE COMFORT in a scientifically screwed up world of RISK-BENEFIT analysis.Not so much ASLEEP at the wheel as criminally DRUNK at the wheel with METHYL alcohol washing around not just the regulators, industry and government but VISIBLY in statistics and in easily observable terms ruining the health of MILLIONS around the globe.NEUROTOXINSMERCURY and METHANOL

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