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Face mask / Filter

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We need a real, working solution for those of us stuck in moldy sick-buildings.

I'm emailing the people at http://www.icanbreathe.com/organic.htm

There are sleeping masks for the cpap and bipap machine, but I found no

out-breath valve, so I'm not sure how well it would work. They are expensive.

This options seems unneccissary now, after discovering the following 3M option:

There are respirators with replacable cartridges. These things can filter out

paint fumes. How long does a cartridge last? How expensive is a cartridge?

Which type of cartridge is adequate? These are the questions we need answered.

Is HEPA required? How small are the dangerous mold particulates?

" Most mold is > 2.5 microns in size. "

HEPA filters out .3 microns.

" Respirable dust is 1.0 - 5.0 microns in size and able to penetrate deep into

the respiratory system, past the body's cilia, mucous and natural defense

mechanisms. Inhalable dust is bigger, around 10 microns in particle size,

enters the body, but gets trapped by the bodies natural filtering mechanisms in

the nose, throat and upper respiratory tract. For this atmospheric dust, you

need filtration capable of capturing the smallest particles, either

electrostatic precipitators (ESP), high quality media or HEPA filters. "


" mold puts out organic vapors that are toxic & smelly & need carbon to filter

out "

3m 2097 should do.


" a set has lasted him 3 days while working w/ wood "


U/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8 & showViewpoints=1

2 cartridges for $6.25

http://www.google.com/products?q=3m+2097+cartridge & scoring=p

1 facepiece for $9.07

http://www.google.com/products?q=3m+6000 & scoring=p & show=dd & sa=N & lnk=next & start=2\


This is affordable, and is " Mold Remediation " class. I hope this is available

at Lowe's or Home Depot. It aught to be.

I'm going to buy one today if I find it.

If anyone else finds something that works, let me know.

What are the long-term consequences of sleeping w/ these things on? If the

cartridge clogs overnight and becomes unbreathable, will I wake up? What sort

of valve must I install to detect and prevent this sort of thing from happening?

Perhaps some sort of air-pressure detection device that opens a port to outside

air when the pressure gets too high. Perhaps the pressure is not likely to

change that much overnight. (experiment at your own risk)

Is the plastic for the face-piece going to cause allergic-reaction? It probably

has BPA, but perhaps cotton can be fitted around the straps, but not the seal.

Probably a trade-off worth trying. Maybe some bee's wax can seal it in. Will

try to keep you updated on my progress w/ this device. Breathing the air in

this house gives me a constant sore-throat. I will know if it works. Sleeping

in a tent, many feet from this house makes the soreness go away overnight. Now

I'm coughing w/ lots of phlem. It's time to take action that might reveal

helpful info for those on here.

note: all quotes are paraphrases

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