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Ingri Cassel, vaclib, on radio Sunday 8/12, 12N Pacific, 3pm eastern

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Sunday, August 12, on The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust, the guest the

first hour will be Ingri Cassel.

Ingri is Director of Vaccination Liberation, a website that hosts

chapters in almost every state in the U.S., whose members are there to

assist all of us in the application for vaccine exemption and related


Ingri will speak, in part, in memory of her just-passed mother, Walene

, originator of the Vaccination Liberation site and a giant in the

vaccine awareness movement. Walene's books reflect her prodigious

intellect, and she was - and still is - a primary force in motivating

many of the good, outspoken doctors and researchers we constantly

reference on this page.

The guest the second hour will be


Piper-Terry, researcher extraordinaire and founder of VaxTruth.org

and the No Shot, No School - Not True! billboard campaign. Marci will

speak to the vaccine damage suffered by her daughter.

The show will air 2pm - 4pm, CDT (that is 12N Pacific, 1pm Mountain, 3 pm

eastern, 8pm UK), and can be heard on the Logos Radio Network:


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian


Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccines -

http://vaccinationdangers.wordpress.com/ Homeopathy


Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy

Online/email courses - next classes start August 2

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