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Re: Can balance be regained...how?

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Not sure what you mean by " absent light " , but good lighting is key to avoid

falls. I am assuming you are wearing AFOs. If not, maybe look into them. Ask

your PT about some basic martial arts moves, or take a class in Tai Chi. It may

help also see http://www.feldenkrais.com/method/article/regaining_balance/



Is there a Theraputic Riding program where you live?



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Hello Gretchen,

Bless you my dear! I followed up on the Feldenkrais Method and found a

practioner in Wolfeboro, NH about 25 miles from home. I've laid on him

the question about his experience with HNPP and CMT people. Also, my

primary care doc will get copies of some of the comments and the web site for

the Feldenkrais Method. I get severe spells of unbalance leading to nausea and

vomiting as in vertigo. Just maybe this could help!

EdM from NH

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Hi Mark,

Read through this. The only one I would not take the entire amount is B6. Some

of these are on Dr. 's list, which I will post as soon as I can find it,


http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/muscle_weakness.htm Save our good muscles

now :)


Muscular function and its coordination are necessarily maintained by all types

of nutrients and all of these minerals and nutrients must be present in the

diet. Muscular development in particular relies heavily on a good source of

proteins; this is the vital nutrient in food in the form of amino acids. Nervous

function and muscular coordination also requires the presence of several of the

B vitamins along with the vitamin E in good quantities within the body, any

resulting or existing deficiencies in these vitamins will ensure weaknesses to

overcome the musculature. A good energy supply within the muscles is promoted by

the vitamin E by its ability to boost the oxygen supply. Since nutrients such as

the vitamin B12, the mineral calcium and the essential mineral magnesium are

vital for nervous system, which in turn regulates muscles-these nutrients must

also be taken in regular and consistent amounts with the diet. Poor absorption

of the vitamin B12 through the intestinal tract in certain individuals can give

rise to deficiencies of this nutrient. Such individuals must take supplemental

sublingual tablets of the vitamin; these are absorbed through the mucous

membranes within the mouth itself, and are recommended to beat deficiencies of

the vitamin B 12 arising due to poor intestinal absorption.

The essential amino acid called lysine is necessary for strong bones, cartilage

and connective tissue; in addition this important compound is also involved in

the production of all sorts of antibodies, many types of hormones and other

enzymes within the body. Diseases such as herpes and many types of heart disease

can be dealt with lysine, particularly when the supplement is combined with

other compounds such as the vitamin C, and the other amino acids like taurine,

proline and the essential compound coenzyme Q10 in the diet. Coenzyme Q10 also

helps the body in the absorption of the essential mineral calcium from the diet.

Physical symptoms such as persistent fatigue, poor or loss of concentration,

emotional irritability, the presence of bloodshot eyes, diseases such as herpes,

retarded physical growth, problems such as hair loss, sudden onset anemia, the

weakening of muscles and many kinds of fertility problems can result if there is

a deficiency of lysine in the body.

The compound known as creatine monohydrate is found in abundant amounts

naturally in all sorts of red meat that is taken in the diet-this compound is an

essential component of all muscles. The body requires at least a gram of

creatine daily as a part of normal metabolism, however, athletes for example

take additional supplementation to boost muscular strength, and power lifters in

particular make great use of this compound. The rate of muscle fatigue is

reduced significantly by the presence of creatine within the body, this compound

will let athletes perform for longer periods at their peak levels and it also

enables them a faster recovery after intense physical activity during sports.

This compound produces no side effects and is an effective anti-inflammatory-it

is also used as a potent pain killer or analgesic.

The heart is an organ made entirely of muscle-cardiac or smooth muscle and this

fact is often not known. Heart muscle also needs strengthening and such

supplements include the compounds carnitine along with the coenzyme Q10 taken on

a regular basis. Stamina and the muscular strength in the heart are increased by

supplements of the compound carnitine when used over a long period of time. In

men with a heart disease or in those who die from a heart attack, the compound

DHEA which is a steroid hormone manufactured within the adrenal gland is

significantly reduced-this compound can be supplemented in such cases to bring

about improved health in affected individuals.

Serious illnesses such as coronary arterial disease are controlled and treated

through the antioxidant action of the coenzyme Q10-the use of this compound

leads to the prevention and complete treatment of the individual suffering from

any form of coronary artery disease. The reduction of pain and angina attacks is

also achieved through regular supplements of the compound and the compound also

combines well with the other antioxidant substances such as the essential

vitamin E, compounds like beta-carotene and the vitamin C-all of these can be

taken together for maximum effectiveness.

High protein foods included in the daily diet such as granola and oat flakes and

in particular wheat germ contain many of the natural muscle enhancers compounds

such as the essential amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine-such foods must

be incorporated in the long term diet for all individuals who suffer from a

weakening of the muscles.

Muscular strength and coordination is controlled partly by the trace mineral

manganese-this compound also helps in the reduction of inflammation in all

affected muscles within the body-it must be included in the diet.

All of the following herbs given below will help in the development of healthy

and strong muscles, these herbal remedies can be taken on a daily and long term

basis by the affected individual.

Muscle strength is increased by the presence of silica in the diet, the herb

horsetail has very high silica content and can be used as an herbal supplement.

Prepare an herbal tea and take three cups of horsetail herbal tea on a daily

basis, alternately 10 -15 drops of horsetail tincture mixed in some liquid or

abut two tbsp. of horsetail juice taken daily, for a period of two weeks on an

on and off basis will also give similar results. Muscular contraction can be

reduced by the compound known as forskolin, which is an excellent natural

bronchodilator. This compound forskolin taken in supplemental form has been used

in treating other disease such as high blood pressure, disorders like asthma,

other conditions such as congestive heart disease and even glaucoma in

patients-the compound works wonders for weak muscles. Energy and stamina is also

increased by the use of the herb called schisandra, which is an herbal Chinese

tonic, traditionally used in Chinese medicine. This Chinese tonic is not known

to be toxic, its use is however, not recommended for patients suffering from

either epilepsy or if they have intracranial pressure in the skull. Plaque

formation in the arteries can be reversed and prevented by supplements of

hawthorn berries, these berries also help bring about a reduction in the

increased cholesterol, while also increasing the flow of blood to the muscles of

the heart, this herb also helps in increasing the force of contraction in the

heart muscles, while bringing about an overall reduction in high blood pressure.

Additional things you may do

Regular exercise is important for overall health as well as strong and supple

muscles-the more regular the exercise regimen the greater the strength and

health in the muscles. By slowly increasing the rate of physical training, all

the weakened muscles in the body can be strengthened and their performance can

be increased. Metabolism is also directly benefited by this as all the glands,

the skin, the nervous system and the circulation is improved by this regular use

of muscles. Very simple physical activities such as regular walks not only lead

to the strengthening of muscles, but it also increased the rate of healing of

injured tissue and helps prevents the onset of all kinds of chronic ailments and

other conditions such as thrombosis, embolism, and heart attack, it also aids

the alleviation of digestive problems, and avoids the development of cold

extremities, such exercises also reduce the tendency for colds and chilblains

inherent in the body of a person. The best natural therapy to prevent the

occurrence of angina is a simple daily walk. The oxygenation of muscular cells

is aided by deep breathing-which itself is greatly improved by regular walking

sessions and exercising.

Usual dosage

Vitamin B12, 100 mcg.

Vitamin B complex, 50 mg two times a day.

Vitamin E, 400 IU two times a day.

Magnesium, 500 mg.

Calcium, 1,000 mg.

Manganese, 5 mg.

L-carnitine, 150 mg.

DHEA, 5-50 mg.

Creatine monohydrate 5 g 4 - 6 times a day for 3 days, then 5 g 1 - 2 times a


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