Guest guest Posted September 9, 2010 Report Share Posted September 9, 2010 The Hypersensitivity Reactions Immunology Lecture CLS 311 Specific Lecture Objectives: At the completion of the lecture, the student will be able to: 1. State the principle characteristics of the types I through IV hypersensitivities as outlined by Gell and Combs. 2. Compare the immunoglobulin classes, the involvement of complement and host cells, the chemical mediators present, and the antigens involved in each type of reaction. 3. Interpret the type of hypersensitivity response given various hypothetical clinical situations. The Hypersensitivity States I. Classification System A. Older system 1. Immediate (immunoglobulin mediated) 2. Delayed (T-cell or lymphokine mediated) B. Gell and Coombs system - emphasizes the kind of immunopathological damage done. 1. Type I: Immediate hypersensitivity 2. Type II: Cytotoxic hypersensitivity 3. Type III: Immune Complex 4. Type IV: Delayed type hypersensitivity II. Type I Immediate hypersensitivity A. Demonstrated 1921 by Prausnitz and Kustner 1. Hallmark: ability to be passively transferred from sensitive individual to non-sensitive individual via serum F{Kustner allergic to fish, Prausnitz injected serum, waited 24 hrs, then injected fish extract wheal and flare reactions} 2. Antibodies involved found to be IgE, referred to variously as Prausnitz-Kustner antibodies (P-K antibodies), reagins, reaginic antibodies or anaphylactic antibodies a. IgE has non-specific affinity for mast cells and basophils (attaches via the Fc portion of the molecule), antibodies with this affinity are called cytotropic antibodies B. Combining of antigen (allergen) and IgE on mast cell in presence of calcium ions and regulated by intracellular levels of cAMP (high levels inhibit release of granules, low levels stimulate degranulation) results in degranulation of cell and release of histamine and other mediators C. Mediators of Type I hypersensitivities 1. Mediators include a. Histamine b. Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) c. Eosinophilic chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis (ECF-A) d. Platelet activation factor (PAF) e. Serotonins f. Bradykinins g. Possibly other kinins 2. Resulting changes due to mediators a. Changes in capillary permeability, vessel dilation, smooth muscle contraction and mucous membrane responses {General effects: Smooth muscle contraction Vasodilation Increased vascular permeability Increased mucous secretions} b. Effects may be systemic (anaphylactic shock) or localized (atopic allergies) D. Systemic anaphylaxis 1. Usually develops suddenly, most common precipitating events are the injection of drugs or antisera or the sting of an insect (wasps, bees, hornets etc.) Reactions include: a. Reddening of skin (erythema) b. Hives (urticaria) and itching c. Severe respiratory difficulties due to the accumulation of fluids and cells in lung tissue and constriction of respiratory bronchioles; smooth muscle spasms d. Airway obstruction from laryngeal edema e. Hypotension (shock resulting from vascular permeability and collapse) {vasodilation and leakage of intravascular fluids} f. Abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhea 2. Countermeasures to Anaphylaxis include: a. Avoidance of known precipitating substances b. Administration of epinephrine to counteract the effects of histamine and other vasoactive mediators c. Maintenance of an airway d. Drugs to maintain adequate blood pressure whenever shock occurs E. Local anaphylaxis (atopic allergy) may occur in specific target organs 1. Respiratory system, resulting in hay fever or asthma 2. Skin, resulting in urticaria, atopic dermatitis (eczema) 3. GI tract, resulting in abdominal cramps and diarrhea Most common allergens: pollen, mold spores, foods, animal hairs, danders (sloughed skin cells of animals), feathers, dust, wool, insect bites and stings and some antibiotics F. Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of atopic allergies 1. Diagnosis a. Family history - hereditary predisposition to atopic allergies. If both parents atopic, 75% of children will be, if one parent atopic, 50% of children will be b. Skin testing either directly or passively (cutaneous anaphylaxis method (P-K)) c. Basophil degranulation test (measures release of histamine from leukocytes) d. Determination of serum level of IgE. In normal serum, very little IgE presents, so little that extremely sensitive methods must be used for detection. Normal levels in non-atopic individuals is usually less than 20 IU/ml. In atopic individuals generally none are less than 20 IU/ml, many have greater than 100 IU/ml. 1. RIST (radioimmunosorbent test) measures total IgE, most sensitive of methods available 2. RAST (radioallergosorbent test) quantitates a specific IgE. Avoids exposing patient to potentially dangerous skin testing. 2. Treatment of Atopic Reactions a. Avoidance of identified allergen whenever possible b. Inactivation of released mediators or inhibition of their release. The most common drugs used are: 1. Antihistamines to block the effect of histamines 2. Epinephrine and isoproterenol to stimulate the synthesis of cAMP, also act to dilate bronchiolar smooth muscles 3. Methylxanthine (theophylline) to inhibit degradation of cAMP, also a muscle relaxer and bronchodilator, but also has a diuretic effect 4. Disodium cromoglycate group: Suppresses mediator-release by trapping calcium ions at the surface of mast cells, thereby preventing the influx necessary for granule release. Usually administered by inhalation therapy c. Desensitization - Theory: If antigen (allergen) is introduced via muscular or subcutaneous route, more likely to stimulate immunoglobulins other than IgE. These non-cytotrophic antibodies may function as blocking antibodies, combining with the allergen and preventing further reactions with cell-bound IgE III. Type II Cytotoxic, Cytolytic Hypersensitivity Reactions A. Cell damaging and cell destroying reactions in which an antigen-antibody reaction occurs on a cell surface. Occurs within minutes to hours. 1. Cell can be destroyed by phagocytosis or lysis 2. Complement system frequently involved 3. Antibodies are usually of IgG and / or IgM types B. Conditions under which cytolytic reactions take place 1. Antigen structural component of cell membrane or an extrinsic antigen that has attached to cell 2. Antigenic determinant on host cell that is identical or very similar to foreign antigen originally evoking antibody production 3. New antigens that have occurred on cell surface as a result of drug-induced changes 4. Antigen-antibody complexes that have formed in circulation and subsequently attached to red blood cells. This leads to red cell destruction. C. Diseases resulting from cytolytic reactions are generally in the category of hematological cytolytic diseases 1. Cells that are destroyed are usually patients cells, but may be translocated or transfused cells as in Rh incompatibility or red blood cell transfusion reactions 2. Cell types primarily destroyed a. Red blood cells b. White blood cells of the granulocytic type c. Platelets (thrombocytes) d. Vascular endothelial cells D. Examples of Disease 1. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia 2. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura 3. Autoimmune neutropenia 4. Transfusion reactions Type III Immune Complex Hypersensitivity A. Reactions occur when soluble antigen and corresponding antibody unite and activate complement. The Ag-Ab complexes form in blood and tissue spaces and are deposited in the walls of blood vessels, in basement membranes, and in joint synovia. B. Arthus reaction demonstrated by Maurice Arthus in 1903. 1. Artificially induced in laboratory. 2. Induced localized inflammatory skin reaction in previously sensitized rabbit (to horse serum) by intradermal injection of cognate Antigen. Inflammation grossly visible after several hours a. Longer time than Type I, but shorter than Type IV. Classified as immediate because responsible antibodies can be passively transferred via serum. b. Ag-Ab complexes form and adhere to vascular endothelium; complement system activated and some of its chemotactic intermediates attract neutrophils to site. Anaphylatoxins degranulate mast cells with resultant release of histamine that causes constriction of arterioles and retards blood supply to area. Platelets stimulated by the immune complex initiate the coagulation cascade, resulting in fibrin deposits. Eventually vessels become clogged with thrombin and accumulated cells, causing an exudate into the surrounding tissue (edema). Deprivation of blood supply to area results in ischemic necrosis. c. Only precipitating (multivalent) antibodies can elicit the Arthus reaction (mainly IgG). Relatively large amounts of antigen required. d. Reverse passive Arthus possible (Ab from sensitized animal injected intradermally, Ag IV or at site). C. Human lung hypersensitivities (Immune complex pneumonitis, allergic pneumonitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis) 1. Natural counterpoint of artificially induced Arthus reaction 2. Farmers lung, pigeon breeder's lung, mushroom workers lung etc. 3. Inhalation of allergen (fungal spores, animal danders, excretory products etc.) sensitizes. Further exposure elicits IgE and IgG D. Serum Sickness Occurs in patients receiving large doses of foreign serums (horse antitoxin against tetanus, antilymphocyte serum for immunosuppression of tissue transplant, serum therapy for pneumococcal infection pre-antibiotics). 7-10 days following initial exposure to foreign serum patient develops malaise, fever, nausea, vomiting, edema, lymphadenopathy, muscle and joint pains and hives. Massive dose of antigen serves as challenging dose to stimulate Ab production and as reactive dose. More chronic and less lethal than IgE mediated anaphylaxis. In general, findings of cryoglobulinemia (abnormal globulin that precipitates at 4 degrees C and redissolves on warming) and/or decreased complement levels suggest presence of immune complexes. 5. Rh incompatibility IV. V. Type IV Delayed Hypersensitivity (cell-mediated hypersensitivity;DTH-Delayed T-cell Hypersensitivity) A. Usually requires 24-72 hours to reach a maximum reactivity (as compared to immediate which occur in minutes). Do not depend on antibodies but on T-lymphocyte cells and their products. Cannot be passively transferred by serum, but can be transferred by sensitized T cells. 1. First described by Koch 1891. Observed that if tubercle bacilli were injected into skin of Guinea Pigs previously infected with tubercle bacilli, an intense area of inflammation would develop in 1-2 days at the site of injection. Uninfected controls negative. 2. How does T cell accomplish immunity? T cell responsible for the specific recognition event, but often other cells bring about the final effect on the antigen or on the host's tissue. Sensitized T-cells release lymphokines, which, unlike antibodies, are not specific for antigens. T cells sensitized to a given antigen infiltrate the area where the antigen is located. Other cell types, especially macrophages, are recruited and activated thru the intervention of released lymphokines. The recruited cells come to constitute as much as 95% of the cell infiltrate of the affected area. These recruited cells, not the T lymphocyte, ultimately are the final effectors of the response. 3. Protective assignments of T cells include a. Immunity against those infective agents that have an intracellular habitat (viruses, TB bacilli, Leprosy, Brucella) b. Recognition and elimination of aberrant " self " cells, namely cancer cells c. Recognition and elimination of foreign cells and tissues such as those which occur in graft rejection 4. DTH is an inflammation mediated by soluble, biologically active factors released by activated TDTH cells and macrophages. Such lymphocyte-released factors are given the general name lymphokines. 5. Sequence: a. Antigen, coupling protein and TDTH cells react on macrophage surface. Macrophage releases a soluble lymphocyte activating factor (LAF) called interleukin I (IL-1). This, together with the antigen, stimulates T cell to synthesize and release a variety of lymphokines. b. These lymphokines are produced in minute quantities and act locally. They have been difficult to purify and identify chemically, therefore they have been named according to their biologic activity. 50-100 have been named. Action of most lymphokines is on cells: macrophages, other T cells, eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils. c. In general, lymphokines stimulate cell proliferation, influence cell motility, and induce cytocidal or cytostatic activities in macrophages. Can also influence lymphocyte differentiation and function 6. Examples of lymphokines: a. Macrophage - activating factor: Macrophages activated by this lymphokine are larger, have more lysozymes than non-activated, secrete enzymes involved in inflammation and have increased phagocytic activity. Have increased killing capacity over resting cells because they release relatively large amounts of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide ion, both of which help to destroy microorganisms and possible tumor cells. b. Migration inhibitory factor: Migration of macrophages out of area is inhibited when sensitized lymphocytes and their corresponding antigen are allowed to react. (MIF) keeps lymphocytes localized in area of inflammation. Also, there is a migration inhibiting factor for leukocytes (LIF) c. Chemotactic factors: produce lymphokines that attract macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils and fibroblasts (collectively referred to as lymphocyte-derived chemotactic factors (LDCF). Some are specifically named for cell type attracted Others: Specific Macrophage-arming factor (SMAF) Osteoclast-activating factor (OAF) Lymphocyte-transforming factor (LTF) Colony-stimulating factor (ICSF) Interferon- inhibits maturation of monocytes into mature macrophages B. Allergic Contact Dermatitis 1. Skin contact with a variety of simple chemicals can cause. Allergens found in cosmetics, industrial chemicals, dyes, ointments, plant materials and topically applied chemotherapeutic agents. These compounds act as haptens, coupling with proteins of skin. ACD allergies sometimes referred to as nonatopic allergies to distinguish from immediate type. 2. Poison Ivy is classic ACD. Typical reaction 18-24 hours after contact with allergen. A group of catechols found in sap of poison ivy called urushiol (u-roishe-ol). These are oxidized to guinones, which couple to skin proteins and become sensitizing antigens. Catechols are also present in poison oak and poison sumac 3. Control of DTH a. No clear immunological rational exists for desensitization of T cells. Steroids and other anti-inflammatory substances are sometimes used, but are not always effective. hypersen.doc 3/30/2010 10:45 AM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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