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Til Autism Do We Part:

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From: Naseef

Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 2:57 PM

To: Ann Sheafer

Subject: News from the Special Families Guide at Alternative Choices

Special Families



April 2008

Til Autism Do We Part:

After all the doctors and therapy appointments, parents

struggle to keep their marriage intact.

Part 1 of a series by Dave Gerardi

Reprinted by permission from Spectrum Magazine

Phyllis Lombardi and her husband, Nick, can't wait for

vacation with their two pre-teen sons, and . was diagnosed

with autism at 22 months, but he's fine today. He has traveled on planes

before and never had a problem. At JFK, the family moves through baggage

check and security. The plane is ready to board a few minutes later, but

is not. After some filibustering, the captain comes out and offers his

captain's hat as an enticement. It's a no go. The Lombardis' luggage flies

to Tampa without them.

Take the stress of a normal marriage-money, lack of

time, crazy schedules, kids-then add autism to the mix. " Having a child with

autism is like an earthquake opening a big fracture under your feet: It

shakes up the landscape. Nothing is the same, " says , author

of A Real Boy: A True Story of Autism, Early Intervention and Recovery and

mother whose son, Jonah, was diagnosed at 3. When even a vacation is a

hassle, like what the Lombardis experienced, how are couples supposed to

find the time to remember what drew them together in the first place? The

stress can shatter relationships, but, contrary to common opinion,

solidifies others.

The number of the beast

There's a number. Sometimes it's 80. Sometimes 85. When I

mention it, people scoff and say it's closer to 90.

The number is the percentage of parents of autistic

children who divorce. It is terrifyingly high. It raises clarion calls to

arms. It plants the seed of doubt in even the most stable of marriages.

It is also not true.

" It's a myth, " says Dr. Naseef, a Philadelphia

psychologist and author of the book Special Children, Challenged Parents:

The Struggles and Rewards of Raising a Child With a Disability.

In all the articles Spectrum found which mentioned

the high rate of divorce amongst parents of autistic children, no source was

ever given. Anecdotal accounts aren't reliable to begin with, but they often

fall back on the oft-quoted 85 to 90 percent rate. They have no source to

back it up either.

" I find very educated people asking, 'Is that true?' "

Naseef says. " There is no source. None. It's irresponsible to keep throwing

this number around. " agrees: " I've yet to see any sources for that

number. "

Furthermore, while the commonly accepted divorce rate

hovers between 40 and 50 percent, results of an on-going survey by the

National Autism Association put the divorce rate for parents of autistic

children well under 40 percent. Spectrum Magazine recently conducted an

informal survey of parents with autistic children and found just under 26

percent of approximately 250 responses were divorced.

It's not all doom and gloom. Many couples make it.

Some even say their marriage is stronger because of autism. Vivian Herrero's

youngest of two children was diagnosed at 21 months. " When I feel depressed,

my husband steps forward, " she says. " When he feels sad, I give him

optimism. If you're in this together, it will definitely make your marriage

stronger. "

Alone Together

PDD-NOS. Boyer's husband blamed her for not getting the

kids' behavior under control. " would have temper tantrums, " she

explains. " Everything would set him off, " including, she adds, the third

page of Dr. Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham. While Boyer kept busy researching

autism and painting over the crayon marks on the walls, her husband ignored

the problem and concentrated on work. He began coming home late from work

except it wasn't work at all. Boyer eventually learned about the affair and

their marriage ended.

Generally speaking, men and women react to the

situation differently. Each partner must change their initial expectations

for parenthood, and this can bring to light stark differences in the

expectations themselves. " It's a radically different life than expected, "

says Naseef.

Denial can be a problem, and it's often the dad, says

. " A father is socialized to raise a child who's going to grow up to be

successful. When they find that there's a possibility their child may not

grow up in that mode, it hurts. The sooner they can accept the reality, the

sooner the family can more forward. Oftentimes, it can take years. "

It's almost like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting,

says Joanna . It's not easy for the dads to say, " Yes, my child has

autism. " is the founder and executive director of The Resource

Connection in Mechanicsville, Va., a non-profit group connecting families

with autism-related services. The Resource Connection runs a monthly,

faith-based support group. and her staff work on helping couples

communicate by establishing personal and family goals. Most of the parents

who first visit the support group come alone. It is usually the mom and

divorce is often on the horizon. s says the husbands get excited about

the group once they start showing up. " We come up with a short term

objective for each parent. By writing it down, it forces dads and moms to

say, 'okay, what do we need to work on together?' It gives husbands an

opportunity with their wives to problem solve. "

Every couple experiences changes and transitions in

life, whether it's moving, changing jobs, coping with financial issues. How

couples work through those " is important for any partnership, " Naseef

explains. " Do you support each other? Does the relationship thrive while

dealing with problems? How good do you work together? Do you feel alone? "

When the problem is related to the child, the stress amplifies the

differences in the ways each partner approaches the issue.

Women tend to delve into researching doctors,

treatments and therapies. They become therapy moms instead of soccer moms,

says Naseef. Men, on the other hand, have a problem with things they can't

fix. Men often throw themselves into work and making money. " That's a

typical division of labor, " Naseef explains. " You start to live separate

lives. How do you respond? Can you take care of your own relationship or are

you overwhelmed and drowning in it? "

" We're happy in our (respective) positions. Neither

one of us wants the other person's place, " Lombardi says. Her husband

doesn't like dealing with the doctors. If he had to deal with them on a

regular basis, " he would probably punch them out, " she laughs. " He doesn't

like not having answers-the grey area. "

Naseef relates an extreme case of a couple who

genuinely loved each other but were struggling with the growing wedge

between them. " The mother couldn't get off the computer, " Naseef says.

" Here's what we came up with: Dad took over researching one area. " Their son

was sensitive to sound, so the father did the research, set up their home so

the house wouldn't echo and talked to teachers. " He got active within a

range that he could handle. He took some of the load off his wife and felt

he was making an impact. The mother was able to let go of the obsession a

little bit and could turn the computer off at night. "

The second gulf between parents is also

gender-related: the process of grieving. " Men and women grieve differently, "

Naseef explains. " Women get release talking about their feelings, whereas

men get frustrated. They're on different time tables. " The grieving process,

he says, takes longer for men. Because men tend to grieve on the inside,

wives only see the stoic outside. They may not see the husband crying in the

car on the way to work.

Naseef suggests diffusing the man's instinct to be

Mr. Fix-it. " Diffuse that from the beginning. Tell your husband, 'I just

want you to listen. I don't need you to do anything or fix anything. I just

need you to listen. " He also recommends-for both partners-changing up the

discourse every so often. If you always talk about the child's progress,

talk about the frustrations one day. The other person, he says, " will open

up in a different way. "

Date Night

Lombardi remembers losing the romance in her

relationship a few years ago. She once woke up to her son, , covering

the kitchen with peanut butter. Every tile. Every cabinet. " Getting peanut

butter out of linoleum is really fun, let me tell ya, " she chuckles. She and

her husband go out two Saturdays a month to reconnect. Sometimes it's to go

to a restaurant. Sometimes it's pizza. " I get to put on lipstick; he gets to

put on a nice shirt. There are no other distractions, and we just talk. We

force that time together. It's really wonderful, " she explains.

and her husband also do 'date

night.' It helps her remember why they got together in the first place.

" You're best friends before you're parents, " says the land mother of two

girls. Her advice is pithy: Have fun; get drunk. She and her husband

complement each other, which makes up for her lack of a support system. " My

mom used to come over once a week before there were any issues. Now she

comes over maybe once a month. She lives 10 minutes away. " She has one

friend left. " The last thing you want to do is become best friends with a

parent of a child with autism because you spend all your time talking about

autism. "

Cleveland's Lori Strozniak spends two Saturdays a

month with her husband. " If we didn't do that, I'd be having a very

different conversation with you right now. "

Unlocking Autism President Hendrix-Reynolds

suggests that the 'date conversation' be just that. " When you go to dinner,

don't come up with a battleplan on how you're going to change the world for

autism. Talk about Angelina Jolie and the latest movies. " She emphasizes the

importance of communication between partners. When her son Liam was

diagnosed, Hendrix-Reynolds threw everything into trying to rehabilitate

him. She thought her husband, Aidan, was on the same page. " After a while,

people didn't want to hang out with me because they didn't want to talk

about all these statistics and facts about autism, " she says. But her

friends wanted to talk about Sex and the City. Aidan, meanwhile, couldn't

let go of the dream of a perfect family. Communication, Hendrix-Reynolds now

realizes, is more than, 'Here's what Jimmy did in therapy today.' You have

to connect on an emotional intimate level. " Otherwise, she adds, couples may

become married to autism instead of each other.

Some parents have trouble reconciling their own needs

while taking care of their children. " Moms feel guilty about getting a $25

haircut because that could be half of a speech therapy session. You can't do

that. Get your hair cut and take care of yourself, " Hendrix-Reynolds says.

" You can't learn everything, " Naseef advises. " You

need to collect professionals you trust to guide you through this. Your kid

still needs you as mom and dad. Find some balance, some rhythm in your

life. " He suggests looking at the family as a mobile. If one member has a

problem, it throws the mobile out of balance. Worse still, it can drive one

or both parents into isolation.

" Kids need their parents to be okay, " Naseef reminds.

" If you're running yourself ragged and you're irritable and stressed, you're

not necessarily going to be the best parent you can be. "


Tips for a healthy relationship

Compromise. When it comes to which therapies to choose,

find families with children like yours. " Horse trade, " says .

" I'm willing to do x if you're willing to do y. " The one who does the

research, she adds, should have the priority.

Go to a marriage counselor. " It's too life changing " not

to go, says . She recommends going alone if your spouse won't come.

Look long-term. When it comes to financial matters, take a

long-term picture. Work up a yearly budget. " Get your own finances in order

first because you will never catch up, " says one anonymous parent, who

wished she and her husband did that before their eventual divorce.

Have interests other than autism. " All work and no play is

not a good equation, " says Dr. Naseef. For your child to be healthy,

you have to be healthy.

Go on dates. Trade babysitting duties with other couples

if you have to. Find a couple of hours for just the two of you. " Doing this

alone is a lot harder than doing this together, " says


Communicate. Don't let autism be the first thing you talk

about when you see each other. Connect emotionally before getting into the

nitty-gritty of everyday life.

Have fun. " A lot of people forget who they are, " says

. " When you forget who you are, you don't like anybody else.

You have to laugh. "

Alternative Choices Searching for Clinician

Alternative Choices is seeking a part-time fee-for-service

clinician experienced with teens and adults with ASD. Flexible hours.

Experience with general teen/adult population also a plus as is assessment

experience with children and adults. Licensed or license eligible preferred.

Competitive salary. Please send cover letter and resume to:

cariel@... or Ariel, Ph.D., 514 South 4th Street,

Philadelphia, PA 19147. No phone calls, please. l

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Best regards,

Naseef, Ph.D.


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