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Re: Question about braces

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When I don't wear my bracing, working out, I end up with pain the next day.

So for me it has been beneficial.


-- Question about braces

Hi, all. Quick question...hope it's an easy one. I was diagnosed in

April with CP, have been in PT since then and the pain is almost gone,

but I know that this is a condition that I will deal with forever. I

am working to lose weight and have a very active lifestyle. I want to

continue that. During PT the therapist recommended that I slack off a

bit to work on building muscle. Well, my last day of PT is Tuesday and

I'm ready to get back to losing weight. Tell me if you have found that

using/wearing a brace helpful/harmful/etc. Just curious to know if

that has helped anyone.


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If it doesn't work, try McConnell taping (see PT for how).


Question about braces

Hi, all. Quick question...hope it's an easy one. I was diagnosed in

April with CP, have been in PT since then and the pain is almost gone,

but I know that this is a condition that I will deal with forever. I

am working to lose weight and have a very active lifestyle. I want to

continue that. During PT the therapist recommended that I slack off a

bit to work on building muscle. Well, my last day of PT is Tuesday and

I'm ready to get back to losing weight. Tell me if you have found that

using/wearing a brace helpful/harmful/etc. Just curious to know if

that has helped anyone.


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Here is a link for the LeukoTape kit for the McConnell taping

method. I find that the tape works well and temporarily relieves the



productid=64 & cat=18 & page=1

> If it doesn't work, try McConnell taping (see PT for how).


> Ann

> Question about braces



> Hi, all. Quick question...hope it's an easy one. I was

diagnosed in

> April with CP, have been in PT since then and the pain is almost


> but I know that this is a condition that I will deal with

forever. I

> am working to lose weight and have a very active lifestyle. I

want to

> continue that. During PT the therapist recommended that I slack

off a

> bit to work on building muscle. Well, my last day of PT is

Tuesday and

> I'm ready to get back to losing weight. Tell me if you have

found that

> using/wearing a brace helpful/harmful/etc. Just curious to know


> that has helped anyone.


> Thanks.









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You may also be able to get this (cheaper) from a medical supply company in your

town. Or not. It varies from place to place. Ditto with buying it from a PT

clinic, whether you go there or not.


Question about braces



> Hi, all. Quick question...hope it's an easy one. I was

diagnosed in

> April with CP, have been in PT since then and the pain is almost


> but I know that this is a condition that I will deal with

forever. I

> am working to lose weight and have a very active lifestyle. I

want to

> continue that. During PT the therapist recommended that I slack

off a

> bit to work on building muscle. Well, my last day of PT is

Tuesday and

> I'm ready to get back to losing weight. Tell me if you have

found that

> using/wearing a brace helpful/harmful/etc. Just curious to know


> that has helped anyone.


> Thanks.









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Guest guest

You might try this;




Re: Question about braces

>> Here is a link for the LeukoTape kit for the McConnell taping

>> method. I find that the tape works well and temporarily relieves the

>> pain:


>> http://www.reliefdepot.com/store/customer/product.php?

>> productid=64 & cat=18 & page=1



> I tried this link and it says I'm denied access.


> nancy








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Thanks Mike for the updated link.

> You might try this;


> http://www.reliefdepot.com/store/customer/home.php?cat=18


> Mike

> MT

> Re: Question about braces



> >> Here is a link for the LeukoTape kit for the McConnell taping

> >> method. I find that the tape works well and temporarily

relieves the

> >> pain:

> >>

> >> http://www.reliefdepot.com/store/customer/product.php?

> >> productid=64 & cat=18 & page=1

> >>

> >>

> > I tried this link and it says I'm denied access.

> >

> > nancy

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 7 months later...

Hey everybody:

We just picked up Bryce's first (and perhaps last) set

of orthotic/braces (after dealing with the spawn of

all that is evil - aka health insurance company United

Health Care). Anyway, Bryce seemed pretty excited

while he was being fitted (these are the type that are

molded to his feet and extend about 1/2 way up his

calf) - they've got a cool race car on them &

everything...anyway, that was then (yesterday morning)

- followed by us trying to locate some bigger shoes to

accomodate the brace. Once we did, and he tried them

on with the braces, he decided he " HATED " them and

told us in many different ways that he does NOT want

to wear them. The purpose of the braces is to

hopefully correct or limit Bryce from hyperextending

his knees when walking (happens more when he kicks it

into 5th gear) that sometimes causes him to lose his

balance and fall down.

We will no force these braces on him if he is dead set

against them - on the one hand it seems good that the

braces may help him from falling, but he indicated

they slow him down - and he can't run as fast with

them. Also, there is no way he can put them on

himself - let alone put them on himself & then put on

his own shoes. Seems like he'd potentially be losing

some of his independence - which runs completely

contrary to what we're trying to do.

Any thoughts?

Anyone else with kids who've had braces and how long

it took for them to be accepted - if ever? Any adults

on here that can relate any of their stories about

wearing braces when walking?

Thanks - hope yer all havin' nice weekends...Mitch


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The company should adjust the braces until they are comfortable. It is

common that the first try is not comfortable.



> Hey everybody:


> We just picked up Bryce's first (and perhaps last) set

> of orthotic/braces (after dealing with the spawn of

> all that is evil - aka health insurance company United

> Health Care). Anyway, Bryce seemed pretty excited

> while he was being fitted (these are the type that are

> molded to his feet and extend about 1/2 way up his

> calf) - they've got a cool race car on them &

> everything...anyway, that was then (yesterday morning)

> - followed by us trying to locate some bigger shoes to

> accomodate the brace. Once we did, and he tried them

> on with the braces, he decided he " HATED " them and

> told us in many different ways that he does NOT want

> to wear them. The purpose of the braces is to

> hopefully correct or limit Bryce from hyperextending

> his knees when walking (happens more when he kicks it

> into 5th gear) that sometimes causes him to lose his

> balance and fall down.


> We will no force these braces on him if he is dead set

> against them - on the one hand it seems good that the

> braces may help him from falling, but he indicated

> they slow him down - and he can't run as fast with

> them. Also, there is no way he can put them on

> himself - let alone put them on himself & then put on

> his own shoes. Seems like he'd potentially be losing

> some of his independence - which runs completely

> contrary to what we're trying to do.


> Any thoughts?


> Anyone else with kids who've had braces and how long

> it took for them to be accepted - if ever? Any adults

> on here that can relate any of their stories about

> wearing braces when walking?

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I wore braces til like 2nd grade, when my MDA Dr said they were a waste of

time and energy. I had braces similar to the ones you are talking about and

ones that went up my whole leg and around my waist. I hated wearing them but

I finally did. Don't think then I had much choice. They did slow me down

tho. I say give him the choice. If he has valid reasons for not wearing them,

then agree w/him.


In a message dated 1/14/2006 3:58:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

mongomustgolf@... writes:

Hey everybody:

We just picked up Bryce's first (and perhaps last) set

of orthotic/braces (after dealing with the spawn of

all that is evil - aka health insurance company United

Health Care). Anyway, Bryce seemed pretty excited

while he was being fitted (these are the type that are

molded to his feet and extend about 1/2 way up his

calf) - they've got a cool race car on them &

everything...anyway, that was then (yesterday morning)

- followed by us trying to locate some bigger shoes to

accomodate the brace. Once we did, and he tried them

on with the braces, he decided he " HATED " them and

told us in many different ways that he does NOT want

to wear them. The purpose of the braces is to

hopefully correct or limit Bryce from hyperextending

his knees when walking (happens more when he kicks it

into 5th gear) that sometimes causes him to lose his

balance and fall down.

We will no force these braces on him if he is dead set

against them - on the one hand it seems good that the

braces may help him from falling, but he indicated

they slow him down - and he can't run as fast with

them. Also, there is no way he can put them on

himself - let alone put them on himself & then put on

his own shoes. Seems like he'd potentially be losing

some of his independence - which runs completely

contrary to what we're trying to do.

Any thoughts?

Anyone else with kids who've had braces and how long

it took for them to be accepted - if ever? Any adults

on here that can relate any of their stories about

wearing braces when walking?

Thanks - hope yer all havin' nice weekends...Mitch

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whoa! that was a long time ago when I wore them. We didn't get anything cool

like a race car though! lucky him! :)

I remember I wore them mostly because when I walked, I tended to walk on the

side of my feet. The braces made me keep my feet flat and it was very hard to

get used to.

I didn't totally hate them eventually, but I do remember being pinched by them

often! ouch! Like if the skin it moved just the wrong way around the top it

would totally hurt.

They sound like the same type of brace but perhaps for different reasons. If

it helps him to NOT fall it sounds like a good thing. Maybe give it time to see

if he gets used to them or if they just never work out? Hard decision. Ok I was

no help! lol

<mongomustgolf@...> wrote:

Hey everybody:

We just picked up Bryce's first (and perhaps last) set

of orthotic/braces (after dealing with the spawn of

all that is evil - aka health insurance company United

Health Care). Anyway, Bryce seemed pretty excited

while he was being fitted (these are the type that are

molded to his feet and extend about 1/2 way up his

calf) - they've got a cool race car on them &

everything...anyway, that was then (yesterday morning)

- followed by us trying to locate some bigger shoes to

accomodate the brace. Once we did, and he tried them

on with the braces, he decided he " HATED " them and

told us in many different ways that he does NOT want

to wear them. The purpose of the braces is to

hopefully correct or limit Bryce from hyperextending

his knees when walking (happens more when he kicks it

into 5th gear) that sometimes causes him to lose his

balance and fall down.

We will no force these braces on him if he is dead set

against them - on the one hand it seems good that the

braces may help him from falling, but he indicated

they slow him down - and he can't run as fast with

them. Also, there is no way he can put them on

himself - let alone put them on himself & then put on

his own shoes. Seems like he'd potentially be losing

some of his independence - which runs completely

contrary to what we're trying to do.

Any thoughts?

Anyone else with kids who've had braces and how long

it took for them to be accepted - if ever? Any adults

on here that can relate any of their stories about

wearing braces when walking?

Thanks - hope yer all havin' nice weekends...Mitch


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Thanks for replies on this topic. The braces actually

seem to be a good fit - but, at least for Bryce, the

braces do seem to immobilize his ankles. The apparent

idea behind the braces is to cause bryce to walk

" heal-to-toe " and to limit the movements that

sometimes cause him to hyper-extend his knees

(followed by losing balance & sometimes falling).

Bryce tends to " toe " walk - and for him to generate

speed (kick it into 5th gear) he swings his legs ever

so slightly 'around' his body (since his hips & quads

were the muscle groups most affected).

While I want him to fall less - to avoid injury - the

biggest thing he wants to do is go faster. The braces

will do one thing for sure - and that is to slow him

down - which may be the main reason he tells us to

stick this things in our ears.

Do any of ya'll who've worn these sort of braces

believe they really helped you?

That's my primo, numbero uno question - one that the

orthotics company rep or the physical therapist who

recommended braces - seem unable to specifically

answer - " do they help? "

The braces " may " help for this or that in Bryce's

gait. Thus far Bryce (who is 5 years old) - has told

us he does not want to wear the braces because " they

don't help him run like Dash (of the movie The

Incredibles). " That's all he's " saying " - but I don't

think it's all he's thinking (as he seems to always be

a couple of ideas ahead of everyone).

Is anybody on this list currently using braces for

assistance with walking and do you think it helps you?

Thanks. Mitch

--- Joy <j0yeuxx@...> wrote:

> whoa! that was a long time ago when I wore them. We

> didn't get anything cool like a race car though!

> lucky him! :)

> I remember I wore them mostly because when I

> walked, I tended to walk on the side of my feet. The

> braces made me keep my feet flat and it was very

> hard to get used to.

> I didn't totally hate them eventually, but I do

> remember being pinched by them often! ouch! Like if

> the skin it moved just the wrong way around the top

> it would totally hurt.

> They sound like the same type of brace but perhaps

> for different reasons. If it helps him to NOT fall

> it sounds like a good thing. Maybe give it time to

> see if he gets used to them or if they just never

> work out? Hard decision. Ok I was no help! lol




> <mongomustgolf@...> wrote:

> Hey everybody:


> We just picked up Bryce's first (and perhaps last)

> set

> of orthotic/braces (after dealing with the spawn of

> all that is evil - aka health insurance company

> United

> Health Care). Anyway, Bryce seemed pretty excited

> while he was being fitted (these are the type that

> are

> molded to his feet and extend about 1/2 way up his

> calf) - they've got a cool race car on them &

> everything...anyway, that was then (yesterday

> morning)

> - followed by us trying to locate some bigger shoes

> to

> accomodate the brace. Once we did, and he tried them

> on with the braces, he decided he " HATED " them and

> told us in many different ways that he does NOT want

> to wear them. The purpose of the braces is to

> hopefully correct or limit Bryce from hyperextending

> his knees when walking (happens more when he kicks

> it

> into 5th gear) that sometimes causes him to lose his

> balance and fall down.


> We will no force these braces on him if he is dead

> set

> against them - on the one hand it seems good that

> the

> braces may help him from falling, but he indicated

> they slow him down - and he can't run as fast with

> them. Also, there is no way he can put them on

> himself - let alone put them on himself & then put

> on

> his own shoes. Seems like he'd potentially be losing

> some of his independence - which runs completely

> contrary to what we're trying to do.


> Any thoughts?


> Anyone else with kids who've had braces and how long

> it took for them to be accepted - if ever? Any

> adults

> on here that can relate any of their stories about

> wearing braces when walking?


> Thanks - hope yer all havin' nice weekends...Mitch




> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 years later...

The best thing to do would be to go to/or back to your Orthotist and be


There are so many differen't kinds of AFOs, not all work for the same person.

Read back through 11 years of our archived posts on AFOs, KAFOs, SAFOs, DAFOs,

Helios, Blue Rockers, Toe-Offs etc.


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